17 Reviews
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Spontaneous (II) (2020)
RomComs are NEVERr on my playlist. Knowing that Id recommend this for anyone looking to watch a great movie
9 October 2020
Ya RomComs are something I avoid at all costs. Theyre always the same and never ever anything that would play out in real life so why give you or your partner unrealistic expectations watching something that is just going to set you up for failure.. This movie SPONTANOUSly turned out to be something completely unexpected - REALLY Good and really funny. The romance part is underplayed and mostly the setup as an after thought for the perfectly timed witty one liners that are delivered spot on with real chemistry you can feel between the main actors. The movie is just a take on the traditional coming of age story and how everything when youre young seems like the end or the beginning of the world and with each death of a young persons dream life its never the end but just the transition to another dream of how life will play out.. I dont know if that makes sense to anyone reading this but it was a really great movie witty well acted and moves along at a good pace. It was this directors debut and I cant wait for more projects in the future to be made by them.. Great job
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Utopia (2020)
HORRIBLY BIASED and terribly unfair to have preconceived opinions going into this
27 September 2020
I have to admit its a pet peeve of mine to read a reviewers opinion (as so many here have done) that centers not on the show they are actually writing the review for but on a earlier imagining/concept that they cant set aside to objectively review this one. Ya we get you liked the other one better but going into something thinking they shouldve done this or shouldve done that like version X is no help to anyone. I downloaded both series and i made it a point to watch and enjoy this one for its merits alone. Im glad i did because this was a decent diversion and a well put together telling. NOW if the UK version is so much better I only have good things to look forward too. What I wont do is hold each episode up to its counterpart and compare the 2 frame for frame on which is better executed in comparision.. This series is definitely worth the watch through
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The Octopus is the star here and the dude is nauseously trying to soak up its glow
8 September 2020
I really liked watching this and seeing the octopus go about its routines along with beautiful shots of jellies and other aquatic pedestrians. I have to admit that I dont like the guy who filmed this. IMO he tries to make everything about himself. Like him and the Octopus are besties then when it gets attacked he does nothing then goes home and is like thats my life i feel like im the one attacked and im missing a limb now and just some real creepo stuff. You know those people that everything has to be about them no matter whats happened to you they have to one up it? Watch it and tell me im wrong!! I made it through the entire thing but I got really nauseous watching this guy. His whole personality and the way he comes off just turned my stomach. Hes a real wierdo
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Skin Walker (2019)
Great 1st date movie!! The kind of movie that tongueing a hornets nest is more entertaining
30 August 2020
Want to guarantee youll at least get to make out with your date? Then suggest movie night and then put this on. Its such a boring nonsensical series of meaningless and just downright confusing scenes that anyone would welcome the distraction of making out literally with anything or anyone then watch this drivel. THE only reason I gave this 4 stars is for Amber Andersons see through top scene. Otherwise like one reviewer I finally gave up trying to watch and make any sort of sense or feeling for this movie at the 56 minute mark. I tried to hang in there but its realy so horrible that even if it had the best ending ever I still couldnt make it to the end. Please take the vast majorities advice and watch or do anything else
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Its like a longer then normal episode of Black Mirror or Twilight Zone
13 July 2020
I dont know but this didnt seem like a movie to me. Even given the length it struck me as a longer then normal Black Mirror or the new Twilight Zone episode. Thats not to mean it was long and drawn out just that it kept me immersed thruout and i didnt do anything else like normal but just sit here and watch it. I really enjoyed this one. Though only thing i didnt like was the ambiguity of the end but thats a small point easily overlooked. Definitely worth a watch
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Just OK, Couldve been on par with The Shining but fails in its delivery
12 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This reminded me alot of Stephen Kings The Shining. It shares a lot of the plot points unfortunately it never quite delivers on its story especially at the end. Guy with family getting away to some secluded location to in part try to work on a somewhat troubled marriage. Evil from the location works its magic on him playing mind games where he and his daughter are in grave danger JUST as it starts getting interesting it ends rather abruptly with nothing happening whatsoever.. Huh what?! Did they run out of film? Very nice setup that fails to deliver.
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Archive (2020)
A very well done movie. Twists, turns and surprises will have you guessing till the end!!
10 July 2020
This was quite a well done movie. These days most movies you know where theyre going long before they get there. I thought I had this one pegged thru out but it kept coming up with surprises. These days they dumb down a lot of movies so everyone in the audience gets the story but that tends to let you guess the end long before you get there. Im happy to say not this one. Everytime you think its going to be this type of movie it turns into another type and that continues until the surprising ending which the film gives nothing away about until the last couple of minutes. Great acting great cinematography. Definitely worth a watch through. Enjoy
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Volition (2019)
Just ok enough to watch once. It will leave you feeling let down and robbed of a decent ending
10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So this movie was just ok. Nothing spectacular and definitely nothing new. As a matter of fact this story arc has been done a million times. This is one of those movies you already know how its going to end a quarter of the way into watching it. I held out for maybe a genuine twist something I hadnt seen before and now I wish I hadnt because it ended exactly how I imagined it would. Good guy beats bad guys and saves girl by time traveling only it seems he wont because it gets all convoluted. The End. Only this ending is probably one of the worst ive seen as the main character doesnt even try he just decides to stop in the middle of his time travel loop therfore avoiding a bloody end? Wow is it really that easy? Guess in Hollywood movie making it is.. Booooooriiing
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Why? Just why? Spoiler Alert: This whole "movie?" just sucks the life from you
25 May 2020
Apparently this movie is a morose transmission from the future to let us know we only have 200 million years left. Its funny that watching the movie also felt like it took 200 million years to conclude It quite literally sucked the life and youthfulness from me. I was mid 20s this morning now I look and feel like im 90. Nothing of interest. Slow motion grainy black and white images of boring architecture. I LOVE well put together thoughtful movies that some might not enjoy that are slow paced and happen mostly through our imaginations. I mean I loved "Skin" after al but this? there is no redeeming quality whatsoever. Not one thing i could say was at least just ok. The writers and Director of this film should just quit now. This is not your line of profession trust all of us please.
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Vivarium (2019)
Stop complaining you arent spoon fed answers. Akin to Skin
19 May 2020
I had to come back and edit my review to address others viewers comments about how bad, meaningless and a waste of time this movie was. NO ONE said they didnt sit through this whole movie riveted. Every single person was practically glued to their screens until the end. So you dont like the ending it didnt turn out how you expected it and it didnt leave you with a standard insiders ah-ha of realization. Thats partly what makes this a good movie. It leaves it to the imagination. This movie reminds me of another people with no imaginations also bashed. Skin. Like Skin this movie is about parasitic aliens using people as hosts or in this case using people as seregate parents like you can see plenty of in nature. They come trap some people in a cage they cant escape then have them raise their young with the promise of release but they never say what kind of release. It ends just like it ends in nature. The young get raised and the parents eventually die with the cycle repeating itself. Use your imagination. The actors were excellent. The things they did to escape were realistic and so was the progression of their interpersonal relationship. 8 stars excellent
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Capone (2020)
I really WANTED to like this film. Like its subject matter it too suffers dementia
14 May 2020
I knew going into the viewing of this that the general reviews were poor. I told myself people just DONT like seeing powerful and publicly romanticized true life figures from Americas nostalgic past portrayed at their lowest and therefore weakest point in life. We watch movies set in long ago eras to fantasize about a time when things were better and these figures were larger than life. No one wants to be told people lived the same miserable mostly boring lives reminiscing of past glory days before finally succumbing to some ailment of old age while wearing a fully loaded diaper. I knew this was a "How the Mighty have Fallen" portrayal of his last year of life going in. What I wasnt prepared for was the truly lackluster completely incohesive pace of the film. Its filled with scenes that you could put in ANY order to get the same movie. I knew his last year he had deep set dementia and expected the story to be mainly told through the eyes of mentally sound observers instead of through his dementia ones That sums up the experience of this movie. The movie feels like it suffers from dementia and cant hold a cohesive sense of whats going on from scene to scene. The scenes start nowhere go nowhere and ultimately end nowhere. I gave it 3 stars because of the cinematography and supporting roles portrayals. Everything else is best left forgotten
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Reset (II) (2016)
Brings you back to a time when Movies relied on STORY and ACTING
11 May 2020
No huge budgets. No unbelievable special effects. No car chase scenes or explosions. No ninjas. No half naked girls in bikinis. No cussing. No Lgbtq relationships. No politics. No politically correct add ins. Basically none of the BS almost every movie thats made now thinks they have to have to be good and not offend anyone. This movie is all plot and the strength of the actors acting. Its a great piece of work. Im surprised it doesnt have more votes and reviews. The black and white doesnt even make a difference. I thought at first it was a bad call but then after a few minutes i didnt even really notice. The story is of a slower pace in the beggining but stil holds your attention long enough for the story to pick up speed and by then youre invested with the characters. The acting while not professional and noticeably forced is still good enough to draw you in. This movie relies on the strength of being a well written thought out story that builds suspense and pays off with al the lose ends connected at its finale. I wish there were more movies of this caliber made more often. Good job to everyone that participated. One other thing IMDB shouldnt let 1 off reviewers smash a rating because its just someone who didnt get a part or has a grudge against a cast member. That 1 person who left a 1 star review didnt watch the movie they just came to hate for whatever petty reason they had. Waste of creations hard work to culminate in a pile of crap.
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The Signal (2014)
Among THE BEST Sci-fi movies ever made!!
24 April 2020
This is such a great representation of what a true Sci-fi genre movie should be. Starts out like any other day in a normal persons life. Along the way something truly profound happens. Something so alien to our regular reality that the brain just cant process it. Then as the realization of what can only be the truth sets in the mind starts fitting all the pieces together. Once the acceptance of whats happening comes over you you're left with a sense of pure awe. Thats exactly how this movie plays out from beginning to end without giving away any of the plot points. I would put this in the category of one of the best top 10 Sci-fis ever made. Thats why i gave it a 9 out of 10. I only had 1 problem with the movie and that was the girlfriend. Something happened with both of the guys that you and they eventually understood and recovered from physically but more importantly mentally. She was just in a daze from beginning to end with no explanation of what if anything had happened. The only hint we get is when he sees the button sized piece of alien tech inbetween her shoulder blades. Thats it! What happened to her? The actors performances were all great. You could actually feel with them every emotion that was going on. The limited special effects saved till the ending finale was a perfect choice. I loved the slow motion camera captures that built up to the explosive action scenes. Just a great adventure and steady build up of plot that pays off in the last few scenes of the movie. Where and how it ends leaves you with a sense of awe. I definitely recommend this to everyone whether youre into Sci-fi or not youll have fun unravelling this one.
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Q: How-to tell if a movie is bad?? A: Keep reading
12 March 2019
Theres always a sign. Some are subtle. Others such as the one we are going to talk about are not. When a movie is new like this the "Star" rating is usually worthless. Most people involved with the production actors,directors,extras,family members and basically every single person associated will have dropped by and dumped an 8-10 star rating just to help promote it. So when you see under 100 ratings barely breaking 4 stars total means anyone involved got as far away from this film as fast as the time it takes to yell "cut". They didnt brag about it, mention they were involved or tell family and close friends to watch it and give them a good rating. Even knowing that i still took a chance and watched it based on the trailer. Dont make my mistake and think theres any redeeming qualities to this film. There isnt.Im not even going to list why because the film isnt worth anymore of my time. I only do this to warn others away and hopefully save someone from the visual and auditory torture I went thru lol
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Now I know why Beale street isnt allowed to talk!
25 January 2019
No one wants to hear its seemingly endless ramblings of pointlessness. The movie is like stopping to ask for directions to a place 2 blocks away then being told how to get to every place else in the city before arriving at your intended destination. The scenes were "incohesive" the word doesnt begin to describe the depths to which this movie takes you with its horrible pacing and disjointed scenes. I really cant fathom how anyone who has truly seen the film and not just having rated it on the knowledge its about a young black man wrongly accused and incarcerated unfairly in an unjust system strongly weighted against all reasoning of righteousness and justice solely based on the color of his skin. THAT description of the movies source material I just gave would deserve an 8 but to have actually sat down and watched the whole movie there is no way anyone could give it more that a 4. Just for cinematography and music score. They butchered a powerful source and never put it back together correctly. Shame on FLUFF raters
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Cinematography/Acting were good. Movie composition and story were boring and pointless
20 December 2018
I really liked the overall feel of the cinematography,sets,acting,ambiance,music choices to name a few... BUT... That being said the rest of what makes a good to great movie literally the whole other half was horrendously excruciatingly slow and without substance. There was NO story. Its a week out of the life of a boring guy whos about to lose his job. Where you would expect a grand plan to form and be carried out either comically or seriously depending on the genre to save said boring guys job there is nothing of note. You expect something to happen to make worthwhile the couple hours youve devoted to watching this and it just never does. Boring guy boring job boring lay off and then it ends. I rarely review movies and i watch movies daily so when i come across something this bad that i deem so without merit that I feel bound to warn off others? It really really really has to have left me with the feeling of being robbed of time i could've better spent staring at a blank wall. Do yourself the favor take my advice don't watch this its bad
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Kite (2014)
Everything is great in the movie except the script which tanks it all
6 May 2015
This movie just lumbers along to an oft used no surprise ending..

Its a shame because EVERYTHING in this movie is GREAT except the story..

The visuals,cinematic,acting,etc are all mainstream quality!!

The story just sucks all that down into an irretrievable void of boredom and watch watching wondering when it'll all be over

These reviews HAVE to be 10 lines? Seems a little excessive especially when you've already spent a portion of your life on a particularly disappointing movie

Hopefully this saves some of you from a grueling 2 hour snore fest
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