
9 Reviews
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Lady Bird (2017)
It wasn't terrible, but it definitely wasn't a 10
20 December 2017
After seeing and hearing so many rave reviews on this movie, my husband and I decided to use passes to go see it. Maybe our expectations were just set way too high going in after seeing this rated so highly by many friends and on here too, but it was not the caliber of movie we hoped it would be and definitely not worthy of a 10 in our opinions.

It wasn't terrible, but it was severely lacking in a cohesive story line and realism, which I was not expecting to think given all the reviews of how "relate-able" and "real" the movie was. Maybe because it touched on teen sexuality from a female perspective is the reason it got so many great "realistic!" reviews? The acting was definitely where it shined. The tiny one or two bits of wisdom/learning moments and tiny tidbits of humor thrown in were great too. But other than that, it felt very forced and rushed, not "real" at all. The ending felt very out of place and rushed as well.

We went in understanding it was a coming of age story about a girl in catholic school, but the plot line was just not cohesive enough IMO. It was overly dramatic at times (which sure, is some teen girl experiences, but at times it was too over the top to be believable because of other details the plot included). The overworked mom being a jerk to her got taken way too far to be believable given the other details in their story. The way they ended it did not make sense with the rest of the events and details.

The best and most realistic characters for me were actually her adopted brother and his girlfriend. They would've made a more interesting "coming of age" movie in my opinion with lady bird playing an overly dramatic, whiny side sibling role.
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The Path (2016–2018)
Good, even with the flaws
6 November 2016
As a couple who got out of a cult like scenario ourselves, my husband and I like certain aspects of this show and dislike others. Having been in a similar situation with a "religion", we relate to the two main characters a lot. However, there's various details about the show that irritate us on a logical level. Certain decisions characters make simply don't make sense at times if we are to believe they really are/were super into "the movement". Certain scenes don't make sense with the flow of the show too (especially a few of the random sex scenes in random places - and that's coming from people who are not offended by sex scenes, these ones just happened to be very weird in terms of placement in the show). Overall, the various plot lines and characters are gripping enough to carry the show and hold your attention, flaws and all. I see this as a mid to high 6 when compared to other shows we enjoy and rounded it up. We did get sucked in enough to finish season one and will watch season two when it comes out.
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Sausage Party (2016)
A comedy for those who don't take religion too seriously
6 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The majority of people offended by this show are going to be highly religious people or people who take religion very seriously. The vulgarity of it is on par with other similar rated R or TV-MA material IMO.

Contrary to the impression that its just going to be a sex jokes movie, the general theme involves poking fun at religious beliefs on the basis of blind faith. If you are someone who brings a critical eye to religion or doesn't take religion too seriously and you don't mind sex jokes (that poke fun on all kinds of relationships), this movie will be a fast favorite. We haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Sam Harris would be proud.
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Deadpool (2016)
Best comedy (or movie) of 2016 in February? Possible.
12 February 2016
When a movie makes the entire audience laugh from the opening credits until the very last post-credits scene, you know it's definitely deserving of some awards.

The sarcasm and rapid fire witty comments that are strategically placed through the entire movie in sometimes unexpected but still very natural ways, coupled with the "been there done that" vibe of clearly trying to poke fun at other action and hero movies is done exactly right. The non-linear story line coupled with a level of violence and sexual material we're not used to from the pg-13 hero movies and a huge amount of sarcasm and wit gives it almost a Quentin Tarantino meets Ben Stiller feel and it's absolutely awesome. There is nothing quite like this movie and it'll probably open up a whole new door for copycats.

Considering this is the directing debut for Tim Miller, I think he hasquite the future ahead of him in directing.
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Excellent progressive suspense show with a side of horror and gore
3 January 2016
My only regret is not watching this show sooner. I had quite a few people recommend it to me, but horror isn't typically my genre, or so I thought, so I put it off. It's not what I expected at all for something with "Horror" in the title. While it does deliver fear, it does so in a way that focuses more on suspense and plot and showcasing the idea that humanity is both capable of evil and of overcoming evil. I've seen 3 seasons now and absolutely love this show and can't wait to watch the rest of the seasons.

Even though the subject matter gets dark and there are gory scenes, there is a very heavy emphasis on plot over the horror and gore aspects of the show so much so that the minor details that don't necessarily make sense are able to be overlooked as "eh, it's fiction".

The real "horror" they focus on is that humanity has nothing to be afraid of except for what we create for ourselves. I'm not so much into the gore as I am into the plot lines and the depth of the characters and the fact that this show does such an excellent job of highlighting the problems in the world that still need to change. Sexism against both men and women, racism, homophobia, murder, repression, rape, torture, ethics, honesty, our focus on looks over personality, the way we view sex as a society, etc. etc. It goes much deeper into these topics than you might expect for a "horror" show and that is what makes this show so great. It's ability to showcase humanity's capacity for evil and really highlight just how backwards humanity has been in the past and still is today.
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A Very Murray Christmas (2015 TV Special)
Another disappointed Bill Murray fan
15 December 2015
Several of Bill Murray's films are at the top of my movie list. This one, not so much. It was really disappointing as a fan. I agree with several other reviewers that Bill Murray's talent was underutilized. I expected it to have a bit more of a plot and a bit more of his usual quick wit humor. It's not so much a movie with a plot as it is a celebrity karaoke night with Bill Murray as a host and also a bit of a therapist to some of the characters in the bar.

I feel like they phoned a few celebrity friends, got together for a slumber party in a warehouse, sang songs and filmed it, used the first takes on all of the scenes and hurriedly put it together to get it on Netflix in time.

Some songs were decent enough, but others were a disaster. Possibly on purpose, but didn't cut it humor wise. If you are someone who enjoys celebrity cameos, perhaps you'll enjoy this. It just wasn't funny for us to watch a bunch of celebrities we know are not singers fail (miserably) at singing and a bunch of celebrities we already know are decent singers be decent or mediocre at singing.

If you're going to watch this, be prepared with something else in front of you to do while it's on, like wrapping Christmas presents, so you don't have to feel like it was a total waste of your time.
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I wanted to like this film, but couldn't
15 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Going in to a film called "American Hustle", you would expect to see some sort of... well anything that the word "hustle" implies. Action, a fast pace of "hustling" around in the con man world, unexpected twists, actual run ins with mafia or dangerous people, some sort of con/heist to blow you away and separate itself from all the other con artist films and TV shows. Nope. This movie amounted to a whole lot of, essentially, business meetings and then a side plot of Irving figuring out how to handle his wife being overly depressed and perhaps having other mental illnesses. Seeing as the entire movie is showcasing how incompetent the main characters are because of their guilt, lack of humanity, or health problems, the last five minutes trying to wrap up the story in a happy, neat package felt rather out of place.

When the only person in the cast that's a likable, somewhat nice, person is the supposedly corrupt politician they're trying to entrap and send to jail, that's saying something about how the script fails at getting you to like the main characters. I would actually say Jeremy Renner did the best acting of the film too. He played his role as the altruistic New Jersey mayor who gets tricked really well. He is the only one who maintained his New Jersey accent the entire time without slipping up too.

The way the narration was, perhaps the director wanted us to feel sympathy towards Irving for being "stuck" with a mentally ill wife, but instead we feel sympathy towards Rosalynd for being with a lying, cheating husband who really was never there and was literally mad at her for having a mental illness or two. Rather than help his wife, he abandons her for another woman without "problems" and belittles her for her mental illness. The other issue with him never really being there at his home, is that we are supposed to believe his reason for staying married to a wife he doesn't love was to "be there" for her son. Laughable considering he showed up maybe two or three times to their house the entire movie and when he did, he shooed the son away pretty much instantly so he could spend his time yelling at the son's mom for being too depressed.

There was a lot of misplaced humor (lets give the depressed wife all the humorous scenes and lines?), no witty, meaningful or interesting dialogue, no palatable tension, no "come together" aha twist at the end, no likable characters... everything that makes a movie great, this movie lacked. I don't think there was a single quotable line other than ones similar to what you could find when googling inspirational quotes about finding yourself.

They decided to include "mafia" in the last line of the plot description and that was highly inaccurate. The "mafia" man they encounter (wouldn't call it opening them to the mafia world) lasts a whopping 2-5 minutes and is spent sitting around a table talking about money and failed entirely at creating any sort of tension (a 1-2 second flashback to the mob man shooting a single man in the street is supposed to make us afraid). A more accurate description of this movie would be: "A con man, Irving Rosenfeld, along with his partner Sydney Prosser, is forced to choose between kidnapping his son and fleeing the country or working for a desperate FBI agent, Richie DiMaso, who pushes them into sitting around tables and convincing New Jersey politicians and businessmen to break the law. They decide to try their chances with the FBI and then after 90% of the movie is over finally realize that was a huge mistake."
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I'm only sorry I haven't watched this sooner.
28 November 2015
I don't understand the reviewers who gave negative reviews, said this movie was "too slow", "boring" or the characters weren't well written. I feel the exact opposite. It takes a lot for me to love a movie, especially a violent one.

Sometimes you watch an almost 3 hour movie and feel it drags on way too long and scenes should have been cut, but the way this was written kept you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next the entire time. When things do happen, it's both unexpected and not so far fetched that you think "impossible!" Of course some of the script seems outlandish or exaggerated by today's standards, and it may be easy for some less aware individuals to think "that wouldn't happen", but in the era this was written, it all felt just right. Of course little bits and pieces gave it a modern edge, but for the most part it stuck to it's time period. There certainly were people exactly like DiCaprio's character in existence in the past and so it makes it that much more interesting and intense. Almost having a goal to "expose" how truly evil slavery and racism was.

I felt this movie made even the "unnecessary scenes" interesting and enjoyable. The witty dialogue pushed the plot along and also gave you more information about characters. The characters were believable in that they did sometimes have moments of weakness, moments of hesitation, and also moments of haste. That gives it an even better sense of reality in my opinion when characters "break character". Real people are not always acting in one fluid character trait. The flashbacks were actually useful to the plot, not just a ploy that seem unrelated. You were given real reasons to root for the "good guys" and truly hate the "bad guys" other than "here's the good guys and bad guys, now watch the violence". Through the build up, it fully captures just how deep and evil slavery and racism was and pretty much takes you back in time to witness the current view of slavery and equality crush the old view of slavery and racism.

I'll also add that I normally get sensitive when it comes to excessive or unnecessary violence in films and if the violence doesn't "make sense" as coming from the people we are supposed to believe as "good", it tends to frustrate me. I felt this movie overcame that "ends justify the means" pattern that many action movies seem to fall victim to. Knowing the way I feel about excessive and unnecessary violence in plot lines, I have never watched any of Quentin Tarantino's movies before knowing they are gory and violent, but decided to watch this one since it had such high accolades and went into it expecting to avert my eyes as needed or even turn it off. However, this felt different for me than an "ends justify the means" scenario and brilliantly placed the violence exactly where you wanted it to be and geared it to exactly who you felt "deserved" the violence.

I am only sorry I haven't watched this particular one sooner as it has now become a serious contender for my favorite movie of all time. I am planning to watch a few more of his movies now to see if I like them just as much.
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Circle (II) (2015)
Well thought out and made to get people thinking and talking
18 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is hard to discuss without "spoiling" some of it. I feel like the less you know going in, the more you'll get from it. Don't watch this alone, not because it's scary (it's not "horror" at all really in the typical sense - the deaths are not gory or violent as in typical horror films, so much as sudden and suspenseful), but because you are going to want someone to discuss it with as soon as it's over.

This movie was not made to excite or scare you, so if you are looking for an exciting action horror, this definitely isn't in that genre, though it's exciting and suspenseful in a different way. It is a "thinky" movie with quite a few twists you don't expect, meant to make you uncomfortable, meant to force you to ask some pretty deep, tough questions, mainly about the value society places on individual lives and whether or not we, as a society, are actually justified in the way we think about various topics. Not comfortable topics. If you enjoy thought provoking, suspenseful films you can spend hours analyzing afterward, you will enjoy this one.

Very thought provoking questions get inadvertently presented along the way as you watch the characters discuss snippets of their lives in an intense debate and then literally vote to kill each other off based on these characteristics.

The purpose of the movie really is more along the lines of promoting equality, acceptance and creating a dialogue about challenging society's typical way of thinking about people's worth and value. Although the sci-fi based plot you have to accept in order to get into the discussion itself is (obviously) far fetched and not that logical, it's so successful at getting a lot of hard, but important, questions in in a short amount of time and provides a very visual way to take in what these questions really have the potential to mean, especially as us humans actually are working towards the goal of creating a "global" society that values true equality.

It forces you to face a lot of questions about yourself, how you view others and how society views people and whether or not the views we hold about the value of an individual are actually worth keeping. The reason I feel this film is so brilliant is that it's able to entertain you in a different way and yet open up specific moral questions for a discussion on at least 15-20 different hot topics. The flaws you notice along the way end up feeling very deliberate by the time you sit and ask yourself the questions that this film begs you to decide for yourself on.

It is true that the ending initially left a bit to be desired and made you say "NO! What? That's it?", but after sitting on it, I feel like it was actually quite a brilliant way to end given the obvious purpose behind the movie. What better way to end a film that was intended to have you face so many unanswered hard moral questions than in an "unanswered" way? People are so used to getting all the answers at the end of movies, having all the strings tied up by having bad guys lose and good guys win "the way it's supposed to be", but real life is not like that, real life is not "fair" and this movie was supposed to reflect on that exact point of reality "life is NOT fair". Seeing as the purpose of this movie was not to give you answers, but to ask you questions, it actually feels so purposefully flawed to have it end the way it did.

I gave it a 9 because there were a few minor details or areas of dialogue we felt could've been changed to make it even better. We also all agreed (as some other reviewers have stated) that it would've been a much better twist to have the people who "died" actually be alive in the end, though at the same time we understand the impact of not giving in to that desired ending. At the same time, the film does leave it open ended enough that you could still even come to the conclusion the people never died on your own anyway.
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