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Grey's Anatomy: One Day Like This (2018)
Season 14, Episode 17
Finally a really strong episode this season!
7 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This whole 2017/2018 TV season has been a bit of a disappointment for me so far and Grey's Anatomy has been no exception. Hardly any of the characters interest me, the storylines even less so and the newest batch of interns could go die a long slow death as far as I'm concerned.

As to the news that Arizona and April are going to be written out at the end of the season? This does surprise me and disappoint me, especially regarding Arizona. She used to be one of my favourite characters until things became a bit ridiculous with her missing leg and her cheating. But still I lived in hope that I would love her again. As to April, she has always been one of my least favourite characters, even when the show was good so I'm glad in a way that she is being written out - I didn't think she could get more annoying but that was before she became a party girl!

Having said all of that, I loved this episode even if one third of it focused on April. I loved the way she lashed out and blamed Bailey and was invested in her patient and the scene where she played along and pretended to be Eli's wife whilst he died was heartbreaking.

I loved Meredith's storyline. Meredith is pretty much the only reason I watch the show for nowadays and although the ending of the whole Riggs/Meredith storyline has my head spinning even now, I live in hope that she will find a love interest again. Her flirtation with her transplant surgeon patient was a perfect teaser. I would be very happy if Nick Marsh ended up becoming a recurring character although I suspect that hope may be futile. Great ending scene between Alex/Meredith and the flashback look over the shoulder to the bar door.

And then there's the whole Owen/Teddy vignette. Now let's make it clear: after Meredith Grey, Teddy Altman is probably my favourite Grey's character and Henry/Teddy will always be one of my favourite couples. Owen/Teddy I kind of didn't mind back in the Cristina days when Cristina was in my bad books but Henry is always going to be the perfect match for Teddy.

When it looked like Owen/Teddy were going to get their happy ever after at the start of this episode, I didn't have any strong feelings after all Henry is dead and the Owen/Amelia marriage has to be one of the worst pairings in 14 years of Grey's (and that's saying something!) but then the plot twist happened as I was all like "yeah, you go Teddy! Call him on his crap! Don't be second best!". I loved it when she shouted at him that he didn't ever get to talk about Henry. The only thing that disappoints me about the way this ended is that I am pretty sure there's no way Teddy/Kim Raver will ever get to come back to the show and that makes this Teddy fan sad.

Finally a really strong episode this season!
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Criminal Minds: Red Light (2017)
Season 12, Episode 22
Excellent finale
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After a very mediocre season, this show managed to save itself in my estimation with a strong trifecta of episodes wrapping up the season-long Cat Adams/Mexico/Reid In Prison arc and bringing Scratch back into play.

It takes a special kind of serial killer to go toe-to-toe with Spencer Reid's ridiculously high IQ and Cat Adams is the only one to have ever come close. I liked their battle of intelligence and kudos to whoever thought of the escape into her imagination to vary the setting from the grey prison to the luxurious ballroom.

Cat and Lindsey being in an explosive hitwomen lesbian love affair certainly explains their connection and why Lindsey was willing to go to the lengths she did to frame Reid. The whole thing started to take a dark twisty turn with the whole "pregnant with Reid's baby" thing – I loved Prentiss's explosion of "Are you kidding me?!" because that's exactly what I thought! I didn't think the show would take it that far and I was glad when my suspicions were confirmed that it was actually the prison guard's baby.

As ever the friendship between Reid and JJ is one of the things I love the most about the show and it was right that she was the one to accompany him through one of the toughest mental battles he ever had to endure, and be there to reassure him that prison hadn't turned him into the monster he feared he had become.

After all the build-up Lindsey surrendered rather too quickly for my liking in the end, no doubt to save time to set up Season 13's plot arc of the reappearance of Scratch. We got to enjoy a lovely reunion between Reid and his Mum quickly followed by Morgan's appearance. It was good to see him again but I am a bit miffed that it was clear that he hadn't been keeping in touch with the team. I mean I know that the BAU have had a lot going on this season but there's no way that Garcia and Morgan wouldn't have been in constant contact even if just through phone calls and texts.

Bringing Morgan back to share a text message was a bit of a wasted opportunity. I can only guess the writers decided to do it since Shemar's SWAT show got picked up and knowing that they wanted to bring him back at some point, they felt they had to do it now or miss the window.

Anyway, it was enough to trigger the now exhausted team into action and cue the epic car crash and season finale cliffhanger that Criminal Minds is known for.

Never since Season 3 has the fate of so many team members been up in the air. Unlike that finale which was a real tizzy, I am guessing due to casting news which has come out since the finale that the only one in real danger of dying is Walker.
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Criminal Minds: Green Light (2017)
Season 12, Episode 21
Great episode
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Okay show you have definitely got my full attention now.

I definitely didn't see that twist at the end coming. So Scratch wasn't behind the team's misfortunes all season after all it was the odious Cat Adams who I find infinitely scarier by the way. And she masterminded it all from behind bars (how many times has the show had someone behind bars pulling the strings? I feel like it's quite a few!) working with Lindsey Vaughan.

I think TPTB did an okay job explaining Vaughan's presence mixed up in all of this. I am still not sure why she has it out for Reid but her daddy issues explains why she became a hitwoman and is working with Cat Adams.

Anyway, before the grand reveal of Cat Adams, Reid did actually make it out of prison, at least for a few hours. I have to take my hat off to the writers for the switcharoo they played with Reid stabbing himself, blaming it on Shaw to get into isolation, Shaw threatening to hunt him down, Reid having flashbacks to all his interactions with Shaw leading the viewers to believe it was all leading to a showdown with the dirty FBI Agent …… only to have JJ walk into the room and have a wonderful reunion with Reid. Glad to see that Alvez made sure that Shaw gets his just desserts.

I thought Garcia wanting to hand in her resignation was a little out of character. I would totally understand the moments of despair after everything everyone has been through but choosing that moment to essentially give up on Reid was not something I saw her doing.

At the other end of the spectrum I love Prentiss's leadership speech at the end where she really takes charge of the team, allowing them one minute of sadness and despair before getting them to focus on the task at hand. We've obviously seen her being the boss throughout the rest of the season but this episode is the first time she's really had the chance to step up and be a leader.

Now I just have to wait to see if the finale ends up being a Vaughan / Adams / Scratch trifecta or whether next season is going to be what I thought this season was about: Scratch Vs BAU.
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Designated Survivor: Brace for Impact (2017)
Season 1, Episode 21
Decent finale
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Given the events of this season I was terrified which part of the government would get blown up or main character shot in this episode but as it turned out the series finale was quite mild in comparison to the events building up to it.

Agent Wells and the bomb got resolved quickly and in dramatic fashion – I think Hannah Wells was channeling Nikita in these last few episodes because despite being drugged and beaten up multiple times whilst on the ship, she was able to lead a taskforce and then come out a winner in a fistfight with Catalan!

I was scared that she wouldn't last the season. Maggie Q is the reason I started watching the show to begin with and with most of the season having her going it alone to discover the truth, the setup felt a lot like Nikita at times. I am glad that she is still standing at the end of this episode. I am sad that Jason Atwood was the sacrificial lamb but kudos to the writers for taking the time to show Wells's softer side and have her mourn him in his empty FBI office. The flashback to their first meeting really made me smile.

I feel like I have been starved of Aaron/Emily moments in the second half of the season and disappointingly the season finale was empty of any significant moments between them although with Aaron back at The White House, no doubt the UST will resurface between the two of them in Season 2.

I am glad that President Moss turned out to be a true ally as I was initially suspicious of his motives when he appeared but the best character growth for me in the whole season was that of Kimble Hookstraten. I love how the writers kept us (and Kirkman!) on our toes debating whether she could be trusted or not. I am sorely disappointed that she won't be returning for Season 2 – I only hope that we will get her guest-starring for a couple episodes or so.

President Kirkman, Alex, Ritter and Seth are all solid characters that I love. I am sure that for most people the defining moment of this episode for Kirkman was the rousing speech he gave at the end but for me the scene which really highlighted why we all wish we had a leader like him was the way he dealt with Abe Leonard.

This episode did a good job of wrapping up just enough loose ends from this season to give the viewer a sense of closure before dropping the plot bomb which will undoubtedly be the shadow that hangs over season 2 – after all we all know that in many ways cyber- terrorism is more dangerous that blowing up the Capitol.
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Private Eyes: The Code (2016)
Season 1, Episode 1
Unoriginal but fun
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is show is many things but original isn't one of them.

In fact it is basically made up of key elements of three crime dramas that I have previously enjoyed: The Mentalist, Castle and Lie To Me:

❥ non-law enforcement guy who can solve crimes better than any other cop out there (The Mentalist, Lie To Me, Castle)

❥ a kickass female partner who tries to reign in the childish antics of her partner (The Mentalist, Lie To Me, Castle)

❥ UST between the two leads (The Mentalist, Lie To Me, Castle)

❥ the guy drives a vintage car (The Mentalist)

❥ one half of the duo is determined to hunt down a killer who killed a family member (Castle, The Mentalist)

❥ the guy has a very smart teenage daughter (Castle, Lie To Me)

❥ said daughter's mother comes back to cause problems (Castle, Lie To Me)

❥ there's a grandparent on the scene looking after the daughter whilst the guy goes off crime-fighting (Castle)

❥ the guy is famous (Castle, The Mentalist)

❥ the guy is a manwhore (Castle) I could go on but you get the drift.

However, having said that, I am sucker for these sort of shows so what's one more to add to the list if executed well. Private Eyes definitely started off on a good foot. I liked all the characters and the case was interesting. Points for giving the daughter a disability. And using a Hall & Oates song.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Party Crashers (2017)
Season 9, Episode 1
Season 9 premiere
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There's something to be said about having a time jump and not having to see Sam deal with his raw anguish over the death of Michelle and then there's basically not touching on it at all.

Sure we saw that he had taken a break from the team and was living life on a beach catching fish and drinking beer all day but other than living life like a beach bum, Sam was really just the same cool dude he was before the Season 8 finale. I mean I know he's not the sort of guy to dwell on his feelings but I just expected a bit more angst.

So Hetty has gone AWOL and the team has a new Assistant Director who is exactly how I thought she would be given the character outline I've read. Her assistant is kind of fun being caught between the world of the team and her boss. Did I some sort of attraction between Mosley and Callen or am I imagining it?!

Deeks getting sent back to LAPD and being given a desk in the dog kennel AND finding out about his mother's younger boyfriend provided lots of light relief and funny moments. I'm just always going to be waiting for when Whiting comes knocking…

Casewise the whole "North Korea is going to bomb us" is very current and pulled straight from the headlines but I liked the twist that it was actually just a ploy by Middle Eastern countries to frame North Korea.

Finally, I sense a plot arc based on something from Hetty's past starting. Yawn. Really find it had to get invested in these multi- episode arcs any more.
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Designated Survivor: One Year In (2017)
Season 2, Episode 1
Bring back Season 1
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely adore Maggie Q and she is the reason I started watching Designated Survivor in the first place but I can honestly say I did not expect Agent Hannah to make it to a second season. The fact that she has her own subplot going on makes it feel like you're watching a show which is one half Nikita and one half The West Wing and I expected the writers to want to make the show more cohesive and continue in the vein of the latter.

As it is, Agent Hannah is still going strong and on the hunt for Patrick Lloyd and now joined by an British Intelligence Agent, who may or may not turn out to be a love interest. I lap up any screen time they give us with Maggie Q but can't help but feel that plotwise whatever they come up simply has to fail to match the great impact of the Capitol being blown up.

Back in The White House and Seth is having a bad day and the team is joined by an eccentric political director by the name of Lyor. I personally thought that the team was doing just fine without the addition of another character but oh well. My main gripe is that there has been absolutely no acknowledgement of the feelings between Aaron and Emily now that they are working together again. True, their jobs are hardly conducive to thinking of anything except running the country but TV-wise, this viewer wants more UST dammit!

Finally, there's the fact that Natascha McElhone is leaving the show hanging over the season. How are they going to write out President Kirkman's wife? Death seems highly likely.
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Chicago Fire: It Wasn't Enough (2017)
Season 6, Episode 1
Lacklustre premiere
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This show just about clung in there on my watching schedule last season but if the rest of the season is as yawn-worthy as this season premiere then I don't know how long I'm going to continue watching it. Truth be told if it wasn't due to my desire to be up- to-speed during the Chicago crossovers, I would have probably dropped Chicago Fire a long time ago.

All that build-up with the epic fire at the end of the last season and no one actually ends up dead or with life-changing injuries? I'm sorry TPTB you chose to kill my favourite character Shay a few seasons ago but everyone comes out just fine at the end of this cliffhanger?! That's just silly.

At the very least I would have expected the writers to try something new now we've hit Season 6 but alas that is too much to ask. Severide is still sleeping around, a random friend of Brett who I really don't care about is introduced as a new love interest, Dawson/Casey are still skirting around domestic issues and there's a new arsonist on the loose.

The only thing I really, truly enjoyed was Cruz doing everything to please Mouch to make up for the events at the end of last season.
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Criminal Minds: Wheels Up (2017)
Season 13, Episode 1
Strong start
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is what I thought I knew for certain going into this premiere:

✔ Walker would die ✔ The rest of the team would be basically fine ✔ Reid would have PTSD ✔ Simmons would be an awesome addition to the BAU X The Scratch arc would hang over the whole season, much like it did last season (except for real this season, not like last year's red herring)

I was right on four out of 5 counts.

I definitely did not foresee Prentiss getting kidnapped and tortured. I have to say the part of me that loves seeing my usually fighting fit awesome Heroines suffer a bit of whomp was relishing the prospect of more Prentiss-torture. I knew she wasn't going to be killed due to her being front and centre in this season's promo poster but I thought for a little while that TPTB were going to be really really bold and have relegated to a wheelchair and maybe leading the BAU from behind a desk for at least half a season. The fact that it is all explained by the fact that Prentiss is hallucinating the torture leaves me conflicted. On the one hand hats off to the writers for wrapping it all up in a nice, neat bow and bringing in Scratch's MO and use of hallucinogenics. On the other hand I was really hoping for some more longlasting Prentiss angst.

The mentions of Hotch and Jack and the team dangling that as a bait were a pleasant surprise as well, though I find it hard to believe that someone has smart as Scratch would truly believe that someone has smart as Prentiss would make such a mistake as to use Hotch's initials in a text ..

I loved the Will/JJ moment. The fact that they touched upon a past worry that Will had for her safety and the fact that they talked about "calling it" when things got too dangerous. I love it when the writers treat us to a glimpse into JJ's family life.

Rossi was on fine form in this episode with his "asshats" comment and general Rossi-ness. Walker's wife was a lot more gracious than I would have been if I had been in her situation. There may be no Scratch arc throughout Season 13 was Reid's PTSD is definitely going to be hanging over the rest of the season which should give MGG a lot of material to work with.

The ending of the episode was perfect. Having our superhero crimefighters agree to take time off from casework is usually only mentioned when the writers want to use that old plot arc where one of them discovers a crime whilst on holiday and has to call in the team.

The whole "Wheels Up" moment was an epic nod from the writers to the fans. Lovely of them to indulge us this way, especially since we may be embarking upon one of my favourite team line-ups yet. (Yes, I am aware that I said the same thing this time last year )

Criminal Minds has been through some weak periods in recent seasons but this show always manages to bring its A game when it counts. Fantastic premiere and start to the season and the end of Scratch practically wipes the slate clean.
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NCIS: Los Angeles: Se Murio El Payaso (2017)
Season 9, Episode 2
Very weak episode
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Two episodes into the season and the writers give us this incredibly weak episode. Some of the things which let it down:

☢ The plot. What plot?! It was incredibly weak and felt like that Sam/Dechamps, Callen/Anna and Deeks/Kensi were all working on separate cases. The only marginally interesting thing was the reveal about who Deeks and Kensi were actually interrogating.

☢ Sam not dealing with his wife's death.

☢ Agent Dechamps – apparently we have met her before – I can't remember in what episode for the life of me. I couldn't tell if she was being set up to be a new NCIS team member or Sam's love interest or both

☢ Hetty and her sub-arc. I really could not care less.

☢ Marsha Thomason and her dodgy American accent. I have seen her in a few things and like her well enough but man that accent .

☢ Seriously how long is it going to take for Anna to start her ATF job?!

☢ Director Mosely and her assistant were introduced to the show with great fanfare in the season premiere .. only to never be mentioned in this episode.

I get that even the best procedurals need "filler" episodes but the second episode of the season? Seriously?!
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Criminal Minds: Unforgettable (2017)
Season 12, Episode 20
Strongest episode of the season so far
1 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Criminal Minds has been a bit of a chore to watch this season if I've being honest. The cases haven't been that interesting, I think the whole Scratch arc has dragged out too long and Reid being in prison for so long is simultaneously yawn-worthy and signs of writers scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Then there's the new team member of Stephen Walker who seems like a very nice gentleman, just a bit boring and one dimensional. Three episodes away from the end of the season and I'd already written him off so when the episode started and it was clear that it was going to be Walker-centric and a chance to give him some backstory, it was all a case of too little too late for me.

Despite my reservations though this episode did pull me in. I was invested in poor Sam and rooting for his reunion with his son. I liked that the whole Russian spy thing was a misdirection and wasn't the cause of his poisoning but rather a means of showcasing the friendship between him and Stephen. And a female serial killer using poison as her weapon of choice at least matches all the criminal profiling out there even if the use of poison didn't flag to the BAU team that they ought to be considering a woman killer.

In tandem with that, the whole Reid in prison arc suddenly got interesting ....

I wasn't spoiled for this episode in that I haven't read any reviews out there but I did notice Joe Mantegna's daughter credited in the opening credits which tingled my spidey senses. My automatic assumption was that due to nepotism they brought her in again but to play a different character because in my head she is still that young teenager that she was in the first episode she starred in. Crap that was almost ten years ago.

There were some really lovely moments between Spencer and his mum, showing her both in the throes of panic but also in her lucid moment blaming herself for Reid being in prison and how she will forget who he is before he is released. When she mentioned about having a new nurse I guessed that the new nurse was the woman working for Scratch and being Reid's mother's caretaker is a novel of inflicting torture on Reid ..... it was only due to the flashbacks at the very end that convinced me that they actually brought back Joe's daughter to play the same character as she was before and she is Diana Reid's new nurse! Now I have a ton of questions: do I need to go rewatch that 2008 episode to fully appreciate why Joe's daughter wants revenge? Is she working for Scratch or is her master plan totally unconnected to that? Have I really been watching Criminal Minds for over a decade with no concept of time?!
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Ransom: Bulletproof (2017)
Season 1, Episode 13
Ends on a cliffhanger
23 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So the whole season has been building towards the reveal of why Maxine has been keeping in touch with her mother's killer. Well, it turns out it is not for nefarious reasons as hinted at in previous episodes: rather, she's just a little girl stuck in an adult's body grasping at straws trying to find out more about the mother she barely knew.

Damien Delani, Eric's nemesis and Maxine's penpal, is of course central to this episode. He appears to have been reformed and willing to help the team find his former pupil the super hacker but of course us viewers know it's the season finale and aren't fooled by his act of innocence.

Eric's friend and FBI agent, Freddie Woods, makes a welcome reappearance only to lose his life when the perp hacks into the FBI's elevators and causes him to plummet to his death.

Crime shows have been quick to take on the technology taking over the world theme and it's quite frightening when you think about how crippling it would be if (if being the key word here) all the systems could be hacked simultaneously to exact mass destruction on the world.

By the time we get to the latter half of the episode, the light-hearted feel of the whole of the previous clutch of episodes is long gone and things get dark, real dark, reminiscent of the short-lived show The Inside.

Eric starts spinning out of control, reliving the shooting of Maxine's mother and it turns out that he and Maxine's lives are deeply entwined as her mother used to be his girlfriend and he's been looking out for Maxine her whole life. It takes his team to talk him down from shooting the perp ..... turns out she never had the ability to shut down the whole world and she was just a pawn in Delani's game.

Disappointingly given that the show has been cancelled, the series ends on a cliffhanger with Luke's daughter getting kidnapped. Now we will never see if Delani gets his comeuppance.

I am sad to see this show go, not so much for the characters but more for the strong procedural element that never failed to keep my interest. The thirteen episodes are worth watching if you have time over the long hiatus.
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Ransom: The Castle (2017)
Season 1, Episode 11
Just a tad OTT
20 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This episode had some very current themes at the heart of it: friendship and cyber bullying. However, the execution of it was waaay over the top.

A group of young adults from different countries are lured to a castle in France by way of a Pokemon Go type mobile phone game. The castle then locks down and they are trapped in there, fearing for their lives until the individual responsible for the cyber-bullying owns up and confesses.

Of course Eric instinctively knows what is really going on and takes things into his own hands without any thought to his safety as he does every episode much to the disgruntlement of his estranged wife.

The writers went too far with the cheese when at the end the girl responsible for the bullying offers friendship and hugs to the victim. I get it, you feel bad but moments before he was pointing a gun at you and had nothing to lose by pulling the trigger. In reverse, the bullied boy with no real friends and a terminal illness is willing to accept friendship from someone who cyber-bullied him and caused him so much pain he attempted suicide even though he only has months to live. SERIOUSLY?! You really expect me to believe that two teenagers who came close to killing each other one way or another would really be able to kiss and make up just like that?! Please.
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Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders: Abominable (2017)
Season 2, Episode 12
One To Skip
20 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst I have enjoyed this season as a whole, unfortunately I think episodes like this only support the network's decision to cancel this show.

I am already prone to disliking any episode that is based around a theory that the victims were killed due to a "monster" or religious ritualistic ceremonies and this one was all about the former.

Monty is obviously stereotyped as that intelligent but geeky individual that doesn't do well in the outdoors and believes in conspiracy theories and ends up out in the field for the most tenuous of reasons.

The whole episode is about the FBI trying to disprove the Yeti theory which we all know isn't a real thing so the whole human Vs animal evidence was just yawn-worthy. There was a lot of wandering and tracking in the forest which I was tempted to fast-forward through. Throw in a monk preaching about karma and this all being Mother Nature's "will" and you're left with a recipe for one of my least favourite episodes.

The fact that the victim was apparently pregnant with the child of her dirtbag yoga instructor never went anywhere and bringing in Charisma Carpenter for two scenes was such a waste unless it was tactical – usually I see her name in the credits and automatically presume she must be the baddie ….

PS. Coffee mugs on the table when the plane is about to take off? Really?!
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Grey's Anatomy: Ring of Fire (2017)
Season 13, Episode 24
An Anticlimax
19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Otherwise known as Jackson and his 3 women. Somehow in the midst of a rapist on the loose, Jackson manages to entangle himself with his ex-girlfriend, ex-wife and, presumably, future lover. It was admirable how intent he was on finding Edwards (no doubt through some lingering feelings of guilt) but then the writers choose now to spring a new love interest on him completely out of left field? Yes I know Jackson and Maggie had a wonderful moment on the bench outside the house in the episode where her mother died but all of a sudden they have ~feelings~ for each other?! What was that whole Jackson/April episode about a few weeks earlier then?! And never mind searching for the missing Edwards, how about sending out a search party for the missing Jo. I mean talk about going AWOL? And that whole Alex hunting down Jo's ex-husband storyline from the previous episode? Well didn't that just get shoved to the side. I mean I like the fact that Alex didn't actually do anything rash which would have gotten him into trouble and I know this is meant to show character growth but how about at least a scene where he tells Jo that he saw him and they decide on what to do about it together? The previous episode was such a fantastic build-up the finale was bound to be an anti-climax but I am disappointed on just how much was left open-ended. The fact we never got to meet Megan was clearly a tactical ploy by the writers to a) leave the audience wanting more and b) take the summer to nail the perfect casting for that pivotal character but I mean we didn't even get a reunion scene with the little girl and her irresponsible father! There were good things about the episode: I've never felt anything for Edwards but I've actually grown to like her the back half of this season and clearly they were just building that up to write her out which is a shame. I'm glad that she at least gets to exist the show gracefully and heroically and ALIVE which is a rare thing in Grey's Anatomy world.

The thing I loved the most though was Meredith's reaction to the news that Megan was alive. It was completely and utterly selfless the way she kept her head straight and thought all about Riggs throughout the whole thing from going straight to the hospital to tell him, making sure he was physically okay and then jumping for joy with him once he'd digested the news. No doubt there will be copious fallout and angsty feelings and love triangle-ness in Season 14 but I have to really admire Meredith in this episode.

No cliffhanger alert on this since the main focus of the show 'did Edwards and the girl survive the blast' was tied up but talk about lots of loose plot strings to start next season with
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Grey's Anatomy: True Colors (2017)
Season 13, Episode 23
Excellent episode
14 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
And so after seasons and seasons of wondering when the writers were going to bring Owen's sister back from the dead, they have finally played that card. Just as Riggs/Meredith are building a relationship. Just as I am pretty sure that Meredith's nausea is a sign that she's pregnant (unless that's TPTB deliberately leaving a red herring).

I have no feelings about Owen/Amelia and all their drama but I loved their scenes together in this episode.

Great casting of Mr Schu as Jo's ex-husband. I loved how we got to see Alex's options of dealing with him play out and the consequences of each one. Clever writing/directing there. As to Jo herself I know Camilla Luddington is on maternity leave but it's weird that the show hasn't addressed Jo's continual absence from the hospital at all.

And then there's the case … first, can I just say the wandering kid is mega irritating. I know it sounds harsh but I am not invested in her survival.

I LOVE the twist on the couple have car sex on the side of the cliff and the fact that although he seemed like a sweet guy, all was not as it seemed. Excellent plot twist. Poor Edwards.

The writers get bonus points for referencing past characters: both Alex giving his fake surname as "Stevens" and Amelia talking to "Teddy" on the phone.
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Chicago Med: Love Hurts (2017)
Season 2, Episode 23
Graduation and moving on
12 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This finale was all about graduation and moving on and to be fair this theme really started with last week's episode when we said goodbye to Jeff.

Now if ever there was a character brought in for the sole purpose of propping up another, Jeff is it. He served absolutely no purpose this season apart from being the blocker between Will/Natalie and helping Natalie move on from her dead husband. As soon as his job there was done he disappeared for several episodes only appearing to get Severide to donate his bone marrow to a sick woman (still don't understand that plot line – why was Jeff fighting so hard for his patient and why would Severide's bone marrow be better than anyone else's?!) and saying goodbye to Natalie last week before going off to Hawaii.

Graduation is also the time for pranks (or so I am led to believe, I've never actually seen any in real life myself) and I loved the pranks on Dr Stohl and Maggie's reaction to them. I think the balloons were my favourite one.

Robin's health problems and her relationship with Rhodes are two (of several) things that I haven't cared about this season. However, I did admire the writers for putting mental health issues front and centre showing how a strong, smart woman could suddenly have what appeared to be have a nervous breakdown. Therefore, it was extremely disappointing for me to have those psychiatric symptoms be explained as being only temporary due to a rare illness. I would have loved for the writers to show Robin fighting off her mental illness and coming back stronger.

The surprise of the season is that Dr Latham has actually grown on me …. and brought in a new South African residency that is probably going to steal his spot as most annoying character on the show. I see that Connor/Robin isn't going to last long then with his next love interest already being lined up.

Sarah and her story lines this season have bored me. SO much so that I apparently erased the fact that Sarah and her boyfriend broke up …. that did actually happen and I did just forget that right? I do not like Noah, I resent that he got the residency spot at Med and that he will probably become a regular next season. I feel as irritated with him as Sarah, actually probably more so since this is TV so she'll probably end up sleeping with him at some point given how the episode ended.

Choi/April – WTF? The scene on the rooftop last week …… I did NOT see that ship coming until it was too late and then it just made me want to cringe. Seems like they are really going there though, especially since relationship-wise the episode ended with those two kissing instead of the expected Will/Natalie. Hmm, maybe I am a bit intrigued.

Finally, we come to Will/Natalie. I have shipped them all along but the start of this season where she went off with Jeff really destroyed her character for me (Also, unrelated but a bit weird Owen hasn't made an appearance all season right?!). Then once she realises he was a mistake, she tries to get Will to confess his feelings for her again. Whilst I find Nina inadvertently aggravating, I do think Will did the right thing in turning Natalie down …… but of course that wouldn't last long. One simple haircut and Will is right back being obsessed with his colleague and friend.

Along comes Jay, who I have my own issues with since he broke up with Lindsay, and lo and behold there is something going on between him and Natalie, no matter how small. I knew when they went on to the hockey game together a couple of episodes back that the writers were going down this route. In a way I liked that Natalie and his brother getting closer is the trigger that makes Will fight for Natalie but I sincerely hope that wasn't the reason TPTB broke Jay/Erin up. I respect that Will didn't break up with Nina and then the same hour make his move on Natalie …..that was just friendly flirty dancing and the season premiere isn't going to start with them in bed together is it? Season 3 is obviously the time for them but I do not want their relationship to have rebound written all over it.

And then the ending …. as soon as the scene cut away from the party and back to the hospital, I remembered that Mr Kellogg still hadn't been dealt with and therefore, the episode was only going to end one way – with Dr Charles having recovered emotionally from Robin's illness but then be hurt physically.

Overall this season has been better than I first feared and there have been some strong medical cases and patients. Pity I'm not overly invested in any of the main characters.
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Chicago P.D.: Remember the Devil (2017)
Season 4, Episode 17
Drama. Sigh.
6 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
You can usually rely on Chicago P.D. to have an interesting, fast-paced case at the heart of an episode but this one really didn't work for me.

Lindsay was exceedingly harsh to a witness, somehow an illiterate foster kid is under the spell of two OAPs and then conveniently commits suicide. The little old lady is actually a kidnapping mastermind and for some unknown reason separates the two girls she has kidnapped, keeping one of them behind the fridge …. And then there's the whole Halstead/Lindsay break up.

After all the crap they have been through with Lindsay worrying about Hank's approval and Lindsay going off the rails after Nadia's death, Halstead/Lindsay are finally in a good place ……. and then all of a sudden TPTB decide to throw the fact that Jay was already secretly married into the mix. Erm, what?! I can kind of believe him not telling Lindsay since they've been a couple but I refuse to believe that in all this time he and Lindsay were partners, he wouldn't have let it slip in a "I know this sounds like such a cliché but I got married whilst drunk in Vegas …" type conversation over a few beers.

And then even though Lindsay is being all grown up and willing to overlook the whole marriage thing, Halstead still moves out.

Wake me when the drama ends.
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Quantico: Yes (2016)
Season 1, Episode 22
End of the first chapter
16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
No other show this season has had me as gripped as Quantico. From its Pilot it has hardly put a foot wrong (apart from Alex sleeping with 3 different guys within 20 weeks despite being in love with Ryan but anyway ....). There haven't been as many shocking twists gracing my screen ever since Nikita finished.

Part of me fell for TPTB's plan to suspect everyone at one point or another but I honestly thought by the last episode that it was Drew. The final twist blew my mind.

I love that this episode opened showing us Liam's POV of the NAT's time at Quantico and how he gathered all the intel in order to set them up. One of the series's strengths is the way it went back and forth from real time to the time at Quantico. I'm going to presume that that can't happen in Season 2 so I'm definitely going to miss that.

Great to see the awesome gang working together again for a common cause right back where it all started. Caleb/Shelby and Ryan/Alex <3.

Simon really stole the show though. He snuck his way into my heart and his final scene? Wow.

Knowing this show though I kept thinking he was going to be revealed as still being alive and that Alex would find clues to this at the end of the episode. I can still keep that hope alive though right? Alex joining the CIA seems a logical place for the show to go now and whilst I'm sure it will break Ryan's heart I'm sure she will get through anything that the agency throws at her in the future with a little help from her friends.
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Grandfathered: The Cure (2016)
Season 1, Episode 22
The show went out on a high
14 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It has been awhile since I watched a whole season of a 30-minute comedy but as soon as I heard that Paget Brewster and John Stamos were going to be in one together, I knew I had to watch.

The season had its up and downs with some great episodes mixed in with the rubbish but the last three episodes of the season definitely fall into the excellent category which is why I'm really disappointed that the show is now cancelled.

The only consolation is that this episode made a decent series finale. I loved Gerald's idea of proposing to Vanessa and it's nice for Edie that they are getting married. The Jimmy/Sara relationship is the thing that has kept me watching though and I loved the moment at the end of the previous episode. This episode was obviously bittersweet but totally in character with both of their characters. It's sad that we'll never find out the resolution to that emotional cliffhanger now though.

The only plus side to the show's cancellation? Maybe we'll see Paget Brewster return to 'Criminal Minds' now?
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Criminal Minds: The Storm (2016)
Season 11, Episode 22
Season (series?!) finale
5 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Criminal Minds finale snuck up on me this year and I only realised a few minutes before sitting down to watch that it was the last episode of the season.

If I hadn't realised before watching, I would soon have done from watching the opening sequences. Criminal Minds loves nothing more than to highlight important episodes by bringing the family element on strong: Rossi/his ex-wife, Reid talking about his Mum, Garcia telling everyone about plans to visit Prentiss, and of course Hotch/Jack, JJ/Will and her real life children. It was nice to bookend the episode with some cute team family moments.

As to the case itself? I have mixed views. It was interesting, don't get me wrong, but the setup and the links to previous episodes, particularly Antonia's Slade son, was tenuous at best and not a lot of time was spent actually profiling and expanding on the anarchist, prison-breaking, bomb-obsessed perp. It was almost like they planned the episode around all the cool prison scenes and helicopter exploding and slotted in a reason for it all happening as an after thought.

However, TV is TV and having SWAT burst in and arrest Hotch in front of Jack, JJ and Henry was an arresting (pardon the pun!) start with the highlight of course the prison break.

The final scene with the setup for Season 12 was slightly unbelievable (who knew anarchists had so much power that they can stage several prison breaks at once - 'Prison Break' made it seem so hard!) but ultimately sets up a good plot arc for next season. Whilst Criminal Minds hasn't been of the same quality as its earlier seasons of late, I would still hope there is still one more season left to go and it's not put out to pasture in favour of its latest spin off.
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Criminal Minds: Tribute (2016)
Season 11, Episode 19
Prentiss is back (again!)
31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Emily Prentiss has always been, and probably will always be, my favourite Criminal Minds Agent so I am always excited to hear when Paget is guest-starring.

I think the plot of the case (copycatting famous serial killers) was a good one with so much potential that they could have made more of it. More of it in this episode by making it more thrilling and gripping when in reality it fell short of the mark, or have kept it for a multi-episode arc (Prentiss aside) to make a great finale.

So casewise it disappointed but the whole "happy families" element certainly didn't. It was great to see my favourite agent interacting with the others again and they dealt with Morgan's absence well (although realistically we all know that if he knew Emily was in town, he would totally have made that Mexican dinner!). The last segment where Prentiss impersonates Morgan to Garcia was brilliant and the whole montage of the team at dinner really echoed a similar scene in season 3(?!) when the team were eating Chinese.

I just wish they had managed to do Paget justice by producing a more gripping episode case-wise.
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Worth watching!
19 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
For someone who was not keen on the first Criminal Minds spin off (to put it lightly), you would think that I definitely wouldn't be looking forward to the second but weirdly enough that isn't the case.

When "Suspect Behaviour" came along, Criminal Minds was still going strong and there was also all that awful stuff going on with AJ and Paget's contract that I felt that a spin off was just unnecessary. Plus the cast of the spin off just didn't work for me.

As to "Beyond Borders", they absolutely nailed the casting and the characterisation, and whilst I am still faithfully watching Criminal Minds, I'm grateful for something fresh to watch as well. As soon as I heard they cast Gary Sinise in the lead role, I was definitely going to give the show a try but then they brought on Daniel Henney and Alana De La Garza and I knew this show was going to be great.

I liked the way they gave us hints to Clara Seger's backstory (dead husband who was also in the FBI?) and how they worked the case into being the trigger for her to rejoin the FBI. I can't wait to find out more about her and the rest of the team's personal lives.

Casewise, it was nothing special but was interesting enough to hold my attention.

The only negative thing is that the Green Screen and the stock footage is a little icky. When they built sets to film on, it's believable enough but as someone who focuses in on the details, I can tell I'm going to have to stretch my imagination to the limit to believe that they're in the locations they say they are.
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Chicago Fire: All Hard Parts (2016)
Season 4, Episode 14
Glad that Chili arc is over
12 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I've to say I haven't really been feeling this season of Chicago Fire. Whilst the individual fires and incidents are always somewhat interesting, the multi-episode plot arcs have just been boring.

Take Chili's path of self-destruction for instance. It just went on and on and given that I wasn't a massive fan of her character to begin with, I just could not get invested in what was happening to her. The arc was just too long and too repetitive. I'm glad that it's at an end now.

Hopefully Casey running for Alderman is a little bit less dry. If it wasn't for my love of Chicago PD and Chicago Med, I would have probably stopped watching Chicago Fire already.
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Criminal Minds: Derek (2016)
Season 11, Episode 16
A mixed episode
11 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am so confused.

I feel like I just watched an hour of !tortureporn and !characterwhomp and I don't even know why.

In fact the first thing I did when I finished the episode was search Google because I felt like I must have just tuned out when they explained WHY Morgan was abducted and tortured but nope, didn't miss something that didn't happen. I mean, typical TV for leaving part of the plot unresolved and dragging it out over future episodes but it didn't even end with a "Will you marry me Savannah but oh God before the wedding I must hunt down the people who did this to me!" speech to highlight the fact that there were outstanding questions.

Anyway, rewind to when I watched the previous episode. I had seen a few comments where a lot of fans thought that Shemar would be leaving the series so I purposefully remained spoilerfree for this episode and avoided social media until I watched it.

*spoiler alert" Derek survives so I breathed a sigh of relief but it turns out there are rumours that he will still leave in a later episode, presumably after he finds out who ordered his abduction.

Sad times.

There's really nothing else to say about this episode apart from great casting of guest-stars with Danny Glover playing Derek's Dad and Tyree Brown from 'Parenthood' playing the younger version of Derek.
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