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A pretty good 6.
21 May 2024
These days, comedies like this are hard to come by. So, if you are looking for a comedy, anything that's a six and above is usually pretty good and worth your time. The movie is plain and simple, and it knows its boundaries. It doesn't try hard and go corny nor does it seem to be carelessly written. And boy did I have a few lol moments that I didn't expect, at all.

The story is about 3 friends but the star that took over was John Cena, this charismatic actor is better as a comedian than his previous image as a serious action star given that the dude is muscle bound. However, his physique actually works for him unlike The Rock. Cena has found his niche, and I didn't even like his wrestling character. I did saw his comedic potential years back when I saw the movie he was in "The Wall".

Anyway, this movie would have sucked if it wasn't for John Cena, and I know it sounds like I'm kissing his behind but wait till you see the movie because the 3 other "stars" weren't good and kind of bad actually. They have no depth and personality. Maybe if they had better lines or something the movie would have turned out better. Were their characters supposed to be normal bland people, maybe?
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Blackout (VI) (2022)
Blackout drunk filmmakers?
16 May 2024
I'm not sure if these guys woke up from a binge and just decided they are gonna make a movie or are just taking the piss. The very first few seconds in the scene hits you with this terrible background music glaringly out of place. The music keeps changing theme throughout and it doesn't fit or make sense. The sound guy is totally lost.

Terrible brainless camera work. The cuts constantly change with strange angles that seems random and again out of place. HORRENDOUS amateur jump cut sequences. The bad guys look like if elementary kids cosplay "bad looking tough guys" in movies.

HORRENDOUS fight scenes and choreography. It's like watching wwe wrestling. It's hard to explain and I don't feel like going into details how bad it was. These types of movies could save itself regardless of plot or acting if the action and fight scenes are actually good, but in this, are the worst parts. Terrible movie.
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In Time (2011)
Felt like this was written by a 10 year old
22 March 2024
The first 30 mins or so, the premise was interesting. Nothing was explained but they made it clear the concept was that time is money BUT no explanation to what the laws and rules are and this is where it all crumbles.

I could not believe it that with this rating the glaring obvious of $hi**y lazy writing. It doesn't take much thinking to see that the society in this movie is just dumb as hell, that by a mere handshake you can STEAL a persons time they have left and that time displayed so brazen on the forearm for everyone to see.

An hour in is when it gets worse but before that it has gotten bad that you'll see it for what it was. For example, Justin knocks or shoots a guy then delivers one liners as if the knocked out or dead guy would be conscious to be aware of anything. Garbage scrip. Garbage writing.
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Sixty Minutes (2024)
This has one of the dumbest plots ever.
29 January 2024
Story: "MMA fighter Octavio only has an hour to come to his daughter's birthday" Doesn't sound too bad does it? Nope, its actually really stupid. I'm 30 minutes into this movie as I'm making this review, and I'm already wondering If I should waste more time with this non nonsensical story.

I saw this on Netflix and its obvious that it's an indie like movie that you just sit down and not take seriously, As the story unravels in just about 15 mins I cant believe that that was all it was going for...

A random dude about to lose custody so he as to go to his daughters birthday, but he was scheduled to have an MMA match the same day. When his wife or whatever decided to call and remind him and lay it on the line.

He decided to ditch the match to go to his daughters birthday, but this angered some goons for some reason and decided to chase him around town to try to get him back to fight, which doesn't make sense and really stupid.

First, they cant hurt him because he still has to fight and the movie loves to remind the audience, so now he beats up a bunch of dudes chasing him but cant hurt him as he runs around town because again he still has a fight.

Now get this, the goons somehow seem to find him wherever he goes, it makes no sense, desperately trying to get him back to the match. I didnt care to watch anymore to find out the reason why they were desperately trying to get him back because anyway you look at it, its stupid. Does it matter if he wins or lose? Whatever. With a much better thought out plot, the movie probably would have turned out ok.
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Not a lot of chemistry between the stars, at first. Then it just clicks.
13 January 2024
I went in blind not knowing what this movie is about and I didn't really took the film seriously, I just wanted something to watch while I eat my meal then drink coffee afterwards. What does that have to do with this review? Because that was what this movie is like..

The movie jumped right into it and the audience was forced to watch the platonic bond between the 2 stars, but I never really felt the chemistry between the two. They don't really look good together. I wasn't feeling it, it didn't convince me. Unlike the movie Passengers which is similar to this, Chris and Jennifer's chemistry was on fire from the get go.

Now as I mentioned before, The meal I was eating as I was watching wasn't that good like a 5/10, but I was forced to eat it because I was hungry and nothing worth it in the fridge. That is what this movie was like the first 40min to about 1hr into runtime. Then it just clicks. The last 30 mins made this to a 7/10. The coffee.

Warm and sweet. Taking slow sips because its hot and it burns. Ironically, this was the time when the pair were not together after being stuck inside a spaceship, lost in space for 3 years, I was actually missing them together and I didn't even really feel that vibe and chemistry when they were together! So what gives?

Structure and character development. Certain events in the last 30 mins was where it all came together that it pulls you in. One of the most realistic love stories I've seen and I'm not even that interested in this genre. All that being said, The OST is also captivating. The songs were nice too.

I'm gonna cut this short as I don't like reading long reviews. This is not a chick flick per se, it's more of a love story. A pretty good one.
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Blue balls
11 October 2023
If this movie came out without parts 1 or 2 for us to reminisce, I would be more harsh. I understand, though, that they wanted to keep it "simple" rather than aiming higher than the last. To me, that is a brilliant idea, considering that most movie series these days tend to try to outdo the previous part, which often comes off as exhausting.

But here's the deal, sticking to the basics can actually be harder to do and requires more emotion and artistry. However, this was just too simple. There was something about the story that missed the mark. Perhaps it was the setting, a small town in Italy? The lack of action? Corny villains with cardboard acting? A completely predictable plot? The unconvincing build-up, then a disappointingly lack of action.

Well, it was all of that, and Denzel's screen presence can only do so much.
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Too obvious and too many coincidences
7 March 2023
The result is an OK movie nonetheless because of Tom Hanks. His acting here is top notch. The other actors however, not so much. A simple "feel good" movie I'm sure a lot would enjoy, especially for the audience looking for a lighthearted tone although it delves into a sad story.

I don't want to list the coincidences as I've mentioned, it will be obvious as you watch along and there's a lot of it. An obvious indication of lazy writing. A cliche.

A very important factor with these type of movies that WANT you to feel a certain way. You can even say that it is the kind that's manipulative (which is fine) but for it to really work, the narrative should be hidden in plain view to "trick" the audience to play along. So if you are a bit more critical/cynical like me, the narrative isn't gonna be effective as you see the the intentions right away.

Not to compare but a very good example of hiding its intentions to lure in the audience is the movie, Joker. But if you're just looking for a much lighter tone to pass time, I say give this a go.
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David Ayer has completely lost it
15 August 2022
Was this a prank? Because I felt like I was watching some sort of parody. This film or parody has no redeeming qualities. The action is cheap riddled with garbage SFX (special effects). Everybody's acting and talking like wanna be 13 year old gangsters with an IQ no more than 70 its embarrassing. Seems like it was written by one too.

Shia dressed like Denzel in Training Day and then sometimes talking like a...Mexican-cholo? And I don't even care about the other dude, what the hell is this? I couldn't finish it.
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Day Shift (2022)
It's good but...
15 August 2022
What to expect? Its an action comedy vampire movie so let me start off with the bad:

Underdeveloped and boring antagonist.

Underwhelming 20 min finale.

The good

The rest of the movie. I would have given this only a 6/10 but I cant take away the hour and 30 mins of its runtime that was pretty solid but did fall near the end.

Surprisingly fun action and subtle comedy that doesn't go overboard. Methodically shot and eye candy. Well placed camera angles and consistency that's not dumbed down with mindless editing or special effects. I love the color, lightning and also the effort put into the soundtrack and goes well throughout the theme of the movie. These nuances made all the difference.

Day Shift gives you that feel good moments and laughs when playing a good Rockstar video game the first time.
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Carter (2022)
From strange to laughable. Lmao
8 August 2022
Epic fail at an attempt to create an action movie to seemingly have no cuts. The gimmick it aims for became its worst enemy, unfortunately. Im quite forgivable when it comes to action movies but this one just kept digging its own grave to the point where I'm literally laughing out loud and saying WTF.

ALTHOUGH maybe give this a shot while you're high AF or getting drunk with a bunch of friends, that might have actually been fun but sadly for me I came in watching dead sober with time to waste and this review is what I ended up doing instead. Apologies to those who worked hard on this movie but maybe next time make a comedy instead!
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The Gray Man (2022)
Is this movie called The Gray Man because it is soulless?
23 July 2022
This just popped up on Netflix out of nowhere. I like Gosling so I gave it a shot. I had no idea what the movie was about but 10 mins in (fireworks scene) I kind of already felt that its not gonna be great. So what kind of movie is this? What genre does it focus on? I start to wonder.

An action movie? The hand to hand combat parts are subpar though they tried to be creative but still came out uninspired. So maybe If the actor doesn't know how to fight, then design it like what in the movie "Brawl in Cell Block 99" did for example. Really simple but very heartfelt if ya know what I'm sayin

The action in general feels "fake" and disjointed. I don't know what it is too, bad CGI perhaps? The scenarios shouldn't look and feel like it was shot in a movie set. Some really poor editing here where some cuts seem like they were pasted on to where the action is supposedly taking place, but from which direction? Nobody knows. Not even the director I reckon.

As for the story and pacing, it just goes all over the place. Also who even gives a F about the acting at this point. I was done after the 1st half of the 2hr film and just wanted it to be over.
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Red Notice (2021)
Obsolete and cartoonish with an abysmal film score
15 November 2021
Look, I get that this is just a "fun" action comedy but where does one draw the line though? This movie just feels fake and outdated all around. From the try-hard Jackie Chan like exhibition fight scenes to the absolutely horrendous over the top movie soundtrack, the kind that you hear in family adventure films from like 20 years ago constantly assaulting your ears.

Boy did they go above and beyond to make this a light-hearted-action-comedy to be this cartoonish. Probably a movie made for the smooth brains and 10 year old's to be honest. Anyways, I couldn't make it though the part where two adult males, one is literally The Rock big and each getting their asses kicked by a 100 lbs chick. Wow so fun and light hearted!
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Bad action scenes was the real culprit that ruined everything here
23 August 2019
This is the real problem here. majority of the reviewers were complaining that there was no plot and just mindless violence. keep in mind, the plot was all set in the first installment. John wick 3 was about surviving and killing. there was really no plot to begin with.

See, you can have an action movie with a stupid plot with no character development whatsoever and STILL be entertaining to sit through. An action film should still be borderline realistic. Even those old school kung fu movies where guys fly around and do magical doo doo stuff was more entertaining because they were well choreographed at least.

That wouldn't have been a problem if the fight and gun combo scenes were meticulously choreographed here. Instead they were very bad and felt rushed. This one managed to get it all, the bad cgi blood, the endless spawning of bad guys that would only appear random times that made no sense, the 100 lbs woman kicking ass against 200 lbs men that are trained to kill at some point doesn't reload...damn how many rounds do you have on you girl?

The fight scenes were the worst. John wick seems to block the punches that weren't thrown yet or was just about to be thrown. You can see him pull his punches as to not hurt the stunt guys! punches looked like he was swatting flies of the bad guys face.

Then, if you are surrounded by killers best to do many flashy jujitsu moves before killing 1 guy? well I guess its because they were waiting for their turn to move eh? Total waste of money and resources.
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The plot was nice but the director was bad.
3 August 2019
People tend to jump on the hate train too quickly that they fail to see that this movie had great potential. If only they had a director that knows what he is doing, plus with the budget they had. This is not a bad movie BUT there were some pretty bad moments that pretty much ruined it. This is not an action film but is centered around the Nick's character. So dont expect guns-blazing-mindless-action. Its really not that bad.
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The Punisher (2017–2019)
Jon Bernthal grows on you despite the ugly down slide of season 2.
29 July 2019
Jon's Punisher went full on barbarian mode. His grunts, body language and hard ass demeanor was just entertaining to watch. His trademark was his battle cry when things got crazy, he was a soldier after all. He was like a caveman with elite skills. The other characters are not worth to mention. Boring with nothing to offer but bearable for now.

The main problem with season 1 was the story dragged too much. The rising-action-climax basic story telling would have been enough to keep the audience from being turned off. You can literally be just watching YouTube while the episode plays in the background and when something interesting happens, you watch it and wont miss anything. Its like listening to a boring song when you only like the chorus (action).

Now the tragedy which is season 2. First I have to mention that the action was still brutal and consistent with season 1. The interactions between Jon and Giorgia Whigham worked pretty well despite some annoyance here and there. Now, for the bad guys Ben Barnes and John Stewart....effing horrible.

Ben's acting was bad. He looked out of place, he was just so uninteresting. Its hard to like a character with a face so punch-able. Frank Grillo would have been so much better for the part. John Stewart may have the talent but his character SUCKED. His character was so badly written. Its out of this world that you wonder how was able to live past his 20's. I dont blame him though the writers were getting lazy.

Last but not least, the writing. Its unforgivable. Plot holes everywhere. Its almost as if the show was sabotaged. We really dont know why the writing bombed. Probably because Netflix.
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Avengement (I) (2019)
No brainier. It was all about the action and it was surprisingly good.
27 May 2019
I'll just say it that the story is pretty bad, like a 3/10. The opening music was almost enough for me to give up but I'm thankful that I didn't. I'm also not a fan of British films either because they usually have ramblings in the script with too many unrealistic characters. The fight scenes reminds me of Jet Li's Unleashed. Good camera work and in your face not like that full of cuts and shaky camera effect. Its no BS, its raw and violent.and there are plenty of it here until the end.

This one is raw and violent as it should be.
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Mile 22 (2018)
It was boring. Action packed but lacked intensity
2 November 2018
I couldn't wait for it to be over. Even though there was plenty of action, It wasn't enough because everything fell short. The action was its saving grace but like I said, fell short. Should have went balls out with the violence, like limbs and heads getting blown off ect within the boundaries of realism. the cuts were a bit of a mess as well.

No character development or a least likable characters which makes it even more boring.
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Upgrade (2018)
Comical and a bit too convenient.
28 August 2018
I wasn't expecting some comedy thrown in here and there. Given the severity of the situation, its not really something you'd expect to see if the hero is out for blood. I dont mind it that much though, except that it came off too strong and obvious. It would have been better if it was subtle or done like it was unintentional. Because in that way, doesn't take the weight off the character development.

The main character was a so-so, I didn't really find him likable or whatever but I guess the actor did well enough to not suck, a lackluster script maybe?

The fight scenes were deliberately robotic and kung fu-ish. I prefer a more raw, realistic and no nonsense approach. The camera work was pretty solid though.

The plot is this movies saving grace. A bit too convenient as I feel like they gave "The Stem" too much power and ability that leaves little room for development. As a result, the story becomes weak and lacking consistency towards the end, otherwise, I would have scored it 7/10.
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Mute (II) (2018)
Ignore the haters. It is not for everyone. You'll either LOVE it or find it not interesting.
21 April 2018
I feel like people came to watch this movie with expectations and got disappointed. They didn't like the slow pace and somewhat disjointed story telling. So maybe they find that the "cyber punk" setting unnecessary but these points are just personal taste. like I said not for everyone. It feels as if the critics are looking to find something to critique on a movie that they think tries too hard.

This is a love story for guys that fell in love with a whore but still went all the way. Alexander skarsgard did justice on what otherwise could have been a catastrophe.
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Tilt (2017)
23 March 2018
There was really no suspense, no shock factor. The ending that was supposed to be the highlight, I said to myself "I guess that's that". Pretty boring as well. The main guy had no charisma, this is more likely because his character was poorly written or thought out. Because his acting is ok. Not bad. but ok. I don't even care about his views as he rambles on about his "philosophy" I dont even know what to call it. But this is no reason for the story to suck.

The only reason why I gave this 3 points is because of the execution. The movie doesn't look bad. Some of the scenes that were shot, what was actually good considering that this is not a big budget film.
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Braven (2018)
What the heck?
12 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Starts out slow and when things got a little interesting, everyone starts doing stupid weird chit. Like the hero taking down a guy holding a big gun by jumping on top of him with an axe. The guy with the big gun apparently was looking up where the hero could possibly be waiting for him, but instead of pointing his gun at that direction, ready to shoot, he as his gun pointed at the floor with a stupid look on his face with his mouth open.

After the hero takes him down, he TOOK his small axe with wooden handle and left the big a55 gun and goes about his bidness. Nothing to see here folks.
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Downsizing (2017)
Manipulative boring crap
7 February 2018
Safe to say that I've been bamboozled to watch the whole thing and its over 2 hrs! So the main character is a nice guy. A very nice guy. Super nice guy. All I can say about him is that he is nice and nothing more interesting about him.

Anyways, Nice guy volunteers to be downsized to live a very cost efficient life along with the other downsized people. He ends up in an adventure. Apparently a pointless one. The end. That's about it. So you're curious about the adventure? Then I was just like you...

(possible spoilers ahead)

In this adventure, He does everything what a predictable nice guy would do. Help people, feed the homeless, all that corny s#it. The movie tired to stay on the positive side, but it didn't fool me though as I could totally see what they were trying to do, with the WAY TOO LOUD AND ANNOYING "feel" good soundtrack constantly blaring in the background.

Now unlike Forrest Gump, which actually has a good story/ interesting character that features a "nice guy" as well, its got more than enough weight on it that I dont care what music plays on the background. If Downsizing had a good story to pull you in...well it does not.
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Entertaining despite its flaws
7 November 2017
1. Bad CGI. The use of CG blood ruined the parts that could have been really good. I don't see any reviews here pointing this out like in many other movies (John Wick) that use this shi**y effect and rarely gets called out. Imagine if they used the tried and tested blood squib, it would totally change the quality of this film.

2. The action is good overall but its lacking oomph. The pacing feels rushed. A lot of times the sound effects are not on point. The background music would drown the gunshots and everything else. The gun shots can range as loud as the footsteps. The balance is off.

3. Plot holes, some characters would know things that they shouldn't and would be in places that are questionable.

That being said, the story was surprisingly decent. There was chemistry between the characters. I like Travis' portrayal. I was able to connect with him without the story cheating. You don't get to see exactly what happened to his past or how it happened, it is unraveled bit by bit as the story goes.

Despite all of these flaws, it still came out decent. If only the things I've mentioned were put into use this film could even score as high as 8/10.
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Typical revenge flick but the solid action makes up for it.
29 October 2017
First thing I noticed at the beginning of the film was that it was very cheesy and poorly executed. The font title was laughable. This was like one of those 90's film where our leather-jacket-wearing hero would flip a broomstick in a kung-fu-ish manner before wedging it between the handles of a kitchen door type of movie.

The script is almost mediocre. And the protagonist, Antonio Banderas also looks too old to play the role to be honest, but kudos to him for actually performing most of the stunts which is always a good thing when it comes to editing because this is what you came to see right? an action film. Not some shaky cam with 5 different cuts just to shoot a single punch that has plagued action films for years. But now, I think is a trend that is fading away.

This one delivers nice and slick action scenes. And realistically short as well. You will know what I mean. You want a pop corn late night action film? You know what to expect. its just a little bit better.
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Fences (2016)
About tree fiddy...
3 February 2017
30 mins in and I can't help feeling like I'm watching a true to life depiction of South Park's episode where 2 black couples are rambling about some loch ness monster, I'm not even kidding. And to think that this will go on for another hour and a half is just not what I can consider as entertainment. The ramblings go on and on about some s*** I couldn't give two (more like tree fiddy, lol) s**ts about. Most of the time, the audience was disconnected from the ramblings because it was going nowhere. It was odd not in a good way.

I Have to admit that my expectations were high even though I'm not into serious drama genres, I saw the trailer and I knew I had to give it a shot. Denzel alone had me sold. So what happened? It's like the script was written to show off acting skills but it's like written by a guy with a bad case of Asperger, totally oblivious that people are going to sit through it and watch...It's so tedious that I did not notice the acting if it was good or not I couldn't tell.
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