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The King (I) (2019)
historically inaccurate
3 November 2019
The battle of Agincourt as presented in the film has nothing to do with the actual events. And cause of this was a huge disappointment. It makes no sense to me why is it so difficult for so many movies to stay in the facts. When it is a film about the battle of Agincourt I want to watch and learn what actually happened those hours, and not a fantasy story.
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A Private War (2018)
Wars are not supposed to be private
31 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I doubt that what I just watched was the best example of good journalism. Marie Colvin as a person and reporter was obsessed, disturbed, and maybe suicidal. I think she was too sensitive for that job.

The Arab Spring turned to be an Arab Nightmare but it took 3 years to the mainstream journalists to start spelling it. The revolution in Syria ended as a proxy world war that even today we cannot be sure of its outcomes. The story was way much bigger than the simplistic version of an evil Assad. And she missed it.

I think her death was in vain. RIP. The world is not insensitive as she thought. People cares. But things are a little more complicated than what she could understand.
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the vanishing of good movies
22 April 2018
Yes it started well but at the second half the movie really falls apart rapidly. Young student Sidney is a charming guy and in the begining it was fun to watch his life but the adult Mr Hall is a boring man with a phony story. Plot soon becomes ridiculous just like a cheap soap opera drama
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Who Am I (2014)
There holes in this story as big as the Death Star!
18 March 2018
That film tries too hard to be cool but it really isn't. The script is full of childish taglines and moreover there is an exaggeration on everything as also most of the cliches someone could expect to find in a film about hacking. It would make more sense tf it was produced on 90s but for 2014 is a film behind it's time.
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Last Shift (I) (2014)
fun for horror fans
11 July 2017
The film is totally underrated. The viewer will sympathize the hero since the beginning of the scary incidents and will suffer along with her during all this escalation of horror. I understand the low rating as the "Last shift" sometimes it gets quite brutal and actually it gives pure horror. For some people Last shift might become "heavy" for their stomach (or heart).

The only negative is it does not present anything innovative that could add something really new.
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Watching one more fast food cinematography
2 July 2017
That film was like a bad joke! What was wrong with the original Excalibur myth and those guys thought it would be a good idea to change it for making a stupid tale for 10 years old kids? The original myth and (its cinematographic version of 1981) is beautiful. This Guy Richie film of 2017 is crap. That was a captain America style or Iron man version of the so much beautiful Excalibur story. Fast food art, and then go to the toilet and leave it out, and be happy.
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Raw (2016)
very... Frenchy
4 June 2017
I do not know, but this movie gets so disgusting at some points that I was thinking that I should rate it with 1, but after watching the last five minutes of the ending, I changed my mind and wanted to rate it with 10. The movie is a little insane btw, so it is confusing if I like it or hate it.

Besides the thrilling you get the film also presents in an accurate way the French culture which happens to be very kinky and sick. Like most French are smoking, drive irresponsible, bath is not their favorite activity, so I think the movie is just another confirmation that French are weird people.
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Life (I) (2017)
good horror, poor sci-fi
2 June 2017
If you are looking for a great sci-fi film you better stay away from that flick. Surely not the best sci-fi because there are too many logic errors that you just can't miss them.

But it is a great horror film with Kalvin the alien neutralizing everything on its way.

The best in the film is that this alien is evil as hell! That thing is really thirsty for blood!

I will probably watch it again someday.
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The Martian (2015)
super overrated crap
28 May 2016
I just wanted to watch a sci-fi with some good action, and -who knows?- maybe something new to learn there. And I got nothing at all.

In The Martian almost half of the movie is about CNN correspondents, people in Times Square cheering and partying for Mark, and meaningless NASA dialogues with Chinese Space Agency.

I almost had the feeling that the most serious problem of the lost astronaut was that he couldn't update his facebook profile. And all those calculations about the days left to save him... Like anyone watching the film gives a damn about the days left before his food ends. It becomes so predictable that one way or another he will try to escape instead of waiting and starving.

I cant believe the director of Aliens and Promitheus is the same with the one who did the martian. Total failure!
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Avatar (2009)
3D utopia
11 May 2016
James Cameron with his "Avatar world" is just trying to show an Utopian society and how perfectly it works, probably reflecting his simplistic political conclusions.

Peace, prosperity, equality, freedom, love, the story everyone wants to hear and believe. Karl Marx, Jesus, Jim Jones, Hugo Chavez, and many others, told the people the same beautiful story and they all failed to change the world (or the people). At least for the best... Maybe this is why they call it utopia.

Evil capitalism, evil companies, and our evil society, and it seems you have a well made Avatar story. Yeap.. This is what you basically get by that plot as a bottom line.

Yes in that film a group of evil capitalists destroyed Earth and now they want to destroy Pandora's utopia. My response to that kind of story is a LOL.

Highly recommended film for those who dream to live in the jungle.
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The most underrated film
7 May 2016
I am not sure that I have ever seen another film before that presents and criticise so well the all human nature. Which summarily can be told as "conquer or submit".

I strongly believe that if a person, a nation, a society, a civilization, or a specie, lose its will power to conquer others, it is finally doomed to be submitted to others. Being a master first of all means that at least you are not a slave.

What I love in the Starship Troopers is that it shows in a unique way both that the war is a waste of human resources and how unethical might result to be, but also how necessary for your own survival is to rule others. In that film humans are no better than those alien bugs, but also they are no worse. They both just trying to dominate the other side for reasons that goes too deep to explain.

So Starship Troopers is an epic tribute to the nature of war and at the same time is one of the strongest satirizing war films. Even more is satirizing not just war, but mainly using a war as a reason to satirize the core of the human nature. It is both militaristic and anti militaristic without presenting a simplistic nationalist or a simplistic leftist point of view. We all know if it wasn't the USA it would be the USSR or if it wasn't the British empire it would be the German empire, and so on if it wasn't the French it would be the Spaniards or the Dutch. There always be an enemy and if you don't fight him, he will fight you. Verhoeven's Starship Troopers is a philosophical paradox that in this story judges humans for their fight of their own existence. It is like doing the right thing, for the right reasons, but you can never win without doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons. Paradox!

Other popular films with similar subject, like Avatar or Independence Day, they are not even close to the full perspective of ST.

Surely is one of the most underrated films. It should be in top 50 at least.
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Apocalypto (2006)
Best film made for Maya (or Aztecs)
21 March 2016
Most of the times before I rate a film with 10 stars, I read the most negative reviews, so at the end to be a little more objective in my judge.

First to say, that the film is one of the most enjoyable I have ever watched, and this is the reason I have watched it more than five times, and each time it achieves to thrill my imagination.

Even though I am a European and I know only few about the Medieval civilizations of America, I have to say that watching that film again and again never left me the wrong impression that those American societies were inferior to the Europeans. I think that what the film is doing, is to present those societies violent enough to impress us (the modern viewers).

I think that for the big majority is obvious that the film is not based on true facts, but also I think that it doesn't trying to represent those people as savages. What it tries to do is to present them as more... interesting.

This movie doesn't have any racial motivation. This conclusion is just an unreasonable "conspiracy theory".
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Ravenous (1999)
Eat or Die
20 March 2016
The main subject of that film is not based on real facts. Eating other people doesn't make us any stronger or healthier in real life. But if indeed made us feel stronger and healthier, I bet we would eat each other as this is the basic rule of evolution. Only the stronger will survive.

So if the question is eat or die, then the right answer is that nobody wants to die.

About the film was well made and is some parts you might find a hidden sense of humor, and also actors are good. Besides the protagonist is a very good one. It is a fair choice for a horror movie, won't leave you disappointed.
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Bone Tomahawk (2015)
Slow and good
11 December 2015
That film reminds a little the "13th Warrior" of 1999 with Antonio Banderas. But I watched both films in a couple of days and I think that the "Bone Tomahawk" is much better. Although both films are entertaining, the "Bone Tomahawk" is a little more thrilling.

Some people might say is a slow movie. But why a slow movie should mean that the film is necessarily bad? Anyway was not for me, and slow can be also good. It would be too boring to see those cowboys killing and slaughtering Indians for the all 120 minutes... It is just much more interesting watching them talking, having their conflicts, shooting Mexicans, losing horses and legs, and stuff like that in their own pace...

It is a violent and bloody Western adventure. And it is good!
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A top 90s film
3 December 2015
"The Ninth Gate" is one of the best films ever made about the devil.

I cant recall any other film that presents the supernatural nature of evil in such a great atmosphere. And it is no surprise as is a Polanski's finest work, and Johny Depp does one of his greatest performance.

You don't see the devil in that film. It's only a weird obsession and an attractive idea for some kind of people. The Devil is shy and keeps his gates closed for anyone unless for the one. The Ninth Gate is just another game that must find a winner. That movie is so poetic. I have seen that film 3 or 4 times and never felt bored.

The ending of the film is perfect.
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John Wick (2014)
The bogeyman is back!
1 November 2015
I am glad to see that Reeves has returned back to action films as I think he is one of the best -together with Tom Crouz- in this kind of kick-ass films.

I found the acting of Reeves as playing Mr. John Wick, was (again) great. Reeves has class, -even with few some extra kg- and I like it.

But the plot was the absolute zero! It was like that...

  • Knock knock - Who is there? - The bogeyman. - The bogeyman who? - The bogeyman wanna beat to death your dog-killer son.

I think the public would appreciate something more than this simplistic plot. I can't compare that film with Matrix or Constantine... But in any case there are some very good action scenes here so it worths watching it one time, and that's it.
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15 October 2015
When you make a film at 2013 for WW2, then maybe, just maybe, you should add something new to this.

Repeating same things like all of the filmmakers before you about the same subject... well not going to help you much.

I think is not the worst WW2 drama movie but this doesn't even matter. It never gave me a new perspective of things or of the world and human history. Maybe coz it is the 134th film that I have seen about Nazi Germany.

If you want to tell an old story, tell it in a damn different way or at least do something innovative there.

You should skip this movie unless you have not seen too much movies of 60s 70s 80s 90s 00s about WW2 and Nazis.
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The characters told me.. nothing
1 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The main -and not only- problem with that film is that characters were as much boring as I could never imagine.

The main character is the worst of all. Something like a great father, and a great husband, who defies everything around him (British, war zones) so to achieve his purpose, and do everything well, and nothing ever goes wrong.

If that was the main character - a man who makes no mistake- then the acting from Russell Crowe was -again- not even close at any point of realism.

Maybe was not the acting so bad, but it was the story just awful, and the actors could not save the film in any way.

In few words my point is that this movie had nothing really to tell to the public. Is a soap-opera quality war drama wit parts a happy ending love story.

It was just so bad this film that is pointless to focus in details...
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Alien Outpost (2014)
That was a clever film
20 June 2015
I liked the realistic military action.

Relations between characters were also realistic, same with dialogues.

I liked that the story was as simple as could be (just some militants in an outpost trying to survive each day.

The Si-Fi element (weapons, aliens, invasion to Earth) made the film even better and more interesting.

Direction was also good, telling the story in a documentary way.

No big Hollywood stars here, low budget, but great movie, and as clever as "District 9". (But much less fancy).

I watched it together with my girlfriend that she did not liked the movie. But who cares? I loved it.
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Last Knights (2015)
A decent film
13 June 2015
I liked that this film was a transfer of a true story -that took place in the medieval Japan- to a European fantasy-world version.

This film is the story of the famous "47 ronin".

The film could be better if at the end the "ronin" were obliged to perform a seppuku for revenging their lord (daimyo) against the emperor's word. For some reason that didn't happened on the film.

But in overall it was a decent film. I watched it with a group of friends and we enjoyed it, and stayed focus on the film.

(In any case the original story of 47 ronin is much better, complicated, and interesting than the script of this film).
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