
52 Reviews
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Maryland (2023)
BORING! Crappy story! Directing pitiful!
22 May 2024
With the promising backdrop of the Isle of Man, I was initially filled with anticipation for this series. However, my excitement was quickly dampened as it became apparent that the show was not filmed on location. This discrepancy, despite the constant references to Isle of Man landmarks, left the setting feeling less than authentic.

The story had the potential to be captivating. However, it seemed to struggle with too many themes, leaving the plot feeling disjointed and underdeveloped. The characters, unfortunately, lacked depth and their struggles felt contrived. Suranne Jones, despite her talent, seemed to be stuck in a familiar character mode, which was disappointing.

The attempts at diversity and inclusion felt like a tick-box exercise, with characters from different backgrounds thrown in without any meaningful development or contribution to the storyline. The direction was uninspired, and the writing was a disjointed mishmash of clichés. Even the supporting cast couldn't salvage this train wreck. Stockard Channing's talent was completely wasted in a role that made no sense.

I managed to endure the first episode, hoping it would improve, but it only worsened. The drama was devoid of pace, with scenes dragging on without any sense of urgency or progression. Meaningful dialogue was scarce, and emotional engagement was non-existent. Scenes such as the karaoke bar meltdown and the taxi driver's nonsensical appearances were pointless and added nothing to the story.

Overall, this series was a colossal disappointment. If you're looking for quality drama, steer clear of this show. ITV must raise its game and invest in better scripts and more competent direction. This series was a complete waste of time and talent. Avoid it at all costs.
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After the Flood (2024– )
No where near "Happy Valley" - Don't waste your time!
16 May 2024
"After the Flood" is a wasted potential and unrelenting tedium exercise. What starts as a seemingly promising murder mystery quickly devolves into a mess of wooden acting, unbelievable plotlines, and unconvincing character development. The only saving grace, if you can call it that, is the performances by Lorraine Ashbourne and Philip Glenister, who got roped into this fiasco.

The narrative, supposedly centered around a mysterious death amidst a catastrophic flood, rapidly loses its way. Instead of delving into the intriguing premise of governmental corruption or the real-life consequences of the flood on the community, the series becomes entangled in irrelevant subplots. The flood sequences, initially captivating, are overshadowed by the sheer absurdity of the subsequent storyline.

The characters are mere caricatures, with our lead detective, Joanna Marshall, being particularly grating. She's depicted as unrealistically superior to her peers yet consistently makes implausible, rash decisions. Her incessant need to vocalize her every thought and misstep to her mother is irritating and fails to endear her to the audience.

The script is full of holes, with each episode dragging out the storyline to painful lengths. The subplot of a police officer's pregnancy and personal dilemmas adds nothing of value and feels like a desperate attempt to inject drama where there is none. The unrealistic scenarios, like always having a parking space or cars that are perpetually showroom clean, add to the disbelief.

By reaching the final episode, any initial interest has long been replaced by apathy. The narrative becomes so convoluted that it's hard to care about the outcome. For a show that promised a thrilling mix of a murder mystery and environmental disaster, "After the Flood" delivers neither, offering a dull, disjointed, and forgettable viewing experience. Save yourself the frustration and steer clear of this poorly executed disaster.
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Cobra (2020–2023)
Cobra - CRAP!
16 May 2024
"Cobra" is an utter disappointment from start to finish. Despite its promising premise of a government grappling with a national crisis, the series falls flat on every level. The characters are caricatures with absurd backstories that border on laughable. The politicians are portrayed as cartoonish villains, and the unions are painted as petty and power-hungry, both unrealistic and pathetic.

The show's plot is riddled with clichés and implausible scenarios. In the third episode, a lynching scene marks the point of no return for believability. The idea that a Chief Constable and a lone WPC would be the only law enforcement in a refugee camp, despite the presence of other officers, is laughable. The depiction of northerners turning into violent mobs within three days is both offensive and unrealistic.

The series tries to escalate the drama with ridiculous subplots, including a civil servant magically teleporting from London to the North East to save the day and back again in a blink. The story is further bogged down by unnecessary and unconvincing side stories, like a fake plane crash and a poorly executed affair.

The script is abysmal, and the acting, forgivable given the material, does nothing to redeem it. The whole premise of a government collapsing into chaos over a power outage is glossed over in minutes, expecting viewers to believe that society would instantly descend into anarchy. The idea that a handful of thugs could take over a police command center with nothing but baseball bats is just one example of the many absurdities.

Ultimately, "Cobra" is a mishmash of poorly executed ideas and unrealistic portrayals. The series promises much but needs more substance. It's a waste of time that leaves viewers feeling frustrated and skeptical that such a project was greenlit in the first place. Save yourself the agony and avoid this train wreck at all costs.
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The Regime (2024)
Waste of time and money!
12 March 2024
Upon watching "The Regime," I am compelled to articulate my profound disappointment. Labeling this series as the most disheartening viewing experience in recent years would not be an overstatement. The show ostensibly aims to blend comedy and drama elements, yet it needs to deliver on both fronts. The humor could be more conspicuously present, rendering any comedic intent moot, while its dramatic aspirations falter due to an inability to foster any connection or empathy towards the characters.

Halfway through my viewing, I was struck by the thought that perhaps the script was the product of an artificial intelligence program; such an explanation could feasibly account for the disconnection and lack of genuine human engagement that permeates the narrative. This speculation is particularly disheartening when considering the showrunner's previous success with "The Menu," a film that adeptly navigated the nuances of comedy and drama to critical acclaim. Unfortunately, "The Regime" stands in stark contrast, devoid of the compelling storytelling and character development that defined their earlier work.

The choice to cast characters from a supposed Central European nation with uniformly British accents only adds to the show's identity crisis, further detracting from its authenticity and relatability. The humor, presumably intended to be British in style, feels misplaced and contributes to the show's overall lack of coherence and identity.

"The Regime" attempts to intrigue with eccentricities from the outset, yet it provides no substantive reason for the viewer to invest in the story or characters. It resembles background noise, much like elevator music, lacking impact or memorability. The narrative suggests that a more engaging tale unfolded in episodes that precede the viewer's introduction to the series, yet this potentially interesting backstory still needs to be explored.

In summary, "The Regime" fails to resonate on any meaningful level, offering neither the compelling drama nor the genuine laughter one might hope for in a television series. It is with this perspective that I choose to discontinue my viewership and cannot recommend it to others seeking quality entertainment.
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Rustin (2023)
Excellent Movie and Colman Domingo is Brilliant!
27 January 2024
This movie was fantastic! As depicted in the film, Rustin's life and legacy paint a vivid portrait of a man who navigated the turbulent waters of societal change with remarkable skill and foresight. At the forefront of the civil rights movement, Rustin was instrumental in shaping its strategies and ideologies. However, his contributions were often overshadowed due to the prejudices of the time against his sexuality.

The movie brilliantly captures Rustin's journey from a behind-the-scenes adviser to a vocal champion of human rights. His courage in the face of relentless criticism is a testimony to his unwavering commitment to justice and equality. It is in the 1980s that the film takes an intriguing turn, showcasing Rustin's alignment with neoconservatism. This shift, often controversial, is portrayed with nuanced sensitivity, reflecting the complexity of his political and social beliefs.

Rustin's unceasing dedication to workers' rights stands out in the film. His ability to bridge the gap between different social and political spheres, as he worked alongside various union leaders, is a testament to his exceptional leadership and vision.

The movie culminates in a profoundly moving scene where President Barack Obama posthumously awards Rustin the Presidential Medal of Freedom. This moment is a recognition of Rustin's contributions and a symbolic rectification of the historical oversight of his pivotal role in the civil rights movement.

In essence, the film is a compelling narrative that brings to light the multifaceted life of Rustin, who navigated his personal and public life with extraordinary resilience and grace. It is a powerful tribute to an individual whose work significantly impacted American history.
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POOR! Don't waste your time!
14 January 2024
"The Disconnected Getaway" attempts to weave a tale of suspense and intrigue set against the backdrop of a family's luxurious vacation turned awry. Starring Julia Roberts, Mahershala Ali, Ethan Hawk, and Kevin Bacon, the film introduces us to a seemingly idyllic escape that quickly descends into chaos following a cyberattack and the unexpected arrival of two mysterious strangers.

Unfortunately, the film falls short of its ambitious premise. The narrative needs to work on maintaining coherence, often leaving the audience bewildered rather than captivated. The setting aims to create an atmosphere of luxury and isolation but needs to add more real depth and tension to the story. Instead, it comes across as lackluster, failing to utilize its potential as a character in its own right.

The performances, despite the strong cast, are underwhelming. The characters, portrayed by Roberts, Ali, Hawk, and Bacon, need more depth and development, rendering their interactions and reactions to the unfolding events unconvincing. This shortfall could have been better, given the caliber of actors involved.

Moreover, the special effects, which could have been a saving grace, do nothing to salvage the film. They could be better executed, detracting from the story rather than enhancing it. Far from providing a sense of realism or excitement, they are both unnecessary and unimpressive.

The film's climax, meant to be a shocking twist, is perplexing and unsatisfying. It deviates so far from the established narrative that viewers are more frustrated than surprised. The conclusion can be best described as a misguided attempt at being unconventional, ultimately feeling out of place and forced.

"The Disconnected Getaway" is a disappointing venture that fails to capitalize on its intriguing premise and talented cast. It's a film that struggles with its identity, wavering between a thriller and a disjointed series of events. The narrative is unfocused, the setting uninspired, and the performances lackluster. It must catch up on coherence and engagement in its attempt to be unconventional. This film, unfortunately, does not merit a recommendation for viewing.
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Fool Me Once (2024)
Good, Bad and OKish!
7 January 2024
In my experience as an avid follower of Harlan Coben's adaptations, I have consistently found myself captivated by his cast's dynamic and compelling performances. With eager anticipation, I approached this latest series, drawn in by the promising ensemble of actors. Among them, luminaries such as Joanna Lumley and Adele Akhtar bring a depth and gravitas that is nothing short of brilliant. Their portrayals are a testament to their esteemed careers, offering nuanced and engaging performances.

However, regretfully, I must address a glaring contradiction in casting the lead role. Despite her best efforts, the actress in question appears to need help conveying the multi-dimensional aspects required for such a pivotal character. Her portrayal, unfortunately, comes across as somewhat one-dimensional, lacking the range and depth necessary to convincingly embody a feeling of such complexity and strength. This is particularly noticeable in contrast to the remarkable talent surrounding her, whose performances only serve to highlight this disparity further.

Moreover, the aesthetic choices for her character - from wardrobe to hairstyling - seem incongruent with the intended portrayal of a formidable military figure, detracting from the believability of her role. Combined with a performance that often feels restrained, these elements result in a character that fails to resonate or engage as intended.

While it is possible that the casting decision was influenced by a desire to broaden the series' appeal, it needs to catch up in execution. As an American/British viewer, I found this approach more disconcerting than appealing. The series, which had the potential to be a captivating addition to Coben's oeuvre, is thus marred by a lead performance that needs to meet the otherwise high standards set by its counterparts. In conclusion, while the series boasts an array of exceptional talent, the central casting choice could be a lot better. It undermines the series' potential and leaves an impression of what might have been had a different direction been taken in portraying this crucial character."
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Payback (I) (2023)
OK but watch "The Bay" Morven Christie's much better!
23 October 2023
The story is riddled with inconsistencies and plot holes that sometimes disrupt the viewing experience. There were stretches where the film felt sluggish and disjointed, creating a break in the suspense that cop shows heavily rely upon.

An in-depth look at Morven Christie's performance is essential. Christie, who has given a spectacular performance in the hit show "The Bay," seems to have brought a different energy here. While her acting in "The Bay" was undoubtedly a 10/10, here she seems confined, especially with her character, Lexie, who is primarily seen in tears. This frequent emotional outburst feels more like a narrative crutch than an actual character arc, and fans of Christie from "The Bay" might find it hard to reconcile with this portrayal. Her departure from "The Bay" disappointed many fans, and the expectation was high for her subsequent roles.

In conclusion, Payback might be worth a watch for its unusual plot and commendable performances but do not go in expecting a masterpiece. It's OK, but it pales compared to other classics in the genre, particularly when juxtaposed against the brilliance of shows like "The Bay."
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The Wife (I) (2017)
Ok but not a great story!
2 October 2023
"The Wife" falters due to its hard-to-believe premise. Despite the commendable efforts of both Jonathan Pryce and Glenn Close, the movie shines brightest during their intense exchanges. However, by its conclusion, I was left feeling indifferent due to its melodramatic turns and lamented that a talent like Close was invested in such a project.

As for the portrayal of the son's character, it is perplexing. He appears to be in his 30s but behaves much younger. Moreover, his persistent presence with his older parents is baffling. Initially, he was a minor distraction, but his character became increasingly unsettling as the film progressed.

The accolade meant for Glenn Close she did not secure. Let's hope she gets a better movie!
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Great Show and good cast
24 September 2023
"Mrs. Sidhu Investigates" - A Riveting Addition to British TV Drama in 2023 In the ever-expanding realm of British TV drama, a new star has emerged in the form of "Mrs. Sidhu Investigates." This captivating show, written and presented in 2023, has quickly garnered attention for its compelling narrative and talented cast that brings the story to life. This review delves deeper into what makes this series so enthralling and why it deserves a prominent place in the pantheon of great British dramas.

First and foremost, the standout feature of "Mrs. Sidhu Investigates" is undoubtedly its remarkable cast. From seasoned actors to rising stars, the ensemble brings a level of commendable authenticity and depth to their characters. Leading the pack is the brilliant Mrs. Sidhu herself, portrayed with finesse and charisma by a yet-to-be-discovered gem of the acting world. Her portrayal perfectly balances vulnerability and strength, making her a character that audiences cannot help but root for.

However, it is not just the leading lady (Meera Syal) who shines in this production. The supporting cast members, each with unique quirks and motivations, add layers to the story, keeping viewers invested in every twist and turn. Their chemistry on screen is palpable, creating a sense of camaraderie that draws you into their world.

The narrative of "Mrs. Sidhu Investigates" is a testament to the skillful storytelling at play. The plot unfolds seamlessly, drawing viewers in from the first episode and keeping them engaged. The pacing is well-balanced, allowing for moments of tension and intrigue to build organically. The writing is sharp and clever, with plot twists that keep you guessing and moments of genuine emotion that tug at the heartstrings. The writers have taken great care in crafting an entertaining and thought-provoking story.

Furthermore, the attention to detail in the settings and cinematography of the show is truly commendable. The backdrop of a picturesque British town is brought to life with stunning visuals that add depth to the narrative. From cozy, dimly lit pubs to lush, green countryside vistas, the settings are not just locations but characters in their own right. These descriptive and evocative settings create an immersive experience for the audience, making it feel like they are right there alongside Mrs. Sidhu as she unravels mysteries and delves into the complexities of human nature.

I cannot help but keep my fingers crossed that this program will join the ranks of British TV drama gems like "VERA" and "Happy Valley." The potential for character development and intricate storytelling is immense, and I am excited to see how the series evolves in the future.

In conclusion, "Mrs. Sidhu Investigates" is a captivating addition to British TV drama in 2023. With its talented cast, well-crafted narrative, and immersive settings, it has all the elements that make for a must-watch series. If you are a fan of thrilling mysteries, complex characters, and top-notch storytelling, do not pass up this opportunity to embark on a journey alongside Mrs. Sidhu as she investigates the unknown. This show deserves a spot on your watchlist, and I eagerly await what the future holds for this promising drama.
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Granite Harbour (2022– )
Sack the casting director!
20 August 2023
In the ever-evolving landscape of television crime dramas, there are some series that emerge as trendsetters, benchmarks, if you will. Series like "Happy Valley" and "Vera", with their rich tapestries of intricate character developments and compelling storylines, have undoubtedly set the bar high. One could also pay homage to the captivating and atmospheric "Shetland". These series not only present thrilling mysteries but also make optimal use of their setting, weaving the environment into the narrative so seamlessly that it becomes a character in its own right.

Enter "Granite Harbour", a mini-series that promised to offer viewers an engaging blend of drama against the backdrop of scenic Scotland. Alas, it feels like a missed shot. The series is an ensemble of performances that range from outstanding to outright subpar. One can't help but wonder how the veteran actors, some of whom have gained significant acclaim in previous projects, felt about sharing the screen with co-stars whose performances were less than stellar. The glaring disparity in acting abilities detracts from the viewing experience, often pulling the viewer out of the story's immersive world.

The blame does not lie solely on the cast. The casting director's choices appear puzzling, and one might dare say, detrimental to the series' potential. With a project of this magnitude and in such a competitive genre, casting missteps can prove costly.

Moreover, the script seems lacklustre when juxtaposed with its peers. Crime dramas, especially those set in locations as picturesque and atmospheric as Scotland, have the dual task of not only providing a gripping narrative but also integrating the locale into the storyline. This is where series like "Happy Valley" and "Vera" shine. Their narratives are so deeply intertwined with their settings that one cannot imagine the story playing out anywhere else. "Granite Harbour" sadly misses this mark, leaving its viewers with a narrative that feels disconnected from its environment.

In conclusion, while there have been numerous successful TV series shot across the UK - from the rugged coasts of Scotland and Ireland to the bustling streets of England - "Granite Harbour" seems to have bypassed the key elements that make these series resonate with audiences. The show lacks the authenticity, atmospheric setting, and compelling performances that are paramount to its genre. For enthusiasts of crime dramas, especially those acquainted with the standards set by the aforementioned classics, "Granite Harbour" may prove to be a disappointment.
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11 April 2022
This production was OK but the director tried to keep adding additional material to keep it interesting. He should have stuck to the original story and cut out all the additional crap that just added time and not interest to the movie. It is not an award winning movie even though the cast is first class. If you have nothing to do go for it but if you know the literature and are looking for a gripping production, don't bother! Look at the previous version as well.
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Pieces of Her (2022)
Filmed in Australia
13 March 2022
The first question is why film a show in Australia that should be filmed in the US? The second question is, it would have been much more interesting if it was about Australia than another boring US theme! The show is full of Australian actors pretending to be American! The show is very slow and boring at times. If you are looking for something to play in the background go for it. If not don't bother.
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Last quarter really bad
8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It was going ok up to the last 15 minutes. Don't waste your time as the writing particularly at the end got worse and worse. The cop has the gun and the bad guy keeps talking to him as the cop keeps digging. Not a great thriller and definitely not James Bond! Lol.
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The Serpent (2021)
Goes off towards the end
25 April 2021
The beginning of the show was good. But when you got to episode 4 it starts to fall apart. What happens is that they get greedy and write stupid long scenes that are ridiculous. If the whole story was in 3-4 episodes it would have been perfect! You could just watch episode 1,2,3,and the last one and save your time. The worst and most stupid scene is where they get out of prison and the Indian guy finds the Neighbour in the dark and starts a conversation! So stupid...
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Honest Thief (2020)
Don't waste your time!
18 March 2021
OMG, this film was crap! The storyline was terrible, and a middle schooler could have done a better job! It was full of ridiculous moves, and the acting was worse than a daytime opera. Liam Neeson will not go down as a great actor as all he does is make crappy movies to make as much money as he can probably.

Don't waste your time with this terrible movie!
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Trauma (2018)
Don't waste your time
7 March 2021
Terrible script with unbelievable plot holes! A middle school kid could write better! Great cast but the storyline was pathetic from episode 1. Halfway through episode 1 it was obvious that it was going down hill!
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Supernova (II) (2020)
1 March 2021
First off! Why have straight actors playing Gay men? Pathetic! The story was dull and kinda needed more of a GAY direction! The script was dreary and the film could have been over in 15 minutes. Stanley should have resurrected his character from The Devil Wears Prada! There are much better movies out there about dementia and this was not very good. Don't waste your time!
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Fatal Affair (2020)
Terrible don't waste your time
19 July 2020
1.the story is a rip off of fatal attraction 2. It reminded me of a day time soap opera! 3. Where were the fat and ugly people? Oh sorry this is a daytime soap opera! 4. Don't waste your time!
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The Man (2019)
Wait till the end! Powerful!
12 July 2020
Wow I went through love it and hate it and in the last 5 minutes it all came together. It's very ironical in parts and irritating and the characterizations are maddening but it does all come together. Watch it.
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The Man (2019)
Crap and silly script and racial tones
12 July 2020
The series started out well but after 20 minutes it started to go down hill. The series does not know where it is going and goes from comedy to psychological issues. I watched three episodes and by the end of the 3rd episode it got stupid. I couldn't watch anymore! Don't waste your time!
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Beautiful and natural
7 June 2020
Great movie, great acting and direction. It was very natural and made sense. We need more like this.
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Gold Digger (2019)
Crap don't bother it gets worse by episode
20 May 2020
This show started out well but just got more and more stupid. It's typical with bad writers that they come up with a good idea but they do not know how to end the story! The acting wasn't that bad but the story got worse and worse with ridiculous actions. If there is another series I will not bother. Don't waste your time! Come back Broadchurch! This doesn't come close!
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Series 1 Good - Series 2 Rubbish
5 December 2019
The first series was good and full of surprises. The acting was OK, but no one really stood out. I couldn't stop thinking about Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother every time Victoria Hamilton came on screen. Watch the Crown for a much better drama. The setting was fine, and the overall direction was good.

However, the second series was terrible. Apparently there was two years between each series and some of the actors changed dramatically and some remained the same. The story line of the second series was pathetic and the over the top emotions were crazy. The central character who is a doctor was probably someone you would go and see in series one. But in series two she becomes a person you would like to avoid at all costs. The storyline was full of holes and was inconsistent with its ups and downs.

Watch series one and don't bother with series two. They would be crazy to make a third series.
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15 Days (2019)
Don't waste your time! Boring
1 December 2019
15 Days felt more like 15 years! This show was terrible on several levels. To begin, the acting was poor, and the annoying little girl was the last straw. The directing was meager, and the terrible script impacted that. The wardrobe was a colossal joke and one scene where Sue Roderick stepped outside in a pair of pants, and you could be forgiven for thinking she looked like a contestant for the biggest loser.

The actor who was probably the worst was David Caves. As mentioned, the script and the direction didn't help, and his acting outburst was pathetic. Then there was the "forbidden room" which was so BORING. This goes back to the story and the writing and how it was all so dated. Tom Rhys Harries was wrongly cast and hopefully gets better roles.

The other joke was this so-called abandoned house, which seemed to have more food and wine on tap than your local groceries. Then there were the awful sex scenes where people were sneaking around this old house, and no one noticed. The flashback scenes were similar to a Hammer Horror film.

I recommend you watch this show with the sound off so you can get to see the beautiful environment.
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