
2 Reviews
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I wish I never watched it and left the legacy alone
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first 15-20min was promising even though some what confusing. I kept flipping back and forth between the idea that the matrix was just a game Neo invented and the writers were going to play the mental illness card. This wasn't the case but after Morpheus is introduced into the movie the whole thing just dives off a cliff and you might as well just turn it off.

The acting by the nostalgic characters alone was atrocious and a major cringe. Neo is a F'n zombie, Morpheus is a joke, they made Naomi into a grumpy pirate and Merovingian into a hobo. Trinity has decent acting but the writing for her lines is ridiculous. The line where she says "don't call me that, my name is Trinity" right after she tells Neo it's too late, hard cringe. The rest did ok with Bugs being the most convincing.

The writing was so poor, that I think fans could come up with a better script within 24 hours.

The fight scenes which made the originals so special are so forced. Neo can't fight anymore even though he says "I still know Kung Fu". He's only good for blocking bullets and 2 out bursts of the old Neo. The fight scene remake between Neo and Morpheus is all cringe and should be deleted. The explosion at the end, WTF was that.

The whole pill taking process is "just take this", there is no urgency or weight on it.

No one fears agents anymore and seems like everyone can fight them now. Why have them there anyways? They constantly miss, they are not anymore dangerous then the random civilians. Pretty much useless.

Agent Smith is his own entity now and roams the Matrix and saves Neo and Trinity. Really???? You gonna have the biggest nemesis save them so they can "repaint the matrix with rainbows" and change his world too?

Neo dies in M3 to save Zion and humanity. Zion replaced by Io because of some internal policies BS. "There was peace but not really, but there really was a little, thanks Neo. Morpheus died believing in you."

Some machines feel bad for humans now so they help them. LOL

Morpheus is a program Neo created in his game which is inside the Matrix but he is also now in the actual Matrix and can project him self in the real world through some new tech. WTF They should have left Morpheus out, let him die a legacy after M3. The new guy did his character a major disservice.

Neo is actually nothing special in this one. All he does the last 20 min of the movie is stops bullets with his epic scene from the original matrix, over and over and over and over again.

It is super easy to get into the machine city these days and wake up the two most valuable assets they have. Why did bugs have to be swapped with Trinity and was able to leave is beyond me. The pulled up a ship right next to his bay INSIDE machine city and used a friendly pet machine to gently place him inside the ship. LMFAO

The analyst just got bulldozed at the end without a fight? Trinity and Neo flies away into the sunset holding hands? GTFO

Trinity is the new Neo now. Enough said.

By the way at least 1/8 of the movie is flashbacks of the old movies. Which LITERALLY only makes you want to turn this off and actually go watch the originals.

I can keep going but this just gets worse and worse the more I think about it. So I am going to stop now. This Matrix movie is the equivalent of Terminator Genisys. Another childhood classic ruined.
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WOW, IMDb rating is a joke
31 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am so disgusted with this movie and its rating that I have decided to sign up here for the first time and write my opinion. There is no way this movie is a 7.0/10. Not even close and it never will be. If this is a 7.0 then Salvation is a 14.0/10. James Cameron should be ashamed for even entertaining the idea that this movie is good. He has made me realize that everyone can be bought for the right amount. I hope he got paid a lot of money to say "If you are a terminator fan, you will love this movie", because he has lost a lot of respect with that statement. Hope it was worth it James!

I waited for this movie every day counting down as the days go by. I went to see it with my wife and I felt sorry for her she had to sit through the eye ball torture. I wanted to walk out a couple of times after countless cheesy jokes and terrible acting but I didn't. I thought I would stick through it because it has to get better until I witnessed the helicopter scene. At that moment I realized that the terminator franchise is nothing more than a childhood dream. Anyone who rated this movie above 3 stars on here is either getting paid by someone or 13 years old since after all it was a PG-13 movie.

Terminator 1 was good. I rate 8/10.

Terminator 2 was great. I rate 9/10.

Terminator 3 was decent, hated the overly futuristic female T-X. Ending was good and we finally see Judgement Day. I rate 6/10.

Salvation was good once you got passed Bale's Batman voice. At least it was getting into the future war and heading the right direction after T3. No fancy robots, just cold steel cyborgs with one acceptable twist (Marcus). The T600 was awesome. I rate 7/10.

Than comes Genisys, a Saturday Night Live skit at best. Was this a wannabe comedy or a terminator movie? We have a Kyle Reese that is cocky and looks like he should be the Terminator. Probably worst acting I have seen in a movie. We have John Connor that is some weird combination of human/nano technology/robot/liquid metal that is so far out there that it is stupid. Yes, stupid. We have the new Sarah which is not so bad other than the weird interactions between her and Kyle. It was awkward at best. We have Pops who is the terminator who is a father figure and competes with Kyle for his "daughter's" approval. He awkwardly smiles a lot and repeats the same punch lines over and over as if we didn't get it the first 6 times. It is border line offensive to average human intelligence. Add to that ridiculous scenes like the helicopter chase towards the end which defies logic and I am ready to question anyone's intelligence who rates this movie as anything above a joke.

Some people say "it was a fun summer flick, lighten up and just enjoy it for the action". What action? The crap CGI all over and helicopters from starwars? The T800s looked better in the originals. I wanted to enjoy it and went in with an open mind not expecting much but I wasn't prepared for what I actually witnessed. It was the worst summer flick I have ever seen that has actually insulted me for wanting to watch it. (if that's even possible) It was a joke and a mockery at best. It can't be taken seriously even if you wanted to. It fails at being a terminator movie. It fails at being a "true sequel to T1&T2". It fails at being funny. It fails at having ground breaking CGI. If fails at having a story. It fails at character development. It fails at having good sound effects. The music is TERRIBLE! It even destroys the prequels timelines which I don't care for really if it was good. It has nothing going for it. I walked out of the theater dumbfounded at what I have just watched. My wife laughed at me and said "this is what you waited for all these months? WOW. Terminator 2 is still my favorite."
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