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3 February 2011
I agree with ALittleHawk. The locations were not solely in San Francisco, there are other locations and definitely one of them takes place in New York City. That's where Tiny Tim and Eleanor Barooshian were located at. Though, as to the claim that she was his girlfriend may be disputable. She looks very young in this clip. 1968?

The Cake were formed in 1967 and she looks to appear as a young woman in her very early 20s, although she was actually in her late teens. I think she is a year older than Jeanette Jacobs, who was born in Queens, in 1950. I have been having a difficult time searching for this movie as I realize it is rare.

I am actually trying to find more videos of The Cake, the best girl vocal group, IMHO, of the late 1960s.
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Walk Proud (1979)
Hollywood late 1970s cultural idiocy....
13 January 2007
I just saw this film and I can't remember when but it had to have been in 1979 or 1980 of what I do remember, barely, is the ending. It was a shock though to see this completely and I don't quite understand why Robbie Benson was cast in this role but then again Hollywood is idiotic and should be recognized for what it usually does which is not helping matters any, especially on the cultural and social tip. Not saying anything against American actor Robbie Benson but this is just dumb. So, if I were to accept the idea that the actor's role is to try to assume the part of the character that he or she is trying to portray from males assuming female roles and vice versa to attempts in portraying other ethnicities, persons of different eras, ages, epochs and so on and so on etc. ad infinitum. To me, it smells like deceit and patronizing. Again, nothing against the talented actors and actresses in the film but straight to the writers and producers who are the idiots. I'm relieved that it failed but I'm also glad that this is around to show people the dumb stuff that Hollywood people were generating.
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The Yellow Wallpaper (1989 TV Movie)
No forum for this?
20 December 2006
Well then, the prerequisite says to take the time to 'comment on it' and so mine is just that and not a small review. I saw this when it actually aired in San Francisco in 1989 on Channel 9 (Public Broadcasting System), I think it was a series that was called 'Great Theatre' *Yo, I'm not sure about that* and I THINK, this show was hosted by the late Alistair Cook (I hope I spelled that name correctly)....

I consider myself to be a genuinely eclectic kind of a person in my tastes and interests, that's just a fact, for example, I STILL remember enjoying watching The Lawrence Welk Show and at the same time watching the Benny Hill show. Moving right along, I was 20 or 21 years old and I was very intrigued about this drama because it happened to air on a particular day that I was in my apartment/home and checking channels. My memory of the story is vague, just as the thought that suddenly flashed to me in my mind about 'The Yellow Wallpaper' and this International Movie Database but yes I do remember that story takes place in the 19th century England (If I'm wrong please forgive me) was about a woman and she is suffering terribly from some kind of depression and so much so that she begins to actually lose her mind....what I remember so very vividly is that when she finally descends into total madness, I think it was her husband who is returning home who, I think was aware of his wife's condition but not until this point how far she finally let's go....he's searching for her in the house and finally finds her and I share his deep horror, dismay, and nausea when he finally finds her and she is on all fours in a yellow dress(?) and I got to tell you....her appearance raised the tiny hairs on the back of my neck so much so that I too felt extremely, extremely uneasy and alarmed by what I saw....and I was 21 years old.
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Take into account...
10 January 2006
Perused "howdymax's" comments about how the ending was pat. I watched the last 35 minutes of the film (I hope to watch it in its entirety)and the times and the era this film was made, sensibilities and behaviors were quite different and taking that into account, I would have to totally disagree with "howdymax" and the opinion that was made. Don't know how old "howdymax" is or what era he/she was brought up in, including, the times, e.g., 40s, 50s, 70s? And what ethnic/nationality he/she is from. This is quite an older film, "howdymax" was probably not born and so his/her view and an upbringing years after this film was made must be taken into account.
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I know about this....
29 October 2005
I had bought The Punk Rock Movie on video tape in 1994 and was amazed at seeing video footage of the British punk rock bands: The clash, Eater, Billy Idol and Generation X, The slits, Siousxie & the Banshees, of course, the Sex Pistols, just so amazed. Seeing footage of the band members in their tour bus (The clash and the slits) just messing around and joking, footage of musical performances: X-ray spex, Selecter (Wow), the clash (1977) with J. Strummer looking ferocious and snarling and M. Jones handling that e.g. like a machine gun (F@#$ing Great!) Johnny Rotten doing a crazy dance, it just opened my eyes to what was a taste of what was going on in England at that time. I had no idea. Very shocking, because I had previously not known about the movement, this 'punk rock' Oh, I had heard the term but I was unaware, for example, I clearly remember seeing the clash perform on Saturday Night Live but that was it. I knew that they were the ones who sand "Should I stay or should I go" but that was it. I never knew that they had years behind them. NEver knew that about them and the rest of the others. I made the COLOSSAL mistake of lending it to a 'friend'. I never lend to anyone now. I hope to get a copy of the Punk Rock Movie again. I love it!!!!
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Not impressed....
26 October 2005
I remember when this was being touted and praised for being groundbreaking or lines along this on TV guide and that this was a work produced by the great Steven Spielberg. Hmmm. I was very excited about, 1. Evening Animation show! 2. Genre: Science-fiction, action and 3. Finally, variety of evening programs just like in Japan, where they have movies featuring live filmed actors and then there are the animation shows they have: So much variety, so much inspiration, all manner of quality.

So, when this American Invasion aired on Channel 4 or 5 here in California, my anticipation disappeared as the look of the dull animation combined with the familiar dull story and just the monotony of it, it no longer held my interest and it is a false hope. Nothing for me to see, moved right along. It isn't anything. Nothing innovative. Just big hype announcements and a name behind it, but for me, again, nothing there.
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Kings of the sun....
10 October 2005
All this time I thought the movie title was "Kings under the sun"! I remember seeing this film way back in the mid 70s and just loving it! Yul Brynner as a chief of one tribe and the other actor (who portrayed the rival New York 50s era gang as a Puerto Rican that starred Natalie Wood in "The west side story") as the leader of another tribe. I won't give out spoilers! This is a very worthy and enjoyable movie!!!! Now, I know the correct title I will try to purchase this great movie and watch it!! I love this story! For me to say any further would be to give away the story all I will say from now on that this is worth a look! As for me, it is definitely going to be among my library of movies. This is worth watching than anything being produced out there currently by Follywood!
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Animalympics (1980)
Not comparable.....
9 October 2005
Miguel A. Lopez Jr. the animation is NOT comparable to Ralph Bakshi or Don Bluth. Before you make statements like that, please, do so after carefully observing the different styles from Nelvana against Ralph Bakshi which is different and not altogether not that cool looking and Don Bluth which it too has its own look which is very different from the style of Nelvana. Again, the animation style is NOT comparable. Your not very good at distinguishing styles or noticing contrasts. I can see that now. Nelvana has a visual style and animation quality that I wished they had maintained throughout the years. This is a company I had hoped would ascend and make interesting feature length movies in genres such as fantasy or science-fiction. So, for they've made a few good animation shorts, such as 'A cosmic Christmas'.
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A Cosmic Christmas (1977 TV Movie)
A cosmic Christmas.........
9 October 2005
I remember when this showed on television in 1977, I think it was on Channel 7 (abc)? Everything about was/is great!! It is just so intriguing to see this idea taking place in space about this family and has a science-fiction flavor to it. I definitely loved the art style and animation. Nelvana is a company I definitely remember, along with other animation they such as Rome-0 and Julie-8(?), Animalympics(great, great, art work and animation, very, very, excellent with cool music) and there are still more that Nelvana made something about 2 racoons (I can't remember the name, and the other one had to do with Halloween) Their animation and art style is clearly evident but A Cosmic Christmas stands out just because, for me, because it had elements that I like such as star ships, well in this case a space wagon (if I recall this correctly) and the boy had an unusual pet, looked like a flying razor making funny sounds. This animation is another in a long list of little known productions from the late 70s that I remember very well in my childhood and it partly the reason I am a graphic artist. Oh, I did not like Rock n Rule because I have absolutely no interest in the subject and where they were going with the story. I saw the movie and I still feel that way. Nelvana since then have made animation but the quality of it has lessened. It is exactly like the Hanna-Barbera studios. Their most skillful and talented animators displayed their artistry in the 40s but as time went along the animation may have gotten smoother but the drawings in the passage of time and with different artists the designs became less detailed until by the mid 60s and early 70s Scooby doo(Ugh.) style of animating and design just prevailed. Which is why I do not respect HB today. Seems to have happened with the Nelvana animation house.
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First Blood (1982)
About this movie.....
8 October 2005
One of my favorite Sylvester Stallone movies. It's exactly what America does to its very own. Judging people and seeing only what's in front of their eyes and making face value judgement right on the spot. America wants heroes that are defined by some fantastical criteria or fantasy standard that is ridiculous because it cannot be for people come from endless walks of life and many, many, many, different circumstances. America seems to identify with a fantasy hero like Superman, but that is only an ideal and that seems to have gone beyond that, Superman was created by two teenagers in the late 20s(I think. Joe Shuster and I can't remember the others name,I'll post it when I get it) Back to my point, people judging from appearances and stopping right there. I see this happening at work, especially at work, and in public places. I myself do not have a harshness on the homeless, for I have some insight that they the individual is already dealing with something that is too overwhelming for them to handle. First blood is definitely one of my favorite movies on the one of many subjects but the one about judging a person beyond the contact of the eyes. The eyes don't give you ALL the information. But, I see this far too many times in this country and the people in it from all races and ethnic groups. It's the real pasttime of America and people in general. Indeed, 'Never judge a book by its cover' but the very opposite of this saying is what is practiced in America.
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Still very Hilarious!!
7 October 2005
Funniest comedy, spoof, to come out in the 80s (1984) I did not see this when it debut back then, R-rated restriction, and this is a time when I definitely was a minor and definitely not allowed to see this sort of movie, even if it is in the comedy genre. So, I saw this film when I became a young adult and it still can have me gasping for air from laughing so hard. So, many, many, scenes here that are goofy and the antics!!! Actor Steve Guttenberg, actresses Kim Catrall, and all the other casts all make this work! I don't want to give away spoilers to those who have never seen this film, but in my opinion, it is soooooo very hilarious!! You the new viewer out there may enjoy!!
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My favorite...
24 September 2005
I remember being amazed when I saw this aired on television in 1978 and am glad to have it on DVD! I tend towards science fiction and so I gravitated more to this non-Disney like approach to the wooden little boy story! Space ships, left over alien technology, alien intelligence (Murtle?), mutant monsters, space flying whale (Monstro!), memorable songs, good, very good, animation and design and just overall a very enjoyable and most worthy of praise for the people who all worked to bring this project through!!! My recommendations for any age! There should have been more science fiction type animated movies with even this level of animation( which is in actuality very, very skillful and superb)I distinctly remember from the documentary contained in the DVD that this is not a product of the United States. Which is also an amazing fact. There could have been other animation houses doing more interesting work than from warner bros., Disney, hanna barbera, and other animation companies....
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Lousy movie....
22 September 2005
I invited a couple of friends of mine to see this film and was sorry I ever did. Boringest, dullest, excuse for just all out CG feature. Dull beyond belief. Unbelievably dull! No wonder the animation company (japanese, I think) based in Hawaii folded so fast they didn't even have a chance to blink an eye! And the story! Gaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwdddddddddddddd........I looked around the rows of people and damn if that wasn't the most silent audience I have ever seen in my life for a movie. It was anything but 'entertaining'. The kiss of death for a movie......I kept falling in and out of sleep......if you want to induce sleep this is the perfect remedy for it........
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Underworld (2003)
Boring and nothing new
22 September 2005
Having watched all sorts of monster, scifi, fantasy films and so on I see that Underworld brings nothing new. Human looking vampires,so what? CG created werewolves, so what? Dracula 2000 (and not even the brief and useless appearance of actress Jeri Ryan helped) Blade II and III has soured long ago this genre. It just didn't resonate after numerous takes on the vampire and werewolf material. Van Helsing also is included. Served no purpose other than to be purposeless. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust I would rate above it for it has scenes that these others would not imagine about like the massive manta like creatures flying and Vampire Hunter D upon his steed flying up and hopping over these massive aerial creatures! Underworld is, for me personally, a film I dismiss after viewing it once.
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Beat Street (1984)
Beat street......
19 September 2005
Beat street was/is a movie that impacted kids all across America. Showing to the world what the culture of hip hop and where it originated from. I was in my early, early teens when this film debut and I was residing in San Francisco, California. And it just made everyone understand and take to it. All four elements are represented somehow. I still think today even back then that the story is very weak. That I do not appreciate. I understand Harry Belafonte produced (or directed?) the film. I think he and others were capitalizing on the emerging movement or youth culture that is the birthplace in New York, specifically the South Bronx, of this phenomenon called hip hop. Hip hop is about taking initiative and doing it yourself, like its cousin punk rock, an ethos, if you will. Which is why I stopped listening to contemporary music of today, especially rap. I do not recognize hip hop when it is mentioned or when it comes out of somebody's mouth. I would not call it hip hop it is something entirely removed from what it truly, originally meant. I don't listen to m&m, 50cents, and gangsta rap. I just don't. Because the moment rap went into other subjects(such as gangsta, another term and genre too tedious for me to even comment on) I got bored and it no longer became fun. Booty shaking music or lullaby music is what I call it. And it is dull. True hip hop is about doing what you feel and going against the grain because your into something that you feel about. Rap music, especially contemporary one of today, is just hella funny to me and boring. I hear the lamest, wackest beats blaring on car stereos and I am relieved from this by my Ipod. Rap music is boring. Not amazing. I'm talking about the music today. Nothing to get excited about. That's why when I see Beat street, although it is just a hazy hint of what hip hop is about you can see the energy from the music, art, dance, and language resonating with each other. Like with the dancing, the music videos that I see and the music that goes with it is very, very, very funny to me. usher, missy eliot, justin timberflake, I've heard a woman say they are the greatest dancers and I choked. What??????????????? But, I just laugh to myself. There is so much more I would love to share but I will stop here. Beat street is one of my favorites not because of the story but because it captures the actual people who practition the arts: Rock Steady Crew, New York City Breakers, Africa Bambaataa and Soul Sonic Force and all the artists. Tougher than leather was a film that was a failure because it did not originate from the source and did not know what it was trying to be. And let me say just this, big ups to Run DMC and Jam master Jay, but they were not responsible for the wearing of adidas kicks. Naw, man, they had nothing' to do with it. I started because of Rock Steady Crew and The New York City Breakers. Rest in peace, Dondi, Caine, Buck 4, Kuriaki, Sane, Shy 147, and big respect to the innovators and pioneers and people just doing their own thing. New York the capital of Hip Hop! Yeah, Doze, I remember that and I had the RSC album, too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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Dreams Don't Die (1982 TV Movie)
Dreams don't die....
18 September 2005
Yes, I remember this movie when it aired on television, can't remember what station, in San Francisco. I am a San Franciscan and grew up and went to school in the Mission District in the early, mid, and late 70s and to see this strange thing of a young kid, close to my age, doing this weird act of spray painting on the side of a train did not reflect what was happening in the bay area. This is the days before the media hit everybody else onthe head with the concept of graffiti and related arts. I enjoyed, nevertheless, because I could see that the young person the actor( I recongized from the Disney films, 'Escape from witch mountain and its enjoyable sequel) was portraying was earnest, although I could not understand the earnestness in regards to doing this thing on the train. And being from the bay area, there was no kid doing this. NONE. Which, as an aside, I do not look to artists from the bay area, with too much admiration. This film, as a parting commentary, I enjoyed very much and remember fondly from the days when I was a younger age. I would like to have a copy of my own for this reason. Thank you.
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EFWM commentary......
18 September 2005
When this movie came out I really, really, enjoyed it and it was so much fun to see because I was about near the age of the actors (younger by 3 or 4 years) and to see them wielding powers that I found fascinating because I had read about telekinesis and telepathy and it was so wonderful to see this in a movie with kids and these powers on top of that at an age where what ifs was something I would engage in or daydream about. "What if I had these powers.....?" Really fun movie. I somewhat recognize the great American actress Betty Davis and I somewhat recognized the great British or English actor Christopher Lee and thought nothing whatsoever about whether this was beneath them or not. Why should I? I enjoyed their participation in the showing of this story. Now here comes "Die beste freudin" and his miserable seeming know it all comments ( I know this is an open forum). What I don't understand is why do you suggest having to view another work of said actor's repertoire when this was the work said actor or actress was involved in? I am critical of what I watch. But, the two movies, and this coming from a Disney in the mid-70s and post-star wars, were/are two films that somehow brought in those necessary elements: one it has to have participation of the viewer and 2 it has to be fun. I'm talking about Escape from witch mountain and the unexpected sequel, Returm from witch mountain. I enjoy these two very much and the young actors portrayal or performance or work: Ike Eisenmann and Kim Richards and the supporting actors and actresses. Why do yo find it unbecoming or beneath you, I don't know. But you are entitled to your comments and opinion and therefore I share mine to differ from yours or from others.....
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Lifeforce (1985)
16 September 2005
I don't get iago6. It goes downhill? True, it would have intriguing to have those non human looking beings come to life but it did not go that way. But, overall, I definitely have this movie as one of my all time favorites. Downhill? I don't know what your talking about(no disrespect.) The opening scene really drew me in and the mood and atmosphere very on point. The design of the alien vessel and the massive and strange shape of it also induced awe, wonderment, and fear. This movie is spot on! Which is why I think of this film and others that inspire me to write my own story in the hopes of making a film that I would love to see myself. I have weaned myself from Hollywood more and more. I am very satisfied to have a copy of my own of Lifeforce!!!
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Metamorphoses (1978)
About this movie.....
14 September 2005
I've seen this movie in 1980 and knew that the original title was "Metamorphoses". It is a favorite of mine. I love the look of the design and just the whole take by the Japanese. I especially love the way Pegasus was designed! Reptillian like. I really, really, love this animated movie!!!! I favor this over Disney's style 'Hercules'! What the Japanese do as far as the visual look, it always seems to have a futuristic look about them! That's not even really what I meant. But, anyway, I just love there design sense. Very exciting and refreshing!! I am so glad that this is available for purchase. Although, it is 25 years ago, even now it holds up and inspires me. I have looked for this film for a long time, now.
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Lexx (1996– )
Commentary ....
3 September 2005
The only part of your comment, Stormborn, that I wholeheartedly disagree with you on is on the actresses. I love Xevia but Zev is my favorite because she is an archetype. She is unlike any female character I've ever seen: very alluring, attractive, and a toughness combined. Those three qualities constantly swirling as an impression. If not one, then it is the other. Everything else I agree with you! I actually have this next to Star Wars(Episode IV). It is soooooooo cool and unusual and a blessed relief that after all years of terrible sci-fi productions especially coming from America this one actually stands alone. If that is possible, and despite the cancellation of this wonderful series, there may be possible to come up with other stories that don't include clichés over and over and over again. It is a relief to know that the character of Kai makes no references to Gene Rodenberry's creation Mr. Spock.
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