
19 Reviews
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Expressive Power of Music
25 July 2016
This story is the musical. It has few spoken words and goes by songs and singing voices. Strength of the music expresses the characters' feeling and touches the viewers' heart effectively. Happy songs such as love between Marius and Cosette are nice, but sad songs are more impressive. "On My Own" by Eponine and "I Dreamed a dream" by Fantine are heart-breaking grief. Both of them pierce my heart. Above all, the main character, Jean Valjean's singing voice is especially good. He is in prison for a long time by a little mistake. Then, he decides to live right and changes. Because of the background, asking himself and showing his will are expressed strongly by his songs. His great voice inspires the viewers' heart.
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Enchanted (2007)
25 July 2016
Disney Animation perfectly protects children's dream. For example, Disney Animation prohibits voice actors and actresses to speak as the character with showing their face. Disney completely keeps such a secret. However, in this film, the forbidden rule is broken. Characters going back and forth between a live action and an animation. It is surprising, interesting and a great idea. Actors and actresses of a live action and characters of an animation are very similar and nothing strange. Both of them are all attractive and nice. Disney Animation succeeds in to full the real world with the dream and also shows that there is the dream even in the reality.
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25 July 2016
Teenagers have many worries about study, dream, friendship and love. These are expressed well in this film and it is the bittersweet but heart-warming story. Whoever experienced teenagers will have sympathy for the characters. When I was a child, this film was not interesting because I couldn't understand it. However, as I become closer to the characters in age, I understand their feeling more. Films of Studio Giburi have things I don't know now, but when I watch it again, I will understand it. Every time I watch it, I get a new discovery. I think it is a great appeal for Studio Giburi. Studio Giburi made, makes and will make me grow mentally.
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I like it
25 July 2016
This is the film produced by Tim Burton. It looks scary, but characters that he creates are somehow cute, surreal and unique. Also, the main character, Jack Skellington is attractive. He is insensitivity, but keen, cool and have the leadership. I like them so much that I have been to the exhibition of Tim Burton. Above all, his idea of taking both of Halloween and Christmas is great. Everyone likes these events, so it arouses the viewer's interests well. Although all characters are something like ghosts or monsters, they have each characteristic. They make use of it when they make Christmas or fight against their enemy. I like it and Tim Burton's great skills and ideas. This is the film that I want to watch between Halloween and Christmas.
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The phantom looks strong but is fragile
25 July 2016
This is the famous musical. If you haven't watched it, you may have heard the music. Some people don't like the musical because of uncomfortable feeling caused by that characters suddenly sing songs. However, I think their singing voices tells their feeling more effectively. The power and expressiveness of the voices touches my heart strongly. The phantom is certainly scary, but he is genius of music and his mask makes him mysterious and cool. His love for Christene is straight, but how to express it is twisted. I feel sad for him. He doesn't know how to love and how to be loved. He has strong power, but very fragile. I think this contrary characteristics are expressed well because it is musical. Singing songs shows his thoughts more than saying lines. When I hear his singing voice, I am so impressed that I have goose bumps.
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Bent (1997)
Sad but Important
25 July 2016
Kuranosuke Sasaki who is my favorite actor acted in the play "Bent". I wanted to see him, so I decided to watch it without taking it too seriously. However, after the play, I regretted watching it with a light heart because it was so tragic that my heart could not bear. Since I already knew the story, I also watched the film version. This is the story of gays under control of Nazis. It is famous that Jewish put on the yellow star, but for the first time I know gays are also the target of holocaust and have the pink mark on their chest. In the situation that human is not treated as human, gays survive with the dignity and love of human beings. I feel sad, dark, disappointed and don't like such an ending. However, I think this important story should be handed down from generation to generation.
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Aladdin (1992)
25 July 2016
This is one of the films that I have liked since I was a child. Recently, I watched the play "Aladdin" by Shiki Theatre Company. I like it so much. Aladdin is a poor but honest man. Jasmine is the princess of the country. There is the difference of rank between them, but Aladdin gets the magic lamp and his life changes. With Genie's help, he tries to be a man meets Princess Jasmine. It looks just like a story of love and magic, but I think the backgrounds that the main characters have are remarkable points. Aladdin, Jasmine and Genie are very different, but they have one thing in common. It is the desire for freedom. Aladdin wants to stop his poor life. Jasmine is tired of the castle life and hopes to see the wide world. Genie wants to be free and not to be follow his master anymore. They have the impossible desire, but I think this common point is the key of the story that makes them close and makes their impossible possible.
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Impatient but Beautiful
25 July 2016
I studied this story in the class of Professor Yoshino. This is the story of love between Elizabeth and Darcy. The gentry-class women don't have the right to choose a job, so marriage is the only way for women to live stably. Then, women acquire culture and be attractive to be invited for dance by rich men in a ball, but Elizabeth thinks it is wrong and doesn't hope for quick marriage. Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth who is different from other women. However, they misunderstand each other because of pride and prejudice. When they first meet, Darcy is too proud and impolite and Elizabeth has prejudice against him. This makes them apart emotionally. I lose my patience because they remains neither too close nor too distant. This film is the story of 18th century, but I can replace the present love in my mind. Misunderstanding is sad in all ages. I enjoy this film. Elizabeth is beautiful and Darcy is cool. It is nice to watch.
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I don't like it
22 July 2016
This movie is the science fiction, so I expect the characters go back in time in the early stage and the story goes on in the past scene. However, this movie slowly continues as the love story. It's heart-warming to watch that Darius and Kenneth get closer as the story goes, but I can't like him and my emotion cools because he is eccentric. The scene that Jeff and Arnau have fun with women is nonsense and boring. I think this film is lackadaisical as the love story, as the science fiction and as the comedy. Some people have a good opinion of this film, but it's not my type. Probably, my understanding and knowledge is lacking, so my opinion perhaps change when I grow up and watch it again.
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Psycho (1960)
Scary but Great
13 July 2016
I watch this film in Professor Fitzsimons' class. The title, "Psycho", gives me the scary impression. I am afraid of shocking bloody scenes like murders, wars and accidents, so I watch the film through fear. Marion stoles money because she wants to marry his boyfriend, Sam. It is the beginning of tragedy and mystery. I watch it, with wondering who psycho is. At first, I think Marion is psycho because she stoles money and loses her credibility for so private reason, but she is not, contrary to my expectation. It interests me more in what is going to happen next or in the end. I get chills when I find who psycho is. He or she looks nice and kind in the first half of the film. I am so shocked and I nearly lapse into a distrust of humanity. However I don't hate such a surprise ending. As I said, I don't like shocking scene, so I couldn't watch the scene of murder. However, I was enough scared by the background music. It works very well to cause a lot of tension and to fill my heart with fear. This film is old, but I have heard it (maybe on "Finding Nemo" by Pixar). I think the background music is so famous that it is used for other movie or TV programme, also great and important for the film. Finally, please let me say this. I like Hitchcock's skills in expression. In the first half, he places taxidermy naturally and in the end, he expresses someone like taxidermy. Although I don't understand this without professor's explanation, I am moved by Hitchcock's ability and expressive power.
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Vertigo (1958)
13 July 2016
I watched this film in Professor Fitzsimons's class. At first, the title of "Vertigo" gave me the impression of sickness. I thought that this was the medical film, but actually this is the story of a mysterious incident. I can't keep up with this story, which is difficult without the professor's explanations. Especially, in the first half, I can't get how the story goes on, so it is vague for me and I am confused every time scenes change. However, later, I can know why I can't understand the story. It is because the first half drops some advance hints. My understanding can be more deep if I watch this film again. Certainly, it is difficult, but it raises my curiosity. The more the story goes on, the more interested I am in what is going to happen next or in the end. I like this story that has a surprise ending. Also, I like some expressions without any dialogs. For example, using kuleshov effect cleverly helps me realize what happens. Also the volume of back ground music shows increasing emotion, feeling and love between characters such as Scottie and Madeline(Judy).
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13 July 2016
This story begins with a scene that a woman misses the train. She looks regretful, so I guess she has important business and I feel sorry for the woman. Then, she goes to a restaurant, orders a salad and takes her place at table. When the woman once leaves the table and goes back there, a black man eats her salad without asking. Of course, she gets angry, but he doesn't stop eating. He is expressed impudently and selfishly. She helplessly eats her salad from the side, but I don't understand that she shares the dish with the strange man. If I were her, I would give up my salad. At first, I wonder the reason why the black man is used for this movie is to impress his bad attitude. However, the last scene is so interesting and his image changes completely. The unexpected ending makes laugh not only the woman, but also me.
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Profound and Beautiful
27 June 2016
In the opening scene, an old man who have a box is entering a house. Suddenly, a window opens and he takes the place of a little boy. A caption tells the stage is "Germany, 1943". I can know this is the story about World War II. There are some traces of someone's life in the house, but no one is there. When the boy goes behind a wall, he finds a girl who has a scared look on her face. She has a yellow star mark on her arm. I know what the meaning of this is because I have read "The Diary of Anne Frank". The yellow badge shows Jewish people. Then, I understand the caption that is "Germany, 1943". The Jewish girl gives him a porcelain unicorn. I don't know a unicorn's reason of existence for Jewish people, but it looks very important. However, suddenly some Nazis break into the house and he and she are in danger. Can the German boy and the Jewish girl make a friendship? I think this movie is sad, but profound and beautiful. I like the connection between the old man at the beginning and the little boy. I also like the expression without useless dialog.
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Lifted (2006)
I like it
27 June 2016
This is a short film of space aliens that was made by Pixar. It is a quiet night and a man sleeps in his bed. It looks calm and peaceful, but suddenly a UFO makes a beam of light and an alien tries to kidnap him. However, it doesn't go well. The alien looks in training and is poor at controlling the UFO. The alien hits the man's body on the wall, the ceiling and a tree many times. I can't help laughing and I wonder why he doesn't wake up with pain and what the alien does if the alien succeeds in kidnapping. I'm so interested in unexpected story. In the last scene the punch line is good. When the credit roll starts, the story is still going. The only sound makes me understand what happens. I think it is a great idea and skilled.
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Sad Story
13 June 2016
This short movie creates the nostalgic atmosphere. In the opening scene, children talk cheerfully on their way home from school. It gives a calm impression. However, a girl buys a cigarette for her bedridden father, and her mother scolds her for it. Her mother says that a cigarette destroys his body. Probably, her father is suffering from an illness caused by cigarette. It is a serious scene. Her father asks her to give him a cigarette, but it makes him worse. She is worried in a conflict. I don't understand why her mother scolds her. I think her mother should scold her father. Also, I don't know why this story finishes so comfortably in spite of her father's serious sickness. I am terribly anxious that he might die. I feel pity for the admirable little girl.
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A heart-warming film
13 June 2016
This is a little sad, but somehow heart-warming story. David works cheerfully and takes care of children. On the other hand, Keiko looks gloomy in a dark room. This is the impressive beginning of the movie. Keiko has an injury on her body, but I don't know whether it is the cause or not. One day, a radio tells a railroad accident occurs in Kamakura. From that day, Jay's mother doesn't come for Jay. Perhaps she could be dead, but it is not clear . I like this expression. David tells Keiko to keep this poor boy between them. Generally speaking, his idea is without common sense, so at first I don7t understand it, but perhaps he tries to cheer Keiko up and to change their life. However, Keiko is worried about Jay and his family. This story has some meaningful points that I don't understand, but it is full of kindness, so I think it is a heart-warming movie.
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I like it.
25 May 2016
When I start to watch this movie, I receive calm and comfortable impressions. That creates a nostalgic atmosphere. This is the story of a man's commute by boat. The sound of water is good ans minor parts such as an old couple and a fishing woman tell how peaceful his life is. However, the charm of this film is not only these. Suddenly, his quiet commute is disturbed. Later, this story takes a surprising turn. It is unexpected and very funny. The last scene makes me laugh. This is a silent movie, (of course, the background music is nice.)so languages are no problem and anyone can enjoy the story. I think it is one of attractiveness. I like this film because it has both of a calm side and a funny side.
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Amazing movie
16 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This short movie was made in 2001, but it looks old because of the rough touch, nostalgic music and no words. They make the movie tasteful. One day, a father and his daughter goes along a river by bicycle. A big hug tells how much they love each other. However, the father crosses the river by boat and leaves his daughter. She always goes along to the river everyday, but she can't see him. Even if it is a rainy day and even if it is a windy day, she doesn't give up trying to see him. The admirable girl makes me sad. Even when she is with her friends and she gets her own family, she doesn't forget him and waits for a long time. I have three questions. First, where does her father go? Second, why do all the characters in this movie ride bicycles? Third, why does the river dry up and his daughter can cross it on foot? I consider about them like this. This short movie expresses human life. There is the heaven beyond the river. His daughter can cross it on foot because she lives a long life and gets old. A bicycle also expresses her life. In the last scene, she tries to stand her bicycle, but it falls. It may show the time of her death. The story is deeply interesting and touches my heart.
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Whacked (II) (1998)
13 May 2016
The opening scene in this movie is terrifying. People in the street fall one after another. I don't know what is happening. I'm surprised at this unexpected event. A black and white movie scares me, suggesting that is the story of a bloody murder. However, the ending scene isn't as expected. I don't understand why that movie goes on in that way. I don't know the feeling of that man. I could understand if he revenged himself on those who bully him. I don't think that he should be hard on those who have nothing to do with him. His judgment is wrong and selfish. No one becomes happy. I wonder why he looks satisfied. That movie leaves a bad aftertaste. It is unpleasant.
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