14 Reviews
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The Exorcist (1973)
7 December 2016
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just my opinion but i thought it was kind of funny. going in, i thought it was gonna be a creepy horror fest but i was a bit disappointed. its definitely a must watch, especially if your a horror movie fan. but i was too desensitized to this kind of thing. it all just looked silly to me. if you want a good scare and don't willingly look up the most horrifying things the internet has to offer this movie is for you. if you've have seen the worst side of the web than this is a pretty good laugh. i will admit i was a bit confused. i am not entirely sure what the cannon for the supernatural world here is. the demon that posses the girl is apparently Babylonian... which is separate from Christianity, definitely modern Christianity. probably the point, not knowing.
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i cant stop laughing
6 December 2016
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OK, so the most important thing about this movie by far is the fact that the doctor is being played by the same man that played willie freaking Wonka! the candy man is mad scientist in a comedy parodying a monster movie. this role is simply brilliant. I love the character all over again, and that goes to the monster as well. the word play is hilarious and the sexy scenes are rather taste full. this is a grade a comedy that I plan on watching again, and have. they literally take the most famous movie monster and put him through the most random of situations. one second he is tape dancing in a suit the next hes speaking long elegant words of the doctor.
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oh me oh my oh cheery pie
6 December 2016
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where has gene wilder been all my life... the answer is the seventies. this thing is hilarious. I especially couldn't keep down during the work song. for warning they use the n-word a lot in this film and i mean a lot. anyone easily offended by this I guess can take solace in the fact that stereotypes are basically war fodder. then again it makes use of plenty of stereotypes... well, anyhow this film has everything. a scrappy charismatic protagonist, self-loathing slightly suicidal supporting character, fourth wall explosions... fart jokes! you simply can't beat this movie. definitely go watch it.... what are you still doing here! either look up the film in another tab or go out and get it!
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6 December 2016
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It's actual quite nice to see a young lincoln. he is so often viewed as a bearded well-aged president. the reality is lincoln lived a fair life before getting involved in countries government. theirs a fair bit of wit used in the comedic relief. lincoln always comes off as a calm adult dealing with an angry child when confrontation is about. there is also a fine display of editing fenes. I think they captured lincoln's wisdom really well. I mean really, lincoln is an intellectual assassin in this film. he's smacking down stupidity left and right all while practicing law. if you can find the time I would definitely recommend this film. watch it alone or with the family. it really is a hoot.
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The Women (1939)
6 December 2016
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this film(if you can call it that) is by far the most boring thing if watched, and I once watched paint dry! I know everyone has their own opinion and... art is subjective. this is the kind of thing you can find on one of those channels that pander exclusively to middle age women. to put it plainly this is a bitch film. a bunch of women nagging each other to death, usually over some man. if you watch LMN than this is you classic movie. but, if you prefer a conflict that doesn't revolve around trivial matters of the heart that are as complex as a straight line of yarn, then avoid this one at all costs. oh, I just know someone is gonna get peeved of with this review. despite it being a review.
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Fantasia (1940)
6 December 2016
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this piece as I'm sure most know consists of the loving work of multiple artists getting to cut loose. theirs no real story, at least not one that's too complex. the animation follows the beat to the music without familiar. nothing more can be said. it's a beautiful work of care and devotion. if I were to be picky I would say something along the lines of how the dinosaurs don't really look like dinosaurs. more like frog skinned lizard people. it's definitely more extreme than I thought going in. it shows death and the raw strength of nature. you can see the struggle of life, well come to life on screen. trying to impress superiors to what Satan does for fun.
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The Bad Seed (1956)
6 December 2016
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I have only seen a few horror flicks that are centered around a child being the source for the scares. that is because i am extra ordinarily freaked out by innocent little children doing horrifying abominations agents common moral ground. this film follows a delightful little girl as she goes on a murder spree, and all the bloody fallout. honestly wondering how the concept base for this movie got past the rating people at the time.just so ya know the adults don't know the little girl is a killer for most of the film. its kind of like a murder mystery with a despicable truth, but the audience knows it the whole time. this film really captures the idea of making the viewer feel helpless to the oncoming train.
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30 November 2016
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The director of this film was the same who directed king kong (1933), and it kinda shows. there are no dinosaurs but there is an unrealistically large gorilla. It's not a giant but ya know it's...a gorilla. OK it not that great. its basically the whole let wild things be wild, theme. the big ape is forced to perform on stage and suffers for it. human greed comes at the price of natural innocent things. for those who want to see some destruction(like me ) there is a scene later on where joe goes bananas. since it only there to progress the story to the climax, and they could have simply had the ape pick up a child and get the same result, mindless destruction seems to be the best route.
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Frankenstein (1931)
30 November 2016
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Despite having a sewn up zombie walking around I honestly forgot I was watching a movie. the acting is so fluid. I really believe Frankenstein is a crazed lunatic with a flare for anatomy. the professor actually seems like a wise expert in the field being perverted. the theme is so clear and well done, which is fitting since it the film basically head- masted it, the theme being the folly of man exploring the limits of his knowledge without morals. creator versus creation to put it simply. the only one unable to pull their weight, in my opinion, is the actress playing Frankenstein's fiancée. she just seems too dramatic, not at all realistic like her fellow stage men.
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King Kong (1933)
30 November 2016
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As a monster fanatic, this film is a must see. for the time this was a ground-breaking film. after it first premiered sightings of the loch ness monster started, with an explosion of variety to the cryptids shape. to put it simply the movie filled with ancient creatures, and giants long thought impossible living on the big screen gave birth to actual legends. my only real issue with the film is the leading lady. yes, I know she's integral to the story and theme and whatever, but she just screams too much. Also, the parts with just humans are pretty boring, especially when you have awesome monsters scurrying and stomping around.
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Godzilla (1954)
30 November 2016
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This film is simply beautiful. the special effects are astounding even now. the camera knows where the sweet piece in the movie is and it indulges in it. every scene with Godzilla is brilliant. the end of the first attack, I love it. the acting can be shoddy at times but the camera work and the giant radiation spuing reptile make up for it. Definitely come for the beasts. the humans fill their requirements, but they kind of feel like general archetypes. theirs a character with an eye patch for cryen out loud!would i see it again? yes of course, but only for the monster. Godzilla is a terrifying unstoppable force of pure nuclear symbolism.
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Dracula (1931)
creepy and silly
30 November 2016
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look no ones saying that this isn't a piece of movie history, but I honestly can't give a better vote. the scenery is astounding. it's creepy, its dank, it's everything a prowling monster of the night should love(and I do). but some of the acting is over the top. the intense dramatic stares are really just kinda funny. I think it a less is more situation. but that's only for some parts. in more...lighted scenes Dracula gives off the cool manipulative vibe that is so well accustomed to the fanged crusader.it hard to explain, but ill put it this way. the part of it that are good are really fricken good. but the parts that fall short, also fall on their face.
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Baby Face (1933)
raunchy like a salad dressing on a ranch
20 September 2016
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Now I am not one that is easily offended or grossed out or whatever but this is a pretty suggestive film. all in all this film is a far example of how women where perceived in the early 1900's. as the trailer for the film will tell you it focuses on a woman using her charm and good looks, among other things, to get her way in the big apple. the main point of this movie seems to be a character study on her personality. you can see her justify all her choices whether good or bad. i would not be one to say the main character is the villain of the story but i am certainly not saying she's a victim of hero. though i was never alive in the era this film was released it seems that this is really a movie of its time. definitely a must watch.
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so deep i cant even see it anymore
20 September 2016
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I am a fugitive from a chain gang is a classic and not just in the sense that its old. this film follows a charismatic man come home from war and slowly loss his mind. when it starts of hes a perfectly fine adult, and that is saying something since his first scene is literally on a returning war ship. soon enough what change the military had on him takes its toll. it really doesn't take long to see where countless nights in a trench and a shine chunk of metal gets our main character. one could say that the following events save him. his following arrest and escape, as the title gives away, reinvigorate is once crushed dreams. it is only when thirsty tart stirs trouble for the escape does his mind take a swan dive below the bedrock. this movie isn't just a commentary on the issues of its time but a timeless reminder of the human condition.
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