
3 Reviews
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Leviathan (2014)
Fine Film Dining
6 February 2015
No film can be perfect, but I don't know what's wrong with this one. It's been a long time since I've watched a movie and have not been distracted by something that was wrong with it.

I haven't seen a lot of Russian movies so I don't know if they're all that good or not.

The sound design was so well done, and in combination with the cinematography- the way the camera moved, made you feel like you were being drawn into the room. The camera movements leaned on the edge of your seat for you.

One of the best aspects was the ending, it wasn't wrapped up neatly and packaged for our pleasure. Many scenes in the film benefited from simple, subtle storytelling, instead of displaying all the gory details for the literal North American audience.

If you haven't seen a really good movie in a long time, watch this one, Andy, watch this one.
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Foxcatcher (2014)
A Serenity Sandwich with a side of Tension Chowder.
27 December 2014
WARNING: Do not bring crunchy snacks to this movie.

This movie is damn quiet. Like a Sunday afternoon in 1985. It allowed us to listen to what wasn't being said between the characters, creating genuine moments, and allowing the viewer to share the discomfort of the characters.

Despite the cast, and because of the cast, it really worked. It could have become a blatant race for an Oscar, but instead the actors brought honest performances.

Channing Tatum's recent string of fluffy roles didn't prepare us for the nuanced and powerful performance he was able to deliver. He had few lines of dialogue, but he was still able to communicate his emotions with mature subtlety.

For the role of John DuPont, Steve Carell was able to suppress his usual outlandish persona, and because you know that he is withholding that level of energy under a rigid composure, it adds to the quiet accumulation of frustration of John's character.

Who wouldn't go see this movie, based on the cast. But at least this time, they'll be treated to a great piece of work.
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Interstellar (2014)
High hopes, low ropes. Why you be fussing?
15 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What I first thought was that the actress who plays Murphy, still had the stain of being the stupid hybrid baby from Twilight. But it was really distracting how pretty she was. I couldn't help but think about her future in Hollywood and if she would end up damaged. Or end up ugly like Macaulay Culkin. I also wondered why Matthew McConaughey was so out of breath and all of the sudden wet and shiny.

I really appreciated that they didn't' show McConaughey training to be an astronaut, because that would have been dumb. Thank you for giving what we wanted, but why did you have to stop there.

The quiet jokes, David Gyasi's motion sickness. The quiet moments were nice. Felt like genuine story telling. Instead of the corny lines that were put in by the producer because he wanted some hooks.

I liked the quality of the visuals. It felt like watching a movie. It felt like film. The space sequences were good. They felt quiet, like your ears needed to pop.

I didn't understand the casting. It was like a popular kids party. It was like everyone was acting in their own movie. It certainly wasn't an ensemble cast.

There was no chemistry or tension between any of the characters, despite the calibre of the cast. This may have been the fault of the Editor. Or the Director.

Hans Zimmer's score, tried to insert its own personality and was something that asked to be noticed and noted. And was at times pretty comical.

Umm, I wanted more science. I was more intrigued by the re-asking of the question of can we bend time. Than I was of will Cooper get back to Murphy and keep his promise. the two motivations don't have the same weight. F*ck Murphy. Whiny b*tch. Yeah her character was really selfish and until the end made it about her. Even at the end end, she as like, "Naw, I'm good." Even though my whole life was about finding you, it was all like, "Go, go, my kids are here, I don't need you here." F*ck Murphy. She was just distracting and then she died.

Oh yeah and - What the f*ck, Matt f*cking Damon. Why is he here all of the sudden?

How do you think the movie could have been saved?

Less dialogue, more quiet moments. So like 2001?

No -- no , just more thought into it. Well not more thought obviously they put a lot of thought into it and spent a lot of money. It needed more refinement, distilled down to more essential elements . Like it got caught up in being spectacular.

F*ck Hollywood. 186 million dollars for a half ass attempt at some present day science fiction necessity for most of us. I've lost a lot of faith in what I once found my escape.
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