2 Reviews
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What cheaters!!!
18 October 2005
If only they had a negative 5 rating! Our 4yr old boy used all of his piggy bank (his whole lifesaving's) to get this (from $14 at Wal-Mart 'DVD'). he was excited and thought it would be worth his hard earned money. When we watched it we were all gravely disappointed to discover that all they did is have an introduction and showed the whole previous film they made "boo to you Pooh".

He already had that film (boo to you Pooh), and complained that he already had that show and that and I quote, "I HAVE BEEN CHEATED!!!".

I am ticked at Disney, that they would cheat a 4yr old with such rubbish and charge $14 for it.

Now don't get me wrong I like Disney, they have made and still make wonderful shows with good morals, but I am not at all happy with the people responsible for this scheme too make for money on their previous title "Boo to You Pooh".

Now if you have not seen "Boo to You Pooh", you may enjoy this film, but if you have you are only re-buying the same show with a different cover!
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Lord of War (2005)
Very good, great story!
22 September 2005
This is not a typical Hollywood big action movie. It is about the life of an illegal arms dealer (based on a true story).

It reminds me a lot of the movie "Blow" staring Jonny Depp, only instead of selling cocaine he sells illegal Firearms. It really is a great movie, and if you liked "Blow", you will definitely like this one!

It seems as though some people on here do not appreciate true stories like this one and would much rather some cheap Hollywood plot with a lot of special effects and drawn-out action seines.

They have been giving it poor feedback because of this and not giving it its due respect.

I for one enjoy a good true story, now don't get me wrong a good action film is fun, but I like a variety.

I gave it an 8 as it is not the best movie I have ever seen, but it is still a good show and worth watching.
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