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Love Monkey (2006)
Tom & Brandy
24 February 2006
Recognising that this show had some potential, was it not painfully obvious to anyone else where the relationship with Tom & Brandy was heading? The most glaring aspect is the "best friend" relationship between the two characters.

Hmmm ... let me see - Tom's best friend is very attractive, has a great personality and he can talk to her about all his life problems and relationship issues. If you try hard enough can almost predict how this relationship would evolve had the show been allowed to continue. Here's my version of how it would have progressed through season 1;

1) Tom and Brandy both get involved in different relationships and have many talks about the issues there are having with the people they are dating and about their lives in general

2) Brandy eventually gets serious with a guy, and Tom begins to act like an over-protective "big brother". Worst of all, the guy Brandy is dating has horrible taste in music, and thinks that "Knockin' on Heaven's Door" is originally a Guns'N Roses song.

3)Brandy eventually has her heart broken by this guy and seeks solace in the arms of her best friend Tom, which results in a fairly awkward kiss.

4) The next time Brandy sees Tom he acts like a complete idiot, mainly because he is feeling awkward, and because the hot woman he works with at the indie record label is also in the room.

5) Feeling like a jerk, Tom shows up at Brandy's apartment the next day with a pizza and a kick ass mixed tape he made of his favorite songs, only to find her back in the arms of the guy who broke her heart recently. In reality, Brandy's ex was only coming by to pick up a few of his things and they were simply hugging goodbye, though Tom leaves before he can know this.

6) The next time Tom is out with his friends he is really drunk and is all over the hot chick from his record label, while Brandy is watching. She storms out in disgust, throwing a mixed tape she made for him in his direction.

7) Tom is later consoled by his drinking buddies, who affirm that he and Brandy were "meant to be together"

8) Tom realizes his folly, and gets a bunch of his cool musician friends to serenade Brandy outside of her window. She warms up to him, but claims that she wants to slow down because she is afraid of losing her "best friend".

9) Tom gradually gets comfortable with being Brandy's "best friend" again, and they begin to date other people. With the whole "isn't it great we are friends" tone to their conversations they begin to discuss their recent dating exploits with each other.

10) Brandy begins to get concerned when Tom starts to date a woman from a rival record label. She sees through it all, and knows this woman is just using Tom because he has "street cred" and is starting to connect with all types of cool up and coming musicians looking to get signed by a label.

11) Brandy confronts this woman while at a concert for one these artists, and they begin to yell over top the blaring music. This woman has a "so what if I am using him response" which she states loudly just as the musician up front finishes his song. Tom overhears and realizes he was hoodwinked.

12)After the concert Tom seeks comfort from Brandy and they sit and hold each other on a park bench while listening to street busker singing "You Are the Sunshine of My Life". Tom confesses to Brandy that he has always known that his other relationships are doomed, because he never has these moments like he does now with Brandy, when everything is "perfect" for that moment. He compares the feeling to the first time he heard the Beatles at age 10, and realized there was this magical world full of endless possibility.

13) On their way home they stop in front of Brandy's front steps. Brandy turns to Tom and says "I thought about what you said earlier, about those perfect moments .. and I am worried about those times when it is not perfect between us, when its not like that perfect moment in a Beatles song". Tom replies "Then we can sing the blues together, and it will be our song, our wonderful imperfect song.... and at least we can sing it together". They kiss on the front steps as the camera pans out.

Season 2 would be about their trials and tribulations as they attempt to navigate the pitfalls of modern day relationships and their own personal ambitions. At one point Tom will be on the cusp of signing a "big act" to his label, while at the same time Brandy will get an amazing job offer in Portland. Can their relationship survive?

If anyone else has their version, I would love to hear it!
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