
6 Reviews
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Not the Best of Hobbit
23 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously the 2nd movie pumped me so much just to watch the dragon pouring flames and mass destruction i watched this one in theater the day it was out and i have to tell that this was a let down for a hobbit movie who thought cutting 25 minutes of run time would make the movie this bad.

Plot of the movie was the biggest let down for this one many things were happening in the movie without any explanation. Whole movie looked like stitched clips. The great smaug died in minutes and there was a lot of talking through gates and repeating of lines in the whole movie.

The war looked like child's play the visual effects were great though i though the direction for the war was somehow misjudged even by peter Jackson. It did looked like the great war but it didn't also, the setup for the war were great but the battle that was supposed to be great ended up with dwarfs talking with each other and orcs taking orders.

In many ways the movie was great but it could have ended up being something much more. It didn't lived up to my expectations but it was so bad either.

I liked the previous hobbits more than this one. So if you are really into hobbits than you'll watch it no matter what i say but if you're not than wait until the bluray is out that will be right choice for you.
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Seems like crap out of 70s
4 December 2014
What was this movie all about not a single thing was interesting(except for the girls wearing high school uniforms damn they looked sexy).

The story had potential but budgeting the movie with the plot so vast made it looked like some awful movie from 90s man. Who would believe if i say twilight and harry potter would only cost 30 million. And that's what it tries to be .

Everything could have worked out great if the plot wasn't so confusing. They made the small things looked like some bigger issues was ongoing while it was just some high school girl making boys do all the dirty work for some private time with her.

I highly recommend you to watch it if you have got nothing else or if you can't sleep. It will make you sleep after knowing that the first half is all about girls tricking the protagonist to believe some random life threatening things was going on while it was just bullying for some random revenge issues.

Four out of Ten just for the chick with high school dress.
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Nothing else matters as long as you live.
1 December 2014
At first i never planned seeing this movie. After seeing the Title of the movie the first thought that came in mind was just another cheap storm movie but believe me its not.

Everything on the movie was good especially the tornadoes they looked life like (even though i have never seem one in real) except the character development. Even If someone dies then it didn't come as a surprise and if someone looked like they died we wouldn't know cause the movie didn't bother telling us.

The visual effects were good. The story telling was somewhat messed up. And characters nothing important just the high school kid trying to get a girl and filming everything even if someone is dying and continue filming even after coming straight from heaven's door (Might be hell depends on person).

As a whole the movie was really entertaining and you got to see a lot of tornadoes everywhere. And tries to teach that nothing else matters as long as you live.
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Big Hero 6 (2014)
Just For Fun Nothing Special
30 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Did Not lived upto my expectetion. The only reason i needed to see the movie was that it was an animated movie. I'm an hardcore animated movie fan and has almost seem every animated movie from last 6 years. And as soon as i saw the trailer for the movie the thought came in my mind that i have gotta see it.

But everything that i hoped to see from the movie were gone in first half. Nothing was going on except for some comedy scenes that baymax was pulling off (like not fitting in some places due to his fatness and giving cheesy straight forward answers to hiro). At some point in first half i thought like nothing was going to happen. They are going to end the movie saying saiyonara or something but second half did attract my concentration just because some progression was going on the story.

Coming from me who have watched many animated movies it didn't contain anything serious and thrilling moment like in Toy Story 3 Or the hype which generated while watching Wreck It Ralph. The movie's primary focus was mostly on comedy.

As for the animation every little things were detailed and it seemed gorgeous and i advice you to watch it in 2D (it is an 3D animation not talking about the stereoscopic 3D ). There weren't any WOW moment in 3D visual just added 3D depth not focused on pop up like Gravity.

As a whole its an okay movie while comparing it with big tiltes from pixar and dreamworks but its enjoyable as fun comedy and lite story telling.
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Predictably Generic Story Like Always
30 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Wow for and step up movie this is what we have already seen in previous installments. With slick choreography all too often interrupted by feeble attempts at plot, Step Up: All In would be more fun with all of its dialog's edited out. Dancers struggling to make a living with dancing. Haven't we had lots of it in step up.

Step up was all about surrounding its lively and kinetic dance sequences but in this movie there aren't so special places like in revolution only dance sequence that made me feel sits an step up movies was Moose (Adam Sevani) taking them to his office for shooting video to enter The Vortex. Other were just the lame stage when dancers dance like its a reality TV we are watching (Unfortunately the vortex was a reality TV show.

It seemed like dancing seemed to fade away in every step up sequel. I Personally felt the dancing wasn't so good as previous installments (Not that it was so bad just didn't lived up-to the hype that i was hoping).

All in wasn't completely all in. and it could have been a lot better than it was made so don't spoil the next installment with the same generic story as always if there is going to be any.
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The movie for all Wing Chun fans.
30 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The grand master of all, Yip Man. This movie is the best out there in terms of story telling. They show how the life of Yip Man went by and what he had to go through in his lifetime since coming to Hong Kong. Do watch the movie if you want to know all the things related to him and how he came to be the grandmaster of all.

As for the movie it has got every element in it from romance to emotion i nearly cried when northern lady fall ill with lung cancer. It does have many fighting scenes but not as much as another ip man series it generally focuses on story telling heavily.

And do stay for the post-credits scene, especially if you wanna see the real footage of ip man practicing in wooden dummy
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