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13 January 2024
I found this to be absolutely and completely unfunny, risible dross. I love Sebastian's stand up a great deal and WAS a huge de Niro fan for many many years but I'm sorry this just falls completely flat. Basically zero laughs. The shining is funnier than this. Goodfella is funnier than this! Seven - is funnier than this!!. How could they not wring a few laughs out of this awesome story, Ben stiller did it on meet the parents but I would not recommend firing this one up. I have to report I couldn't continue to the end. Life is too short. Watch an old de Niro, like midnight run, or some of Maniscalcos stand up. This is a complete dud.
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Gran Turismo (2023)
8 for enjoyment in the cinema
30 August 2023
And my 14 year old daughter absolutely loved this. She was smiling and laughing in a way I've never seen before in all the times we've been going to the cinema. She LOVED it. What did she love the most? The racing scenes. Just goes to show girls don't have to watch princesses or barbie or whatever else and can also, shock horror, identify with a protagonist who is nether the same gender not the same colour as them. Wow. What a revelation!

My son (10) also thoroughly enjoyed it and they can't wait to see it again

I thought it was very enjoyable, 20 mins too long but the acting was top, the momentum and story telling were solid I wasn't bored. It made me laugh and cry, and these days, this is an absolute triumph!

More of this kind of a-political content for kids would be fantastic. They don't need to be lectured they need uplifting positive visions of life and how to achieve something great. This is that.
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Asteroid City (2023)
Style over substance
6 July 2023
I like some of Anderson's films, so went to see this last weekend and I found it to be a tedious and pointless case of style over substance. And the story, yes very clever! But not at all compelling or engaging. I liked some of the performances and I laughed a few times, but man, I was hoping for a bit more!

It seemed very light so I can't imagine many people wanting to return to this film. I would not recommend it unless you are a hardcore Anderson fan as I don't think there is much here for the casual viewer.

It looked amazing but that's never enough. If people are opining about the visuals then you know the film is vacuous and there's no meaningful story. Yep.
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Tom Segura: Sledgehammer (2023 TV Special)
Doesn't land on home viewing
5 July 2023
Glad the crowd enjoyed it!

I like Tom a lot, I really like Mostly Stories and Disgraceful, and I liked ball hog too. But I think I laughed maybe 3 times in this special. Maybe he got too healthy and too successful to laugh at himself or find real humour in situations like he used to, but this is felt a little bit flat..

Why is comedy so bad now? Are they so scared to get cancelled they won't say anything remotely funny any more? Seems like Dave Chappelle and a few others like Sam Morrill are the only funny people left willing to take a risk. I don't need it to be "edgy", god forbid, right?! But comedy used to be a LITTLE bit edgy.

Pryor, hicks, carlin Chappelle.... Little bit of bite. And I'm not taking about being transphobic or offensive I'm taking about saying funny things that actually make you think, or maybe things that are actually true that you haven't articulated yourself.

This just isn't funny enough.
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These eggs are spectacular!
28 June 2023
I wasn't sure about this at the beginning, didn't love it to start with but as it went on I was won over. When bill burr comes into it, and then Pete Davidson gets to know his kids and everything that follows, especially the stuff towards the end in the fire station, I thought that was all great!

It's heart warming and funny and there are a couple of bits I'd cut like the robbery scene but I have to say since I watched it in lockdown I've purchased it and watched it many times - watched it with my kids and recommended it to others and actually, I think I love it! It's in my rotation list for sure.

Not sure why it's so under appreciated - maybe Pete? But I think he's actually good in it as is the whole cast.

If you haven't watched it just bear in mind it gets better as it goes on.

I hope the poor performce and pretty Luke warm reception didn't deter apatow from continuing with these comedy/ life/ dramas he's making because "these eggs are spectacular!" 😂
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Champions (2023)
A funny and feel good low-key gem
11 March 2023
I took my kids to this on a wet, cold afternoon and it injected a ray of sun shine into our world. I laughed almost continuously, I found it incredibly enjoyable and heart warming.

Woody holds the film together admirably and Olsen is pretty much the secret weapon as the love interest. She's a very skilled comedic performer and I thought she was fantastic. Her opening scene is brilliant.

The direction is fine, it felt a bit dull in terms of the camera work almost like a documentary- not very exciting to be honest but the script and performances delivered so overall this is an 8, would definitely recommend it. And my kids (9 and 14) loved it, claiming it's a new favourite!
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Loved it
17 January 2023
I can see why this film might be a bit marmite, I wasn't desperate to see it but I'm glad I did. I watched it a 2nd time 2 days after seeing it. It's very good and as they often say, not the kind of film that gets made much these days and certainly not the kind of cinematic event punters flock to see on the big screen.

The two leads are excellent and the script is brilliant. It's sweet, funny, somber and thought provoking.

Hopefully it will win lots of awards and get some Oscar nominations.

I'd like to see more from Gleason and Farrell as they make a great pair, we need at least one more with these two as leads to complete the trilogy, lol

If you haven't seen it give it a go, I laughed a few times but I was w compelled by this film. It's an odd one but a great one!
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The Rig (2023– )
First 4 eps were very enjoyable
11 January 2023
I must be in the minority on this one and I'm sure lots of people who disagree with me will downvote this review in disgust or perhaps because they can't accept that other people might enjoy something that they didn't enjoy and they want their opinion's constantly reflected back to them.

But... I thoroughly enjoyed this and watched the first 3 together and would rate those 8 for enjoyment. Ep 4 was ok and the last 2 didn't enjoy as much and I found the climate messaging to be hamfisted and a bit preachy but as I say I did actually enjoy it overall and not really sure why people seem to be down down on this show.

I'd give it a go if you haven't tried it. Love the actors too especially the GoT brethren.
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Solid set from one of the best
17 December 2022
I really enjoyed this, not sure why so many people haven't but I have a fair idea. He states a few things in this set which may not sit well with the identity politics people. Personally I laughed many many times during this one and am about to watch it again.

I do recognise though, that there a flatness to this one. Not sure what it is, think it might be the gold and the bright lighting set which isn't very interesting to the eye. But yes there is a slight flatness here that his other specials don't have.

But overall I think this is a solid set from the great man. Few F bombs in here too so... slightly more confrontational than previous sets which I thought were quite tween friendly.
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Rampage (2009)
Horrible, violent but telling
30 November 2022
The parents are lovely and any child would be lucky to have a mum and dad like this young man.

They are awesome. Problem is, they both work, they're both busy - wrapped in their own lives. They want their son to move on and he delays an important conversation about that issue.

But sadly there is something much more sinister going on. These parents, loving as they are, don't KNOW their son. They have no idea what he's up to, what he's thinking, how unhappy and confused he is. They just want to go to work, come home, drink and give each to her foot rubs and get rid of their grown son.

Nothing wrong with that!? Except there is. Because this kid is crazy. And the violence won't be for everyone but for me, I thought it was powerful and not in a good way!

It's also quite smart in the way he managed to, well, see it to the end. No spoilers. Overall it's much better than you think but if course nobody will say that because of the challenging content.
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Happy Valley (2014–2023)
Very good but...
29 November 2022
Why does every single male have to be a coward or a monster. Even the two remotely positive male characters are a young boy, Ryan, who is annoying and also the son of a rapist, and Nev - a "rough diamond". Every other man is absolutely awful.

When I first saw this when it came out I didn't even notice, I loved it. I still think it's great, incredible sorry and performances and had me in tears on multiple occasions but still, I'm a man with a son and this does come across as taking the view that men are all evil and women have to band together to fight them off. Even Catherine's son, who seems nice, is horrible at her birthday, ruining any chance that one male might actually be a passable human being. The ex is a cheat. The police men are inept or corrupt as is the councillor. Kevin is so weak he's pitiful. The women are all very honourable and basically angelic. It's quite stark.

What are men supposed to do today? I feel Sorry for men now, killing themselves in levels never seen before, not bothering with uni, failing at school... many adult males now single and depressed. Why? Why does art have to reflect such a bleak view of masculinity when we all need each other, we need friends and family and we all love our children regardless of gender but some seem hellbent on showing men as plain awful through and through - toxic - when it is just a small minority who are like that.

Most men want to be helpful and capable and good to their friends and family. It wouldn't hurt to have a few positive male role models in the show, would it?

Hoping s3 will remedy this and show a more balanced, realistic view of situation.
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Suburra (2015)
The Italian "Heat"
23 November 2022
I thought was pretty great. Took a while to hook me but hook me it did.

It wasn't altogether unsurprising in terms of how things played out and there was one loose end that didn't get tied up, but I really enjoyed it and I think for fans of Solima's work, you'll enjoy it.

You can see this was an early work of his as I think he's shown great improvement and thankfully has a number of projects in production or development. Can't wait for the next film or TV show. Loved zerozerozero.

This is very much a crime epic like Heat - a few different strands coming together, but the music was very reminiscent of Heat.

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Bombastic doc with compelling content
11 November 2022
I was looking forward to this but I can honestly say that I'm a bit disappointed by the execution. Is this designed for the "I'm a celebrity" crowd? I would have preferred fewer sound effects and massive dins- it's like being at a radio 1xtra dance!

The content is interesting and compelling enough without it being edited to within an inch of its life.

I will watch the rest but it would have been much better to have it presented it in a less bombastic fashion, more straight forward

I believe I am being quite fair here. No doubt others will complete destroy it.

I believe I am being quite fair here. No doubt others will complete destroy it.
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Best purge move in my view
11 October 2022
I have seen this about 3 times now. I like Frank Grillo and he's very well cast in this role and he shows some good range actually. The ending is well done and well earnt.

The baddies are pretty scary in places but what I like most about it - it reminds me of old John carpenter films like Escape from New York.

It's a chase movie with some twists and I like the b movie low budget nature - it works.

I think this is the most re watchable purge movie and I give it a solid 8 for enjoyability. There are some melodramatic moments that don't work but overall it's very much worth a watch.

Ta ta for now.
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Danny Collins (2015)
High 7 - much better than I anticipated
7 October 2022
I want to give this an 8 but it's not quite there for me. The first 15-20 mins wasn't great and I tapped out. I came back to continue it and I'm glad I did.

It's definitely an enjoyable family film, not for little kids but for teens upwards - I'd definitely watch this with my mum and I think my elder daughter would like it

It's heart warming and funny. In this world, yes I am buying this product! This is what I want. Some positivity.

I'll watch it again soon and file it alongside Yeaterday, About Time and other "nice" films.

Give it a go, I very much doubt you'll regret it!

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"I remember how the meaning of words started to change"
4 October 2022
I've loved this film for many years and now I love it even more. Yes there are some flaws, well one. Natalie Portman is ok. Everyone else is great! The story and direction are amazing - the whole thing is superbly rendered, I doubt we will get many more films like this. Well, we won't.

What started as liberal nightmare about right wing authoritarianism has now morphed into a flipped version of the same story.

We are now in a position where if you don't think and act a certain way, you could imagine being black bagged. Not literally, but digitally.

The meaning of words has indeed changed. "Racist" doesn't mean now what it meant 3 years ago. Whose driven that? Not the political right. Division in society is worse than ever. Distrust. Paranoia. Misinformation.

Whatever your take. Watch out for McReady. He's in your greenhouse!

Remember remember the 5th of November.
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Sam Morril: Same Time Tomorrow (2022 TV Special)
Properly rated
4 October 2022
I'm a big comedy fan and have been for 30 years. This was one of the best random stand up shows I've ever watched. I'd never heard of Sam but I'm now a big, big fan. This guy is absolutely brilliant and having watched a few sets of his, I'd say this is one of his best, which is a good sign! He's getting better!!!

I've watched this about 5 times and for some reason I'm still finding it funny. I've recommended it to others. I really hope Netflix can get their act together and get more specials from Sam and other quality comedians instead of bank rolling god awful films


Doing the double. Two drinks. Yea.. i know how it works... Sam you are a legend!
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I think I've given up
23 September 2022
This show had a promising start. I rated the first ep 8 and was keen for more. Sadly me and my son both feel it's just too boring to continue with.

Such a shame. I wanted to like it and there was to like, but the storytelling just isn't up to scratch.

The actors and everybody else have been let down by a poor script that for me doesn't have enough zip. I like the actors and performances, although I'm not sure about the main character I think perhaps some of the other characters are actually more compelling.

Personally I liked the harfoots and would've preferred to follow them.

Overall I think I tapped out because there is too much tell and not enough show - golden rule of storytelling has been ignored here.
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Monster (2022– )
A grim but watchable and well made docu drama
23 September 2022
This is very good. First episode was incredible, very well paced and acted and the production values are very high.

Subsequent episodes are less compelling and act more as history lesson in how this odd ball was able to morph into the cannibal he became and how he evaded capture. There are some awkward 2022 racial politics inserted, as we should expect unfortunately.

His childhood and early adulthood are well documented and other films have been made about his school days such as My Friend Dahmer, and this show references that period in his life to good effect.

I'm over half way through so I wanted to add a review to encourage others to give it a go, it's grim, especially early on, but it's very well made and worth your time.

Edit: now finished the show and the 2nd half is actually much better and gives the victims much more air time. Those who have criticised the show should have watched it through before doing so!
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
I quite liked it!
21 September 2022
I think the response to this has been a bit unfair. I quite enjoyed it but I think the key here is that this is a kids film, with a 15 certificate. My kids would love this, and I will show it to them, but as an adult I can see why people didn't love it.

But, it's clearly a kids film. The way the child is at the centre of the plot sort of gives it away. And btw I thought the kid was great! Stallone was good. Sometimes not good. But mostly good. And Cyrus was just obsessed with this little kid, which to me are the plot machinations of a kids film. So why it's rated 15 I don't know!

Yea so I will definitely watch it again with my kids, I think it's a solid 6.5 so I've rounded it up to 7. If you have 11/12/13 yr old kids I think they will enjoy it!
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Nope (2022)
Best to know the spoilers going in
18 September 2022
Some say this is a film where it's best to know nothing when you see it.

I thought this was good, but only because I knew exactly what was going on before I went in. I knew all the spoilers and larger themes which meant I was able to enjoy every moment rather than hoping for something that didn't materialise

As it stands it's not as good as Get Out or Us, but I liked the performances and the visuals and quite liked the concept. Peele will need to up his game though as he is sliding into mediocrity fast.

Even Kaluuya, who is surely one of the best actors working today, can't add much pazazz to proceedings, though I liked his portrayal of the damaged, stoic cowboy.

Worth a watch if you know what to expect!
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Rewatched this after Saul, yo!
13 September 2022
I watched this as it aired so I've not seen the earlier seasons for many years now. After Saul I thought I'd re-watch it, see if I still think it's great and settle the debate about which show is better.

Yes it's an easy call to make. BB is sooooo much better than Saul it's not even a debate. Saul is very very good. And it has some amazing moments and great episodes and I'd say the character arcs in Saul might even be better/more rewarding than those in BB.

However, BB is just one of the best shows ever, it's like crack you just keep watching and the story, acting, cinematography, colours, pacing - it's all just spot on!!

It is the best show ever made in my view but it's fair to say I haven't seen everything, so I'll say it's the best show I've ever seen!

If for any reason you haven't seen it, do.
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Solid start for non Tolkien fanboys
8 September 2022
I watched this with my 9 year old son and we both really enjoyed it.

I'm not sure what people want from art these days? Perhaps they want a personalised experience like they get with most other things now, but with TV and film you get what you're given and for me this worked. We Really enjoyed it and we will watch the whole thing

If you're a Tolkien fan and it didn't work for you that's a shame, but maybe they made this for the mainstream to get as many eye balls as possible. Crazy idea eh.

They have clearly spent a lot of money on this as it looks fantastic - but allegations the 1st ep is dull is just plain wrong. It's got plenty going on for a wide age range. Quality entertainment for the family!
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Clive James' Postcard from...: Los Angeles (1990)
Season 2, Episode 4
The writing on this episode is razor sharp
8 August 2022
One of the best written and funnest travel episodes I have seen. Very funny.

I laughed much more than I do for any modern comedy films.

Highly recommended.
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The Gray Man (2022)
5 stars for gosling and evans
8 August 2022
But this film is seriously whack. Not because of anything other than the amount of cg and green screen. Yikes.

You wonder how a film with so much spectacle can be so boring? It's because none of what you see is real. It's all fake and it gets boring very quickly. The eye can pick it up the same way the ear is fatigued by flat over produced music compared to say music made in the 70s which was produced differently.

This film is the modern equivalent of the remastered 20th anniversary new edition of an album which has had all the charm ironed out of it and is now just boring to the ear.

Shame because I like the concept, story and actors.
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