
21 Reviews
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Iron Eagle (1986)
An homage to the spirit of the 1980's bravado of the Reagan era.
22 January 2019
Typical 80's contrived action movie where there was absolutely no basis in reality. The James Brown interlude was the best part of the film. Which speaks volumes.
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Piranha (1978)
The epitome of the cheesy, horror, cheese whiz of the late 1970's and early 1980's
30 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I found this movie on the Shout! Factory TV app on my Roku. It's pure campy gold nothing really scary, but if you love the campy predictible, horror movie genre than this is for you. Just don't take it too seriously.
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The Office: Mafia (2009)
Season 6, Episode 6
Boring, silly episode
18 October 2018
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We're used to the whole paranoid, Dwight thing, but this just isn't funny, it was clear from the start even with Mike Grotti in his typical stereotypical Italian Thug fashion, it wasn't funny at all. It was just boring.
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Magnum P.I. (2018–2024)
As a huge fan of the original. I dreaded this day would come, when someone would decide to reboot Magnum PI
25 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Oh, where to start? The acting was awful. The writing, cookie cutter. The fact Higgins is former MI-6. and now a part of the team instead of just being a pain in Magnum's neck. I say let them finish their current order of episodes, then set it sail out to the great heap of garbage floating in the Pacific Ocean. I wish they could have made Magnum's daughter Lilly part of the cast somehow to tie it to the original.
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Nice period piece kids and adults can enjoy!
16 September 2018
I saw this movie when it left theaters and began its run on the Disney channel. It's a lot of fun though Max as voiced by Paul Ruebens aka Pee-Wee Herman. My toddler aged brother quoted Max in a supermarket once when a portly gentleman was going through various baked goods by saying, "Oops, too many Twinkies."As of this review (Sept. 2018) the movie is on Amazon Prime video.
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Mediocre cash grab to ride the coattails of Star Wars and to cash in on the popularity of the original TV series reruns.
16 July 2018
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While the film does rekindle the fire of TOS, it lacks the imagination and spirit of TOS. It doesn't do anything to advance the spirit of the franchise, it was almost like it would have made a better 11/2 hour Sunday night movie of the week on NBC.
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This once venerable laugh a minute variety show is, alas out of steam...
15 July 2018
When the show first hit the airwaves in 1989, when (viral videomeant nothing(video cameras were still a few years away from ubiquity as they are in the mid 2010's, and one had to grossly inattentive to take a shot to the crotch AFV was great old fashioned funny family fare for Sunday night to wrap up the weekend, now many of the videos are staged, and Alphonso Ribero is just flat annoying. It's still enjoyable for small kids, otherwise,it's outdated and boring, and Alphonso Ribero is better off selling breakdancing lessons on videotape.
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ER: And in the End... (2009)
Season 15, Episode 22
Nice way to wrap up 15 years of relationships, happiness and the lives of our beloved staff from County.
14 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching the final episode after 3 months of binge watching on Hulu, which typically shows the unedited episodes from each series they carry. With the hospital dram genre still alive and kicking particularly on ABC and NBC, I hope they will leave any notion of reviving ER, in the delete box in the trash can before it becomes slated for a revival, but as time pushes the divide between the finale and the post ER lives of the original actors, the prospect seems less and less likely.
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Not as bad as the fan folks woul have you believe, but,...
30 June 2018
I had some issues with the story and some of the characters like L3-37, were just obnoxious. I understand we're in the midst of the #metoo movement but when I go to a movie, I go for escapees. I don't like being preached to. I can turn to CNN or TBN if I want a sermon and save $15 on a ticket too.
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ER: Freefall (2003)
Season 10, Episode 8
The helicopter took off flew over a shark came back and crashed on Romano
22 June 2018
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I personally found Romano to be one of the best characters on the show, kind of like J.R.Ewing with a lab coat, but just like the writers of Dallas, the writers had let the show go on for too long and when they began to run out of logical storylines for the characters, they just shoveled more and more crap on the screen like the episodes where Sam Taggert's criminal ex-husband became part of this elaborate prison break scheme to the addition of Tony Gates as the Don Juan of the ER,to Archie Morris finding out he had a bunch of kids vis a vis his donations to a sperm bank to deck crashing at Ray's house. My title says it all
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ER: A House Divided (2007)
Season 13, Episode 13
Not a good way to send out Kerri Weaver...
14 June 2018
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Viewers get to say goodbye to Kerri Weaver in a chaotic episode with little focus, but that's how emergency rooms are in general. I did find myself gettin frustrated at times with the severe ADHD storytelling style. The whole fourth block storyline with Alex and Sarah along with Leon Ames needed to be saved until the next episode, but I guess since the show was bleeding ratings, they needed to have some sort of cliffhanger so viewers would tune in the next week. I would have liked to seen a little more focus on the departure of Dr. Weaver. It certainly was not a bad episode. It needed more focus.
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ER: Here and There (2005)
Season 11, Episode 16
Way melodramatic, Neela episode
19 May 2018
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About this point in the network run of the show, I began to feel Neela was the whiniest, most melodramatic character in the show. This episode confirmed that opinion. That said, I liked the style of this episode. Told from two points of view simultaneously.
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ER: Alone in a Crowd (2005)
Season 11, Episode 15
This episode freaked me out.
17 May 2018
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I used to have focal motor seizures and they're a lot like the stroke Ellie had in that you're awake, but you can't voluntarily move, Cynthia Nixon does a great job with her inflection in her narration as someone who's trapped in her own body.
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The Week Of (2018)
Had potential, but...
27 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers takes far too long to get going before the Sandler Chris Rock dynamic begins. Instead the movie relies heavily on humor with the working class, Sandler, trying to put together a wedding for his daughter, whose fiancé happens to be the son of a Well-to do, plastic surgeon from Los Angeles(Rock). Much of the humor early on involves Sandler working on trying to put together a wedding at a shabby hotel, which seemingly drags on for the first half of the movie and drags on far too long. Sandler played the role of a working class Long Island Jew almost as a stereotype.
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Family Guy: Road to the Multiverse (2009)
Season 8, Episode 1
This is far and away my favorite episode of Family Guy!
21 April 2018
It's silly and irreverent, and takes no prisoners. While the premise is silly, I think that's what makes the episode so funny
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ER: Secrets and Lies (2002)
Season 8, Episode 16
One of my favorite episodes
13 April 2018
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It's almost a stand-alone episodes.Modeled after the John Hughes film, "The Breakfast Club." The episode really develops Luka's character as well as Gallant's
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Not for Trekkers
30 March 2018
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As many poor reviews as I've seen on this site and others, it's clear this film is far more for a newer younger audience, meaning viewers, who weren't old enough to the franchises from the mid 90's. As I've noticed over the years with the newer Star Wars movies beginning with The Force Awakens. Fans simply don't like change or evolution older characters. Abrams has Taken Star Trek in a direction which appeals to younger viewers and not the Trekkers who were around for TNG and the other shows. He's had to make them full of action and violence so the film will bring in more money on opening weekend. Not saying I'm a fan, but we have to face reality and concede, this ain't Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek.
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Splitting Up Together (2018–2019)
It's like an emasculation
29 March 2018
It makes men look dumb and lazy in what looks like what's almost painful situation for everyone involved. The two main characters come off as selfish and self absorbed, but then again, I shouldn't have expected anything less from the vapid mind of Ellen Degeneres.
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Roseanne (1988–2018)
Lots of nostalgia lovers on here, but...
28 March 2018
...unless they find some ways to advance the characters, it won't last very long I think it would have worked better as a reunion TV movie as opposed to a new season.
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Roseanne (1988–2018)
Funny, but has typical reboot problems
28 March 2018
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It was okay, a lot of the same type of humor, much as I suspected they brought Dan back from the dead in the style in which the producers of Dallas brought back Bobby Ewing in the 1980's after the infamous "dream season" though far less ceremoniously, but I don't see it going past its current 9 episode allotment, there's just not that much left to talk about. The dynamic between Jackie and Roseanne over politics was funny, but that's already been settled, plus how many characters is Sarah Chalke going to play before her chameleon characters are going to be on the show before that gets old.
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ER (1994–2009)
All time best medical drama!!
18 March 2018
Almost every creator of a medical Drama since the 1990's has tried to copy this shows formula, but with no avail. The workplace dynamics are beautifully interwoven into every episode. The likable characters have their flaws and even the villains have redeeming values, the best part is viewers don't necessarily know where the show is headed, a novel idea for 1990's era TV. It was a bold show for an era in which producers rarely went away from a show's standard format. I'm writing this entry on March 18,2018, while the show is streaming on HULU. It's a binge watcher for sure. Many of the social issues ER dealt with like LGBT rights and sexual harassment were brought to the forefront in this cutting edge drama
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