
7 Reviews
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The Killer (2023)
19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved most Fincher movies, but I found the killer really boring. No new ideas, no clever dialogues. Fassbender is not bad in his performance but the movie is... Given the slow start I hoped it introduced something new or unexpected, but... it does not.

Sometimes it seems "taken", sometimes a version of John Wick without humor... Even Tilda Swinton that's usually able to create an interesting character with two lines is not able to make "the expert" interesting, and the other characters are even less charming... flat 2d characters I never thought I had to write a negative review on a Fincher movie, but I really do not understand, given the poor script, why he decided to direct this movie...
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The Revenant (I) (2015)
Highly overrated
25 January 2016
I think this movie is really overrated.

The photography is great and the acting is good (i liked the Tom Hardy performance, and I liked the Di Caprio one too, although I think he did better performances in other movies).

The plot is really inconsistent and not coherent at all, I do not want to spoiler it but the first part of the movie is well built and believable, the second part feels fake, the behaviour of the captain has no sense and the final sequence remember more a super heroes movie than a "true story" one...

I don't wonder at all that the second part of the movie (and of the book), the revenge one, totally divert from the real fact that inspired the book.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
Don't waste your time
7 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I watched last night the 6th and last episode of FTWD, hoping that at least in the end they could put on something giving some sort of meaning to the whole series....

Well, this episode is, if possible, more stupid than previous ones, and as boring as them.

The characters are less believable than the ones in Winnie the Pooh, their behaviour is motivated only by the need of moving the story.

There is nothing new or interesting in the whole series, I know that zombie flicks are far too common these days but for instance the lower budgeted asylum "z nation" is able to add something new to this "genre" almost every week! If you thought the quality of the latest seasons was low, watch this series, you'll found TWD more "watchable", otherwise please watch anything else...
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How to create an awful movie from a good story with a great cast
25 June 2015
This movie has a good story with interesting characters, but the director (or the producers?) has chosen to follow the "micheal bay style", and to remove dialogues, story and character development to create a movie that is a 2 hours action sequence full of digital video effects and explosions...

"The People eater", "The bullet farmer", Rictus are character that with a few lines could be really interesting.

Also the story and the dynamics of the citadel could be deepened a bit, to give some more depth to the movie...

If you like brainless action movies maybe this is the best movie you can see these days.
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24 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's boring as comedy and unbelievable as drama.

I gave this movie a chance cause it was based on a Nick Hornby novel and stars Breaking Bad's Aaron Paul, hoping something different that the usual USA blockbuster comedy with good feelings and unbelievable happy endings....

Well, the usual blockbuster comedy at least has a few funny jokes here and there, this movie is boring, from the start to the end. The plot is uninteresting, the scenes are too long, the photography is mediocre, the acting is just decent.

But the worst part of the movie is the ending that is so "happy" that, given the starting point of the movie, redefine the concept of "unbelievable happy ending"!
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Winter's Tale (2014)
Badly written & acted
17 February 2014
I've not read the book from which Winter's tale has been adapted, but it seems there is a nice message in it.

The movie does what it can to demolish it.

Russel Crowe is unable to act in the role of the bad guy, he seems to have forgot how to act after a "A Beautiful mind", but here he performs his worst character. And I've never seen Colin Farrell or Jennifer Connelly act so bad. Maybe it's not their fault, but the problem is the plot hole filled screenplay, stupid dialogues and the lack of experience of the director Akiva Goldsman...

It's seems that these problems were already known during the production, since here and there there is a narrator voice that tries to explain what is the point of the movie, since there is no way for the viewer to figure it from the depicted actions...

One of the worst movies of the last few years, the "valentine's day" launch is the only reason this is gonna be viewed by someone...

I gave this movie a chance since I read a positive review of this in the blog of "Neil Gaiman", my favorite writer...
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A lost opportunity
26 June 2013
I'm sad to give this movie a poor rating.

Acting is good, there are some funny dialogues, the special effects are OK, as the 3d usage.

The problem is the script. Mostly in the second part of the movie.

This movie is not Sci-Fi, it's an action movie, it's nearer to one of the latest episodes of the "Die Hard" saga that to one of the "classic" or "tng" trek movies.

There is an evil terrorist, the action is mostly on the earth, Klingons are the only extra terrestial race you see and they have a very minor role in the movie.

It seems that the script is written to create some spectacular action scenes, that do not make any logical sense, characters almost never behave in a coherent or logical way, only to support the action.

Ship weapons, scanners, security systems, shields, teleports only work when it's useful for the script, the writer forget about them where he needs to...

So, very poor script but good acting, Quinto and Pegg over the others, for a movie with a good incipit but that loses itself on the way, to boldly go where no other trek script has gone before...
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