
5 Reviews
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Himmatwala (2013)
Text book example! how not to do a movie!
16 September 2013
Usually I don't mind no brainer entertainers at least they bring some smile on your face. I am not going to comment on story because lack of it was expected as I knew I was going to watch Sajid Khan's movie. But this movie didn't even do justice even with its genre. There was only one good joke and that was on save the tiger which was already running TV adverts day in and day out. If Sajid Khan didn't come with a good movie anytime soon then this might be his career's last. I reckon that everyone from film crew who must have seen pre-screen should have stopped the movie. If projects turn out to be so bad then it should be benched.
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Upside Down (I) (2012)
Simply magnificent
12 February 2013
Seldom comes a love story which is a scientific fantasy and cinematically this beautiful. If you liked 'Another Earth' then you are bound to love this one as well. Jim Sturgess leaves his mark and gives another strong performance after 'One Day'. Dunst gave a good performance comparable to her role in 'Wimbledon'. Timothy Spall was excellent as always. The point of excitement for me is that imaginary science in fantasies like this one is getting better and better. It is beautiful that author redefines the rules of gravity in both world and follows it up nicely. I know that many science geeks would find a lot of flaws for argument, but in my opinion, it is a very apt movie for the popular cinema.
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Bel Ami (2012)
Spoiled the show by bad acting
30 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
No person can like this movie if they have even hint of an idea of the character portrayed in the novel. It was a bad casting job specially Robert Pattinson, he acted as there is a grief or dark secret he is hiding rather than that of determination (I think he is still living as Edward Cullen). I would have preferred Jude Law playing this role. Rest of the actors do an OK job, the only outstanding acting bit is seen by Kristen Scott Thomas and a surprise role by Christina Ricci. The director of the movie didn't establish that Buroy wanted to go up in the social stature rather than it more looked like a money issue only. Moreover, throughout the movie it appeared that Duroy is having sex with other women because he is not sure of his wife's loyalty rather than to gain favors and power. A disappointing rendition of the novel.
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Hanna (2011)
Only watch it, if you have nothing else to do....and nothing means nothing!!!
27 September 2011
Seldom comes a chance for an actor to prove his versatility. Here came a chance for Eric Bana and not only he lets it go but also spoiled his earlier image of a good actor. Cate Blanchett and Saoirse Ronan are amazing in terms of acting. Plot is so old that there is nothing new in it. Actually this is the one movie where no body can write a spoiler, there is nothing to give away. Direction is so bad that there is a scene where a motorcyclist is chasing a car and director wants some dirt to fly from motorcycle's back wheel onto the camera so he just puts a small amount at the back of the wheel to fly whileits in the camera view that rest of the road is super clean. First part of the movie is still bearable but second part looks like that director was in a utter hurry to turn a movie into a B grader. It kills my heart to see that now a days such bad movies have IMDb rank of 7.0. It is in no comparison to movies like Bourne Trilogy, or Enemy of the State. Even if we see the science spin on it (which was an attempt to get a USP on an age old plot) is way boring than Limitless, Inception or Source code.
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Malcolm X (1992)
The Truth seeker
3 August 2005
I think the major success of Alex Haley with this movie is that he tells the story of a dynamic person known as 'Malcolm X' with such a skill that no man from any part of any society get his feelings hurt. I think it is a commendable effort from Alex Haley, Spike Lee and Danzel Washington that they made a hero out of Malcolm X. I think he deserved it because he was the man who was not after money or popularity......he changed his statements, his way of life , even his faith as he knew that those were true. The theme of the movie is very clear that Malcolm X was not a hardliner rather he was always open for truth. Secondly, it also emphasized though in the end that negotiations and reforms is a better way than the violence. But yet it also gave the message that the ruling races reap the violence which they breed themselves; sometimes in the hegemony of their power or sometimes due the wrong interpretation of their religious verdicts. I think it was right to hit at the ' Black organization known as nation of Islam' and Elijah Muhammad. Muslim community is itself greatly indebted to this movie because Elijah Muhammad's teaching were very far from Islam. The real Islam practiced worldwide does not believe in the continuance of prophet-hood after Muhammad (P.B.U.H)and the Black supremacy by Elijah Muhammad was a ridiculous idea as Islam does not believe in Nationalism. Any Muslim anywhere in the world whether black or white are equal in Islam's teachings. It was great to see the scenes of pilgrimage to Makkah ....... these were not unnecessary ......because they helped us to understand the sudden change in the teachings of Malcolm X. Denzel's acting is really superb and also that of Al Freeman Jr. I think this movie is an invaluable resource for the people who want to take an insight into the Malcolm X's life.
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