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Brazen (2022)
Plot was just dumb
22 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have not read this book. If the movie is like the book I don't understand why it's popular. Everything from the way the sisters act to the way the cops are. Just it's mind numbing. You know who the killer is the first time he talks to Kate and refers to his teacher by her first name. Red flag. Seriously, the way the relationship with the two leads is developed is not realistic. The police know the killer is targeting specific women from a specific site that they have the names too. Nope not going to warn any of them. Just no. I guess that I thought it would be an actual thriller. I have honestly seen lifetime movies with more realistic plots.
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Lamb (2021)
Too slow
29 October 2021
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I am all about weird or different themes in movies. This would have been a better watch if they didn't absolutely do every scene in what seems like real time. I don't know but, the slowness makes it even more of a let down when the end finally happens. Hard for me to see the nature versus nurture in a fictional being. Pretty much what humans do with their domesticated dogs and cats already and they don't have a human body.
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McDonald & Dodds (2020– )
Love this for the characters
7 August 2021
I love all crime shows. The grittier the better. This is not gritty by any means. It's the watching the two leads build their mutual respect for each other. If you want dark and gritty then watch Walander, Shetland or all the others that are truly great too. This is just not that type of show but, it's still a great watch for what it is.
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
Horror fan Treat
24 July 2021
This just shocked me in the best way. This movie entertains and just keeps it going throughout. Don't know but, I was cheering and screaming to the end. Can I just say that Elias is one bad a!! Little kid. Great ending.
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The Vigil (2019)
More than a horror
5 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ok, this isn't a bloody gore fest. This is psychological horror. The main character starts off weak and lost actually defeated by past circumstances. Over the course of the movie he is faced with his past trauma that has seemed to cripple him. I really loved how he fought the demon to in the end get his life back. This is definitely worth the watch if your not just looking for a remake of the exorcist.
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New take on old story
14 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I really thought this was awesome. I have seen many docs and movies about this serial killer. The perspective of the detectives and the survivors and witnesses is something I have never heard before. It really is a great watch. I was 20 in 1985 and lived in so cal in Ventura county. It was a total relief the night he was caught. Watching this makes you realize the work that went into catching him and just even finding out who he was and his name. Forensics have come so so far since then. This was engaging and fascinating imo.
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Sanctuary (I) (2019)
Unsure how to rate this.
14 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Gave it a five because it made me mad and/or interested enough to watch the whole thing. It really is a ridiculous premise for the doctors to believe they somehow have found the magic cure to rehab psychopaths but, the idea that an identical twin could have traded places with each other is totally nonsensical to them. Either way it's like a guilty pleasure series for me. The doctors egomaniac attitude is over the top.
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Reaptown (2020)
Liked it fine, until the ending sequence
24 October 2020
This movie was enjoyable. Not great but, I wanted to know what happened next. The ending of this was just a total let down because we the viewers are left totally clueless. Seriously, it's like the left out major scenes at the ending of this. The acting was good and for a low budget indie it could have been one of the better ones but, you can't leave your audience like that.
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The Silencing (2020)
Enjoyable enough
21 August 2020
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Liked this movie with the exception of the sheriff character. Willing to shoot and kill for her brother but, when it comes to the actual serial killer she wants him to go to jail. I don't know she bugged me from the time she shot Rayburn. Her driving around as law enforcement like no big deal from that point on just didn't feel like it fit or would ever happen. Other than that this is a good film.
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29 May 2020
This is such a great film. Covers Natalie Wood throughout her life and after. After watching this, I felt like nothing was left out or not touched on. These are the people that loved her and she loved back. Great memories and stories. Just a perfect watch.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Totally a 10 for a campy horror
9 December 2019
I am a total horror movie junkie. This is a great movie for this genre. People that rate this low like a four or less haven't experienced what a really bad horror movie is. Prime has many horror movies that are true one star productions. Anyway, if you like this genre then you will enjoy this movie.
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The Unicorn (2019–2021)
A total dud
24 November 2019
Love Walter G in all that I have seen him in. Read a few comments that he isn't good at comedy. Wrong. He so is. The HBO series that he plays the preacher in(can't think of the name) is very funny. I don't think any of these actors are as bad as this show makes Them seem like they are. Script and direction imo are the downfalls. It's just off or forced. I don't know Don't like it
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One Dollar (2018)
Would have liked season two Abby Washington case
24 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I am late to the game as far as catching this series but, really enjoyed it. Don't know how many people actually had access to it because until I added cbs streaming channel to my amazon prime I would never have seen this show. Anyway, all around good series about an American steel mill town that had definitely seen better more prosperous times back in the day. Series is centered around one crime but, touched on so many subjects from people hovering on and below the poverty line, racism in the work place. The end of society that works in the city and lives in the suburbs. Just a lot of issues shown. The acting was all around superb. Just sad it's had the plug pulled on it after season one.
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Best episode I have seen in years.
22 November 2019
Loved this story line and mad I have to wait till Jan to see the continuation. I have been watching svu since it started. Lately, I have been disappointed in many episodes and the blatant bias they show politically. I think the episode when the agent was arrested because of the whole border issue and the kid being separated from its parent. Like the picture of the kid in the cage that was taken during the Obama admin. Anyway, getting off track here. Love seeing the court segments that they have gotten away from for along time now. Having Sunny as a prosecutor is a smart move to bring the court scenes back to svu. Anyway, this episode was great and reminded me of the old law and order svu. Can't wait to see how it ends when the show returns.
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Paranormal Witness: Voodoo Preacher (2016)
Season 5, Episode 1
Betty Lou the dog is who should have lived
10 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Hated this lady for her total lack of awareness when her dog tries to warn her from day one. Dog tries to tell her don't open that attic door. Dog tries to tell her something bad is upstairs. Dog barks trying to warn her something behind you ready to push you down the stairs. What does this stupid lady do after being pushed by some invisible monster that her dog can obviously see and warn her about. She lets the dog run free outside and when said dog doesn't return she is annoyed at the dog for not being there to eat it's dinner. Dog was the voodoo monsters dinner lying dead out in the field. Husband comes home finds shredded dog and then stupid wife cries. Animals are intuitive to things humans aren't. This poor little dog is trying to warn her over and over and over. Sorry but, the dog and kid are the ones that should have survived.
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Paranormal Witness: The Fireplace (2015)
Season 4, Episode 9
Hard to believe
9 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, the show looks good.... what I have a total issue is them selling this as true. This lady I GET didn't have money to move but, she had family to go to. I just don't understand the reason behind staying and letting your cousin take your newborn and toddler while you hang back at your hell house. Just nothing about her staying after all the events she witnessed and her family witnessed makes any sense. I would have my kids gone gone gone from there before evil told me twice. Sorry this doesn't make sense. Her family or whoever plays tug a war with her, puts her into labor and she goes back there from having the baby. I just don't think that the events happened like the show says or if they did then she is lucky to have made it out of there after all she hung out for. And sorry on a rant now. Who would leave their newborn baby in another room after all that. Whatever just weird how much it took for her to leave and if she did have to stay why she didn't have her kids next her in that house at all times. I just can't grasp her actions.
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A.M.I. (2019)
Worst story ever
5 October 2019
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Is the acting bad? No not the worst ? Is anything other than the story incredibly awful? NO. I have seen my fair share of bad horror movies and just bad movies in general. This though, the suspension of disbelief is just to much. Is this movie supposed to spoof something that I missed? Every character in this movie is a psycho. I waited for the ending to see if maybe this was all in her head. It's not. Her app encourages her and tells her how to get rid of the bodies. Guess no tech company is responsible for the app and it's just a paranormal app. Ok I can take that. But, her bf her bffs her father they are all just hateful as well. So she was fine with the status quo of these people before this app. I don't know this movie is honestly just to me a money grab on the producers.
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The I-Land (2019)
Not the worst but, not excited about it either
13 September 2019
Reading most of the reviews for this I sense people are mad at Netflix for a lot of the shows they are cranking out. This one I agree isn't good. But, seriously people saying they think Netflix can't put out decent originals. Well I don't know about the rest but, Mindhunter, stranger things, sacred games, the kingdom and many more are awesome and highly entertaining. No network hits home runs all the time. As for me the shows I mentioned above are enough to keep my Netflix sub.
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Blatant scam calling this a movie
30 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this and I did watch it to the end... makes me feel bad for every movie I rated a one prior and seriously every low budget movie I have seen since I can't think of them as a one after seeing this travesty. This is a total vanity project that is two people that from what you see of where they live aren't that hard up for cash. Making money off this is just wrong. Can't even describe how bad this is. But, imagine you film you and your SO making out, driving home, getting mail out of your mailbox, going out to dinner and then sleeping. Basically this is the movie that they allude to as a horror movie about a place that has myths and legends attributed to said place but, you get none of the background other than them googling it. This is just awful and I watched it for free on Amazon. If I had paid any amount of extra cash to see this I would hate it more than I do. Don't buy this people. Don't let them profit off this. They put zero effort in this
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Awake (III) (2019)
More holes than Swiss cheese
26 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Things that make this not work for me Hole 1) Detective would be easily identified by his finger prints alone. Of course they would be on file he is a detective. So they would know who he was day one. Hole 2) This is never explained but, no police/detective/ even rookie on their first day would decide to drive the car that hello is the crime scene. Just no. Hole 3) Dead body can just disappear from the morgue and it's never noticed. Hole 4) Hired hitman can remove a gun and badge off his target and can't tell that they are still alive. Too many holes to go on What made this movie watchable at all to me was the acting. JRM has always been great. Loved him since I saw Match Point. Anyway, the four stars are for the acting and the six missing is due to absolute bad story.
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28 July 2019
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Watching Maria have her memories verified as correct gave me the chills. You watch her face as she is being told that where she remembers her mother's body being and the state of her mother's body is absolutely spot on with what happened. It's like she wasn't trusting her memory until it was verified. At that moment she goes from confusion to anger. This is one of the best crime documentaries that I have ever seen.
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Two types man or time. This is about the time
14 June 2019
I thought this was very good. The only criticism is that it should be under crime drama and not crime thriller. The crime starts the movie and then we see how time, guilt and life is changed for all of them due to that one event. Definitely one of the better flicks I have seen in the past few months.
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Duality of God and man shown to perfection
21 April 2019
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I love this movie because it shows and brings home the fact that Christ was a man and suffered like a man but, he is God and did this for us. The movie begins with clearly showing he is God and will not succumb to Satan but, banish him. Then we see him as a man who is betrayed and the complete and utter human sacrifice he knows he has to go through, is utterly terrified to go through it but, as God does it. The duality of this cant be explained to us and that is what faith is. This is just to witness what happened not to explain how and why like the bad reviews for this say. Faith is believing and knowing without an explanation.
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I See You (III) (2019)
Can't believe the 10 wow great movie reviews
17 April 2019
Really really!!!!! This is a 10 to these reviewers. Calling it awesome, wow and thriller ride. Well, most of those reviewers only have reviewed this one movie so they are either totally fake bots or they worked on this movie. It's getting to be a joke to check out reviews on this site because they are so fake. I need to find another place to check out films. Oh and this movie don't even bother.
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The Dirt (2019)
29 March 2019
I loved it. Laughed, cried, rocked out and enjoyed the hell out of it. I grew up with this music and remember the head lines on the news for the various tragedies they all went through. Seeing the back story though their eyes is what this movie is. To this day when their songs come on it is impossible not to rock out. Songs that stand the test of time. If your someone that hit their teens and twenties in the 80s like I did this is for you. Just watch it already
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