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Road House (2024)
Tarnishes the name of the original
23 March 2024
I'm not a fan of the typical unnecessary remake, but if you insist on doing it, then do it by respecting the original. This movie lacks all the heart of the original Road House. Filled with characters to fit today's inclusive agenda, yet still making the two main characters so obviously far by age from eachother. Swayze's Dalton was charismatic, didn't fight unless necessary and was a legitimate businessman trying to make a difference in unsafe work environments. And most of all, you actually grew to root for him. I could not have cared less if any of the characters in this new version died. The lack of depth and character development is impossible to go unnoticed. And I understand, this is an action movie and as such much regarding that department can be forgiven, but Gyllenhaal's Dalton is barely likeable. No side character was given the opportunity to shine as the seemed to be there to just represent all genders, races and body types.

Add dumb and cliché storyline, some very questionable cgi and Connor McGregor, and it is impossible to rate this movie more than a 5.

A few good laughs and fight scenes. Should have been called something else as this is no Road House.
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Glass Onion (2022)
Again at a loss... what do I keep missing?
25 December 2022
Hardly a Hercule Poirot or Agatha Christie mystery? I was no fan of the predecessor, but this one didn't even top that. There was very little actual clues given to solve the fairly uninteresting murder. It seems this was written to "shock" us in the end, tho I doubt anyone was shocked. The jokes were weird. You have to be really up to date with your Hollywood goss to get all the references. I am not. Acting was ok.

The story was not great and the actual solving of the murder seemed to be not the main point of this " murder mystery". A shame, as I had hoped for the bar to be raised since the first film. I'm not looking forword to seeing more of these.
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Love Life (2020–2021)
All stars for season 1
14 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First season was fun, light and relatable. The ending wasn't fantastic, but over all it's a solid 8.

Season two however... it lost all the fun and light in an instant. Marcus is actually quite likable and I don't mind the setting of divorce at the beginning. But, I do find it hard to warm up to Mia. She's not very likable. It's made very clear from the start that she is the one, so there's no element of surprise when they do end up together, even tho you wish they wouldn't. I also didn't mind the very up to date references of covid and blm. I did however find the jabs towards different races and inter-racial couples a bit of bad taste and unnecessary.

I watched the whole second season, but I do think Marcus decerved better. I was looking forword to a male-Darby stuggling to find his soulmate in the sea of desperate women. I was hoping for funny, yet interesting relationship stories and the fact that I could follow yet another characters growth through the series and them learning from their failed relationship attempts. I didn't quite get that. Marcus didn't seem to learn anything. Just jumped straight into the next mistake while waiting for the opportunity to return to the previous one.
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That's Amor (2022)
Expected worse
31 August 2022
By the rating I thought it was going to be terrible. It was fine. I actually found myself quite enjoying it at times and even got a bit emotional towards the end. It followed the usual pattern of a cheesy romcom, but I've definitely seen worse. The acting was pretty decent for a movie of this type. No known names of faces to me bar the mum who I recognize from somewhere. There was also no weird over-acting or weird clumsiness of the main character like I'm used to seeing in these Hallmark type films. The chemistry between the loved up couple seemed real. Well worth the watch if you're in the mood for something cheesy, girly and a bit cringy.
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Persuasion (I) (2022)
Not bad at all
28 July 2022
I rarely watch movies that have under 6,5 rating in IMDB but I started watching this before checking the rating and then was too lazy to turn it off.

I haven't read the book or seen the previous movies and so had no expectations. I glanced the few reviews and they seemed to mostly complain about the changes made from the book, so that didn't really bother me.

Was it a great movie? No. Was is a bad movie? Definitely not.

I thought it was pretty sweet. I had Jane Austen feelings watching it. It was entertaining with a few laughs and a cute love story.
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Meh at best
2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I thought there might be a possibility that this would be a decent scifi-action film. Let's say I had high hopes. Well, I was mostly disappointed.

So, turns out Chris should stick to comedies. You know, the movies he got famous for. That scene where he meets his dad for the first time in, what I assume is supposed to be in years, was awful. The fist bang on the table with the awkward pause before the serious stare and rant... Comedy gold. Except, this is not supposed to be a comedy.

So many scenes that were just down right badly acted by him. But, in his defence, the script had a bunch of pretty dumb oneliners on it that even some of the, let's call them "more serious actors", struggled with.

Then there was the side story regarding the family. Did anyone actually care?! They portray this man as the most familyman kind of guy, who resents his dad for the sole purpose of him leaving his family, to have him randomly, I suppose to jerk some tears, leave his family as revealed by his grown daughter... I mean how did he change so drastically? Why did he and his wife separate? Was there a reason or did he just completely change his morals and personality? If you make it such a big part of the story then go through with it or otherwise don't put it in.

And then there was the whole thing about him wanting to take his daughter back to the past at any cost, which also made no sense. How was that going to work? Wasn't the whole purpose to go to the future to safe her FUTURE? Not to bring an older her back to the past to grow up with the younger her??! I don't even know at this point.

Look, I thought it was an good effort. I didn't go in to watching the movie hating Chris or the movie. It all gradually happened while the movie progressed. I don't think there was any need for the "emotional drama" brought byside story. I feel like if they put all their efforts in to the main storyline this could have been a lot better. It just feels like they tried to include us ladies with the sobby bits so we'd watch the movie with the men, but it went all south from there.

The idea was good. The finished product, not so much.
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Uncomfortable and familiar
6 March 2021
It's a tale of old friends, the kind most of us have. There's too much complicated history and hidden bottled feelings. They only act a certain way among these friends and it's difficult to bring new people into the mix as they don't understand the weird rituals and ways of the group. Alcohol only fuels their behaviour and the tension builds.

This could happen at any Finnish summerhouse during a drunken weekend. The atmosphere feels familiar and at times uncomfortable as you recognize yourself and people you know from these characters. It's a good film tho and very true to how messy our lives can be. It's a reminder of how at some point you should just remove yourself from a crowd that "brings the worst out in people" and not look back. Some memory lanes are not worth the trouble and best kept in history.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
Gossip girl
27 December 2020
All one needs to imagine is Gossip girl in the eighteen-hundreds with the scandals and problems of the time period. A lot of the characters manage to stay quite distant, dispite good enough performances. The sex between the main couple is really emphasized. It got a bit boring. The problems and solutions were very simple. The season was ok. Those who enjoy silly romance dramas will love this. I say meh.
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23 October 2020
It was alright. A bit lenghty, had a few good laughs, some jokes seemed forced. It's a simple story. Bill Burr surprised with his performace. He is pretty good. Pete is just Pete. I imagine this is just him, not an act. I doubt I'll watch it again. I'm a bit disappointed as I thought it would be better, definitely funnier.
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The Way Back (I) (2020)
Why would I care?
1 September 2020
There's no denying that Ben Afflec can act. Quite well actually. But in this one, first you think he's just a plain druk after a divorce, and they let you believe that for too long before revealing the actual reason why. And when they do, you know exactly what's going to happen as it happens in every film that has this pretty much same story. There are so many of these films, and a lot of them better than this. The ending left me just empty. Like ok, cool,that's it? All the supporting actors were wasted. They were just there I suppose to have conversations with Ben. Usually there is like a side story or at least one other person that you feel something for. Not in this one. I suppose they might have tried that with that one kid, but it was played out so rushed. What a waste.
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
A very good game
8 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I find all the overly analyzed reviews a bit ridiculous. In the end it comes down to one question. Was the game good? Yes, it was. I loved the first one and agree that it was better than the second, but this was a highly enjoyable experience also. Now, did the story make me emotional? Yes. Did I hate at first playing as Abby? Yes. Did it make me actually consider stopping playing? Not once. Did I feel manipulated in to liking Abby? Lol no. Did I like her in the end? I didn't really care. Did I feel cheated because she didn't die? No, I didn't want her to die. Some have said, that the plot made no sense, that it tried to make Ellie and Joel Evil or bad, tried to force us to like Abby and ruined everything the first TLOU stood for. We are all allowed to have our own opinions and I do not agree with this. I was sad when Joel died, but it seemed perfectly understandable how Ellie would react. Though the death was upsetting I thought it was well done. I enjoyed the game play for the most parts, but found it a bit easy, slow paced and repetitive at times. The most enjoyable game play moments were actually done with Abby in my opinion. Back to the story. I completely undarstood why Abby would go after Joel. It is the same reason Ellie goes after her after all. This is what people seem not to get over. The whole story is about revenge and the spiralling of peoples lives connected to the victims of both of their violence, and violence by Joel. I didn't think I was asked to like Abby, but understand her. And all the violence, people who suffered and were still suffering, people they lost in the end made Ellie stop. Too late I suppose, but such is life. I thought the story was good. The game was good. I hope there is more!
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Bumblebee (I) (2018)
A kids movie
21 May 2020
This movie is so childish. The dialogue is cheesy, the acting is over dramatic, the story very simple and full of ridiculous plot holes, jokes are juvinile, and characters are so clishe and just not interesting. The only good thing I find is the CGI. I thought this would be decent since the 6.8 rating, but that rating is a ridiculous lie.
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The Great (2020–2023)
A delightful surprise
17 May 2020
A very funny, entertaining and addictive series. Elle Fanning gets to do proper acting for the first time and I quite like her. Nicholas Hoult is very good. Reminds me of his Skins days. Not another series comes to mind that is like this. At the moment a unique delight. I recommend to anyone looking for a new series to pass their time and wanting to have a few laughs.
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Outlander (2014– )
Should come to an end
30 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The latest season and the one before are pretty bad. This was never my favourite series anyway, but I don't even bother to watch the new episodes straight after they are released as I really don't care. The story line in America isn't quite as interesting as it was in Scotland. I wouldn't care at all if Bree and Roger got killed off. I was hoping for her to get stuck with Bonnet for a good bit, maybe develope some sort of an Stockholm dyndrome situation. The way they killed of the main villain was just plain dumb. And I'm really confused to what age are everyone supposed to be now, cause they sure don't look it. Most times Jamie looks younger than Roger. It's bizarre. Claire, what an irritating character. I'll leave it at that. They should bring this series to it's end.
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The Last Kingdom (2015–2022)
Number 1 show at the moment
29 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I found this series by accident a few years back. I had just been recommend ed to read the books when I noticed this on Netflix and decided to have a look at that instead. I got hooked and so I never began the reading process, a decision I sometimes regret as I assume more details could be found in the books. The series is my absolute favourite. What I've noticed in a lot of shows nowadays is that a challenge is presented very early in the season, through out the season the story slowly moves towards facing that challenge, a few fillers are being thrown in the middle to lenghten the story and usually in the last episode there is the struggle, the victory and a cliff hanger. In my opinion The Last Kingdom does not follow this path. Many obstacles are presented through out the season and they are usually faced already in the same episode, or in the next one the latest. And then a new challenge. There are fery few if any fillers in the four seasons made so far. The 4th season got a bit slower compared to the previous ones, but was still solid. I'm happy the story still carries on after Alfred's death, as he for sure was a difficult character to follow. His kids are doing a great job in taking his place, something that I had my doubts about. Cannot wait for season 5.
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Westworld (2016–2022)
I think it's fantastic
27 April 2020
I loved season 1, season 2 was not as good, but definitely not bad and I seem to disagree with a lot of the reviews here about the 3rd season, as I think it's better than the 2nd. I believe that staying in the park and revolving the whole series around that would have gotten real old after a while. The show needed to evolve and evolve it did. It can get a bit complex at times, and some details I've missed and so I've had to go back and watch it again to stay on top of all cause and consequence. But I think the 3rd season is great and the whole series pretty fantastic. One of my absolute favourites. And the acting is brilliant also. I even like Aaron Paul whom I have previously tried to avoid. I at least haven't seen any other series that would remind me of this one. One minus point for making the 3rd season so short.
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6 April 2020
They had years to make the story good, so why seddle with a mediocre script. Zoey Deutch is the sole laugh provider of this movie. It's just so shallow. The characters dont give you anything, more they make you care less, the storyline is just lazy, new addings in characters bring nothing new, more like they just wanted to add a few more biggish names. There was no need. I'm so disappointed. This could have been a great seguel if they just stayed true to the first film that was simple but hilarious. They tried to make this one with more layers and complexity but it just falls flat, so so flat.
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Knives Out (2019)
It's like, did I miss something
1 April 2020
I saw the film a few months back and now that I noticed it is available for home watch decided to check the eating again, as at the time it was way too high in my opinion. I thought it would have gone down. It has not. Did I miss something spectacular about this film? Do I not have a sense of humor? I don't get it. It was ok. A bit slow. And absolutely nothing special. I think the ending was revealed too early and the twist was not suprising nor did I care about it. Weird.
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The Witcher (2019– )
If you liked...
29 December 2019
... Buffy with weird CGI, GOT, any vikings related show and you loooove OTT fantasy, you are in for a BIG treat. If not, then pass. The special effects are questionable sometimes, there is a filler or two, Henry is hot and story keeps you interested. Is It the next GOT? No. Did it get me to buy the game? Yes. Am I eager for next season? Umm.. YES! Do I miss GOT? F no.
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Good movie
29 December 2019
Picked this movie without knowing anything about it whilst having dinner. Usually I watch those movies for ten to fifteen minutes until I'm done with the food and that's it. Not with this one. Watched it all the way through and really liked it. Had a tear in the eye in the end and I find the whole WWE and RAW stuff just painful in real life. But this movie was more than that, not that I didn't enjoy that stuff too. Really a rando gem out there. A feel good flick.
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I'm questioning my inteligence
22 December 2019
I hated the previous ones. I'm pretty sure I watched both the previous ones. This one is also horrible. Why do I do this? It's just so bad. If it would be a bit better, it could be a comedy, but it's so bad I think I've lost the ability to laugh.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
15 November 2019
I know it's based on a "true story", a legend. But real life can be boring and repetitive. I started to watch this series 3 times. On the 3rd time I manage to finish the first episode. I'm nearly up to date with the show now, new season coming out next month I hear. But I have to agree with a lot of the other reviews, the series lost it's shine with Ragnar. Now it's just the same old story with different characters. There's also a lot of random, unnecessary sex scenes. I have nothing against sex and nudity in film, but only if it's required and supports the story. I have no idea why or how some of the characters in this show ended up doing the nasty. For me, none of the characters were ever very appealing or interesting for some reason. I'm definitely continuing to watch the show, but would I get terrible upset if the series got cancelled? No, I would not.
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It's supposed to be silly
14 October 2019
Perfect early 2000s mindless fun with no deeper level. Gives me a good laugh every time I watch it.
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Barely a six
23 August 2019
I'm seriously disappointed of all my friends and family who sold this movie to me as GREAT. The hype for this movie is sooo over the top. The story is very simple. Most of the songs are not great and there is far too many of them. To be fair I thought Bradley did a great performance and Gaga was better then I feared. But that doesn't make a barely interesting story better. I was left disappointed I had spent a fiver renting this snoozefest and the only decent song, Shallow I think it is, has been stuck in my head for a day.
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The Lion King (2019)
It just doesn't really work...
23 August 2019
... with real, life-like animals. The lack of emotion and facial expressions makes you not get so attached. Very much disliked the new song. Very much disliked Beyonce's unnesessary changes to the great song that is Can you feel the love tonight. Was also not too fond of other voice choises in this movie. Six starts for the great story that The Lion King still is, but not even close to the same league with the original in the execution. But I do not doubt that the children who have not seen the original would not love it.
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