
24 Reviews
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Malik (I) (2021)
The Best Malayalam movie of 2021
15 July 2021
Quick Review

Malik is directed by Mahesh Narayanan and tells us the story of the titular character. Freddy is sent to jail to kill his uncle, Malik and we dive deep into Malik's past. We see how he impacted people's lives and who all turned against him in this gangster-drama flick.

As usual, Fahadh was marvelous in this movie and Nimisha Sajayan was an amazing supporting lead and both of them carried the movie. All the other actors were also impressive, especially Vinay Forrt and Dileesh Pothan.

The screenplay of this movie was amazing. The characterization was beautiful. The themes were showcased in a grand way. The songs were pretty good and the soundtracks were also impressive. The direction was great and the camera work too.

The movie was wonderfully crafted and most of the scenes were top notch. The movie felt a bit dull at certain instances for me. This also gave me a "The Godfather" movie feel.

Overall, this many not be everyone's cup of tea but, those who saw the trailer and enjoyed it should try it out and others who like drama-gangster type of movies should also check it.
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This is exactly what you've been waiting for!!
25 March 2021
After Godzilla causes havoc at an Apex facility and after that, the head of the Apex decides to stop Godzilla once and for all and needs the help of Kong to achieve what he desires. So, Kong is taken away from Skull Island to attain what they want but Godzilla finds Kong and goes to fight him as they share an ancient rivalry.

This movie is actually focused on Kong and Godzilla is just in it, but still has a good amount of screen time. The movie delivers exactly what the fans wanted and it was massive enough. The story was predictable and was executed in an okay way. There were some sub plots but, they all were connected to the third act. The action sequences in this movie were definitely the highlight of this and it demands to be seen on the biggest screen possible. Unlike the previous installments, it mostly focuses on the monsters and really watchable and usually don't cut to the humans much. The scale is massive and almost each shot is beautiful to look at. The music was really suiting. This movie thankfully doesn't go into much world building and focuses on the monsters more. Adam also did a good job directing it. The casting was good and some of them had a decent characterization.

The pacing is a bit uneven at times. The story could've been better. Some of the characters did require some more characterization. There were enough fight sequences but in the end, it leaves you wanting for more. The first fight between Kong and Godzilla turned out to be a bit disappointment for me but, it got paid off in the last act. The last act is everything the fans were hoping for and that part was really a fun ride.

Overall, if you are a fan of these monsters, you'll really have a fun time watching this even though the plot would be really predictable for many. People who just want to see the action sequences would also have a decent time in here. And, those who never liked the previous installments, well, this isn't also for you. As a Godzilla fan, I was satisfied with this movie. Could've been a bit longer.
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Mulan (2020)
A great potential wasted
5 September 2020
Well, Disney does it again! I was pretty excited for this and yes, it's a dissapointment, especially who love the original Mulan.

Here's what I actually like about the movie: This movie is visually spectacular, there were many great visuals during the fighting scenes and all. The pacing was fine. The action sequences were neat yet sometimes hard to watch due to the high frame rate. I also like the effort they put to "try" and make it look different from the animated version by adding new substances and deleting every comedic aspect of the original.

Here's what I didn't like: The characterisation in this movie was terrible. Mulan had little to no character development in the movie and again they didn't give the villains much more personality. The acting was stiff, you couldn't feel any emotions from them sadly and, I actually didn't feel anything while watching it. They tried to make it look serious but, it ended up discarding everything that made the original soo good and replaced it with nothing. The cgi looked messy at places too.

In conclusion, Mulan(2020) is a disappointment. It was a colourful and action packed ride with nothing memorable and they tried to show more of the Chinese culture than the other. I won't prefer this for a rewatch and those who are fans of Mulan or a general movie goer, try it out, Maybe you'll like it more than I did.

Is this the worst Disney remake? No
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Phineas and Ferb are BACK!!
28 August 2020
It's actually nice to see Disney taking a move to bring back this show, even though it was just for one movie and, it was worth the wait! The movie was a really fun one. The plot line was simple and quite predictable. There were a lot of good laughs. The animation is pretty neat and overall the movie was colorful. This had a good message and you'll find it while watching it. All the usual Phineas and Ferb things happen in this too. The song were good. Also the voice actors, nailed it!

Even though it's the second movie, it's still a big downfall from the Across the 2nd Dimension in terms of scale and many other factors. Some of the characters got a really less screentime, it was a bit disappointing though.

Overall, Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Candace against the Universe was a fun and nostalgic ride with enough humor and heart.
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28 August 2020
This movie was really better than I expected. Firstly, Keanu and Alex still have the same great chemistry and almost the same energy they had from the previous installments. It was really good to see them back with their usual ways and quotes. Samara and Brigette were amazing as their daughters. It was also amazing to see Death(William Sadler) again. The story is simple yet, had a more darker tone than the previous movies. The stakes were high this time and the themes were a bit more adult focused. The comedy in this movie worked, even though there were much jokes like the previous ones had. This had more heart and emotional weightage than the others. The cgi was clean. One of the things I really enjoyed was that this movie mixed many elements of the previous ones and added a few more and thus the result was surprisingly fresh.

One of the main drawbacks I found was the runtime. Billie and Thea had less time with their dads and Death had a really less screentime. The runtime could've been a bit more longer actually. The new characters weren't as interesting as the ones from the first movie but were quite entertaining. They also improved the goofy future costumes in this from the second installment.

In short, Bill & Ted Face the Music was an Excellent Adventure and wasn't actually a Bogus one. The ending was satisfactory and had the best 3rd act among the three. This is recommended for all the Bill and Ted fans out there and those who would love to see a time travel adventure. This movie is on par with the first one for me.
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Could've been better
31 July 2020
This is a biographical comedy drama movie. It was scheduled to release in theatres on May but, Covid 19.

Shakuntala Devi takes us on a quick 2hr ride on the story of the titular character. We get to see how she got famous and how she raised her child while trying to do what she likes. The story was simple and really fast paced, everything happens soo quick in this.

Vidya Balan was really amazing in this,she showcased the different ages perfectly. Sanya Malhotra as Anupama was good. The other other actors like Luca Calvani and Jishu had sufficient screentime.

As I said earlier,the story is simple and it's about women empowerment, sadly,the movie doesn't focus too much on it. The main problem of this movie is that it jumps years quickly. One part of the movie takes place from the mid 90s and the other from late 90s and it is all mixed in a confusing way at times. Also,the movie takes place in many years and we barely get time to get invested in one place. The music was okay. The direction and cinematography were nice. I really did like the visual representation style used in this.

Overall, Shakuntala Devi is worth a watch and it's definitely not a must watch as you won't miss anything. Again, it's quarantine, go watch it.
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Dil Bechara (2020)
This was a really fun and tear jerking ride
24 July 2020
Dil Bechara is based on the 2012 novel 'The Fault In Our Stars' by John Green. If you've read that book or seen the Hollywood adaptation, you would surely know the story. So, in this, Manny falls in love with Kizie,a young girl suffering from cancer and together they face a bitter and sweet profound journey.

The story was simple and was well executed. Sushant was amazing in this and was really energetic as always. Sanjana was really good and they two shared a really amazing on screen chemistry. The other characters like Kizie's parents and all had ample screentime and they were also good. It was nice to Saif Ali Khan and Subbalakshmi in this.

The music was good, A R Rahman did a really good job in bringing the feels to each scene. The cinematography was okay. The direction was good. The 101 minute runtime was really apt and we wouldn't feel bored at any time as it was well edited.

Overall, this movie was a heartwarming one and had its joyful and sorrowful times and it's a worth it watch for all. The 3rd act is a really touching one and it's gonna be a real tear jerker for the fans.
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Greyhound (2020)
A really good and simple war movie!
12 July 2020
The movie's runtime was absolutely fitting and perfectly edited. The cinematography was good, I liked one particular shot towards the middle of the movie,you'll get it. The OST was really good and added tension to it. The direction was good. The mixing was also good. They showed how a convoy is being operated,it was really nice to see it.

The action sequences were good,not soo thrilling enough. Only Tom Hanks had some characterization in this movie and that was kinda enough. I felt that the often the tension gets reduced especially during the first act and I did find some shots similar to Dunkirk(2017). I've also read that many people experienced audio sync issue near the 1hr mark and I too experienced it.

Overall, Greyhound is a great movie and won't consume much of your time and is re watchable. It would've been a really good theatre experiene ,but,pandemic.
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Snatch (2000)
A really fun ride
29 June 2020
Turkish(Statham), an unlicenced boxing promoter is pulled into trouble when he becomes involved in big time criminal Brick Top(Ford),who wants him to arrange a fight and fix it. He has to convince Mickey(Pitt) to fight in it. Parallel to that, a diamond theft goes down but the 84 karat stone goes missing. This leads Avi(Farina), the boss who was supposed to receive the stone, to come to England to search for it, with the help of his cousins. Soon,both the plotline intertwines such that,every character is involved.

What I liked most about this movie was the direction and editing. Guy Ritchie crafted thus movie in a really good way. The two plotlines were edited masterfully.

The acting was great, especially Bullet-Tooth Tony (Jones) and Vinny(Gee). The music was suiting. The comedy worked fine and the small action scenes were nice. The dialogues were pretty amazing as well. I didn't enjoy it's cinematography much and found the movie more interesting after the first act though.

Overall, Snatch is an enjoyable and rewatchable movie, intended for everyone who loves crime and comedy movies.
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A good sequel
29 June 2020
This movie takes place right after the events of the first movie and Ryan(Vu) experiences the time loop which Tree(Rothe) experienced in the last movie. They learn that the reactor which Ryan was making was the cause for this and due to an unfortunate event,it sent Tree to an alternate reality where she has to relieve her birthday,again and she is being killed by someone everytime. She has to figure a way to get back to her own reality.

This movie is a really enjoyable ride,like the previous movie,yet it is a derived one. The performances are better in this, especially Rothe's.

The music was suiting. The twists become less interesting as it's similar to the first. There story is a bit confusing at times.

Overall, Happy Death Day 2U is an enjoyable ride, almost like its predecessor. I prefer the first over this but,this is a must watch for those who love the first.
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A fun thrilling movie
29 June 2020
The movie revolves around a college student, Tree Gelbman(Rothe) who wakes up in Carter's (Broussard) room on her birthday and gets murdered over and ends up in a loop which could only be broken if she found out who her real killer is. As she gets respawned again and again and she tries to make that day day better and better,just like Groundhog Day and even that movie is referenced here multiple times.

This movie was a really enjoyable ride. The best thing of this movie was Jessica Rothe as Tree Gelbman,she was really amazing as a college student.

The other characters were fun to watch. The pacing was good. The music was suiting. The movie contains many twists and turns that would surely make you go "wait,what?". The comedy in this movie worked, mostly in the form of visual representation. It was intense at times.

Overall, Happy Death Day is a fun watch but,the magic only works one time. It's a short movie, it's worth a watch for everyone.
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Better than I expected
29 June 2020
Scott(Cera) an unemployed guitarist is in love with a high school girl,Chau(Wong). Soon, Romona Flowers(Winstead) moves from NYC to Toronto and everything starts to change for Scott after meeting her. Slowly,Scott starts to date Romona but, inorder to win her,he has to defeat her seven exes who controls her love life.

The best thing about this movie is it's visual storytelling,by mixing video game and a bit anime genre into this live action movie. It was amazing, infact,never seen like this. I never expected it to be soo good, everyone would enjoy it.

The characters in this movie are likable. Cera was amazing as Scott. The direction is amazing,one of Edgar's finest indeed. This movie is well edited. The soundtrack is nice. The visuals are amazing.

Overall,this is a highly entertaining movie and recommended for all and you won't feel bored throughout the movie.
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Baby Driver (2017)
29 June 2020
Baby(Elgort) is a young getaway driver who works for Doc(Spacey). Baby is an amazing driver and a lucky charm for Doc's robberies. Baby remains as a constant of all Doc's robberies. When Baby was almost done being involved in robberies and starts to settle with Debora(James), Doc brings him back by threatening him. Doc then plans a robbery bringing a new teams to do this but,all the individuals are incompatible with each other.

As usual, Edgar successfully utilized all his trademarks in this movie but concentrated more on the action sequences and a stronger script.

Elgort, Spacey were great in this movie. Some of the side characters were intersting like Griff, Darling and Bats. The music was amazing and was perfect for the respective sequences. The stunts were excellent and cinematography was really good. The movie did utilize it's R rating well.

Overall,Baby Driver was a highly entertaining movie and is recommended for all who loves action and movies which utilizes alot of car stunts. Also, it's one of Edgar's finest.
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
Wasted opportunity
13 June 2020
For starters,I haven't read the novel and haven't heard about Artemis Fowl before the release of the trailer. So,this review is purely based on movie aspects.

This movie is about Artemis Fowl(Ferdia Shaw),a 12 year old genius boy,who is a descendant of long line of criminal masterminds. His father gets kidnapped by a hooded guy and he needs the powerful "Aculos" inorder to return Artemis Fowl Sr(Colin Farrell). But soon,he has to face the powerful underground fairies who has connection with the Aculos and the missing of his father.

Firstly,some of the visuals in this movie are great. That's it.

To sum it up,this movie was pretty bad. They had a good source material and didn't even utilize a bit. There wasn't any story in this actually,the movie starts and within a few minutes,the whole movie is set up, there's no tension,the pacing is bad, everything happens so quick and you won't even see any character development in it. This movie is only 95 minutes long and they accomplish nothing in it. The acting was bad,some of the costumes were bad and there's no emotion in this movie. There are several movies where there's no character development or story,but, we'll be atleast entertained. Sadly,this movie is not entertaining.

Overall,as I said,this is a bad movie, maybe if they spent more time in development or increased the runtime with more content,it might've been alot better. In frank,this $125M movie is not worth a watch for normal movie viewers. For fans,it would be a disgrace.
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Scoob! (2020)
A one time watch to see the characters
16 May 2020
Scoob! (2020)

This is the first animated movie of Scooby Doo franchise and is intended to be the first movie to start "Hanna-Barbera" Cinematic Universe. If you are familiar with the recent animation movies and Scooby Doo series, you would definitely know how the plot is gonna be like, except there's less mystery. The Mystery Inc gang split up when Fred,Velma and Daphne get assigned for some task and leaves Shaggy and Scooby alone. They are recruited by Blue Falcon and team to stop Dick Dastardly from unleashing a ghost dog and is in search of Scooby. That's the entire plot though. For pros,the animation is nice,not like the Disney level or so,but its neat. The voice acting was really good especially of Scooby(Frank Walker) and Blue Falcon (Mark Wahlberg). You get to relive some of the Scooby Doo things from the 2D animation done in 3D and, it's not bad. There were certain scenes from the movie which really takes us back to the original style. There were some giggles here and there. The villain was quite okay Scoob! suffers the same problem as the recent animation movies and there wasn't really much anything memorable in this. We don't get to see half of the gang much before the third act. Many of their jokes failed,but,might get a laugh from kids. They put a lot of references from WB characters and you'll understand within 10 minutes into the movie. Like Sonic,this also has some huge product placements. Also,there wasn't any mystery here,it was all straight forwarded. Personally, I'll forget about this movie eventually. I recommend this movie to all Scooby Doo fans,you might like it more than I did and to everyone who has nothing else to watch during this quarantine, it's kinda worth a watch, reliving the love for the franchise. Rating:6/10
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Bad Education (2019)
One of Jackman's finest
30 April 2020
Bad Education is based on a true story taken from the New York magazine article "The Bad Superintendent" by Robert Kolker. In this movie, Frank Tassone(Jackman), the superintendent of New York's Roslyn school district and Pam Gluckin(Janney), become the prime suspects in the unfolding of the single largest public scandal in the American history. This movie shows both of their life inside and outside of the school without getting deviated from the plot. We get to see one of Jackman's best performance yet. The acting was really amazing, it felt soo real that you wouldn't even doubt that character. Then we have Janney as Pam, which was also well acted. Geraldine who acts as Rachael, is another key character of this movie and was really good. The movie was will directed and the music was apt. This was a bit slow paced though. The movie is short and you won't feel bored due to the acting. There is no doubt that this is one of the best movies of this year so far. I recommend it to every drama lovers and Jackman fans out there.
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Extraction (2020)
A guilty pleasure movie
30 April 2020
This movie is directed by the Sam Hargrave, the stunt coordinator of the recent Avengers movies and screenplay by The Russo Brothers,the directors of the recent Avengers movies. Tyler Rake(Hemsworth),a mercenary,is hired to rescue the boy of an Indian Gang leader who got kidnapped by another deadly crime lord. Thats was the entire plot though. The story becomes secondary while making the action primary and,they did achieve what they intended. For starters, Chris Hemsworth was good in this, he did have a really good charisma in this and he was the only one to get a bit of additional character detailing. Ovi Mahajan(Jaiswal), the plot device, had less characterisation but, was likable and had more emotional attachment towards the end. Nik Khan(Farahani) and Saju(Hooda) were also good although they were one dimensional. David Harbour had a small cameo which was actually good. The villain was bland. Speaking about the other aspects,the movie did have pretty good action sequences. The long fight sequence in the first half of the movie is my favorite. They utilized the 'R' rating properly. The violence was extreme at certain times, unlike in Deadpool which seemed comical,this was more realistic and brutal. The movie was made by a stuntman and he did ensure really good action sequences. There were really good camera movements in this and choreography was good. The music was apt for this. The biggest con of this movie which I felt was that this whole movie felt like a video game. First we had a bit of character interactions,then fights, slowing down to interactions and continuing. This was still a watchable movie, guilty pleasure to be precise. I recommend this movie to every action lovers, Hemsworth fans and to everyone who needs some adrenaline during quarantine.

Rating: 7/10
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Onward (I) (2020)
Heartwarming tale.
12 April 2020
Onward (2020)

Onward is the 22nd movie from Pixar Studios distributed by Disney which tells a heartwarming tale about two brothers: Ian Lightfoot (voiced by Tom Holland) and Barley Lightfoot (voiced by Chris Pratt).

The plot is about them embracing on a magical quest to spend one more day with their late father. For starters,this is a really decent Pixar movie although it doesn't live up to the mark of the recent stand-alone movies like Coco (2018) and Inside Out(2015). The animation is neat and colourful. The two brothers had a really good characterisation, they were comedic and thought provoking at times. The overall background music was fitting.

The movie does take around 30 minutes to set up for the quest ahead. It's a bit dull at the beginning but becomes more exciting as the journey begins. The second act was the adventure part,it was fun and colourful to watch. The third act was the best,a fitting and emotional conclusion to the movie. At times the pacing is a bit messy and the stakes weren't shown as high as they wanted it to be.

Overall,this is fun and entertaining watch for everyone. If you loved the standalone Pixar movies, you'll certainly like this one, neither the best,nor the worst.

Pixar Animation Studio Director: Dan Scanlon Starring: Tom Holland,Chris Pratt
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They are back for the third time..but, exhausted.
12 April 2020
Bad Boys For Life (2020)

Bad Boys For Life aka Bad Boys 3 is a direct sequel to Bad Boys 2 and takes place 17 years after the 2nd and 25 years after the first. This is also the first Bad Boys movie to be not directed by Michael Bay. The movie takes place in Miami where Mike Lowrey(Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett(Martin Lawrence) have to face off again a mother and son pair of drug lords who causes havock to the city,and it's more of a personal investigation for the two(not going into much spoilers though). The movie takes only a few minutes to set up and it's a less energetic ride than the rest of the movies. The chemistry of Will and Martin is still great in here and shows us an enthusiastic Mike and an almost retired Marcus. The supporting actors were one dimensional yet exciting. The villain here is better than the last two movies and had some characterisation in it. The cinematography was actually better than the last two, had some really good shots and was actually "colourful" than the last two. The music was okish and they underutilized the theme song. The pacing was okay. It was comedic,at some points. The main problem of this movie is that this was an exhausted movie. In the second movie,Bay set up the action scenes to a top level and this movie failed to even reach half of it's. Maybe because the characters are at their 50s now or maybe because the production cost was lesser than the last one and the existing sequences weren't even that exciting. You won't get the feel of the first two movies in here except for the character chemistry. It was also less funnier than the last two. I recommend this movie for all the Bad Boys fans and buddy cop type movie lovers. For those who admire "Bayhem", you'll be dissapointed here.

Rating- 6.5/10

Sony Pictures Directors : Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah
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Colourful,, adventurous and cringy
12 April 2020
Trolls World Tour (2020)

Trolls World Tour is the direct sequel to 2016's Trolls and is the first movie of any major studio to get released on the theatres and on digital rental on the same day.

In this movie, Queen Barb,who is the queen Hard Rock Trolls is on a quest to collect all the "six strings of music" and turn all the six tribes of the trolls into a single tribe and Poppy (Anna Kendrick) and Branch (Justin Timberlake) have to stop them. Unlike the first movie,this is based entirely on Trolls. The animation is amazing and colourful and uses DreamWorks' technique of using different animation styles for a single movie. The characters were good,just like the first film and some characters who had a lesser role in the first have a better role in here. The story is similar to Infinity War and contains all the clichés of any first animated movie sequel. The jokes only land at some points(cringy at many times),the songs aren't as catchy as in the first and are forced and too much at times. It's adventurous and explored more than the first movie did and alot of new concepts were brought in and,it was nice. The 3rd act was better actually and they did convey a good meaning in a good way.

I recommend this movies to those who are the fans of Trolls(2016) or a DreamWorks fan or those who have nothing else in mind to watch for now, it's mostly harmless.

Rating: 6/10
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Birds of Prey (2020)
A fun and enjoyable ride which surpassed my expectations.
8 February 2020
This movie was better than I expected. Cinematography was amazing,the Action sequences were over the top at times but still enjoyable, the music was cool and the best part was Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn,she nailed that role and it was really great to see that character in the big screen again. Evan McGregor was also amazing. The other characters were interesting and had an ample amount of screen time. The plot was just okish though and they haven't utilized their R rating much. It's still not the best of DCEU but, it was one hell of a ride although it was short scaled. Better than suicide squad.

I recommend this movie for all Harley Quinn fans and hardcore DC fans. Those who are looking for a Joker type movie,stay home.

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Darbar (2020)
One time watch for the fans.
9 January 2020
I went into the theatre with the expectation of it being just a good Thalaiva flick,it didn't disappoint me but surely will disappoint those who were expecting an absolute blockbuster. For starters, Rajinikanth as the Cop was marvelous,Nivetha Thomas was great and Yogi Babu did give out some good comedy. The music was good. The action sequences were over the top but some were enjoyable. The story was predictable. The first half of the movie was basically "Rajinification" while the second was laggy and dull. The fight sequences were actually better in the first half. Nayanthara, the female lead was barely in it. The villain was poorly executed and the ending was really rushed. I'll say that, this is an enjoyable film for hardcore Rajini fans and for general audiences who want to see Rajini on the big screen, go see it or else, wait till it comes out on Amazon Prime.
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Flawed yet a good finale.
20 December 2019
After seeing the initial reviews,i thought i wouldn't like it but,it turns out, it was fine. It was flawed yet a kinda satisfying conclusion.

Talking about the pros, Rey was better in this movie than in the last two, Poe gets more screen time and has a better arc, Kylo Ren was the best as he did have a redeeming arc, C-3PO was really funny in this, Chewie was the same, the returning of the old characters and many many references were good, the CGI was AMAZING as well as the choreography,the lightsaber battle was fine , the battle scenes were good and John Williams score was great as well.

Okay,now to the cons,Palpatine's return was actually less thrilling than I thought as we didn't get the sense of fear towards him,the movie was packed and messy which made it really fast paced. JJ tried to correct the mistakes of TLJ making some good ones and not so pleasing ones. The dialogues were cheesy at many times. Finn had a less arc and wasn't much satisfying and the new characters introduced were less interesting.

The where many epic and fun moments here and the was a lot of references from the old movies. Honestly,this is a really enjoyable ride and fans would probably like many parts of this. And from the studio which made another finale earlier this year,get ready to experience some similarly in the end.

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Thanks for destroying the franchise
16 November 2019
For starters, I'm a huge fan of 1st two movies. The 1st was great,the 2nd was a masterpiece, 3rd was good, the 4th was a different,yet a good one and the 5th sucked. The trailers of this didn't bring an appeal to me,yet I had some hope for this.

I am let down. Even the involvement of James Cameron wasn't enough to save this. Pros:
  • The first truck chase
  • Linda Hamilton
  • Rev-9
  • Arnold's arc

  • The messed up timeline:At the beginning of this movie,they changed the entire timeline and again,messed it up.
  • The cliché plot
  • The new characters: the newbies were mostly meh, there wasn't anything that was interesting in them
  • Arnold's arc: yes, it was a pro factor but,his arc was really limited. You can't even get to know him much and the new concept he had in his arc wasn't well explained.
  • The Terminator design: Rev-9 was an interesting character,but,his design was too CGI. There wasn't any reality to that.
  • The action: apart from the beginning,the action scenes were meh
  • less Terminators: for the 6th instalment of this franchise,they only involved 3 Terminators.

So,this was my take on Dark Fate. I would not suggest this as a must watch, even to the fans.
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