
12 Reviews
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High Anxiety (1977)
worth a look
6 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
While some may say pass on this one, I strongly disagree. If you are a fan of Mel Brooks and Harvey Korman humor, then this is right up your alley. I know a lot of the jokes are tongue-in-cheek, but hey , this was in the era before you could just drop the F-bomb every other word, and some call that funny or great comedy. Cloris Leachman as Nurse Wilhelmina Diesel just about steals the show in her scene as a Nazi dominatrix, with Harvey Korman as her "subject". Madeline Kahn is gorgeous as Victoria Brisbane, and it is refreshing to see her character not treated as "the chick" like in Blazing Saddles. Check it out, if you don't laugh at least once, you had better check your pulse.
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Heartwarming, BYO tears!
24 July 2018
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I did not think of this as a movie for Christmas. But, it reminds you of the importance of family, and loved ones. Like the tagline says, the three important things are love, time, and death. I could not pick a single performance by any cast member as better than others, but Keira Knightley, and Naomie Harris are superb.
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Classic Sixties comedy!
10 April 2018
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I saw this as a young man at a new theater that just opened near my home in 1969. The problem most critics have, is they do not realize that many movies are just what they were made to be, ENTERTAINMENT, people! Not only was this a great story, but to see two people coming to grips with the bad choices in their lives, and trying to make it right. It did not hurt that it was riotously funny as well. Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve were at the top of their game as well. Check this one out for great laughs, and a overall feel good time!
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In Harm's Way (1965)
Often overlooked, BIG mistake!
3 November 2017
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This movie is one of the reasons I think John Wayne looks his best in a U.S Navy officers uniform. Some may say that all-star casts are not a guarantee of success, but that is not the case with this movie. Henry Fonda does as good a job portraying Admiral Nimitz in this picture as he did several years later in "Midway", if not better. It is usually difficult to weave many subplots together as in this one, but it comes together well. The relationship between Tom Tryon and Paula Prentiss is one of the best done, without getting too mushy, to borrow from the younger generation terms. If there is one fault with this movie, it is the special effects with the ship models during the battle scenes. They look too much like toys, but this was ten to fifteen years before CGI and "Star Wars" and "Krull". I will give them some leeway on that one. All in all, I feel this is some of the best work of many of these actors careers.
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The Core (2003)
Better than some...
23 August 2017
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While some may pan this one for being campy, I disagree. If, as some have said the deleted scenes would have added more depth to the characters, by all means, offer a directors cut, or a version WITH the deleted scenes. Aaron Eckhart & Hilary Swank, and the entire cast should be given their due. While the vehicle being able to bore thru solid earth may seem far-fetched by today's standards, so was the "earth is flat" over five hundred years ago. Great entertainment, and a little faster moving than "Passengers".
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Heartwarming, not just for Christmas.
27 July 2017
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I bought this after seeing it in the store one holiday season. The main reason was because of Catherine Mary Stewart and Muse Watson. The rest of the cast were good in their own right as well. While the story is long at times, it is needed to explain all of the past, and Kathleen and the reasons she refuses to celebrate Christmas. While some may see no need for a secular message beneath the surface, it was the main part at the end. Kathleen truly learns that the power of forgiveness can really come from within.
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The Tuskegee Airmen (1995 TV Movie)
Good story, with Hollywoodism added
13 July 2017
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I had remembered reading in history classes in high school, and college about the Tuskegee Airmen. Unfortunately, today's generations have only the main stream media versions of black pioneers, which is largely lacking. This movie does a great job of telling the story of ordinary men that overcame great odds to do extraordinary things. The scene showing First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt as the reason that they finally went to combat, is not only inaccurate, but does a disservice to those that were really involved, Hollywood license, I guess. I would have liked to see in the end credits, that Benjamin O. Davis went on to become the first black Chief of Staff of the USAF. It was a good telling of a story that needs to be told to younger generations. I highly recommend it!
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Better than some...
13 July 2017
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I guess when you grew up with early sci-fi movies,the newer ones seem better regardless of the story line. The effects are great, instead of a few goofs, which are forgivable. Chris Pratt & Jennifer Lawrence do a yeoman job with a script that needed some more work. Their chemistry was great, and it showed in many of their scenes. Arthur the bartender almost steals the show with his smart-Alec one liners. I still felt there was a disconnect at the end when Jim and Aurora have to make a life changing decision, but it is left to imagination to figure it out. All in all, not a bad way to pass an afternoon.
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Sully (2016)
Still asking...How did he do that?
22 June 2017
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I first saw this movie one week after it came out. True, you know the ending, but our overzealous media most of the time overlooks the human element of a story. I am so glad Clint Eastwood, and Tom Hanks, and Aaron Eckhart gave us insight into just how difficult it was to make those crucial decisions that were made that day. Of course the whole cast added to the story in their own way. The special effects are top notch, and I am surprised that the Academy ignored a truly great story this year. Too busy being afraid of the PC police I guess. To which I say, Pffft! This is great to watch, even on disc, which I still do from time to time. Get the Blu-Ray combo, which has more special features. You will not be disappointed!
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1776 (1972)
Enjoyable History Lesson
20 June 2017
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I knew about this when I was in high school, but did not see it until years later. I saw it for the first time at a dinner theater in Denver in 1983. I was totally in awe from the first time I saw John Adams walk into the room to lecture his colleagues about their inaction. I felt that the portrayal of Ben Franklins wry, but witty humor was boundless. This is one you need to have your children see to at least have a fanciful, and enlightening telling of what long odds our Founding Fathers had in starting this great nation of ours. Stephen Hopkins statement at the end, that he wants to see every mans face as he signs the Declaration will bring tears to your eyes. The whole cast is wonderful, Great stuff!!!
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still laughing after the end
12 May 2017
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I saw this movie while I was stationed in Alaska. I would like to see Disney make pictures like this again without any worries about being PC or making a social statement. The whole cast was great but, Karen Valentine stands out as the sweet young bride, as does Edward Hermann as the minister trying to save his church and congregation. This is a great one to check out for great laughs and good clean fun.
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Moonlight in Vermont (2017 TV Movie)
A feelgood movie, when you're down
8 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
While I agree some reviews that this movie could have been stronger, I disagree with panning it. Do not forget that the purpose of a movie is to entertain, not always win an Academy Award. The interaction between the two principles is the usual banter, but great when you need a pick-me-up when your down. Also, the scene at the end when her father reveals a secret to Fiona is heartwarming. Watch this one when up need a good story to make you realize what is important about family and love.
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