
8 Reviews
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Helstrom (2020)
Generic cookie cutter drama
4 November 2020
A combination of a plot made complicated just for the sake of being complicated and writers not trusting the audience to work it out by themselves, creates a story that is both predictable and boring at the same time.

I kept asking myself. How badly written does a show have to be, for me to be cheering for the bad guys?

It's not all bad, but there is not enough good in there, to make it worth your time with so many other shows available.
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Truth Seekers (2020)
The truth is out there!
3 November 2020
Nick Frost is on top form in this horror comedy. His journey as a full time internet installer, part time paranormal investigator, makes a surprisingly deep and well written story and leaves you wanting more.

Every episode has a nod or two to classic and modern horror flicks, but they don't interfere with the story or make it difficult to understand if you don't get the hints.

The characters a believable and well acted, making them relatable and someone you can actually care for.

All in all this is a little gem
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Hard Kill (2020)
Bruce Willis stars in his grand child's high school performance
13 September 2020
Watching this movie I kept asking myself; what the h... is Bruce Willis thinking appearing in someways awful las this?

There are very few redeeming features and I would advice anyone to stead wide of this movie, even though it features Bruce Willis.
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Like a Volvo; stout, reliable, but won't turn heads
27 June 2020
Will Ferrell's latest twist on competition falls flat. You haVe the same tight flamboyant costumes and physical humour as in previous movies like Blades of Glory or Tallahassee Nights, but it all feels a bit old and dated.

Some of the casting is very good. Pierce Brosnan is good as the father and Rachael McAdams often steals the scene with her presence and voice.

Unfortunately it's not enough to lift the movie out of mediocrity and during the 2 hour runtime, it only made me laugh once.
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Rock of Ages (2012)
Do not let your children watch this unsupervised!
25 August 2015
"Pop of Ages" had been a more appropriate title for this movie. The closest thing to a rock song you'll hear, is some 80's glam rock ballad, rewritten to appeal to the lowest musical denominator.

The story, is a classical boy meets girl, with a splash of cultural clash story (not dissimilar to Grease), in the form of a musical, but where great musicals use the songs to advance the story, Rock of Ages uses them to gloss over the holes in the storyline.

The casting is horrible. Take for instance Tom Cruise as the lead rock and roll protagonist. Maybe someone saw him in the end of Tropic Thunder, dancing and rapping and thought, he will make a great singer. Alec Baldwin, has been cast, as an ageing club owner and rock institution. Tom Cruise and Alec Baldwin are both great actors, with many memorial movies to their name. Unfortunately the have as much rock and roll between them as a 90's boyband.

So if you do let your children watch this movie, make sure you take them on a tour of youtube and show them some real rock and roll, lest they think that the music they have heard is rock and roll.
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Alien Outpost (2014)
More bang for your buck than can rightly be expected
26 May 2015
A movie with this kind of budget ,has no right being this good.

I am impressed by the way, this movie avoids the pitfalls, that so many other low budget sfi-fi movies, seam to embrace. The cgi is used sparingly, and for once actually enhances the movie instead of being an eyesore, Instead actual props prevail throughout this movie, which gives it an authentic and a quite realistic feel.

The directing and acting is definitely watchable, the pace of the scenes and action accelerates nicely towards the movies climax, and is tied together by a plot without too many obvious gaps.

And that brings me to my only gripe with this movie, the plot. And its more a gripe with the whole genre, than just this movie. Ever since i watched "Independence Day" it has spoiled these movies a bit for me. If an alien race has the technology and science to travel across the galaxy to invade Earth, why is it that they are always so amazingly bad at the actual invasion part, and that humanity always prevails?

This movie is good enough that this personal gripe didn't spoil it too much, and I can thoroughly recommend giving this a watch.
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Realism so thick you can cut it with a knife.
25 May 2015
If you want to know exactly how it feels to be in an earthquake, this is the movie to watch.

From the technical explanation of seismic events, to the the way an earthquake causes a bridge to collapse while nearby buildings and trees are completely unaffected (the trees are not even shaking).

The amount of thought and know how that's been put into the making of this movie is awe inspiring, and is only surpassed by the quality of the cgi and special effects. This truly is a masterpiece.

Oh sorry., maybe it's my sarcasm that can be cut with a knife

This movie is a piece of junk, period. Apart from the fact, that this movie seams to be a complete ripoff of a similarly titled movie, there is not an original idea to be found throughout the 1:20 runtime. In general the actors seem embarrassed to even be in this movie, and the only positive thing I can say is, that it wasn't so bad I couldn't watch it all the way to the end,
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Everly (2014)
Just a game
28 March 2015
In reset years video games have gotten bigger budgets, professional scriptwriters attached to production and several even made the silver screen.

The writers of Everly have gone the opposite way. Not bothering with adopting an existing video game to screen, they have instead adopted the buildup of a typical 80's "beat the boss" type game.

Everly (played by Salma Hayek), being kept as a prostitute by a psychopathic Yakuza mob boss, has to face down wave after wave of increasingly harder to tackle opponents interrupted only by level bosses and short cut scenes to flesh out the story which obviously ends in a climatic show down between hero and villain.

There was a few things in this film that made me smile, but in the end it just felt too much like watching another guy playing a video game for me to really enjoy this movie.
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