
11 Reviews
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OMG this is utter trash!
13 June 2023
I've been watching this series since the inception. In the early seasons, it used to be pretty good. It then began to go down hill. Season 6 was iffy. I almost gave up on season 7. Season 8 is utter trash! I watched the first episode of season 8 and thought to myself, WTF? I watched half of the second episode of season 8 and deleted the entire series from my DVR and canceled all future recordings! How is this even on TV? I echo all of the other 1-star reviews here. The acting is horrible! The stunts are horrible! The dialog is horrible! You can predict what is coming in the script! The child actors are horrible! It's laughable how much this series and degraded. They should have pulled the plug on this show three seasons ago. AVOID!
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The Hunt (II) (2020)
Betty Gilpin was great in this!
31 October 2022
I wasn't going in with high expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised. The satire is great and pokes shots at both the liberals and the conservatives. The plot kept it interesting, and the lead actress Betty Gilpin (Crystal in the movie) was great. It was a fun movie that kept us entertained and the logic for the characters with being hunted was spot on. They did a great job of creating some back-story for the plot which helped a lot. The cinematography was beautiful and the acting was believable. Let me just say that the good side wins in the end. I'll leave it there for all of you liberals.
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Flyboys (2006)
Inaccurate mess!
16 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
An American pilot lands in no mans land to rescue a downed pilot who is pinned. He cuts off his hand with one swipe from a trench shovel! Aerial combat is a joke. They fly around like Tie fighters! Who knew the Germans had 30 or so Dr. I's painted all red all fighting at the same time in the same squadron!
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Unhinged (I) (2020)
Awful, predictable, stupid!
7 August 2021
Very predicable. The mom does utterly stupid things in the movie. Even my wife who usually doesn't pick up on stupid stuff said, "She should..." (I won't give it away). Crowe was good. Was that his actual weight? He's huge. During the movie the camera does a close up on something that is going to be a key element in the upcoming scenes. It's like the director wanted to give you hints because he thinks we're too stupid to follow along. I admit, I am stupid for wasting 93 minutes of my life watching this awful mess! Steer clear.
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Hiroshima (1953)
A Japanese movie trying to blame America using a German reference
21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off, they depict Hiroshima as some innocent target in Japan with only civilians and kids going to school. Hiroshima at the time was the Second General Army Regional headquarters. They also had the Army Marine Headquarters located at Ujina port. The city also had large depots of military supplies, and was a key center for shipping. It was a military target!

Spoiler: They depict a boy reading from a German book about the aftermath of the atomic bomb trying to skirt blame from German atrocities. "I'm sure it's because Japanese are colored." "It's not as simple as Pearl Harbor or Bataan." "The attack was on the defenseless".

The entire movie tries to draw you in by showing school children as the victims. Sure, they were victims however it was a legitimate military target.
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Da hong zha (2018)
OMG this is bad, really bad!
4 October 2020
I think Bruce Willis was cast in this movie to boost the ratings. Um, it didn't work. Poor acting, really poor CGI, comical Japanese bomber aircraft! I don't know how they got Bruce to commit to this garbage but man, this is bad! Avoid even if you like Bruce. This is terribly bad!
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A nice family movie that should have been titled "Buck".
4 March 2020
It was a nice family movie. I was expecting something a bit different but nonetheless it was enjoyable. It has amazing CGI for the dogs. I mean amazing. The CGI wasn't too overly done but at times it made Buck's expression to human-like. A good portion of the movie includes too many closeups of Buck. There were a few heartfelt moments. The movie should have been called "Buck".
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The Purge (I) (2013)
Stupid characters and a god-awful script.
4 March 2020
Terrible! The has to be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. The script was so stupid it was abysmal. Who actually thinks this stuff up and thinks it's going to be good? Many cheap overly predictable scare sequences that are not scary. Stupid characters. Avoid at all costs and save yourself the time you will waste watching this trash.
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Delightful dark comedy with great lead actresses
17 September 2018
My wife an I were pleasantly surprised by this gem. The two lead actresses did a great job. The first half of the movie kept you engaged. The second half dragged a bit but overall it was a very good film!
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Book Club (I) (2018)
Simply awful.
11 September 2018
Are you kidding me? This has to be the worst movie I have ever seen! I had to sit through it because the in-laws wanted my wife and me to see it. Truly an awful movie! The acting was flat. Fonda was horrid. The script was juvenile as were the "jokes". Nothing was funny about this movie except the fake looking stage set scenes (fountain scene and airplane in flight scene). There is drinking in practically every scene! I mean everyone is drinking in just about every scene in the movie! The music that plays during the cut-scenes is loud and sophomoric. Amateur production values. It seemed like all of the actors were just going through the motions to read their lines and get this movie over with. If Fonda smiled anymore in this film she would have cracked her face. The budget for this film was 10 million. It shows. They paid the actors and little else! Steer clear of this dog!
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It started out okay. Then crying Martha Raddatz is exposed.
6 December 2017
I should have known that when Martha Raddatz was crying on election night because Trump won the election that she would influence a leftist propaganda set piece. That's exactly what this is. I sat through the first few episodes. They were merely okay. Then the bias set in. I told my wife I see where this is going. She agreed. Peace-love and Americans in war-time are the problem. Avoid!
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