
7 Reviews
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SNL is deader than a rally for a Dimocrat presidential candidate
4 October 2019
Alec Baldwin is still doing his pathetically bad imitation of the President even though the nation rejoiced when he announced he wouldn't do it again. Kate McKinnon trying to do Guiliani was even worse. Stick to Bieber Kate, you are just a one trick pony. The show didn't have a single funny skit

Given the terrible offerings of the last few seasons it's easy to see why there's been a drastic collapse in SNL's ratings. The writing staff is composed of "woke" dullards and the cast is mediocre at best

It's sad the once great SNL has narrowed its audience to just humorless, low info, low IQ bitter leftists. You would think NBC would have learned about the inescapable truism that Gillette discovered: "Get woke, Go broke".
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Idiotic socialist propaganda masquerading as comedy.
14 September 2019
The premise is stupid and nothing but unevidenced socialist propaganda delivered by an unfunny dullard. It isn't surprising Handler's career has toileted.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
worst ending to a series in history
21 May 2019
Weiss and Benioff, better known as Dumb and Dumber ruined what was one of the best series ever with a lazy, boring cliched ending full of plot holes and absurd contrivances. As in previous episodes the editing was sloppy again. This time they forgot about two water bottles. I suspect they rushed to finish GoT so they could move on to ruing Star Wars.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
A once great series ruined by historically bad writing
15 May 2019
The writing and story telling in seasons 7 and 8 barely surpass that of a Saturday morning cartoon. Once the show runners ran out of GRRM's source material; they lacked the intelligence and skills to forward the story.

Books will be written about how Weiss and Benioff ruined Game of Thrones.
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Tidelands (2018)
I need more, eight episodes was not enough.
16 December 2018
It's well written and acted. It seems the shows I enjoy most on Netflix are from Australia including Tidelands and Wentworth. Both are excellent. Tidelands is intriguing and infectious and is one of those shows that compels you to binge watch it.
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Homeland (2011– )
It was once good.
19 February 2018
The current season's plot is absurd and hackneyed with poor writing and acting. The show runners and writers obviously believed Hillary would win, but when she didn't they were left scrambling and it shows in the mess that is this season.

It has lost its entertainment value, but that often happens with series that lasted longer than they should have. Dexter and True Blood are also examples of this phenomenon.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
One of the worst Sci-fi shows of all times. It is far left, SJW propaganda masquerading as Star Trek.
4 October 2017
The show is so blatantly political and represents the far left, SJW, Globalist fantasy of the destruction of unique culture and the promotion of multiculturalism and contrived diversity. Leaving aside their disrespect of the fans and past shows view of what Klingons look like, the show has admitted the portrayal of the Klibgons is based on White nationalists. Apparently, the new Star Trek portrays the Federation as the new Borg. You must accept the destruction of your culture and uniqueness of your race of be assimilated.

This show is nothing but propaganda for the unindoctrinated and a feel good fantasy for far left liberals and SJWs. It completely destroys the legacy of Star Trek.
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