
8 Reviews
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Styx (I) (2018)
15 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the film was fairly well done and thought provoking. The sailing bits weren't bad, though all movie makers should just refrain from trying to depict sailboats in a storm because it always looks like what it is - risibly fake.

The obvious point of the whole thing was to put the viewer in her position ("what would I do?") and also to point out official indifference to the plight of refugees on the high seas. Personally I found most of her actions related to the refugee boat annoying - especially after the African boy she'd rescued threw her overboard, motored away and chucked her water supply into the sea because he was upset that she wasn't up to the impossible task of rescuing his sister. Not sure what the film makers were trying to do by inserting that into the story.
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The Strays (2023)
Nasty and Racist
3 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Nathaniel Martello-White evidently is a well balanced person with a chip on each shoulder. His dismal and racist piece of work here was pure nastiness, clearly displaying his dislike of white people and black folks seeking to improve their lot in the UK. The more nice and accommodating they are, the greater his contempt for them. Living in a nice house that has a gym? It must be flooded and poor Dad crushed to death!. A woman fleeing a desperate situation with two unwanted children for something better? Destroy her and her new, better, family! No wonder the poor woman ran away a second time to escape those two monsters when they showed up.
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The Colonel is clearly played American actor
28 June 2021
Douglas G. Griffin (The Colonel) is an American actor and makes no attempt to pretend to be English in this film. He's utterly unconvincing as a British Colonel. What were they thinking?
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Black Space (2020– )
The most obnoxious bunch of teenagers ever depicted on TV.
22 June 2021
False eyes that are manually popped in and out of eye sockets do not swivel left and right with the good eye. They stare fixedly straight ahead. And this must be the most obnoxious bunch of teenagers ever depicted on TV. Are Israeli youths actually so hateful and indulged by their parents?
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Misery; nothing but human misery
9 August 2020
As if the natural world wasn't harsh enough, we bring so much misery upon ourselves and others. Humanity is hateful.
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The Aeronauts (2019)
Disgraceful presentation of modern fiction as historical fact
22 December 2019
James Glaisher was actually accompanied by Henry Tracey Coxwell on this famous 1862 flight. This movie depicts a woman in Coxwell's place, but claims it is "based on fact". That is shameless and disgusting and does nothing to help the advancement of womens. It implies women can, and have, only achieve great things through manipulation and fakery. Ms Chabert should be ashamed of herself for taking this role
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Interstellar (2014)
8 December 2019
The film had some good special effects and an enjoyable dystopian theme, but it was nothing like as good as it's hyped up to be. Much of the dialogue was incomprensible mumbling, especially by McConaughey, and I eventually had to turn the English subtitles on to see what was being said. The biggest issue with the storyline is that nobody would seriously think of evacuating humanity from Earth under the circumstances depicted. Also, the idea that Earth's atmospheric Oxygen level could drop by any appreciable amount is simple unfeasible, no matter how much we screw up our only home's natural resources and climate. And it's not as if those potential new places for people to live had breathable atmosphere anyway - the crew still had to wear spacesuits all the time there didn't they?.
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Dakota (1974)
Good attention to detail
4 January 2017
I'm not a pilot and have little knowledge of DC3s, but I enjoyed the attention to detail of the aircraft, its characteristics, and flying in this movie. I also remember 1974 well and know the Caribbean. To me this was a totally believable story and the aging pilot was a sympathetic character. That is really all I have to say, but for some daft reason IMDb apparently requires movie reviews to be at least 10 lines long, so the rest of this is just fluff to make up the required volume. Actually I found the movie on Amazon Prime and I'm glad I clicked on it and watched it (twice). I suppose most, if not all, of the actors are dead now. Did anyone actually ever fly from the Duch Antilles to Holland nonstop in a DC-3?
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