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The Final Sin (1977)
This is a dirty,filthy sick little number!
6 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"you're 21 and still a virgin." Diologue like that could make a porno sound cheesy, Daddy is a wheelbound husband who sits by the window with binoculars peeking at strangers having sex.Daddy and his wife get ready for a so-called evening of sexual fun and games and send their "oversexed virgin" daughter to her cousin's.But she demands to stay since she's curious, there's a son too!And he insists on knowing if he's adopted since he has a longing for his dirty mother.Once both leave a bickering couple are let in the house, What happens for the duration of the film is full on insanity.

Richard Strong who plays Daddy almost echoes Zebedy Colt's crazy performances like UNWILLING LOVERS or SEX WISH.The dude is sick, creepy, and gross.The ending where the daughter gets revenge on her father is a neat twist,doing what she always wanted.The scene where a dude is humiliated with a strap-on dildo and Daddy screeches "F%^K him!Suck him! F^%k him! Suck him!" Over and over is hysterical yet pretty disturbing.I don't think I'm going to watch this again..its too sinful
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A western roughie? nah
5 March 2008
I've never seen a western porno..I'm sure of that,especially when this was made in the 70's during it's golden chic era.I pretty much thought A Dirty Western was going to be about a town with full on sex,how wrong was I.Sarah and her man,Nate talk about their 18-year old daughters upcoming marriage some ranch dude will leave.Before They say goodbye they have good bye sex.

Once he's gone,the three escape convicts from the animated opening titles spot the ranch run over to see for food and clothes.They see Sarah's three daughters happily playing and naked.The main horny hairy convict catches Sarah and rapes her in a shack.From watching the rape it wasn't too rough like Water Power or Forced entry,but rather tame for a different porn genre.the three convicts hang Sarah up to her hands on a rope and take the daughters hostage.

A Dirty western has some decent acting only from Barbara Bourbon who plays Sarah,I've never seen her before until now,the rest of the cast are OK.Pretty much A Dirty Western was kind of predictable for me,but in all fairness it had some good cinematography.So if you're curious to see something else from the 70's golden era watch this or just wanna see a hairy dude rape a chick watch it.
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What did the credit say? Yasuharu Hasebe?! Really?!
2 March 2008
Stray Cat Rock:Sex Hunter starts off as local girls running around the city,taking advantage of older men, stealing their money and going out for drinks.The head girl Mako lies outside of a bar and suddenly a man wanders over, singing a sorrowful ballad.They talk and get to know each other, then a pack of male gangs out to rid the city of half-breeds go over to threaten him to leave or get killed.This has a lot going on along with lots of revelations at the end.There's fights,Mako getting stoned with rocks,a hotel "rape party",an underground bar with actual bars, a frustrated gang leader named Baron who can't get it up.

When I realized it was a film made by Yasuharu Hasebe I was shocked since this is actually something early from him, he would later make the violent pinku entries:rape 13th hour,assault!jack the ripper, etc. This was a fantastic action film done by Yasuharu Hasebe he did an impressive job to what we've seen now, but a production from Nikkatsu it was way more like a toei.I didn't get much into Stray Cat Rock until the last 50 minutes,plus it was after watching Rica which I didn't like.But this was better especially Meiko Kaji.She's like Miki sugimoto and Reiko Ike,beautiful and badass.

If you LOVE the Japanese exploitation scene from the 60's or 70's like I do, you should definitely check it out.It's a winner..a real winner
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These TEARS are made for KILLING!
26 February 2008
If Harry Potter was friends with Sarah Mandy,they would be BEST FRIENDS.why? Both they're parents were killed by evil forces and are being followed and now they have to stop it.Dario Argento's trilogy is complete,he makes la Terza madre give off a sinister feel throughout the film,its not like the first 2(SUSPIRIA,INFERNO)its dark,violent,gross,creepy and hypnotic in a way you see a candle light.Claudio simonetti's score is like the film:whispers,breathing and cymbals! Sarah is helped by her friend,Michael after her co-worker Giselle is BRUTALLY murdered by the coven and goes on a quest to find the truth.Once the evil has been released Rome becomes the set of God told me to Kill and everyone kills,kills themselves,A BABY! Daria appears before Asia like Gretchen in Harry Potter.Helping her along the visecrated corpses of the people who try to help her.A pack of witches that look like siouxsie Sioux try to capture her even the doomed Japanese girl with the most awesome cat and mouse chase since those de palma movies.

Sarah Mandy learns she has powers but Dario just shows us ONE which is...invisibility??! Hi Im Sarah,my parents were witches and I can become invisible. Near the end you'll remember something's never change in a Dario argento film,characters forget each other and wander about. watching La Terza madre was like watching a 2000 year old painting thats on display for one last time,Dario Argento may be too old but he's still trying better than what horror movies are now( like INSIDE).oh and if you wonder why I'm making fun..I'm not but hey you might laugh along with all of us in the end
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Inside (2007)
"Inside" seems to look waaaayy outside
18 February 2008
A couple get into a car crash and if you haven't seen this yet PAY CLOSE attention to the first lines spoken So this starts out alright and yeah this chick is pregnant,OH! look a nurse is smoking RIGHT in front of her.well... hey this isn't ITS ALIVE! characters are introduced in the strangest ways,"does she know that guy blocking her taking pictures?"they know each other,then SUDDENLY! a woman tries to break into her house and she's very demanding then later after all hell breaks loose the pregnant chick is sooo STUPID she prolly hasn't seen too many horror movies before,she's so DUMB!she can't kick her in the cooter,elbow her FACE! GASP!Soo many wrong mistakes!I'm guessing the 2 filmmakers have seen The Hand that rocks the cradle.. noo nevermind about that maybe it coulda been like that outer limits episode where the baby can talk to his mom and knows about the woman coming to harm them,but yeah sure... BLOOD SPLATTER! OK lots of people are saying that this is a horror masterpiece?! wow...its a clichéd horror masterpiece then. Oh no!a poor animal is killed,oh NO! soo much cruelty! where's norman bates when he shouts BLOOD! BLOOD!

Inside is a nice clever horror film with a dark subject matter(maybe) but its too cliché'd and predictable to be called a MASTERPIECE.
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Not so Ferox at all
16 February 2008
Umberto Lenzi is the man who started the whole Cannibal film phenomenon starting with his Horse With No Name knock off,Man From Deep River which is unseen by me,he has done Eaten alive,Nightmare city and Seven bloody orchid stains which was a bit of a weary film.His Cannibal Ferox is straight out of the success of it's predecessor Cannibal Holocaust and Lenzi was overshadowed with Deodato's film which made him go back to the jungle to shoot Ferox.

Gloria Davis ventures to the amazon in Paragauy to write her thesis on cannibalism,she believes it as a myth,with her goes her slutty friend and her brother.They go through a boat,witness a man eating a huge insect and they're told to take an animal with them,oh and with the animals in this film.Yes the killings are real and there's plenty but this was Lenzi's idea,the misunderstood Cannibal Holocaust and the animal killings were the natives idea's so blame Lenzi for that.They come across a native eating bugs and meet Mike Logan and Joe,helpless and hurt,Gloria and the others help the both men and they tell the crew that their guide was killed by the cannibals,"..then they ate his genitals"mike exclaims,they notice Joe's unpleasant expression,it might not be true after all.

Cannibal Ferox is badly made,there is no scenery at all,the score is in the wrong movie,the diologue,plus at the end catch university spelled with a V,most people say Cannibal Holocaust had cheesy music,bad acting and the delivery of the line"who are the real cannibals?"spoken late.Which infuriates me because nothing in Deodato's film is done badly the music is serious,acting is chilling during the demise and the line is spoken at the right moment.Giovanni Rodice plays Mike very evily that reminds us of Alan Yates only he shows no soul at all even until his end.

Deodato made a strong statement in Cannibal Holocaust about the shockumentarians who tried to find ways to shock people on brutality,here Lenzi recycles that statement like his Eaten Alive with scenes of other cannibal films.It's like a kid at a science fair who's project idea is stolen from another kid and passes it off as his idea.Cannibal ferox is more cannibal than idea.
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Eaten Alive! (1980)
Umberto Lenzi's eats every cannibal movie...VIVI!
16 February 2008
Eaten Alive is a little film that opens in New York city and the arctic where tribe men shoot snake venom at a few people,then a woman enters the police precinct who's trying to find her sister that has disappeared after 6 months Sheila is from Alabama,but her accent sucks,she is teamed up with an adventurer who seems to just want her money and seems to say it a lot throughout the film.They venture through the amazon only to find a community with people and they find the sister,they're confronted by a mad man who has probably seen one too many Jim Jones preaches.He will bring them to a better place,it could be heaven but no,Mark and Sheila find out later its actually a suicide cult.

Why do I call Eaten Alive a "little film"? Ill tell you but when I watched it,I was floored through all the run ins with the cannibals,Robert Kerman has a different role than his professor in Cannibal Holocaust.He's a bit annoying,once we meet him at an arm wrestling match that looked like Russian roulette we know hes one tough guy.Plus the strong misogyny just makes you cringe and it looked like I saw it somewhere,oh the scenes of animals killing each other.But the whole film revolves on those scenes,its like were actually watching a images of nature with parts of a film But after watching this film I realized that most of the films scenes are taken from other cannibal films,even the demise of 2 of the characters,well..most of the film is.That's why I call this a little film,when I did found out that scenes were borrowed I felt like throwing the disc across the room,this isn't a film just a simple montage of sorts .
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Intense "Vases De Noces" gives a disturbing look at the end of man's survival
2 February 2007
I approached Vases De Noces with sheer caution, knowing what would lie ahead of me and all the talk surrounding it, it remains as strange, quiet, savage and disgusting. It has scenes that are revolting and ugly, you could beg the film for mercy to end and it still lingers on the screen like smoke. Vases De Noces could be on a category of its own. We see things as bestiality, corophagia, urine-drinking, etc and it does not shy away on what we can do is just stare or just close our eyes. Others have said that it's disgusting, vile, nasty, and sick and I have to agree that the film is not so enjoyable.

Sure all of this could make out that Vases De Noces (aka The *beep* movie) is such a wretched film that could leave you nauseated and would make you not look at an animal for a while, why is there a movie like Vases De Noces around? Was it done to just shock, disgust? Or enjoy? I could say the first two, knowing what I would wouldn't see. It is a film that has disappeared from out of thin air, nowhere to be found for someone to see and if they did, they shouldn't.

What I found so fascinating is how the farmer lives, he uses hot coals to take baths, prays before he eats, does his business in a portable toilet. Lingers about his farm tending to his chickens or putting dolls on them or just frolicking with his pig.Sure, frolicking with his beloved pig; chasing it around, rolling around the manure,until finally having sex that made me flinch in disgust, it's not too graphic but weirdly well done.Many reviewers have focus on the content and how tedious it is,never noticing how the sky and landscape shows how the post-apocalyptic the world is. After the pig has died and the Farmer burying himself with the pig, it is lurid.There is an amazing long shot of the black and white landscape fading slowly before the Farmer rises from the pigs grave. A strange but funny scene when the farmer eats and feeds his offspring, the little piglets run over to his plate. Refusing their food only to eat his and again and again he puts them back to their plate only to find them going back to his plate.

This review will make you think I enjoyed this film,although I can admit that I only enjoyed the cinematography and the isolation of the farmer.Watching this after watching the tedious Nekromantik 2 which went on and went on, I was engulfed from the loneliness of the farmer.Like the first original Nekromantik, the hero kills himself after it's horrific lifestyle in a very enigmatic way.Not much things are explained and I don't mind at all. I settle in giving Vases De Noces three stars out of four or a 6 1/2 out of 10, Not to saying I hated it or loved it, all I could tell you is don't watch it.
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Nekromantik 2 (1991)
It's painful to live in Buttgereit's sequel to the dead
1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I embarked to see Nekromantik 2 in optimism and happiness. since it was a cold night and I remember how the original made me feel after viewing, leaving me in a strange daze. I had nothing to do, especially on a week night. Watching Nekromantik was a huge thrill,I heard soo much about it's ending. How Jorge Buttergereit had more money,the movie has bigger budget.I watched as the plot unfolded…the film went on and I kept paying good attention at the first 20 silent minutes. I leaned back and forth through my twirly chair,earnestly to what went on.

Reader, I'm sorry, I really wanted to love this film, everything about had me annoyed, confused, overwhelmed and impatient. I admired Jorge Buttgereit for making a sequel out of his audacious first film. Here, he uses the same concept with a woman who recoils having sex with a dead person. The film is shot the same way as the original, it has no dark atmosphere, Buttgereit uses his score again, only different. He uses dreams again to see what may lead a head to his characters, but doesn't to the depths to them, there's hardly anything dialogue or hero to look up to. Before The SURPRISE ENDING I wanted to do cruel things to the screenplay; I yelled and tried to turn it off.I hated this movie,to tell you

Monika ,our new hero goes in the cemetery in broad daylight and digs up Rob Shmadtke who had a less boring life then her. She takes him to her apartment is a little better than Rob's was. There's no bodyparts around, only odd drawings .If you think Monika has sex with Rob's corpse, sure. But she's too good to get sticky with him! Monika is not a necrophiliac, she's just a poser. We see Betty! But sadly only for a moment, how a movie with her going on with her life with Rob's corpse. Sounds good, right? After she meet the bible salesman dresser, Mark, who works in dubbing in porn. We see Mark and Monika stroll around the park, this hapless Happy Together scene goes on forever, nothing eventful happens at all. This film is actually dead, but doesn't know it.There was nothing new at all in Nekromantik 2,there's an seal autopsy with women fixed to the screen,it may have worked in the first Nekromantik but it has no reason in this.

Lucker the necrophagous, kissed, aftermath, and Nekromantik had better ways of showing us the characters lives, and they had better ones.Monika doesn't really know what she wants in life or in death,we don't really get to know much about her except she likes having sex with Mark without moving,watching animal autopsies and hanging with friends.

A few things that annoyed me :the swaying of the camera in a bar scene where Mark yaks with a friend, Monika M's face and acting throughout,she even cuts Rob's body apart. She keeps his head and penis in the fridge, which Mark finds but ignores it. If I were to see it again and again, I might be able to take something good with it, but the problem is, when a movie's not worth seeing twice, it had better get the job done the first time through. But sure,I'll try seeing Buttgereit's Schramm and the Death king.I just won't watch this again…but maybe the ending.

One more thing,what the hell was it with the damn editing?cutting to black abruptly,it looked like a slideshow.

* out of ****
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No Satan in sight...ZERO STARS outta ****
13 June 2006
I read somewhere that there is a feud between Fred Vogel who made August underground and Mordum, and Lucifer Valentine,who insists his movie is better than Vogel's.I cant say anything about Vogel's film since its unseen by me, but I can say this film is an exercise in bad taste,worst than pink flamingos but without trying too hard, Strippers are murdered especially a fat woman who seems to like her breasts is killed the day after my birthday,isn't that nice.

Everyone in the film seems to talk in reverse,wear bad makeup and sleeps all day,girls address themselves to the camera they act like idiots or talk to it,but probably it's the point of view of a john,we never hear,"hey it happens"during the vomiting, "Ameara lavey"no relation to the Satanic preacher who seems to have a voice of a man and spends the whole time having makeup dripping down her eyes.

There are dizzying jump cuts,the sound effects are repetitive,and the actresses in this film seem to look very dirty and quite sad,which was probably their motivation,the film if you would call it that has strong misogynistic undertones and Valentine has fun making their actors' voices from normal to reverse,maybe after trying to turn his records backwards he tries to prove his lines might say something demonic..but it loses its purpose and gets annoying,there isn't much good diologue in this film and if it does,its about the girl's making themselves vomit,again addressing the camera and the difficulty of hearing the women talk because Lucifer slows down their voices.There's a sad scene when Angela played by"Ameara Lavey"incoherently tells a story when she was 13 she set fire to a church.We hear lots of strange sounds in the soundtrack that might probably be the boom operator scratching the boom mike across a wall or pots and pans being hit together.

There is one scene which I found very funny that is when a woman's arm is cut off,the killer gives her a microphone and a acoustic guitar which isn't very useful but the microphone sure is,this doesn't seem to be an art film,nor it has any narrative or a plausible plot,I was grown tired of the heavings,the gagging,the gore and the repetitive voices being slowed,I hope no one in their right mind watches it,there isn't much gore but there's plenty of T&A.The film has been banned in horror festivals due to debates whether its pornographic or just a horror film,this is an excuse for gore from an egomaniac who thinks his film is a masterpiece and I just hope its not release for theatres so people wont spend their 9 dollars on it or people who are wondering to download it,they should download something else.I keep thinking if the actors died for this movie,they looked like the heaved a lot by the end of this film you'll want to take a shower or brush your teeth

Much throughout the film I kept having the prodigy's "Smack my b!tch up" my head and the camera POV kept reminding me of the video,plus there's some vomit in the music video too but there wasn't a woman behind this camera.
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Torched (2004 Video)
You will get yours. *** outta ****
2 June 2006
Torched is a interesting little short film that is so brutal that will probably make you hide your family jewels deep somewhere and well…can we talk about the plot holes? Maybe not,Deanna a nurse who works at night you read what I just typed,who works at night as a nurse who walks out of her apartment in the day,yes she picked the wrong day to go out,when she approaches outside a masked man throws her back in and proceeds to rape her,traumatized and shaken after,she runs back to her apartment and goes to sleep. The next night Masked man walks in and tries to rape her but (oh yes!)Deanna has a taser and takes him down

This film was directed by Ryan Nicholson who worked in the August Underground sequel,this film isn't the least misogynistic as the awful I Spit On Your Grave but she does take the law or blowtorch for that matter,in her hands but she does do the brutal revenge very violently,Deanna a nice pretty woman who could've had been doing well in her life loses her mind and by a nice thoughtful twist but all is finally explained in an appropriately a lot of series of climaxes, which left me thinking how 1.Does anyone else besides her and Trevor live in the apartment building,since the captor screams loud enough that could've made a neighbor complain about it or 2. if she captured the assailant how did she managed to get a taser since she stayed in her apartment even the day before she was raped (3.)Why leave the door open or leave criminating evidence around (4.) have sex with the woman's friend since you already had sex with her.

But anyways I kinda have more questions but besides that we can still see Deanna descend into madness and maim,toast nuts(pun totally intended) and decapitate because we got to know her at inopportune time,poor girl she needs someone to love.
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Lucker (1986)
"Lucker " is Dead to the world **1/2 outta ****
2 June 2006
John Lucker awakes in a hospital bed,from a failed suicide attempt a few years ago and he proceeds to escape only trying to dodge numerous hospital employees until he kills a man that discovers him.Somehow he puts on pants,sneakers, sunglasses and(haha well look at you!) a leather jacket and he kills the dead man's girlfriend. Johan Vandewoestijne's Lucker works as a portrait of a quiet serial killing necrophiliac who stalks women and kills them,made in 1986 just the year before Jorge Buttgereit's excellent Nekromantik.Nick Van Suyt's performance as the creepy,menacing John Lucker makes the film have a gritty feeling and the music builds the tense atmosphere.

Lucker learns one of his last victims is still alive,he becomes angry and starts killing his way towards her,he kills a prostitute and leaves her body for a few days until the sex starts,the sex scene with the corpse is gritty,doesn't look the same from Jorge Buttgereit's Nekromantik,a film that I dearly loved and admired for its work in the life of necrophiliacs.Since Jorge Buttgereit made necrophilia look like a good thing, Johan Vandewoestijne makes it look too good from that finger icky scene,there is plenty of misogyny around.

Lucker is a well crafted horror thriller with Nick Van Suyt's menacing,somewhat quiet performance as John Lucker,the ominous night stalking atmosphere that Johan Vandewoestijne had made.The film and music has a feeling of stark isolation of John Lucker being the only person dead to the world.Although I cant recommend it from not really getting to know John Lucker much,he seems like a guy you become friends with in a bar but doesn't say you're friends since he's too quiet to tell you why he's hanging with you.I would've liked to know why John Lucker became this way or why he's mentally sick and I don't wanna bring up Jorge Buttgereit' film again as an example.oh and one more thing:what's with those series of psychotic attacks?
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Iki-jigoku (2000)
Unoriginal and cruel Japanese film lacks explanations * outta ****
1 June 2006
In a house 2 brothers and their sister all old enough to live on their own,share the same house that is owned by their father, often away on business trips. One day they take in word that two estranged relatives a 70-year old grandmother and 22-year old granddaughter are coming to stay with them since a year ago the family which they lived in were killed.We meet Yesuhito,an inward and an invalid,whose family members think he might be mentally ill,one day the granddaughter,Yuki and Chiyo the grandmother takes him out for a walk,but sense Yesu only goes out at night is forced and then he begins to get tormented with almost hitting a car or Yuki slaps worms on his lap.(GASP!)Another story we meet is a Reporter who is new in the newspaper business who learns the couple's murder,his boss declines much to his rookiness but then lets him do he then learns something ominous about the granddaughter and daughters.

Shugo Fujii's Living hell starts off promising but the film goes on autopilot when we see poor Yesuhito getting painfully tortured with much harsh cruelty I really wanted to turn it off and eat an apple,this actually went too far from the idea of a crippled kid being helpless and with horrible screaming and it raised no tension,yes this is a well made low budget film made under a thousand what would be dollars even for a film made in 10 days,but the film gives out not too many explanations.

The characters are a bit on the idiot plot device when the boss gives the Reporter someone to check on him,it turns out to be Ken,later when the reporter learns something about him, he doesn't do anything until its too late,or the sister not believing her poor brothers' pleadings who thinks its self-inflicted,"We don't know them well,why would they do that to you?!".Then there's the revelation that made me even really want to turn it off and just have an apple since the last,say 20 minutes is recycled verbatimly and eerily shot like Brian De palma's superior Sisters,yes this is a well made low budget film made under a thousand what would be dollars even for a film made in 10 days,but the film gives out not too many explanations,not even why poor Yesuhito was totured.

I like Japanese,gore and sometimes extreme films but this has no way in being original at all,its nothing like Texas chainsaw masscare,nor evil dead its Sisters only the same. Shugo Fujii probably has gotten me not to like some Japanese horror films and those are his.
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Effective Holocaust asks "are you good?" **** outta ****
21 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The other night I was watching a news report on real depicted violence caught on camera phones that are sent,posted and shown on the internet for laughs,a trend progressing in the U.K. where unknowing victims are slapped viciously,ultimately killing them.There is also violence for entertainment starting in Texas just like in the U.K. where willing participants are slapped,punched,and dragged across the pavement almost killing them,it is filmed and sold on the internet for $20.

I believe this is what Ruggero Deodato was trying to convey in his film,"Cannibal Holocaust"for its harrowing straight forward violence and real animal slaughtering,it is a film about the nature of humanity's cruelty and how crazed we are on violence.The director and one of the film's producers were arrested and the film seized a week after the premiere,the courts in Milan believed Deodato actually had the actors in the film murdered for the camera and was tried,so Deodato took the cast members to a talk show to prove they were alive.Deodato came up with the idea after witnessing his son watching the news and they focused on the violence just as you would watch the news at night seeing people kick helpless people to death.

It begins with a search for a missing documentary crew by Harold Monroe who goes to the amazon rainforest and is accompanied by Jacko and Miguel with a native they've have captured to guide them to his tribe in search for the missing crew,they witness an unbearable punishment ritual.When they get to the natives tribe they find the films footage but not the missing documentary crew,Professor Monroe goes back with the film to New York and talks to television executives,he plays the found film footage for them and for us. We see young a young group of a documentary crew Alan Yates,the director,his girlfriend Faye Daniels,two cameramen Jack Anders and Mark Tomasso being accompanied by a guide Felipe,the crew are in it for fame and fortune,they film abortion rituals and terrorize the village.On not wanting to show much of the footage Monroe talks to a female executive and talks to her what it would feel like if she were one of the tribes-people,we find out how the film crew's lives were and the people they left behind do not even care,the greedy executives insist that they show the rest of the footage and showing it off as a real documentary which angers Monroe" You haven't seen the stuff that even your editors didn't have the stomach to put together, and if you had, you wouldn't hesitate but to agree with me!,"with resilience he shows them and us the rest of the footage and what we see is terrifying,unnerving and intense.There is a scene where one of the crew members are carried off by the angered villagers we see a terrified expression on Alan,it gives us a chill knowing what they had done was wrong.

Accompanied by the celestial music of Ritz Ortolani which captures the atmosphere of "Cannibal Holocaust"it gives us a chill while watching the demise of the film crew,there is a scene where what could be the native leader says in his language and we do not need subtitles because it is obvious what he is saying wailing and howling at Harold Monroe played elegantly by porn star Robert Kermen as a professor standing up to his principles.Alan yates played slyly by Carl Gabriel Yorke a conniving snake with a sense of greed who thought he was going to be killed after witnessing the animal slaughtering.The film may be known for its slaughtering real animals but it is not what Deodato wanted but since most of the natives were cannibals they did eat the animals including a monkey that was going to be a prop but the natives insisted a real one,by the end we hear the obvious line that we thought all along but we needed to hear it to be reminded.Ruggero Deodato made this film not to shock makes us think,what he wanted to but look away and asks"what does our society look for in violence?"
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Nekromantik (1988)
In love with death
4 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
**** outta ****

It begins with a couple killed in a car accident,the husband and wife dead,four men in white plastic suits appear and clean the site.They're from Joe's Street-Cleaning Agency,one man,Robert"Rob" Schmadtke takes the husband's dangling eye,takes it home for his strange and morbid collection that would make Ed Gein nod in delight.One of his co-workers complains to the boss that Rob,a short and timid man that he is useless and always late but the boss gives him a chance.Then one day they find a body in a ravine and the crew leave home,Rob takes it home for him and his girlfriend.

Nekromantik has been advertised as an erotic necrophilia film,"finally!A film for necrophiles!"said John Waters,it has been labeled as disturbing,sick,weird and disgusting but although this film's subject matter is handled with care. The sex scenes are done in a tender and sweet way,which evokes that time and place.We are later shown disturbing images of Rob's memories that maybe how his love with death came to be,the film is 75 minutes and not a minute too short and the film is not heavy on plot because we are not watching them but closely observing these two lives.

The difference,maybe,is between great art and great craftsmanship, mankind has many perversions and we cannot think of them as wrong or right.Jörg Buttgereit has made a well-made low budget film out of a super 8,trangsgressive and filled with beautiful but cruel imagery. Buttgereit titles his him"Nekromantik" which I think because of Rob,Betty,and the corpse which doesn't last long at all.When the memoriable but graphic end arrives we see how we got there, our hero that has gone mad but it is meant that he loved death itself and death will be the most extreme pleasure he could ever have,it is a very anesthetical scene,that left me in an extreme strange daze that I could not shake off in mere minutes.

Nekromantik isn't and shouldn't be labled a horror film but a close spiritual study in a forbidden taboo,nor a film about necrophilia,it is about a couple who love death just as much we love watching horror movies in the dark.
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