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A strange beast indeed
3 June 2024
It is hard to understand what the hype of this documentary is about. I seen plenty of these kind of documentaries when the basic theme simple dissolve in front of the camera since reality do not follow a script.

But the strange part is the good reviews and even prizes that this documentary got. It has a basic red thread and when that falls flat the documentary kind of tries out ten more possible stories. None of them works.

After reading some reviews it seems that some came to the conclusion that at least some of the people in the documentary has to lie. That is not my take on it. I see it as just a lot of loose threads, and no one can say anyting about them.

But for me the filmmaker seems to want to make a better story out of something that was probably nothing in the end.

I do not know if the documentary director wanted to bring herself into the documentary because she gets angry when things do not go the way she want it, and surprisingly she films her saying that too and question the people in the documentary.

It could be that she knowingly brings in the angle that she is the filmmaker and she do not know what to do when the story falls apart. Then she tries all angles to keep the documentary alive. But I do not think the story is such a meta story even though that would be interesting at least.
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Sudden Impact (1983)
Most engaging story of the five Harry movies
17 May 2024
I seen all the 5 Dirty Harry movies in a week. Three of them was very entertaining. Two of them did not really work. It seems like I am in agreement with most people regarding the two first beeing the strongest. But this movie is at least on par with them.

The bad guys here are so bloody nasty. But the heroine also goes way to far when she kill people who seem to regret what they did and are far from what they where at the time. But this dubious moral from her is what is interesting as well.

But the worst person of the antagonist bunch is just terrible and the worst of the worst, and he is still not cartoonishly evil. Because he feels like could be real. You really want the worst for this guy.

Too me this was the most engaging of the movies. The first Dirty Harry may have been the best acting. The second has such great and menacing camera shot out on the road. It is just a great motorcycle/car movie. And this one too me is the most engaging story and a disgusting psycho bad guy, that fits the bill for someone you want too see beeing "put away".
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Saltburn (2023)
A weak version of talented Mr Ripley
18 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Talented Ripley is one of the best movies I seen and this movie is clearly inspired by Ripley and Gatsby. But turn up the heat the last half an hour or so to an extreme of the movie. Then it is more like Ripley on steroids in a universe that really do not make sense.

The protagonist Oliver has the same kind of personality like Ripley, copying, blending in, using situations created by him to come in to the warmth of wealth, status and partying. But there is a huge differense. Ripley is interesting and you kind of get where he is coming from and in the same time he is mysterious. Also the environment in Ripley (Italy) is captivating in another kind of way. The environment plays a huge role in this kind of movies. And even though the extravagant parties in Saltburn are esthetical to the eye. They are not so much more than that.

Of course both psychopaths protagonists are monsters and terrible human beeings and in real life you would despise them and they are in many ways the lowest of a life form. But since it is a movie you have to keep the character interesting to keep the story going. A true psychopath with shallow goals do not get even remotely interesting.

But the worst part is that it is totally unreal. The police seems to not exist. This part must be done with intent. The movie is not taken itself serious. And this is a strange choice by the director. Because the first two parts are not like that at all. It becomes only obscene, kind of banal and extremely predictable.

At times I think it is not meant to be taken seriously at all. More like a parody on Ripley and on Gatsby and on ultra rich life. But it fails at this. I think in the end the movie is a beautiful estetic product with talented actors. But with a paperthin plot and paperthin personalites. But maybe that was the point of it all?
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Another Round (2020)
Interesting and novel approach on alcohol but with a clear magic reality infusion.
15 March 2024
Vinterberg is one of the best directors and one of the best of the new wave of Danish directors. Him and Susan Bier creates the best drama out there.

I would say his movie Hunt and the Celebration is far better. Those movies are very realistic but this one is kind of a little bit of both. When they try this experiement to during the day have a level of alcohol (somewhere between drunk and sober) all day.

The problem with the movie is that they act like they never seen alcohol before and threat it like a new state of reality. It is interesting that it kickstart something in Martin who is kind of sleep walking his way through life.

So that transformation is exciting. But if alcohol so easily could do that for him. Then he probebly would have used it more anyhow.

The experiment is kind of interesting but it is also a little bit of magic reality. Alcohol seems to have nearly magical new properties. Of course the negative part is is not shown in a too positive light. But that is not the issue I have with it.

It is more the new approach to alcohol and drinking it for mental health reasons in a controlled way seems to make the participants in the study to see alcohol like it is totally new. And that is hard to believe for me. But it is entertaining and interesting.

Of course they will not follow the recommended doses since they want a better effect. They reason that individuals may have different tolerance for alcohol. This is a little bit predictable and they seem to intelligent to be this naive and fall into that trap so easily. But maybe they knew what would happen but they wanted this change no matter what.

Anyhow it is a good story and Vinterberg is a top director. But still not his best work, but see it for yourself and see what you think.
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Peeping Tom (1960)
Probably based on a unethical experiment and later on will probably inspire the Red Dragon
13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Peeping Tom, Mark, in this movie is far worse than just a Peeping Tom. The movie is a lot about psychological torture and terrible upbringing. But this background story of Marks is not just taken from fantasy but have a very famous real story. The experiments made on the small toddler Alfred.

Alfred or poor little Alfred where subjected to the study of scaring him as a small child to test classical conditioning. The studies made Alfred scared of a lot of things by connected something he was neutral of (first it was rabbits) with something he was scared of (a scary loud sound). Later Alfred became scared of similair things like the object he was exposed of with the sound.

This experiment with very low ethics still yielded interesting results. Marks seems to hope his father work did the same with him... yielded a good study. And that kind of objectification of himself is scary and his father for him is everything, both a terrible person but also someone he wants to please.

The story arch of Mark also reminds me of fiction that will come later in the book Red Dragon (from the author of the silence of the Lamb) and there is also a movie of that book.

Here you have a love story and a good force in Marks life and the woman he meet makes Mark want to change and stop his terrible filming. Somewhat the same happens in the story of the Red Dragon and it is a struggle between inner demons and a good outer force. In the Red Dragon the woman the killer dated was blind and in Peeping Tom the womans mother who is significant for the story is also blind. The pain the killer feels when he sees that life could be different is visible since they can not get rid of their inner demons. So I see great overlap between the stories.
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Midsommar (2019)
A divider with great positives but some strong negatives as well
26 January 2024
I am from Sweden so I looked forward at watching this horror. For a Swede this is particular interesting since Midsommar is just such an innocent day of fun and some weird but harmless tradition. To twist that sounds like great fun to me. I mostly liked the movie and the strange part was ok to me and it was visually stunning at times.

The positive
  • The beginning really established how lonely the lead role character are. And how she is trying to survive after a just terrible trauma that takes everything away from her and I think that just matches the surreal events that will follow in Sweden.

  • The camera work is great and so is special effects like blurry vision and so on.

  • The buildings are not typicall swedish but more so connected to the iron age and viking age. This is combined with art similar to art from Hälsingland but with extra everything. It is a culture that has a lot from viking age combined with art and tradition from later times. Sometimes it is very foreign for a Swede but I think I understand where the director and the creator want. It is a mixed of ages combined with ideas of their own.

  • It catches a lot of how a cult operates. Not the over the top stuff of course but the other things. Mostly how they recruit new people. How death is seen as a good thing to elevate to someting higher. How they target a person that lost everything to become her new family. And tradition and over the top believings keeps everything together.

The negatives

  • Well there is really one that by far excedes everything else and bring down my score with two stars. The nature is completely wrong. It is not Sweden and you see it instantly when they arrive. This is shot somewhere else and it is so off that it takes you out from the experiense for me several times. Everything is wrong, the threes, the flowers, the surrounding nature. This is not the way Sweden look like and as a Swede our nature is very important to get some kind of feel that this is Sweden. I have no problems with tradition buildings and so on was off. This is the way of this cult and this things are cleverly taken from different times in Swedish history and added with new elements that this cult has. That is completely ok for me and even done in intersting and intentional way. But then you just have everything taken place somewhere else probably pretty far from Sweden. Since Midsommar is all about nature and this movie capture this as well it kind of gets absurd when it is so very obvious for every Swede that this is not Swedish nature. It will not bother none swedes though so for them this weird choice will not disturb the experience at all.

All in all a beautiful movie that just made one fatal error.

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A welcome return of an old friend
11 January 2024
A nice children story that has a lot going for it for big children like me to. I have seen the old trolltider when I was young it was a strong story back then as well.

The new series is great at making the viewer want to know what will happen. All in our family enjoyed it a lot.

The biggest mistake in the series is the stone trolls. They are not at all in par with other effects and every time you see them you will wonder what the hell is that (they look like a bad creation made by kids with a couple of stones and a glue tube)

You can see that SVT spent some time making this troll world come to life. The cozy x-mas environment is fitting for a advent calender series.

The only negative besides the stone trolls is the little elves living inside ones home... is a popular trend during December in families. After this it will probably be even more popular and it is a strange tradition (and one of the most time consuming).
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Encanto, spiderman, Iron Man and Transformers in bad mix
20 November 2023
This movie main core is family and how important that is. Sure that would be fine enough except this is the most cartonish annoying family you will see in a while.

This movie has two actors that are ok and that is Xolo (protagonist) and Susan Sarandon (antogonist). Susan really is killing it and they should base much more of the movie on her.

Javiers (Xolo) family is as I mentioned before just like annoying stereotypical personalities on speed. Outside the family is Bruna (Jenny Kord) so unbelivable in any kind of position in the Kord company. She just does a terrible performance in this role.

The bug suit is kind of cool in the beginning but you loose interest in that in like five minutes. We have seen similair suits before.

Many complain on the latest hero movies like Flash, Quantumania and so on. But they are still ok movies. This is just not that... and this character will not be in any other movie I hope.
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Gaslight (2023– )
This is how you do it and how you not do it in the same time.
25 October 2023
It is hard to say what I think about this series because it has two sides. One is the relationship with Nora and Simon. And the other one is all the rest of characters and how they set the tone and drive the story.

The first part is really good (Nora and Simons relationship), it is scary to see how Nora falls deeper in to some kind of dependence and Simons mental instability hurting her and himself all the time. It is creepy and kind of twisted but for anyone knowing how this kind of relationships can be it is not unreal. In fact it is unusual since you get kind of closer to Nora and Simons relationship then what you usually do in this kind of series.

But then you have the weak point and it is all the rest. Especially Noras friends and Simons ex but also Simons mother. They all act strange. Simons mother is good for the story when you here her in the phone. You get an understanding of how tough Simons upbringing may have been. But they go to far with her when Nora and Simon meet her at Simons place.

Simons ex act in a way that is hard to understand. If she truly knows how crazy Simon could be she would just want to stay away from him and his life.

And the worst is Noras friends. They are an annoying bunch of people that do extremely absurd things all the time.

So all in all. I would recommend this series but know that it has huge flaws. Just take your focus on the relationship between Nora and SImon and try to stomach that the rest is just not that good. If you do that you may appreciate the series for what it is.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Why do people like so over the top feel good series or movies
13 October 2023
Unfortunatly for me this is the case with this dumb down characters and strange and scripted behaviour. I personally have a very hard time understanding the positive aspect of this series. This is positive or funny in the same way that a person immitating fart sounds all the time is. It is repetetive and it goes on and on. Sure it is meant to make us feel good and say boy this Ted Lasso guy is really nice. That would be ok if they really put some effort in to it. But that is seldomly done in the feelgood chategory of series and films. It is in your face like the person making fart sounds.

It is constant and it is so obvious. Instead to me it is sad. I only think that someone wrote this and not for one second do I get sucked in to the suspension of disbelief. Sure commedy could be like that. It could be a tone, like a commedy in itself that it is so over the top scripted or like in an alternative universe. But this is not the case here.

Here for sure is a chategory that I would like really to be good bur nearly ever is. I have seen some succed with cozy atmoshpere and get in to the feel good chategory that way- And movies that may seem sad but really potray humanity in a very hopeful way like Little miss sunshine for example.

But this chategory of movies and series will prevail. Fortunallly for me there is not room for too many of this kind of series and movies. I think in a way that would destroy the magic for those who so easily have this feeling of feel good. No matter of how scripted and fake and in your face it is.
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The Devil's Plan (2023– )
Started with a very good game (terrorist) but is very uneven
28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This game is fun and start of with a real interesting game, terrorist who should spread a virus. This game is all about strategy and being skilled at acting. It was very entertaining and the ones who won that was just very good at the game.

Then it continue with an extremely silly board game with rules changing. In the end it is still a lot of chance and get in a big group. This is not intelligent design by the game creator. Because it was so easy to rip up the first game result and that game needed skill. This not so much.

It is a pitty because they really had something there, but they lost their way and landed in a game that no one wants to see.
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Hit and miss from a good series to a not so good movie.
7 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I review this in English even though it is a Swedish movie simply because if someone english speaking saw this with subtitles they can at least somehow get what they watched.

This is a continuation of the series bonusfamiljen. A series that was well acted and had a good manuscript. It was always kind of on the edge of what is to painful in life to have it as a comedy but it kept that line with perfect skill. It handled really heavy subjects like the male protagonists fathers deadly disease. To painful relationships fights and the feeling of life not matter anymore. But it is also in the pain you would find meaning and warmth and so on. It was true to our humanity.

This movie did not have this finger on the pulse that the series had. It was way to bleak. It was also kind of preachy in a strange way. But more so in the way that you should know when you should not stay in a relationship.

I have heard this many times from relationships expert on TV that to many couples stay to long together. This movies seem to have picked up on that. But they forget that the therapists have a stake in that. Is that not a way for them to cover their own ass when things go to hell as it probably does many times after couple therapy, making their effort impossible since it was doomed from the start? Sure it limit the use of couple therapy as well so it is kind of contra productive. But it is preachy and the series never was that.

This movie also have one of the character dying.. This only becomes bleak and looses everything of its former way of trying to find humanity. Therefor the low rating I assume.
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Better than one would suspect from a very bad beginning.
29 June 2023
This movie has one of the worst five minutes or something to start the movie with. You will think the movie is an utter b-movie after that. But that is not really where it lands. In fact it is rather well acted and have a rather good horror feel to it. The two sisters are good actors and in fact I feel this could have bin a rather good movie without the horror. All actors are unusually good for a movie of this kind.

I have not seen the 2013 version of Evil Dead. This is a very gory movie and as such it sometimes get a little bit overboard with the gore. But it is well made and usually gore of this kind destroys the movie and just make it a gore fest. Not this time though even though it may come close at times.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Great series but way to short.
30 March 2023
This is an adaption of the game last of us. And it fleshes out side characters way better than the game I have to say. It has some really strong episodes that is just great in itself.

But it has one problem and it is way to short. The main characters take time to flesh out and feel for. And when we do that the series ends. The ending that in the game is just top notch and food for thought does not work as well in the series. The reason for that is very simple. It is the same problem that the game of thrones had in the end.

It just goes way to fast and the dramatic ending do not feel at all as dramatic as in the game. This series should have bin twice as long. When the actors give it all and the enviromnment is this good and it has everything going for it. It is a waste that it just ends when it started.
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Host (II) (2020)
Dumb dumber
9 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen several of this from the screen of a computer movies. In a way they feel kind of real because many of us have sat by one of those screens and had a zoom or skype meeting. But this is just silly and most of this movies is. First the pandemic just sickens me with its tiresome logic. A woman in clear danger puts on her bloody masks when she goes out. Insane... like anyone would think of that in a situation like that. Also when two persons meet the greeted eachother with the elbows....instead of hugging eachother. So dumb.

Also this movie is rewind repeat rewind repeat. Over and over again.
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Great story misunderstood and not for kids (and not for the gory details)
17 January 2022
This story is multilayered and not as straight forward or as simple as many of this kind of stories are. It takes Joker and Batman serious and tries to explain two people cut in a way from the same cloth going completely different paths and in the same time taken the same route.

A little bit like the paradoxal reality between Ying and Yang... being the counterpart of someone makes that someone in a way having the properties that you do not want to have and therefor in a way are obsessed about.

Batman and Joker have this strange relationship always wanting to change the other. But on the same time never accepting the other because that would lead to a place they can not be in. In the end Jokers killing joke made the reality more blurry and maybe someone finally came to the conclusion of how this stale mate need to end?
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This is how you do an ending. Near perfection of one of the hardest part in this kind of series
7 January 2022
This series has so much going for it like chemistry between the actors and characters with real personalities and history. Peter played by Robert Gustafsson really fit like a glove for the part and this is his best acting by far. The the end of season 2 it will not let you down. Rather the opposite it is just one of the best ending of its genre. This seems like it was thought of from the beginning. It is so well executed. This is centered around two of Swedens most scandalous crimes (in regards to that one is malpractice by the court system and the other one is crime from within the police).
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Lyckoviken (2020– )
A singer that needs to learn basic acting skills but a decent plot in the beginning
29 December 2021
A series that have many similarities with the old time soap opera like Vita lögner. But somewhat better since the plot have a somewhat more focused theme (a murder).

The acting is ok but subpar from a singer from Eurovision acting a plumber in the series and he really needs to do some acting preparation before he does a scene. Also an actress returning from the states in the show always looks like she is acting. When this two are in same scene it is nearly comical and the only thing you think about is that they are acting. I hope both can do better than this.
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Nonsense movie
27 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This kind of movies are generally not my favorite but there have bin some good during the ages. This one is just silly. Here a father tells a story to his daughter: he was a kid and wanted nothing more than a 8 bit Nintendo. The Nintendo fans gets a little bit of nostalgia but not much... so this is not as much for the Nintendo lovers as one would suspect. But the thing that is really annoying about this movie is the nonsense ending. A father giving a gift that the kid did not wish just because the father enjoyed that as a child and he did not listen one second to what his son really wanted. This is praised like a fantastic gift in the movie and he is seen as father of the year. The gift he gave was something I would never give as a Xmas present but something I would like to do with my son and plan together. But not this father full of himself banning the kids own wish for his own fantasys.
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The Undoing (2020)
Very well made show but not making it to the finish line.
23 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show has nearly everything you would want in the first five episodes. Sure it has logical faults and strange things happening in the trial. But that does not matter too much for me. It is a criminal drama with good acting and great filming. It has a mysterious aura to it.

'Warning do not read this if you want to see the series* In the end it has the problem that so many stories do of this kind of nature and that is the ending. The end simple does not do the series justice. It is not smart mysterious or add anything and it is kind of banal. In fact it is also strangely bombastic. The ending felt like someone built up a story with pointing the finger to one person all the time and then just say I told you so.
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Lost potential
7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series have some things that really works. The main actors playing Falcon and Winter Soldier and mostly Baron Zemo are good. But it always feel like something more is going to happen and it never does. Zemo is underused and they could have done so much more with that character. Falcon's speech feels more for us watching the series than anyone there. It is also a confusing speech and all over the place. It has what I would call "soft" enemies that never feels like they are any dangerous at all.
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Just pure brilliance and truly unique
21 July 2021
This movie is so special. I kind of got that feeling when I saw the poster. But that it would be this multifaceted really was a surprise.

A kid detective nearly identical to a kid novel like Enid Blytons books. Very intelligent but kind of full of himself solve cases for kids and adults (small crimes). Suddenly a real case the missing girl Grace emerge. He could not solve it and he was not as certain of himself as he once was. Fast forward to him as a adult and he is depressed into substance abuse and still a detective of minor cases. Suddenly a real case again emerge. This time a kid has been stabbed to death 17 times and his girlfriend want to know who did it.

This movie evoke a broad range of emotions. It has a kind of dark humor, a kind of innocence, but also gut punches you with scary scenes and story twists. The end is pure brilliance. It is so multi layered.
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Secular Talk (2008– )
Informative with the heart on the right place but sometimes not very good research and faulty conclusion because of that.
24 February 2021
Kyle is generally very good in informing his audience about the advantages of a social democratic society to a very right wing country (US). A view that is fact shared with many americans when you do polls of issue by issue.

Sometimes Kyle though is not very informed when he presents news and opinions about countries abroad. He also could simplify news to make a point and unfortunately miss the mark entirely. When this happens you get kind of surprised that he did not do better background research for the story he talks about.

His strong suit is american politics.
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WOW, finally thats what I want. From a former sceptic of avenger movies
26 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Two Avengers movies where produced before this one. One crappier than the other. It had no nerve no nothing. It feelt like Harlem Globetrotters just winning easily over weak enemies.

Suddenly all the fun is over for in comes Thanos and now its deadly serious. This Titan has power beyond understanding and his goal is decimating all the universe population in half.

He is a scary enemy a determined and yet in a way kind of melancholic about his mission. He understands and even empathise with his enemies but it wont matter because he is on quest to better the universe. This is Thanos show and now the Avengers, spiderman, Dr Strange, Guardians of the galaxy and Black panthers Wakanda all fight him and they all find themself in a scary revelation. This story is not about them anymore. Its about Thanos.

This movie is epic to say the least.
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The Shack (I) (2017)
Way to high IMDB score.. most people will hate it.
13 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Probably a lot of christians voting on this movie. Still its kind of interesting to see for everyone else aswell. But for one reason only, the childish take on a trauma that some christians have. First its not really adding up.. if you knew that god and all that fairy tale stuff was real why would you care that much if anyone dies. Theres an afterlife and that would be the best comfort for dealing with a loss. It would bring you immense joy if you dealing with a loss. This is so obvious.. but because most religous people faith is not really that strong they kind of forget this very obvious truth.

When you have such a terrible trauma that this father had. You can go several way in telling this story. A simple revenge story with a hunt for the killer. Generally not a very good movie but better that this one atleast. Or you could tell the story of a man dealing with a trauma his own guilt and how that effect the family. A much more mature way than the revenge story and the road this movie take.

I would never bring up a fantasy and try to deal with such big issues like death in my family with a fairy tale book. Its kind of sad really. How do you handle other serious issues in life when you have a Narnia world to explain everything, How can you be a adult in life when you have this kind of explanations for life and death going on in your brain. It may seem innocent when its about forgiveness but most psychosis have positive parts aswell.

When we grow up we have to realise that there is no Papa or Mama that will care for us always. Thats the infant look on life and they should have it because they need it. An adult have to take the hard road and deal with harsch realities if we want to stay somewhat true what we are.
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