
8 Reviews
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Us (II) (2019)
Stop overthinking it, folks.
16 April 2020
Yeah, yeah. The plot makes zero sense. But the "plot" in this case is simply to set up the theme of this allegory. Might as well question the moral of an Aesop Fable just because animals can't really talk. This film has important things to say regarding class and race. The gossamer-thin plot is only meant to get you to the themes. Sheesh!
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Dracula (2020)
Pass this one. It's too late for me; save yourselves!
17 February 2020
What began as an interesting reinterpretation devolved into claptrap and hokum in the final episode. Of course, it had to offer up a boring trope: what's worse than a blood-sucking undead creature of evil? Why, a lawyer, obviously! Weak. First two parts a nifty 7.5 stars. One star for the weak part three with unbearable lame ending. I sat through 4.5 hours for the worst 10 minutes of Netflix history? Just best to miss the whole thing.
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Death Wish (2018)
Mediocre; nothing new to see here.
30 June 2019
This is almost an Expendables side film, like those Star Wars "stories" are tangents of the real SW universe of films. Anyway, the 2,3, and 4 star reviews are accurate, as the film is trite, and not very exciting or exacting for a revenge film. It seems all of the 9 and 10-star reviews are simply because of some weird political thing, high scores just because a "good guy with a gun" is murdering bad guys. Keep in mind the reviews with high grades aren't because of great acting, dialogue, cinematography, etc.; No, those high-numbered reviews almost all acknowledge that those factors are rather weak. BUT! It's a good guy with a gun! 10 STARS!! So if you want accurate reviews of this film only read the lower to mid-range scores; otherwise you'll simply be reading rightist political boilerplate in the 9 and 10-star "reviews".
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Hoosiers (1986)
Formulaic drivel
25 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is the kind of film that Hallmark or Lifetime channels have made a mint producing. Standard, paint-by-numbers "plot" with zero surprises. Why didn't someone wake up Barbara Hershey? Did she think she was in a Night of the Living Dead sequel? Some producer must've seen the completed film and said a "love interest" should be included at the last second so this would be a good date movie. So after Ms Hershey grits her teeth for 70 minutes, Coach gives her a kiss in a cornfield (corny? You BET!) with ten minutes to go in the film. Yawn. And Dennis Hopper was severely under-used as a drunken savant, the Rainman of basketball, who knows everything about each and every high school team in the state. Oh, spoiler alert: the shortest kid in the history of high school b'ball wins a key game! Yes! Oh, so inspiring! This movie is so ridiculous it almost makes 'Rudy' look good. I said "almost".
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Malevolent (III) (2018)
Same old, same old.
11 January 2019
Odd to see reviews calling this "fresh" and "original" and "different". Ummm, nope; not so much, not really. Not deplorably bad, just deplorably UNoriginal. Nothing here that hasn't been seen before, done better. Nice to see Imrie from 'Kingdom' get some work, but her agent needs to be handing her better options. This is the kind of flick that progresses only because everybody does absolutely the wrong and/or stupid thing at every opportunity. Relatives of the cast and crew need to stop blowing up the ratings here on IMDB.
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Brimstone (2016)
Western Genre Torture Porn
1 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
About a third of the way into this I was thinking it a somewhat Cormac McCarthy-esque type of film, only without the good writing. But, still, interesting in a fashion. Then it falls off the rails. Sure, life was brutal for women in the day, but none of the female characters here helped themselves at all, only made the absolute worst decisions at the worst times. Also, most men are horrible jerks or criminals, and the very few good men are dumb as oxen. Finally, why don't film characters ever realize that guns are NOT knives? You don't have to get so close to someone as to touch them--or allow them to take your gun and kill you with it. Oh, that's right: BAD WRITING! Stand back a few feet and just pull the trigger WITHOUT the grandstanding speech. Sheesh! That's where I booked out, end of third act. Too late for me; save yourselves, and take a pass.
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Howl (I) (2015)
Where's the chihuahua?
4 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This clunker runs through the usual clichés, from everybody making the absolutely wrong decision (like splitting up and walking into the woods alone)to the cell phones not working. But the only interesting thing is . . .

SPOILER: An entire car of people just vanishes like Richie Cunningham's older brother. The ticket agent/guard walks through the cars and in one of them meets two young women, a vanilla dude, and an old bag with an angry dog. After the train stops, those folks are never again seen, just written out of the script. They aren't attacked, as ALL of the passengers meet up front to yell at the crew, except these four are nowhere to be seen, long gone before any monster shows up. Little things like that are a distraction. Makes this '6' movie a '4'.
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Miss Sloane (2016)
Top-notch, Hitchcockian thriller
16 December 2016
Lots of one-star reviews, and all for the ridiculous reason that a small part of the film uses gun-control as a means of moving the script. The movie is really about exposing corruption in Washington, an issue that the Right should be on board with. Chastain is great, and the pace and plot make the movie seem much shorter than its actual run time. Again, you can safely ignore the one and two-star reviews, as those are just for two issues: 1) the film dared offer facts about gun crime, and 2) it had a woman in the title role as someone ten times smarter than everyone else. If it had been a man, somebody like Kevin Spacey from The Usual Suspects, then these Righties would have no problem. But a WOMAN being THAT smart? Please. And gun-control too? SO, please, ignore the one star reviews and give this thriller a shot.
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