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Important message but somewhat slow to get going...
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get me wrong , the acting is great and it's an important message ....but the delivery left me somewhat underwhelmed. For a start the movie takes a long time to get going. I was expecting more of a 'he said/she said' after the incident but we don't really find out what happened and what leads to the mothers eventual realisation. The sister is adamant he is guilty and then the mum realises it too...but what changes her mind? But again, an important message ....but just too slow in the beginning to set the scene etc etc. What made him leave Australia? Was an assault committed there? U answered questions.
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Master (I) (2022)
Deserves more than a 4.9 rating. Creepy.
14 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Genuinely creepy film, imho. Deserves more than a 4.9 rating. How racists from the past continue to haunt the future at a College with a dark history. As others have stated there were probably one or two too many themes. I think the witch plot line could have been removed. Didn't really fit. And Jasmine should have been encouraged by Gail to find a more supportive college. Just saying 'it's everywhere,' was not going to inspire hope. Thought the acting by the Gail and Jasmine actors was great. Story good too, given what I have heard Re academia. But some plot holes. However will be interested to watch future work from this Director. Just cos it wasn't full of jump scares is no reason to vote it down, imho.
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Grief affects people differently
7 February 2022
Grief affects people differently. Understated but intelligent movie. Two siblings and their respective partners meet at the family lake house on the anniversary of their parents accident. Different personalities and idiosyncrasies grate against each other until the tension bursts and the inevitable argument/arguments/outbursts-of-truth take place. Complex study of characters, some who become less likeable as the weekend proceeds. However the derided hippie chick character, the butt of many jokes, is redeemed by the time the weekend draws to a close. Great acting from all leads. First time I have heard 'Demons' by Carly Johnson. What a great track for the dance scene! A movie that is worth 1.5 hours of your time.
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
Good for movie night w friends and popcorn
25 September 2021
Well produced movie that is not too taxing on the brain and has a very swish house. Run of mill movie - surprised it got so many low ratings. Yeah it is not original but how many movies really are nowadays? Most people will see the plot reveal from a mile away. Would recommend for a movie night w friends, beer and popcorn as there is a lot of moments to 'critique'. The actor from 'The Invitation' turns in a good performance. For something more thrilling you might want to watch that movie instead.
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Clickbait (2021)
Kept me watching!
27 August 2021
Don't listen to the haters. Yes, some characters are annoying; some of the acting hammy; plot holes u could drive a tank through etc. But it kept me watching and I didn't feel cheated at the end about the time I spent watching it. That is kind of unusual for a series nowadays. Last episode has some unintentional laugh out loud moments though! Otherwise was good to see that woman from 'the big sick' back in something and also to see a few familiar Aussie faces. Would recommend!
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The Sounds (2020)
Above average mini series lifted by performances
9 May 2021
Really enjoyed this. Above par mini series. The bloke who played the cop was excellent, as were the actors for Pania and Ryan, the nosey ex journo, and the cop's two daughters. Felt very authentic. This part of NZ is stunning, just wished the director had given it more justice. It truly is a jaw dropping area but the colours seemed muted which made it feel a bit drab and cold. But the series is worth a weekend binge imho.
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C3PO goes rogue - why all the hate?
15 December 2020
Yes, there are plots holes you could hide a bus in, but I found it entertaining. The Boller character is way too over the top. His jawline far too square too. His cheesy one liners are the worst. The actors playing the geeks did a good job I reckon. I wonder why they had to actually be in Cambodia though when drone tech, being what it is, means they could have done it remotely, perhaps?! And I think a foreign woman looking scared and frantically running round that town would somehow have been noticed by the locals..... Great graphics though!
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No big aha moments to make it edge of yr seat
29 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Too dark, too blue, well acted ....but kind of a dreary drama. The kid is creepy and spoiled and makes stupid mistakes and is hard to like - well acted though so no fault of the actor I guess. I Loved Michelle Dockery in Godless but her character feels insipid in this. .....also Hard to imagine someone could not be blood splattered after a stabbing murder if they had committed it. Would have liked more of a twist w the other teens or social media. At one point I thought maybe the mum had a murderer in her family as the murder gene 'apparently' goes down the female line. That would have been a good twist! No big twist or aha moment to provide sufficient pay off at the end. But Great to see Daniel Henshall - Aussie actor - in a supporting role.
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Late Night (2019)
Not bad, but could have been so much better!
2 December 2019
I was so excited to see this movie, cos I had a big assignment due and this meant I could take small breaks and have a bit of light relief by watching it. But although the movie got off to a good start it became more of a 'cute' movie than a laugh out loud comedy. I struggled to finish it. I thought Emma Thompson was excellent but even her talk show material was only mildly funny at best. Fault of the writers. Which is a shame cos she is a great actress (and has been impressive recently in the role as Viv Rook from Years and Years). Some of the subplots could have been avoided - eg the affair and the illness - I was looking for laugh out loud escapism and was not looking for drama. And even the character, played by Emma Thompson, thinks Mindys character is far too earnest. She is far far too earnest. I could not see her cutesy personality surviving in the media world.
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A Ghost Story (2017)
Can understand the frustration....however....
5 November 2019
I can understand the frustration of those who watched this in a cinema. I had heard that there were a number of drawn out scenes, so I watched this for free on TV, and was sorting out stuff to give away to the 'op shop' (charity shop) at the same time. So was able to walk around and sort through things, send a couple of emails, make a cup of tea, have a glass of wine etc when a single scene started to last a long time. Given I had this 'respite' I did not find it as onerous as I probably would have, had I been in a cinema. I agree with those who have said this would make a good Black Mirror episode or short film. I do think the content was s-t-r-e-t-c-h-e-d to last a feature film. However the film was not without its poignant moments. Great music too. There were some absorbing scenes and a sensitive message to the film, but i think the way the story was told - ie long drawn out scenes - would have exasperated many and mitigated the poignant message. Also the title is misleading - it IS a ghost story, but not what most would have expected.
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Would have preferred a pandemic set in China tbh
6 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When I thought this was going to be a pandemic movie set in China, I got interested. But then it went down a completely different path. Very confusing plot. Far better ways for one woman to save another woman from abuse not by maiming them. How about reaching out and talking to her?! Also, like another reviewer says, those buses in China look way too old.
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Quirky view of hip LA that proves REM still strong after all these years
28 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film is not for everyone. I went in with an open mind. Its quirky to be sure and older viewers might enjoy seeing what hip young people get up to in LA after the sun goes down. If those bars are all real some are quite cool - one looked like a mausoleum. Garfield plays a smelly guy who you don't really end up rooting for. However he does act with an awe-inspiring deranged intensity at times. At first you go down a couple of rabbit tunnels and are keen to see where it all ends, as it is all quirky and curious. However after a while it starts to drag a bit and there are just so many plot lines that parts of the movie don't make any sense and it just runs way too long. A subplot about a composer dictating all our generational music moods really proved unsatisfying for me. Ultimately there is no mystery and at least 30 minutes could have been cut out of the time. I liked the balloon girl.... but like other reviewers was disappointed by the blatant 'male gaze' of the main character. Ultimately the credits at the end were the most enjoyable part of the movie for me and my biggest takeaway is how the REM tracks are still sounding so energetic, so great, and so relevant twenty years after their release.
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Mixed feelings re what kind of entertainment this is
28 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched most of this till I got to the 'Two Storms' episode. Then after that I went straight to the last episode to see if some questions got answered. And a lot of them do but a couple of major ones don't. It was just moving so slowly, and - as other reviewers have stated - there is a lot of family drama set in the present day. Like I 'get' that all the present characters are still haunted in one way or another and that is kind of the main point of the story. But this series could have been 5 episodes, by just taking out a lot of the long reflective stuff. And of all the characters, Nell was the most likeable of the adult characters so I think I would have preferred it if she had battled the house and won. Tho the twist re her 'ghost' was a big one. But it did not make sense that she went ALONE in to the HOUSE at dark. And also, why was ARTHUR there - as he did not die in the house? Why were the twins the most damaged of all of them? I did like some of the back stories tho - such as Theodora's 'touch' story and the addiction story. But some subplots just went on and on and on and on - eg the storm, and the mould in the walls etc. The 'reveal' re the Mum was too late for me in the series. I couldn't sustain watching to get to that part. And we NEVER find out why the house was EVIL in the first place and what was its motivation to DEVOUR its inhabitants in the red room? That I think was the biggest shortcoming of the series, and its length. Perhaps too much family drama, and not enough horror
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Often in horror films characters make stupid mistakes
11 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The acting was great, I will say that. But I found the pace incredibly slow between 'monster appearances'. I watched this on dvd so could fast forward when i wanted. To be honest I was glad I wasn't in the theatre during the slow bits. I didn't mind the look of the monsters - but they did seem very similar to that creature that ate the cat in Stranger Things. Lots of plot-holes as others have pointed out - where did the electricity come from?; why didn't they live by the waterfall?; where was the Army?; why did they have a baby?; how did the monsters get around without hitting trees? etc etc. But often in horror films, usually of the slasher variety, the main characters make lots of silly mistakes and end up in dire situations. I guess my gripe with this movie is that some of the decisions/lack of decisions were just too implausible for the type of movie that this was trying to be. Like it wasn't a spoof like Zombie Beavers. And characters in 'Wolf Creek' make dumb decisions but parts of that movie were scary. I just found the implausible parts to be a bit insulting to my intelligence. Like if they could hook up all those lights and everything, why couldn't they set up a better living situation? Why were the kids so afraid of getting back to the house, ie from the corn silo? Like as long as they were quiet, they had nothing to fear. Why weren't there more sound diversions? Why didn't they shoot the rifle and the creature would run in the direction of the shot, away from them. I could go on and on.But not all bad - good acting, specially the young girl. Just give me a decent story to sink my teeth in to!
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Bite Club (I) (2018)
3 October 2018
I have to say - and it might be a guilty admission considering some of the other reviews - BUT I enjoyed this. It was entertainment. Lots of great Sydney scenery with sun and surf. It might not be the crime drama standard of Broadchurch but it keep me watching till the end. We know from the start who the killer is but I kept watching to see when they twigged that the killer was one of their own. I see from other reviews that some people don't like the romance aspect and I must admit it all picked up when it was just the chase for the serial killer. At one stage two of the main characters were discussing an engagement party while waiting for a loved one to identify a body. Like, really? I am sure real detectives can switch of their tumultuous love lives at such a moment. I thought the acting was great and the Hobbit guy played a creepy guy very well. Though he did seem to have a LOT of free time on his hands. I have a job where I have to be accountable for my time and can't leave for unexplained hours on end. But that is with the writers, not the actors. Another critique would be the murder sub plots separate from the serial killer plot were a bit simplistic. One more thing, I don't know where they filmed the inside of the police station but with the curved brick archways it looked like they must have grabbed some Sydney Greek restaurant on a quiet day!
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Tuned in last night - sorry to see this go
6 September 2018
I will admit I was not a regular viewer of this show but did tune in last night for the last episode. There were some great skits in last night's episode - particularly the one about the package delivery with actor/comedian Greg Larson . Based on last night's writing and performances, I am now kind of wishing the show was given more time to breathe and find itself...
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Mystery Road (2018– )
The biggest star is the scenery
12 June 2018
I tuned in for Aaron Pederson, not having seen the previous 'Mystery Roads'. Tho the series traverses some familiar themes eg the darker side of a remote town with a bunch of colourful characters, a crime that exposes a whole bunch of secrets, a cop with a chequered past and estranged from family etc etc, but the story still had enough mystery and red herrings to keep me watching till the end. Just to see all those actors together - Pederson, Colin Friels, Judy Davis, Deb Mailman, Tasma Walton, against the stunning backdrop of the harsh and huge - but beautiful - Kimberley .... wow. Ernie Dingo in the last episode was a revelation - as was the man who played the young Scottish backpacker in the scene where he leapt out of the car , tensed to face the thugs. Evocative music and evocative use of scenery. And the sense of no matter how far away you go, you can't escape your past or who you really are. I really enjoyed this!
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Lots of passion onstage w the Oils - An exhilarating snapshot of the 80s
10 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw this. An exhilarating snapshot of the Oils performing onstage. Candid shots of young adults attending concerts with at times dubious 80s hairdos (oh the eighties!), where the energy on stage and in the rapturous crowd oozes off the screen, like frontman Peter Garrett's perspiration. An at times mesmerising look at a band that connected hugely with its live audience - during a time when the nuclear arms race made the future feel at times very uncertain, and during the time of Garrett's first foray into Australian politics. From the interviews w young people you can see how engaged they were with the band and how they felt the band spoke for them. The movie gives viewers a chance to feel the dynamic energy of their live 80 s performances. There are few interviews, but the lack of narration is almost immersive. You get taken along on tour with them, in the early days when the band set up their gear themselves, and the support crew was small but dedicated. Lots of gaffer tape! A candid after concert glimpse shows band members sitting down with cups of tea, not quite the 'rock and roll' aftermath of a live show that you might imagine (!) Fans will love the music and the concert footage. But worth viewing for anyone interested in this point in history and the impact the Oils had on the political landscape of the time.
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Hereditary (2018)
Genuinely creepy but ultimately disappointing
8 June 2018
I'll be honest - I saw the trailer and was blown away. I jumped on a tram as soon as I could to head in to the city to watch what I thought would be a film setting a new benchmark in horror. Well some of the reviews described it in the same league as The Exorcist. And the majority of the movie reminded me of 'the turn of the screw' ie as the tension tightened and tightened. But while most of the movie was genuinely creepy, I was so disappointed w the last half hour. It turned from creepy to verging on ridiculous. As another reviewer has written, I suspect that the writers ran out of ideas and didn't know how to wrap it all up. While I applaud the creators of this movie for having some very creepy moments .......and not resorting to the cliched scarey 'moves' that ended up ruining the 'Paranormal Activity' series ie knives falling from the air (yawn), cupboards opening with a bang all at the same time (yawn) or other horror movies that have a doll or dolls in a rocking chair (yawn) or a toy rolls into an emptyroom only to be pushed back out by some unseen force (yawn) - yes good on them for not resorting to a number of tired cliches. But the last half hour and ending were SO disappointing. I guess I will take the tram back home and wait for another movie to redefine the horror genre.
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Wind River (2017)
Excellent acting
11 August 2017
So much better than Sicario. Renner plays a grieving father with much subtlety and the overall cast are outstanding. Particularly Gil Birmingham. A whodunit that unfolds in an understated way but is eventually gripping and moving. And has a sobering message re the absence of stats for missing Native American women. I highly recommend.
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