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Cheap non thriller !
24 September 2023
I like Agatha Christie a lot ..... and we have just come back from Venice, so memory lane was beckoning... Honestly, I thought this film was really awful......Kenneth Branagh OK as Poirot, but the storyline was weak, and this film soooo cheaply made A few ariel shots of Venice, followed by the rest of the film, filmed in a run down palazzo consisting of mainly one room.!

Venice on a shoestring to say the least Maybe OK on TV a on a wet Sunday, but spending £23.99 in a freezing cinema on a Saturday night way Hose !

It comes to something when the star of the show is an 11 year old boy ! ( Jude Hill as Leopold Farrier ) Jamie Dornan passable as the father of Leopold ( suffering from PTSD ) All in all .......a waste of time.
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Rimini (2022)
A very bleak Rimini
16 December 2022
I wanted to see this film, as I had fond memories of Rimini when I was a child Boy, were they ruined ! What a bleak but haunting left me quite disturbed Richie Bravo an aging crooner, popular with ladies of a certain age definitely had a reminiscent charm of typical resort singers abroad and on cruise ships.....schmoozing their way into their fantasies.

Richie sells his favours to certain fans, and I have to say, and I am not a prude, I found the explicit sex scenes with these elderly ladies excruciatingly sordid.

As the films descends into lowliness, so does the weather, which I found a great touch to the film The story line includes Richie's quest to reconcile himself with his abandoned daughter, and the subsequent conclusion to this story line is very original and funny All in all, Micheal Thomas plays low life, but kindly Richie Bravo to a decadent T, an authentic performance I definitely won't be visiting Rimini in the winter.
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Bullet Train (2022)
What a ride !
13 August 2022
Before I saw the film, my friend's review was " Tarantino on acid " not the sort of film a mum and daughter wants to see !

However, what a great film ! Really enjoyable Tarantinoesque film, witty dialogue from start to finish and excellent performances by every one of the cast. The violence is somehow cartoonish and in a way ungory Don't leave until the credits have rolled ! ......although as usual 20 minutes too long A really well scripted, enjoyable violent romp......a great break from 33 degrees.
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Elvis (2022)
Elvis Lives !
1 July 2022
I always liked Elvis, but was probably not soooo interested in seeing his life story ( again ! ) Boy was I wrong !

Austin Butler absolutely brilliant as certain times looking like Elvis's complete and utter double The choice of Elvis songs, to me , was outstanding, way more earthy rock and roll hits were sung compared to his ballads, allowing Austin Butler to completely mimic Elvis's sexy gyrations, sweating included...... Tom Hanks as usual competently played Tom Parker, his performance aided and abetted by a fully staffed make up department.

If Austin Butler doesn't get an Oscar for this performance I'll eat my Blue Suede Shoes !
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Much ado about nothing
3 June 2022
I hated this film ! Not often I want to walk out but my friend insisted on staying until the predictable end Confusing, weird, overlong story about absolutely nothing !

I may be oldish, but generally like off beat films, but for me.....a ghastly waste of time.
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True Things (2021)
Worse than bad ? I've seen a lot worse......
9 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this has haunted me since I saw it.... Haven't we all in our time become obsessed with a totally unsuitable boy or girl ? Ruth Wilson plays the " should I text him or should I not " character really well.... Probably this film is suited for for a TV watch than a cinema outing, but held my attention none the less.

I've got to run - see you !
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Clare Foy.....Wow !
24 November 2018
Although this film has received pretty poor reviews, my friend and I enjoyed it, the other so so..... Having seen Clare Foy latterly in The Crown which I loved.....I thought she did an excellent job of taking over from Noomi, the film is pretty long, which normally I am not a fan of, but I didn't look at my watch.....pretty amazing. All in all a good effort but prefer a Swedish smorgasbord any time !
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Very pleasantly surprised !
25 September 2018
Surprise,surprise ! A decent film ! Well, I have to quantify that by saying that in the year of lousy, below standard movies, I really enjoyed this fodder.......It's all relative eh ! Loved Anne Kendrick who goes from Miss goody two shoes to a real sharp shooter, actually loved her performance and reckon she could grab some sort of award ! I won't even go into the plot, but a comical,whimsical thriller with fab music to match Highly enjoyable......even in the shabby venue of the Everyman Barnet !
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A Quiet Place (2018)
8.3 !! Your kidding me !!
9 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Three out of three of us found this film b o r I n g and pretty poor. A simple premise, alien creatures, looking very familiar ( which film set were they borrowed from ? ) hunt by sound, they cannot be heard if there is background noise I.e a river or waterfall. So why not live by the river and have a normal conversation ? But no ? Repetitive killings ensue. Why I ask myself would anyone get pregnant and produce a screaming baby, when you know certain death awaits you ? Really ? ( bad enough giving birth under normal circumstances ! ) Quite honestly, I am appalled at the low quality of films of late that are given good write ups by all the media. O Another wasted evening, not to talk about the money, mercifully not too long ! Sticking to Sky Atlantic & Netflix for the time being.
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50 Shades of Rubbish
13 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Before I start, " write a spoiler " how can you write a spoiler for repetitive rubbish ? But just in case..... I did see the first film, which I didn't mind too much, maybe it's me.....another year older etc., however I did go with 3 other girlfriends, none of whom enjoyed it,interestingly enough there was not a man in sight in the cinema.....they knew better ! The film is mild soft porn, and I found it detrimental to women that Dakota Johnson continually got undressed, yet Jamie Dornan only stripped down in virtually the last scene, It was as though ' I am the star of this film, and I will not stoop to humiliate myself ' ( although I am getting a small fortune to do so.....) Coming to Jamie Dornan, who was excellent in The Fall, is so bad in this, apart from his looks ....he was recently on The Graham Norton Show, and had a heavy beard and shocking haircut, he came over as a shy and boring guy in real life, although he was being ridiculed by Kiano Reeves.....however no excuse for another wooden performance as the I thought , charismatic and Bond like Christian Grey. Grey for this film is the operative word - another dire outing to the movies
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What a disaster !
4 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible film. Paunchy Mark Warlberg, who I usually like,I suppose does mimic the main lead in this film,whose name from boredom escapes me. Poor Kurt Russell totally unrecognisable from his former cute glory.....why do these badly aging actors want to go on ? Ego,ego,ego I suppose. We all know the events of the BP disaster, a ecological one ..... the only one mention of the effect of leaking over 100 million tons of oil into the ocean was early in the film when one lone pelican covered in oil was " thrown " no doubt by the film crew on to the deck... The rest of the film is explosion after explosion akin to a nuclear bomb going off, the result of which was the deaths of ONLY 11 rig staff, from what you saw you you have expected not one survivor...... As you gathered a terrible film,disgusting in the fact that no mention was made of the devastating effects on our sea, coastline,marine and bird life was ever mentioned..... Unforgivable.
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Dire !
7 June 2016
I saw a private preview of this film with some friends. In my opinion we all thought this was one of the worst films we'd ever seen ! Kelsey Grammar, what possessed you, with all your millions and your outstanding comic performances in Frasier to appear in this Z film ? Beyond me ! We had to stay until the end of the film as obviously as an invited audience one could not leave, when the credits came up I looked round and my friend was already at the exit ! When I saw the plug for this film on The Graham Norton Show that this film had actually been released I was in shock ! A vague memory of the plot escapes me, the main thing was watching Kelsy Grammar in a really cringeworthy film.

A truly dire film.
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Miles Ahead (2015)
Miles Below
28 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Don Cheadle plays a good part as the young and older Miles Davis, Ewan McGregor as usual in my opinion is poor and an expert at dumbing down all of his roles. How does he get the work I ask myself ? I, My friend and I are keen Miles Davis fans, his wife is not, to quote her " I know less about Miles Davis than before I saw the film " The storyline is poor, only showing a a brief chapter of Mile's life when he retired for five years, and the record company " stole " his new tape. An episode of the Keystone cops ensues with car chases and gun toting ....... Very uncool, very unMiles. I don't believe a word of it. OK,be different,but to only mention one of his 3 wives ( and imply he only had one wife) is downright ridiculous, and not one word about any of his many children and grandchildren I mean ...... Really ! I was really looking forward to this film but we all left the movie " Kinda Blue "
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Southpaw (2015)
Same old same old
25 July 2015
After not being a Jake Gygenhall fan at all, seeing Nightcrawler changed my opinion of him and I realise he is a fine actor. However this role just seemed to be a vehicle for us to be shown what the results of 2000 sit ups a day can achieve. In my opinion a dated and oft used formulae, pretty boring and WAY too predictable, in fact I was almost shocked at the end it was so corny. Very disappointed at your rating of 8 1, and that was my main reason for seeing it as there seems to be so little of value at the moment - summer hol viewing I suppose. Definitely not a contender, and should have been knocked out in around round 3 metaphorically speaking. Rather stick to Swedish noir on TV for the time being than waste a trip to the cinema on this. Very disappointing
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Wild Tales (2014)
After a lot of mediocrity ......... a great film !
31 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of films lately, and at last a really brilliant film, 6 tales of original revenge! Dark, pretty violent and hilarious ...... what could be better ?The perfect night out ! The first story is uncanny re the recent GermanWings air crash as it shows the flight attendant being locked out of the flight deck, and as my friend said " surely as this was made in 2014 it should have rung some bells,with the airlines just as a "could happen ". I've just come back from Argentina, which I loved, so this was the crowning glory to everything Argentinian ! At the end of the film, the audience stood and clapped so it wasn't only me that loved it
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