
34 Reviews
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People are Overreacting Big Time
11 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Star War: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi is the 8th episode in the new Star Wars saga and has a lot of fans divided over weather Disney ruined it or admire it for going into bold new directions. But i am gonna talk more about that later and just get on to what i loved and didn't like about the movie.

First of all i love a majority of the people in this movie. Most of the new cast returns and they are all pretty good especially Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren in episode 7 was just good to me, he wasn't great or anything like that, but in this movie you can see he just wants to succeed and impress his master Snoke and he learns to grow as a person. Rey is also pretty good here too. But my favorite performance was Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker. I love the direction they took with his character, just someone who wants to hide and not face what he possibly caused. The Special effects are good but that's expected at this point. Action scenes were well filmed and weren't disapointing in the slightest.

In my opinion there was a lot to love about this film, but that doesn't mean it's a flawless movie. This has probably been said way to many times, but there is a plot line with Finn and a new character Rose. This plot is just about them going to a casino planet to find a code breaker but are then captured for jeez i don't know maybe 12 seconds before they break out and during the whole escape scene there's a lot of commentary about animal cruelty and how some people profit off of war. Not only does this feel completely rushed, but it doesn't fit anywhere in this movie. It's fine to have social commentary in a film (i often encourage it) but at least do it in a clever way and not make it so preachy. Also something that pissed people off was the death of Snoke. This to be completely honest didn't matter that much to me, but i wish he had some arch like how the Emperor did in Return of The Jedi. I also in some way liked this scene because Kylo Ren is free and is now the leader of The First Order. He has no one holding him back like how the Emperor did towards Vader.

Overall i enjoyed this movie. but with that being said it is in no way a flawless movie, actually now that i think about it this movie could have been so much more. But i still liked it for what it was. But i also think that a lot of people are really overreacting. A lot of people are complaining about how this movie felt so different and how they changed the vision that J.J Abrams had for the saga. People calm down! It's a movie, it's fine if you didn't like it but damn do you have to protest about how bad it is and how it should be removed from the Star Wars cannon? People just expect way too much from Star Wars these days.

I'll give it a 7/10, not perfect but overall an enjoyable Star Wars movie.
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Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017 Video Game)
An Improvement, BUT......
5 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is the new EA game that comes with more Heroes, new weapons, new time lines, all new ships and vehicles, and a CAMPAIGN! Now all of this sounds like something a Star Wars game needs, there's no way it could be bad right......RIGHT!? Well i hate to be the one to say it, but this game is not all that great as i hoped it would be.

The good things about this game is that is went straight back to it's roots. They looked at Battlefront 2 (2005) and tried to make a game outta that concept so i was glad to hear that we were getting an updated version of one of my favorite games growing up as a child. Also its something to expect from modern day video games, but the game just looks beautiful. The work on the maps and characters are just astounding. The Gameplay is also a lot smoother. In the first Battlefront (2015) it was so hard to control a ship because the controls were just messy. But this game improves on it dramatically.

But sadly here is some negatives and things that truly annoyed me to the core about this game. First of all the campaign. You know how we were to believe that the story is told through the Empire's perspective? Well not even half way through the campaign, and the our main character Iden Versio, switches sides for a completely stupid reason! I mean she knows that the Empire does bad things right!? And why would the Empire ever attack one of planets that supports them!? Why not destroy a republic planet? You could show your strength a better way doing that.

I haven't even gotten to the things that annoy me the most about this game yet. So EA had us hooked when they said we didn't have to pay for maps and future content. But little did we know that BattleFront 2 would be a PAY TO WIN GAME! Yep the game is based on whoever has the most money, can unlock the most weapons, heroes, etc and win a match. Also LOOT CRATES! I even read somewhere if you want to get every item in the game, you have to spend a total of $2,100 or just slowly unlock all of it through hundreds of hours of game play.

Welp in the end even though i hated on Battlefront 2 a lot, it still is an improvement from Battlefront (2015). This game would be good if EA didn't use their Cash Grab system. This game could be an 8/10 (i can forget about the campaign) but sadly the only thing holding this game back, is the company and its creators themselves. Right when we thought EA could change, they somehow manage to create another money flowing system. All in all, Star Wars: Battlefront 2 is a Below-Average game that i feel was just created to get more cash into EA's wallets. I pray to god that EA does not make another Star Wars game, they are only hurting the community and their company.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
A Must Watch
27 October 2017
Stranger Things is an 80's style horror show that deals with the adventures of 4 kids that uncover the mystery of the disappearance of their friend, while encountering a very strange little girl named eleven.

There's a lot to love about this show. If you grew up in the 80's and miss that old style of horror movies, then this will refresh your memory in a satisfying and albeit entertaining way. All of the kids do an outstanding job especially Finn Wolfhard and Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven. The adults also do a good job like Winona Ryder. The monster was also very cool and creepy and was very well designed. This show also reminded me of a Stephen King story, there's a lot of Stephen King formulas in here.

And that is all of the positives that make this show worth while of seeing. But...with that being said, i do think this show is a tad bit overrated. I love this show like the next person on the block, but i don't think its one of the best shows ever created (like how IMDb depicts it).

So in conclusion, Stranger Things is a wonderful show that will bring back all of your memories of the 80's as it is well acted, evenly creepy, creative with its ideas, and well preformed. A- or 9/10
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Mother! (2017)
Meh.....not bad
23 October 2017
Mother! is the story of a couple that settle down in the middle of know where (so they think) and soon enough weird things start happening when strangers begin to let themselves in their own house.

First off, this movie is hella weird, but its a good weird. Its weird in a way that is unsettling and crazy at the same time. I liked the characters and their performances were on spot. But......with that being said i was a little disappointed with this film.

When i first saw the trailer for Mother! i expected a thrilling and intense mystery that would leave a horrifying taste in my mouth, but its not a horror movie at all.

Its a metaphorical movie that has some religious themes about how we treat our earth and how Mother Nature would feel about it. It irritated me that nothing is really explained.

So in the end this movie is a watch once and forget about it for me, but overall i would call it a somewhat enjoyable film. For me it was just a big Unsettling, confusing, crazy, unexplained mess. C+ or 6/10

Some people love this movie and some people hate it, but i fall in the middle section of that argument.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Good (but not as good as people are making it out to be)
14 October 2017
Dunkirk is the true story about British, French, and Belgium soldiers that are trapped on the beach of Dunkirk waiting for rescue, while the German empire surrounds them.

First off, this movie is beautifully filmed. The cinematography alone is worth seeing. The places they chose to film were great and fitted the movie perfectly. Even though there is hardly any Character development in this movie, everyone did a good job. The action was also a pretty awesome strength to the movie. The ship battles and the dogfights were great and very well filmed. Easily the best part of the movie (for me) was the soundtrack and the sounds. The soundtrack made the movie feel so tense and epic. And also the Guns, planes, bombs, and explosions sounded very realistic. It made you feel like you were actually there.

So overall i enjoyed this movie for what it was; but that being said, it is very overrated and not the masterpiece everyone says it is.

When i first heard that Christopher Nolan (the director of one of my favorite movies The Dark Knight) was directing this movie, i was so hyped and had huge expectations. But sadly not all of them were met. I wanted the movie to have some ground battles but they were mostly in the air or in the ocean. I wanted solid characters but the entire movie is dedicated to the battle. The movie does drag sometimes and its not always interesting. Before i saw this movie i saw an ocean of positive reviews, some saying that this is one of the best war movies ever made. But after seeing it myself, i was not agreeing.

In the end, I did find myself enjoying Dunkirk but it is overrated. Its not "The Best Movie Of The Year" nor "The best War Movie Ever Created". Its a solid and accurate movie on a real life event. I'm giving it a 7/10 or a solid B.
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It (I) (2017)
Creepy, Funny, and Perfect
9 September 2017
IT is the story of a group of children known as the loser's club that encounter an evil entity that has been feeding on the people of the town of Derry for a long time, so they unite and come together to hopefully kill IT.

First of all the loser's club is fantastic. They feel like actual friends and their chemistry was just perfect. One person that stood out to me was Richie. He was really funny and he is kinda the smart ass of the group. I loved Bill too. You can just see why he wants to kill this thing not only for killing other kids, but for killing his brother. In the movie you can see the pain and grief he is experiencing and he is determined to avenge his death.

Another thing i loved about this movie was IT/Pennywise (they are the same thing). He is just creepy in his design and he looks a little off, like his eyes are just tilted and not human. Pennywise looked like a true monster with how he sounded, how he moved, and it just felt like his true form was controlling him on the inside. With Pennywise it made the film more thrilling and it made you care for the Loser's club. Bill Skarsgard did an excellent job and i think this will be the new thing that terrifies children.

So in the end i loved this movie. Its Intense, its Creepy, its Funny, and it actually has a lot of Heart in it. IT gave me everything i hoped for with a little bit more then i expected. This in my book is my favorite Stephen King Adaptation. A+ or 10/10

Along with Get Out this may be the best horror movie this year.
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Terrible, but what did you expect?
2 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So someone actually thought that making a movie about emojis would be a good idea, but either they tried to make it bad or they tried and the team behind the movie had no idea what they were doing.

So there is 1 main plot to this movie and 2 sub plots and the main one is an emoji that is a meh, but he has other emotions which is considered bad to the others, so he sets off on a quest with a retarded high five emoji and some kind of hacker that really serves no point in it. One of the sub plots is about a teen who is trying to send the right emoji to his crush which is cringy just thinking about it. And while meh is gone, his boring parents talk about separating. Im not joking those are the actual plot points in this movie.

Know before i get into the abominations of this movie, let me just say that if you want to get some friends together and you want to make fun of a movie that is so terrible, then go see this (BUT NOT IN THEATERS NO NO NO NO GOD NO) i saw this movie online for free and that is the only reason i am not giving this movie a 1 star rating because me and my drunk friends at least had fun ripping on it.

Anyway there is a lot of things i hated but i don't want you to read 8 paragraphs so ill make it short. The plots are messy and stupid, the characters are terrible and some actors are wasted in this film like Patrick Stewart, the jokes are cringy and flat out laughable but not in a good way, the film tries to teach meaningless themes like feminism and it serves no purpose in the film, the movie is boring, the editing feels like it was done by an 11 year old, And worst of all the movie is one big advertisement.

In the end The Emoji Movie is a terrible movie for all ages and it will probably please those who are morbidly obsessed with emojis, but i mean come on who thought this movie was actually gonna be good. And to think that Sony canceled Popeye for this idiotic trash makes me sick to my stomach. 2/10 or F Easily the worst movie i have seen in the last 5 years.
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Your Movie Sucks (2010– )
he sucks
28 August 2017
YourmoviesucksDOTORG just is flat out bad. He is so bad. A baboon could do a better job at an internet comedy show. He never makes me laugh, and someone really needs to teach this guy a few lessons on how editing works. He hates on almost everything even when its a movie about a cancer patient seeking chemo, how do you hate that?! But that's my opinion and i personally think he has potential but for now he is just an abomination to Youtube. THE END
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It (1990)
A Fun and Solid Horror Film
25 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
IT is an adaptation of Stephen King's novel by the same name and same premise. The story is centered around 7 teens that fight an evil entity that takes many forms, as it takes the form of a clown to attract children. However they come back as adults to fight IT again once it awakens.

IT is really one of those movies that stand out to me mainly because of my fear of clowns and because it was the very first horror movie i have ever seen. And i avoided watching it for 15 years that is how much this movie scared me. And with the new IT coming to theaters in 2 weeks, i thought i would revisit both the book and the TV film. And i do have to say that i did enjoy this movie a lot more then i was a child.

First of all, Tim Curry does a great job at playing Pennywise the dancing clown. His take on it is different from that of the book, but it does work as more of a funny character then that of the book where he is just all out creepy. The kid cast and the adult cast for the most part do a good job. They are not perfect but they were a workable and fitting cast. I also liked how the movie is organized even though its kinda been done before. Its not a perfect film and heres why.

This movie is not scary at all. IT is one of those movies that scared the living hell out of me as a kid, but as an 18 year old the scares are simply just not there. At times the movie takes itself to seriously whether it would be by its dialogue or by its face off scenes. Here is kinda a spoiler, so if you don't care just keep reading. My main concern with this movie why they never show the clown doing anything as terrible like he does in the book. Like instead of telling them "You'll float too" why not just kill them show us something gruesome. But then again this had like a PG-13 rating so i understand that they were limited to showing bloody and morbid images. The ending when they finally kill the clown and discover its closest true form felt kinda stupid. IT's true form is some kind of spider thing and while it works in the book, it does not translate well to film (well at least not in the right way).

So in the end, IT is a fun, corny, clichéd, and overall solid adaptation of the classic novel while it may not deliver all of the thrills and scares you might've wanted. i'll give it a solid B or 7/10 I am really excited to see the new IT. it looks really freaky.
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The Best In The Trilogy
17 August 2017
So after seeing War for the planet of the apes, i thought i would watch the last two to get a better look on how War fits into the perfect trilogy. And after revisiting Rise which was great, i saw this movie again and i personally think is not only the best in the trilogy, but one of the best sci-fi films this century has to date.

Dawn of the planet of the apes takes place 10 years after the ape leader Caesar leads a revolt against the humans and frees his imprisoned apes. And in this one we see the apes create a civilization and things are going pretty well. Until a colony of humans are discovered and both groups struggle to maintain peace.

First of all, this movie improves greatly over the 1st one with CGI and it looks amazing. We also see more characterization from Caesar and also some human characters. This movie also gave 2014 the best movie villain.... Koba. He was just great and he did things that were terrible but you also understood why he does what he does. The conflict between Caesar and Koba is just perfectly well done. We have a character that wants both groups to live side by side, and we have a character that just acts out of fear and vengeance. The plot is amazingly well done and there is not one dull moment (that i found anyways). The score is also epic. I better stop talking how great this movie is, sorry i do have a habit to talk a lot.

If i was going to pick out one little flaw it would be that the human characters are not as interesting as the apes. I wasn't bored when the were on screen, i just found myself not as engaged as when Caesar, Koba, or any of the apes were on screen. But that is just a little flaw, it doesn't stop the movie from being a masterpiece.

So in the end, Dawn of the planet of the apes is a masterpiece in every possible way. I loved it when i saw it in 2014, and it kinda grew on me as i watched it again. The action was amazing, the characters were well done, the score had me on edge, and the plot always had my attention. A+ or 10/10

If i was gonna rank these movies it would go like this: 1. Dawn of the planet of the apes 2. War for the planet of the apes 3. Rise of the planet of the apes
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Logan (2017)
A flat out Masterpiece
3 August 2017
So i really had no intention to see this movie cause i didn't really think the X-men movies were all that great, but my roommate rented this and he asked if i wanted to watch it. So i thought i would give it a watch and oh my god, this movie is incredible.

Logan is the story of an old and tired wolverine that is done with everything. He is sick and on the verge of dying because the thing that makes him wolverine is now poisoning him. He wants to go away and live a peaceful life with Professor X, but once he meets this girl that has a few people hunting her down, Logan and the Professor are thrown back into the midst and have to protect this girl as well as themselves.

First the obvious, Hugh Jackman plays Logan and i honestly think he deserves an Oscar for his performance. He does a spectacular job at playing a man that is just wants to give up on everything. The action sequences are well done and greatly engaging. There is also a tragic and sad moral to this movie, about how we all get old and die. This is probably my favorite movie ever made.

If i was going to point out one flaw in this movie its that the movie at times slows down, but fortunately that happens to give some character development and it makes the upcoming action much more satisfying.

So in the end, Logan was a masterpiece and it truly floored me. Every character is engaging especially Logan and the little girl. The soundtrack, the action, and the story is just amazing and very well done. I could not be happier with this movie and i really mean it when i say it is my favorite movie of all time. A+ or 10/10
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A fun and unique Spider-Man movie
30 July 2017
Spider-Man: Homecoming focuses on the story of Peter Parker and how he has many responsibilities. He has to keep his grades up in school, he has to impress Tony Stark if he ever wants to become an avenger, he has to save the city from minor threats since he is spider-man, and he has to deal with a new threat "The Vulture".

So i liked how this movie avoids the same story about Peter Parker's Uncle and avenging his death. We have seen this story go on for 5 movies now, and it was refreshing that they didn't even mention it. Tom Holland also does a good job at playing Peter Parker and Spider- Man, he really adds the comedy theme to spider-man's character. Michael Keaton also plays a very well done villain named the Vulture and he does a great job at it as well. It was really cool to see my personal favorite spider-man villain adapted onto the big screen. The action is cool and fun to look at.

A NOTE FOR PEOPLE ABOUT TO WATCH THIS MOVIE! its not a movie completely about our web slinging hero fighting bad guys, its more of a story about the the troubles and responsibilities a teen goes through. And those who have been to High School can relate to this movie like i found myself doing the same thing. So if you take your child to see this movie he/she might be a little bored because they just want to see spider-man fight and do things.

Its not perfect and I'm gonna talk about the flaws i have found in this movie. The original spider-man movies made the action a bit more dramatic and realistic, while this movie just makes it seem like its more for fun then actual realism. I also felt like they could have done a better job with the soundtrack, some musical elements don't really match whats going on in the film. At times the movie can drag a bit but fortunately something funny or action packed happens to boost the movie and keep it on its feet.

So overall, Spider-Man: Homecoming is a very fun and very unique experience. Is it the best spider-man movie? No, but it does standout from the rest as just being a fun and blockbuster popcorn movie. B+ or 8/10
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Don't understand all the hate.
17 July 2017
Before i saw this movie i looked at some people's opinions about it and i saw mostly negative reviews, so i was really nervous going into this movie thinking that i would have had the same reaction to it and seriously i have no idea what those people are talking about.

So War for the planet of the apes is the 3rd film in the new prequel/Reboot of the planet of the apes movies. And this is about Caeser going on a journey to stop a war between his apes and an army of highly trained soldiers, while he also tries to control his more violent instincts.

First the obvious, the CGI is amazing and is truly a technological marvel to cinema. Andy Serkis once again plays the ape ruler Caesar and is easily the best movie character in recent years, in each film he has gotten progressively better and in this one it is definitely the best performance. The story is great and is well acted throughout. This movie is also an amazing drama. There are a lot of moments that just make you jerk a tear every once in a while and its believable. The action sequences are pretty good too. Woody Harrelson plays the colonel and he does a pretty good job at it (He is not as good as koba but still good). He is just a character that you can relate to and you understand why he is doing all of this. Caesar and the colonel are pretty relatable. As much as i would love to say how great this movie is, i better stop right here.

I loved every part of this movie and i did not find anything i did not like about it, but i am gonna talk about why i think most people were disappointed with this film. So if you watched all the trailers and looked at the title you may be expecting one thing, a ton of apes and humans fighting with guns and rockets. But although there is some of that in this movie, its definitely not the main point of it. This movie to its core is about the war that a person faces emotionally while war is happening around him. We see this concept with Caesar all the way through the movie.

It also talks about what terrible things a person or people would do in a war. Woody Harrelson's character does what he does because he believes that the entire human race is going to go extinct if he does not act. I mean, would you do that if you knew that you could slowly be replaced by another species?

So some people do not like this film because they were expecting a full on hardcore war movie. And it is that, but it really is a commentary about how a person has a war within themselves when war is happening around them. And people either missed, did not care, or did not understand the more darker themes about this movie.

But anyway, in the end i thought this movie was a masterpiece in every way it could have been. It has amazing CGI, performances, action sequences, dark themes, tear jerking moments, and a beautiful moral to it. A+ or 10/10 APES TOGETHER STRONG!
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A memorable prequel
27 June 2017
Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a prequel to 1968 film Planet of the Apes. In this movie we see the story of a new drug that is under testing and it is suppose to heal the minds of those with Alzheimer's, but once a loyal chimp named Caeser is exposed to it as a child he gains super intelligence and leads an uprising of apes. First of all the movie is very interesting, it really does fill in some of the plot holes of the 1968 original. It answers many of our questions like how this went down, who started it, who is to blame, etc. The CGI is also very impressive. The main character here is Caeser and he is amazing. He shows that you don't need dialogue to make a character interesting. The action scenes are very great and well filmed. If was was going to list a negative it would probably be that whenever the film cuts back to the human characters it is not as interesting as the apes. Whenever the film went to them i was saying "Okay lets go back to the apes now."

So anyway in the end, Rise of the Planet of the Apes is a very well made, very enjoyable, interesting, captivating, and it shows that a prequel is not always bad. A- or 9/10
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Worst movie experience i have ever had!
22 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Last Knight focuses on Cade and the remaining autobots with a few disposable people along the way that discover a secret in the earth's history, while Optimus Prime is turned evil by his creator. First of all, Anthony Hopkins does a good job at playing Edmund. Its nice to see he tries to put effort and takes his role seriously unlike the other actors. The CGI is also impressive and state of the art. But now for the bad and sadly there is a lot here.

The movie is just boring. Michael Bay thinks he can make an entertaining film if he adds a few explosions here and there with some crappy dialogue and terrible slapstick comedy which is not funny at all! There is one part where Anthony Hopkin's character is telling the main people the role that the autobots played through out history and while he does this it cuts to Cogman (the butler droid) doing the background music twice, and this joke is full on stupid! You usually see this joke in kids movies but they thought it was a good idea to do this in a PG-13 film that adults and teens may be watching! The characters fall flat. I am sorry but they really do. Isabela Moner (A new coming actress) plays this stereotypical whiny teen that makes stupid choices in almost every scene she is in.

In conclusion, Transformers: The Last Knight is a terrible movie probably the worst in the franchise so far. It has a thin plot, terrible actors/acting, unoriginal, unfunny and idiotic jokes, explosions for the sake of "Entertainment", and more prove that Michael Bay simply doesn't care about making an actual decent film as long as it makes billions of dollars. This is by far the worst movie i have ever experienced in theaters. F or 1/10

*I am so sorry to everyone who had to watch this abomination of cinema.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
A very intense and very original horror comedy
15 June 2017
Get Out focuses on a black man named Chris while he travels with his girlfriend to meet her very nice but very suspicious parents. After Chris is introduced to the house he sees some disturbing imagery and weird acts that make him think something more darker is present, but what exactly? First off, everybody in the movie is great. This film also offers some astounding visual horror. I didn't expect this to be a comedy, but when you get the comedy it really pays off.

Get Out actually touches some of the social issues that are in our world such as racism and it does it in a very smart way. The soundtrack is also pretty great and works very well with what is going on in the movie. This isn't a flaw but there are some scenes that were scary but it didn't really make any sense, but fortunately the big twist explains why that weird thing happened. I won't spoil it, but the twist is very satisfying and is very unsettling to even think about.

In the end, Get Out was a very intense but also in a sort of sense serious with things that happen in our community and excellently blends horror, comedy, and social commentary in one original and creative film. A+ or 10/10
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Life (I) (2017)
An enjoyable science fiction horror movie.
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Life is a science fiction horror film that focuses on a group of people aboard a space shuttle that discover a life form that seems very harmless and friendly until it starts to survive which includes killing everyone. Know i was really engaged with the movie. I cant think of one moment when my eyes weren't off the screen. The alien is amazing and very smart. And how it kills people is very horrifying and also morbidly creative. And it actually gives the thing some humanity to it. Like in the 1979 film Alien, the movie made it out to be this monster that just kills and only because that is all it thinks. But in this movie, they make it out to be this thing that only does what it does to survive. The movie acknowledges that its an animal that does what animals do, survive. Although it isn't perfect and i'll talk about that now. Some of the people in this movie are almost completely disposable. Like Ryan Reynolds is cool in the scenes he is in, but he is seriously in the movie for almost 12 minutes before he is killed by the alien. The 2nd half of this movie is also not as intense as the 1st half. The ending also felt a little rushed to me. So in the end, Life is a very enjoyable science fiction horror movie that really doesn't add any thing new to the trapped in space horror genre, but it also earns its spot in that category as well. B- or 7/10
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Funny and Action Packed!
8 May 2017
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is the 15th in the Marvel Universe (i wonder how the studio hasn't ran out of ideas). This film focuses on the guardians and how they must fight off the gold people after stealing something of theirs, while Star Lord discovers his father and discovers the truth about him. That is one of the things i loved about this movie, so many things are going on and it is not distracting at all. It still manages to stay fresh and funny. The actors are still pretty good and some have improved over the last movie like Drax and Yondu. I also thought Ego(star lord's father) was a fantastic character. The dialogue is funny and very creative. As always the CGI is very good and the movie just looked beautiful. As far as action goes, i thought this was a great improvement. In the end, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 is the best movie i have seen all year so far, as it improves with the characters, plot, action sequences, and comedy. A+ or 10/10. AHHH MY NIPPLES!-Drax
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The best Marvel Movie
2 April 2017
After i saw the first trailer for the Guardians of the Galaxy, i couldn't help but think that it was just a rip off of the avengers. But i was very, very wrong. It focuses on a group of galactic criminals that accidentally join forces to stop a mad man and his goons destroying the galaxy. The characters were amazing. They all play their role excellently and deliver a handful of laughs. The action and set pieces are great to. The thing that kinda bothered me in avengers was that they saved all the action til the very end, but its all over the place in this movie.

I thought that this movie was better than the Avengers. It just has better action, better character development, and better set pieces (not a better villain though). So overall, Guardians Of The Galaxy is an action packed ride which has great characters and earns the spot on my favorite Marvel movie of all time. A+ or 10/10. I am so excited for The Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.2
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An exact copy of the classic original
19 March 2017
Ever since Disney made a live action remake of the jungle book, they have been making remakes of our childhood films,and hope to continue doing that. And then you have this movie. We all know the story, A beautiful girl stumbles across a castle with talking house hold items and a beast, but soon enough they grow to love each other. I really liked all the people in this movie, they did a good job at playing their roles, whether they were a mild mannered tea cup, or a hairy creature. The special effects were good, and most of the musical numbers were great. However all the people and the music does not make up for the same exact story as the animated classic. I enjoyed The Jungle Book and Pete's Dragon because all though they had some of the same elements, they boosted enough new elements and a new plot to keep the story going. While this movie doesn't do that at all. I expected some things do be different but it gave me the same characters, same plot, and mostly the same musical numbers. Hell they even had the same dialogue. So in the end, Beauty and the Beast may have some enjoyable moments, but that is not enough to keep us engaged when all it is an exact copy of the classic original. C- or 5/10. Face it the only reason they made this film was to put more money into Disney's pockets.
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Grown Ups 2 (2013)
Seeing an elk pee on people is suppose to be funny?
12 March 2017
Grown ups 2, did this movie really have plot? Anyway It is about friends that find each other in the same town and they do a lot of pointless things that is suppose to make this movie funny. But it falls flat on its face. Everyone in this movie sucks, The plot is lame and pointless, and the film treats it's audience like they are stupid and will fall for this abomination they call a movie. Overall there was not a thing that i liked about this movie, it was boring, stupid, not funny, had terrible acting, pointless plot, Mostly terrible cast, and this movie thinks the audience will find joy in seeing a man get peed on by an elk. F or 1/10. By the way, did anybody ask for this movie?
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Should have listened to all the negative reviews
12 March 2017
Ghostbusters is a remake involving ghost hunters in which the entire cast is replaced by women. Once strange reports about ghosts in New York show up, A bunch of Paranormal investigators team up to find out why this is happening. lets start with the good even though this movie offers a little bit of that. I was kinda enjoying the 3rd act because that's what i thought this movie was going to be. They brought a bunch of talented people in this movie and some of them were funny. But now for the bad. The movie was just boring. I wanted to see the cast busting ghosts but when really the movie focuses on them and their comedy. I was trying not to fall asleep the movie was so boring. Now this movie is not as terrible as you may think. But when you pay $10 to see a movie, you expect the movie to be entertaining, but however the movie did not do it's job to entertain me. And what sucks is you can't say this movie is bad, without being called a sexist pig. And i have nothing against the cast being women. So overall, Ghostbusters is a choppy, unfunny, and boring experience C- or 5/10.
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Not perfect, but a good example of a monster movie.
11 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Kong skull island is a movie about a group of people who discover an uncharted island and find a very mad gorilla known as King Kong, while also battling many more unholy creatures. So i really liked Kong in this movie, he was just a very strong, and gentle giant. The special effects in the movie were astounding. There are a few amazing scenes like when we first see Kong, And when he battles the octopus and the skull crawlers. The acting is good even though people themselves aren't. Some people were worried about how John C. Reilly's comedy and jokes were not going to work that well in this particular film, as for me i thought some of his jokes were funny, while others came off as stupid or not really that funny. The plot is very silly and not that well made. And my main grip with this movie is how you don't really care about anybody. So even though i found some flaws with this movie, i still enjoyed it. It's not nearly as good as the original, but i thought it was better then the 2005 version. So in the end it may have some flaws, but it is still a fun popcorn movie which sets a good example about what a true monster movie is. B+ or 8/10. Oh and by the way the end credits scene was amazing, the scientist says how there are many islands out there and he shows James Conrad some pictures about Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, And King Ghidorha, And it ends with a Godzilla roar. So be expecting these guys in a lot more movies!
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A fun popcorn thriller!
11 March 2017
Jurassic world is the 4th installment in the Jurassic Park franchise. It's main plot is a new open park full with man made dinosaurs and one day the company decides to make a genetic hybrid to boost the public's attention. But that of course goes horribly wrong and soon enough the hybrid is on the loose and killing people left and right. While all of this is going on, a raptor trainer Owen and the park's owner Clair must stop this monster before a monster mash goes down. First the good. Chris Pratt plays a good role and he is easily the best human character. The action is very entertaining and very pleasing to the eye. The dinosaurs are very cool as always, and the hybrid was awesome. The suspense is one of the strongest things this movie has to offer. But now time for the bad. There are a few people you do not really care about, for example there are two kids in the movie that were completely hollow and didn't have any real purpose except for escaping the dinosaurs. And sometimes this movie can come off as silly when it tries to be cool. So in the end Jurassic World is a fun, action packed, summer blockbuster that may not be as good as the original but has it memorable moments in the Jurassic Park universe. 7/10 Check it out.
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Slow start, but builds to an epic 2nd and 3rd act.
15 January 2017
So rogue one, is the story of a band of heroes that must steal the plans for the death star if they ever hope to destroy it. First the pros. Let me start by saying this film is a great war film. Its dark, its gritty, and its depressing. As for special effects they are awesome(as usual in a star wars movie). Gareth Edwards has proved that he does an excellent job at making things huge. I saw the death star in this movie and remember saying "dame that's huge"! The cast does a good job as well. And i saved the best for last, the action scenes. Oh my god, they are amazing. You got ground troops fighting each other, You got an astounding space battle, And you got rebels fighting huge at-ats. As for the cons this movie doesn't do to well in the begging. The film wants you to accept these new characters in a very rushed manner. I wouldent say the characters are disposable, more like not as memorable. So in the end Rogue one has a slow start with a few character problems, but it then builds to an epic 2nd and 3rd act that makes all of those flaws seem very forgettable. 9/10 *2nd favorite movie of 2016
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