40 Reviews
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A Last Cry for Help (1979 TV Movie)
More relevant to me now than then
18 December 2022
I saw this movie when it first aired in 1979, and didn't really get the character's pain. At the time, I was 22, not pretty, not a cheerleader, had few friends, a favored older sister, and unsupportive parents who didn't even like me -- much less love me. And my name was Sharon. I just didn't understand how someone who had so much of what I wanted in my life could be so unhappy.

Now, having lived longer than I ever expected, I see things much differently, and I can definitely feel how constricted Sharon's life was and how she could so desperately want to be done with it all.

The movie has its flaws, but overall the acting is decent-to-good, and the message still resonates. It's worth 90 minutes of your time.
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Loud and overplayed
27 November 2022
I enjoyed the opportunity to see this live (filmed) production, as a movie simply can't compete with a staged version. That said, the characters were all very LOUD and mostly very overplayed. Rose was very one-note throughout, with very little depth or nuance. Neither Louise nor June had much personality, and Louise was much too old, especially in the scenes where she's supposed to be in her teens/20's.

The true stars of the show were the three strippers, Mazzepa (Louise Gold), Electra (Julie Legrand) and Tessie Tura (Anita Louise Combe), who were properly recognized by the audience. They obviously had a lot of fun, and I was pleased to see that these roles were all played by women over 50. Sorry, Rose, these ladies "got it" far more than you do.
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Quincy M.E.: Dear Mummy (1981)
Season 6, Episode 9
Convoluted and poorly (over) acted
30 July 2022
I was a big fan of this show during its original run, and have enjoyed catching up on episodes 40 years later. Unfortunately, this one really disappoints. The plot is overly convoluted, even for this series, and the acting is terrible -- scenery-chewing at its worst.
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Just one more .....
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
By the end of the film, I was hoping there would be just one more murder. Well, a suicide, actually, as I so desperately wanted Ripley to do himself in. ANYTHING to end this oh SO dull, boring, awful film.

Unfortunately, I was at the theater with friends, and couldn't escape until the final dull, boring, awful moment was done.

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Good except for the stunt casting
12 June 2022
Yes, Nick Jonas, I'm looking at you. The rest of the cast was mostly excellent, even (surprisingly) Matt Lucas (who knew he could sing?)

While the 10th Anniversary concert will always be my favorite, this is a close second, and I do highly recommend it.
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Truly Dreadful
8 April 2022
I may be the only reviewer who's actually read the book this film is (very VERY loosely) based on. The author? The one and only Ian Fleming, most famous for inventing James Bond.

His children's book is a classic -- a spy story, in which the parents ( Caractacus and Mimsie) are married, the children are kidnapped by gangsters and prevent a crime, and the car gradually reveals its secrets to the entire family. It's a wonderful tale, masterfully told.

And then there's the film.

Unlikeable characters + un-hummable songs + an inane storyline = two hours of your life wasted.

I first saw the film as a child back in the late 1960's, and then again a few nights ago. I thought perhaps I'd mis-remembered how bad it is, but unfortunately it's still truly dreadful.
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No chemistry
3 April 2022
I'm a musical theatre geek and, while the 1961 film isn't my favorite, I have watched it many, MANY times. I don't understand the people saying that this version is a copy of the original, because it's very different.

It's much darker, both in tone and in photography, and it's missing the superb Robbins choreography. The biggest difference, though, is that none of the actors have any charisma and are, in fact, generally unlikable.

Fortunately, I was able to borrow this film from my local library -- if I'd paid see it, I'd be feeling pretty resentful right about now.
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13 December 2021
I rate this more "Unbelievable" than "Unforgivable." Much as I love Sandra Bullock, this slow, depressing film was just a waste of time. Just can't recommend it.
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Squid Game (2021– )
Interesting premise .....
5 December 2021
..... ruined by some extremely unlikeable characters, and some really terrible voice acting. It's visually stunning, though, with several impressive sets.
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Level 16 (2018)
It had potential, but .....
12 September 2021
..... while the setting and photography are decent, the bad acting, and a long, tedious story arc make for a mediocre movie.

Not worth your time unless you have absolutely nothing else to watch.
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Into the Night: Zara (2021)
Season 2, Episode 1
SO disappointing!
12 September 2021
The first season was amazing, and I've been eagerly waiting for season two -- and now that it's here, it's awful.

Any why the heck did Sylvie shave her head?
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Not as bad as it could have been ...
30 May 2021
The film definitely had its cute moments (I mean, honestly, who can resist a pink pouffe?), and the leads were agreeably dislikeable.

The ending, though? As others have said, I'm docking a point for that, as it made absolutely NO sense whatsoever.

But all in all, it wasn't the worst 90 minutes of my life.
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Wipeout (2021– )
SO disappointing!
23 May 2021
As others have said -- stick with the reruns hosted by the Johns (Anderson and Henson). The new hosts are excruciatingly painful to watch. No talent, no chemistry, no humor.

No thanks.
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Not worth the time
16 May 2021
A terrible ending and one giant plot hole big enough for an 18-wheeler to drive through make this film a definite miss.
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Mirage (2018)
Jumbled and confusing
15 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure why all the rave reviews. It was ..... OK ..... but confusing.

And the ending -- what? How is he alive?

I'd like to recommend it, but really can't.
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Chad (2021–2024)
Simply awful
2 April 2021
I had to come look up this show because, based on the ads, I assumed it was about the daily life of a *trans* kid.

But, no. The character is just a plain old teenage boy ..... played by a middle-aged woman.

So, look - I absolutely love Nasim Pedrad, but this is simply awful.
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Impractical Jokers (2011– )
Rampant stupidity that makes me laugh
14 March 2021
The bits aren't always funny, but the guys' reactions always are -- and their belly laughs make me laugh right along with them. And watching the (often bewildered) expressions of innocent bystanders is an added bonus.

Look. There's nothing Oscar-worthy here, but if you're looking for some gleefully mindless entertainment, you can't go wrong with these guys.
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Definitely worth the watch
7 March 2021
OK, so it's not a perfect film, but it's done well and definitely worth watching.

Eden Duncan-Smith and Dante Crichlow absolutely shine in the lead roles. I appreciate that while their characters are smart (GENIUS smart!), they're also still real kids, warts and all. All the supporting characters feel genuine as well, and filming locations on the real streets of NYC are an added bonus.

Having first watched this film in the Spring of 2020, I noted the police interactions with the older brother with simply a bit of unease. A second viewing, after a tumultuous summer of BLM protests, causes me to see them in a new light, recognize their validity, and appreciate their inclusion here.

I'm dinging the film one star for some plot holes, but overall it's excellent and I highly recommend it.
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Boss Level (2020)
Surprisingly entertaining
6 March 2021
This showed up on my Hulu feed and I didn't expect much. But it turned out to be an entertainingly wild ride. Watch it a couple times (maybe even 150) -- you won't be disappointed.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
Entertaining enough, until .....
21 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...... it wasn't.

I was OK with the story until the "protagonist" (if you can call her that) escaped from the car. The film quickly went downhill from there, and never recovered.

Even with suspension of disbelief, the ending was just TOO unbelievable.

It was beautifully filmed, but that's about the only positive comment I can make.
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QAnon: The Search for Q (2021–2022)
Opinion piece, not a documentary
6 February 2021
Saturday afternoon and the weather is too gloomy to be outside, so I spent a few hours watching this series. There was some information I hadn't heard before, but much of this has already been in the news of late.

I was turned off by the insertion of the film makers' opinions into the interviews. (Hint: Sitting with your arms and legs crossed is a pretty clear -- if subliminal -- clue to the interview subject that you're really not open to what's being said.)

There was, overall, a mocking tone that just didn't sit well with me, even though I agree that the whole QAnon thing is ridiculousness personified.

It's fine for a slow, gloomy, overcast weekend day when you have nothing better to do, but I can't recommend it otherwise.
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Death of Me (2020)
Triple threat!
23 January 2021
This movie is a true triple threat -- bad story, bad direction, and amazingly bad acting. If you have 90 minutes to waste (and you WILL be wasting it), then go ahead and watch it. If you have ANYTHING else to do (laundry, yard work, cleaning the bathtub), it will be a better use of your time.
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Starsky and Hutch: Deckwatch (1978)
Season 3, Episode 23
Wonderful direction by Glaser
16 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I remember seeing this episode when it first aired in 1978 and marveling at the show's tone and direction (by Glaser). I watched it again in 2021 and am still impressed.

It's not the typical light and fluffy S&H, instead it's much darker and more dramatic. It still has some convenient coincidences (the killer just happens to find his way inside the house of Hutch's friend -- really?), but overall it's an excellent episode with some outstanding performances (especially Susan French as Hannah and Michael Baseleon as Hector).

It's too bad the show didn't continue on this path; it would have been worth watching for several more seasons.
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Pretty darned bad
2 January 2021
I'm a long-time fan of musicals, but had somehow missed this one. Turns out it was worth waiting to NOT see it, because it's pretty darned bad. Why, oh WHY would you cast a non-singer (and a pretty darned bad non-singer) as the lead singer? And why, oh WHY, would you cut some of the best songs and replace them with some pretty darned bad ones?

I saw a Broadway revival of G&D back in the 1970's and, of course, it was far better than this version. But the community theatre production I saw in Podunk, Illinois in the 1980's was ALSO far better than this version.

I'm guessing that all the people giving this film rave reviews simply don't have any point of comparison. So here's my advice -- skip this and wait for a production from your local community theatre group!
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Death to 2020 (2020 TV Special)
Timely, and funny as hell
1 January 2021
A perfect way to ring out 2020, especially since you shouldn't be out in public this New Year's Eve. As the historian says, this period of history will be written in crayon. By dogs.

Witty, timely, and funny as hell. Give it a watch -- it's well worth your time.

Oh -- and make sure to stay through the credits!
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