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Most generic movie i've watched since Titanic
22 July 2018
When my mother told me about a new horror film she wanted to see I thought it was this one. So I bought the film for 3.99$ at the redbox & I believe other than that time I accidentally watched a child drown this was the biggest mistake of my life. A boring plot with some doll that wasn't scary. An orphanage where they some-how could afford a mechanical chair to drive up and down the stairway and a doll house with real working lights. Give me 10 breaks.

All of the characters are painfully boring. I thought before that girl got hit by the car at the beginning that the haunted doll was driving but it wasn't.......

The dude that looks like disco inferno just angrily stares at all the girls the whole film and when the action sequences come into play it's already too late. My father was on his chair falling asleep and I had to keep getting up from the kitchen table to walk around because it was really that boring. I thought Children of the corn: Runaways was bad but let me tell you.

When I watch movies like this it just reinforces my ideals that President Donald trump needs to continue to make America great again because believe me. This movie exists and that means America ain't great.
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S is for s hit
7 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was a bit intrigued when I read that there are 27 different directors working on this film but I didn't know that most of these for the ABC's would be so juvenile. They stray away from what it means to be a horror film and after viewing this pile of a waste of time I now know several upon several short films don't equal a good long one. Falling asleep half way threw this garbage fest and if you can believe that ever single one of these directors couldn't make a good film to save their lives then believe me, this is a stay away. I read on here that someone called this a "courageous" film. NO, The answer on this test is NO. You should award me the purple heart of courage for having the ability to sit though this. 2 out of 10 and it's a sloppy review but still this is better than Tremors 5
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Tremors 5: Bloodlines (2015 Video)
I want Jamie Kennedy to suffer a slow painful death
29 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the corniest horror film I think i have ever seen. There are so many different scenes which I am assuming are jokes where something is peeing. Michael Gross, Jamie Kennedy, The Lion and this is what i'm thinking an underlying tone from the writers. As if the producer knows how horrendously bad this film is. There are 3 great atrocities of mankind. The holocaust, Slavery, and Jamie Kennedy's acting. To be frank Tremors didn't need a sequel let alone 4 of them. This is the pinnacle of really really bad movies. I can't think of many that's worse than what's playing in front of me right now. Fake Australians accents, horrible script writers, and a cast that would make Roger Ebert want to come back to life and commit suicide. Buddy comedies are disgusting to begin with and this is certainly no exception. There are new morphs called "Ass blasters" but sitting here feeling the pain in my O ring I can honestly say I was the one that was ass blasted. I wish IMDb had a option lower than awful. Strong to medium 0
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Evil Dead (2013)
Evil Dead was Evil Crap
16 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
2 out of 10 for this one. Switched it up this week after watching a prime fighting tape me and the man Neil threw on this horror screw up. Got this for Christmas and let me tell you that it was sort of better than the first I viewed last week "She's Crushed" or "Crushed" it certainly wasn't funner. I had 4 shots and I don't know how many drinks but even then when having a good time this hour and a half sleeping pill almost did me in.

Poor selective cast though a lot of money was poured into it and didn't have much to do with the first evil dead film. The characters were largely forgettable and the plot was nothing spectacular. I would write more but other than the fact that the blonde haired dude with the glasses reading the evil which caused the demon to come out, other than that boring plot twist not much happened until the bathroom scene and the scene in the woods with the chainsaw.

This has mixed reviews going up and down and I should have paid more attention but this pile of bile couldn't keep my interest. Not worth the 20 bucks when it came out maybe It's good for a pick up in the bargain bin.
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Crushed (2009)
She's Crushed crushed my movie watching will
9 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
If you thought R. Sloppy thought that voodoo moon and haunting of the innocent was at the bottom of life's barrel then wait until you rent from red box the film no one is talking about "Crushed" or "She's Crushed" This movie is what big Neil would call God Awful. This has to be one of the worst films I have seen in a while and I tried running through the Friday the 13th bore fest. The acting is horrendously bad. The story made no sense and had constant jump scenes which I think was trying to be transition cuts? Scenes that had nothing to do with the original plot but I don't think this film had a plot, the website was a sticker on the actual movie disc I mean this is even low for red box standards. They make full moon productions look like Top Gun. TOP GUN!

The bald side line character was doing in prov for every single line and was vocally the most racist character in any film ever. The name does make some sense because she is a girl who gets crushed by 'Ray' though it doesn't really explain why and how she had intercourse with him made absolutely no sense. She picks him up on the side of the road 'without knowing who he is' brown out drunk and goes to town. If your into that... then

Don't bother with this one folks. I would rather break beer glass bottles in my hands by squeezing them then shove them into my eyes. It's that bad.
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