
4 Reviews
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Good but crippled by the script.. such a shame
27 August 2017
Its another one of those.. "oh it could have been so much better" films. I really do want this type of Annie film to succeed.. why ? because it has so much potential and I expect in the future , if done right will fill the gaps between big blockbusters and a need for "more" at a reasonable price. Starship troopers was my late fathers favorite Sci fi film. There were very few films he would repeatedly watch but that and Independence Day where two of them. Why.. because they were fantasy silliness with no need to engage your brain. It fell short of the book by a mile, which in my opinion is one of the best Sci Fi books written, however you have to actually engage your brain the same as when reading Forever War or An Old Man's war. All have deep and symbolic subliminal messages that can cause a paradigm shift in ones perception of modern conflict and society's concepts of morality. Back to the film sorry for the monologue lol The CGI was great.. had no problems with that at all, in fact some parts where excellently executed, however you had a feeling the budget had been spent and they were filling if the background in some parts. Casper Van Dien was fantastic.. had no problems with his acting.. your only as good as your script and I would think the co-stars may have been better had they had one. Great sound effects.. music etc was fine. I had absolutely no expectations for this film, but I wouldn't say it was a complete waste of my time. I think one of the animators had a serious crush on (Sky Marshall) Emma Watson.. post if you agree ! A big problem I had was its school boy/girl mentality, and parts where just pure juvenile. Yet other parts where violent and visceral… I would have liked them to stick to latter and made a gritty slugfest of a war film. That's the great thing with Man versus bugs, you just need a start and victorious end scatter with some dark humor and a bit of nakedness.. nothing much more. Less dialog would have been more and would have improved it 10 fold. Also would have been a good idea if they have left out the mentally addled despot as it did nothing for the film at all. Conclusion.. it's a shift in the Star Ship Trooper series, and one that could have been so much more entertaining .. but still worth a watch if you like this type of film … get it together and you could have a winner next time.
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Life (I) (2017)
I liked it..
19 June 2017
No idea what people are on about.. its was a good scifi film. Nothing wrong with the plot, quite convincing to be honest, simple yes agreed. The creature was plausible as we haven't actually met many aliens I guess it was mostly made up or maybe it wasn't ?? This is another case of people expecting Oscar this and Oscar that, subtitles in french and one added obscure language and maybe a same sex relationship while one of them is going through a gender change because he or she was traumatized by her mother remarrying. The absence of a token wizzard was probably the last straw for most of the reviewers. Here's how it should of gone in the grown up world.. things got slightly out of control and earth instantly nuked the space station.. all 15 mins of a film, but perfectly logical. Anyway I'd recommend it, someone commented that the CGI was child like ?? Totally disagree it was excellent. I like Prometheus to BTW. All I can say is Fiction .. fiction fiction.. look it up absorb the definition, and maybe spend more time with real people outside in the real wide world..
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SS-GB (2017)
Very good atmospheric "British" Style Crime thriller.
16 March 2017
I liked man in the Man in the High Castle, although a lot of the time you are spoon fed the concepts and told what's going on more by pointless dialog and not by a simple matter of deduction. SS-GB is nothing like the Man in The High Castle, as far as I'm concerned, that's Sci-Fi and SS-GB is fiction. And I admit that I was put off thinking its UK version of the above and some pretty bad reviews. I should have ignored them, because after watching the first episode I had to binge on the next 2. SS-GB is dark and gritty, it's what I would expect of a UK based crime thriller. No fast car chases .. well there might be later, no 1000 bullet magazines or bar brawls. I could smell the "Big Smoke's", War Time atmosphere because the sets where so convincing. The pace was fine the tension build up was perfect, the dynamics between the characters great. The story and concept are an excellent piece of "What if", so I'm astounded by so much negativity about this series. What I have found is that all my friends over the age of 30 really enjoyed it and it's become a talking point during socialising. However below that age, it seems to need a lot of explanation, as in "Were the SS the German police?" etc., although Sam Riley's character made a good attempt of trying to explain the differences. And all this "Douglas Archer", mumbled a lot, total tosh! Stop watching it on your phone on the tube and appreciate the surround sound and glorious HD on a decent TV.
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Lebanon (2009)
why they use young people to fight wars
19 August 2016
first of all I've heard all the comments about the weak shot. For me this was the reason I watched it. It's a story of young men thrown into conflict with little or no training. And the whole idea of what they see from that enclosed space is for me the most compelling part of the film. As an exercise in claustrophobic atmosphere it wins hands down. This was not a big budget film this wasn't your Private Ryan this was Das Boot set in a tank. Although I agree the tactics and deployment of the tank were at best the logical and against modern warfare theories. It was done for artistic license, which you have to in these situations. More than anything from me it boiled down to a few young men making very grown-up and misinformed decisions. But isn't that the point? In Old Man's War Novel by John Scalzi he explores this very thing. And tries to make the position that until you have lived a life you cannot determine the life of another.
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