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The Mandalorian: Chapter 24: The Return (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
Yeah I'm Disappointed.
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Well, that certainly was a show that happened." This is not the takeaway that I ever thought I would have with the show that brought the fandom together for its first two seasons, completely revitalizing the Star Wars brand for both the fans and those who previously showed disinterest in the franchise as a whole. It's sad. I feel sad. Not angry or frustrated, just miserable at what they did to this show. I really want to understand what happened to the writers, directors, and producers that prompted them to create a cynical and bastardized version of the material that had been relatively solid up until the start of season 3. Was it COVID? Was it a budget cut? Creative differences between the leading figures? I'm genuinely curious. After both Book of Boba and Kenobi being massive narrative misses, why did nobody stand up and say, "Hey, let's not do this with the show that brought everyone together."

Now let me tear this particular episode to pieces.

  • Why do we always get a "this is the way" line whenever a character decides to do something? It comes across as "we don't know how to write thought-provoking dialogue, so let's lean on the thing we can put on T-shirts." It's super lazy at best, cynical and mocking at worst.

  • Moff Gideon is a great villain in season 1 and 2 and had a lot of intelligence and intrigue. In season 3, he is reduced to a mockery and used as cannon fodder in the last couple of episodes. His death was... How do I put this? Dumb? Like, silly dumb. And it's not in line with his character previously.

  • Grogu gets meched. The mech is used to fight only once. The mech gets destroyed. Grogu runs around on beams while guards try to get him. A beam breaks and falls on Grogu, trapping him. Din saves Grogu from the guards. Grogu saves Din and Bo from an explosion. Grogu lives happily ever after with Din, his new dad. This is the plot for his character this season. I'm almost 1000% certain that ChatGPT could have come up with something better. So, what is this?

  • The Dark saber breaks. The person who broke it was obsessed with it. He then says that the Dark saber was a dumb Mandalorian tradition. Huh? X10

  • There is no spy. So why bring up the spy?

  • The previous episode alludes to a conflict with the Mandalorians and the New Republic with Moth Gideon's escape during the ending of one episode. But, the New Republic just forgets. What the hell?

  • The CG is subpar. I guess Disney is tightening their purse strings.

  • The writing overall is bad.

  • The directing varied from mediocre to okay.

  • The final shot of Grogu and Din ends with a literal Looney Tunes circle in. Wow, we just gave up, didn't we?

So, like this season, I'll rush my final thoughts. Seasons 1 and 2 were very good. Season 3 makes Boba Fett and Kenobi blush. Bye.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 20: The Foundling (2023)
Season 3, Episode 4
What happened?
22 March 2023
It feels like the quality in pretty much every single area of Season 3 has significantly dropped to a point where I'm legitimately curious if Disney decided to try using ChatGPT to write and direct this current season with the purpose of cutting costs. It's actually impressive, in a lot of different ways, how they've managed to take such a strong two seasons of live-action content and completely destroy whatever integrity it had between two major flops in both Boba Fett and Kenobi, and then decided, "Hey, you know those two really mediocre shows we just did? What if we applied the same methodology to the one live-action show that people actually cared about?"

In summary, this made my stomach turn, and I'm straight up not having a good time this season. Dave Filoni needed to be more hands-on, maybe? I don't know. There has to be at least one competent writer or director in Disney's infinite wealth pool they could've dragged out to make this a proper continuation of the saga. Anyways, big L.
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The Last of Us: Look for the Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Not as good as Chernobyl by a long shot but still decent.
13 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard not to compare it to Chernobyl based on the first episode, and the vibe that it gave off; especially with both show runners being the same person. Each subsequent episode after that completely removed that sense of dread and horror that the first episode presented so beautifully, but with a few exceptions here and there.

Pros: + Faithful adaptation + Movie budget + Acting is generally good to amazing + Additional context not in source material + Episodes 1 & 3 are GOATED.

Neutral: +- Felt "video game-like" during most of the action.

+- a little rushed in moments.

+- Marvin arc changes +- episode 8. Joel finding Ellie felt weird.

  • The sense of horror and dread completely died after the first episode
  • character performances can't be matched by source, with the exception of Bill.

  • No Spores?!?! Kinda trivializes the urgency of the cure.

  • If Marlene knew Ellie got her immunity from her infected mother why did she need Ellie for the cure? Couldn't she have recreated that with other pregnant mothers? Kind of a glaring plothole in my opinion that the games didn't have, because this moment never happened in the games.

  • where are all the infected? Again I'm begging the question why the cure is so urgent.
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A very dark and depressing episode in disguised
13 January 2023
This is kind of peak Star Wars for me personally. Peeling back the layers and really showing us what it means to have lived in the early days of the Empire and what that means specifically for the clones and the old separatists. This episode really doesn't hold any punches when it comes to showing the audience exactly the kind of treatment the dying Republic was given. I got an overwhelming amount of anxiety and empty stomach feelings while watching this. Truly a masterpiece and it didn't even follow the main cast. Showing the exact mentality of the Empire compared to both the Republic and the separatists is harrowing. You know things are truly fallen to hell when Dooku was right.
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Andor: Kassa (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
This ain't about to get lower scores than Book of Boba or Kenobi under my watch.... Nope!
21 September 2022
I'm sorry, but no. This has the best acting, writing, visuals, directing, and atmosphere out of any recent Star wars project... There ain't no way the fandom is gonna unanimously agree on everything, I get it, however this has some of the most care I've seen outside of the animated projects put into it. This FEELS like a team of people that spent time and effort on every little thing and it's really a shame that there are some individuals that would rather see 30 plus minutes of mindless action than watch a story start to unfold into something greater. I feel like for the first time in a long time that Star Wars is growing up... I only hope some of the more critical of this show will too.
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18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
From my personal perspective I really like the idea of a bunch of whacky characters seemingly going through a pretty normal anticlimactic situation that mirrors real life to some capacity. It's like watching a real life scenario through an animated lense. I noticed some people complaining about it being a whole episode of nothing, but I'd argue that's sorta the beauty of it.
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Better Call Saul: Saul Gone (2022)
Season 6, Episode 13
Saul's not a good guy, but Jimmy was trying to be
16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The end of a franchise couldn't have been any more bitter sweet. In the end justice was served and the Saul that we knew died that way Jimmy could live on. Perfect end to a nearly perfect run. Thank you to everyone who worked on this series.
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Better Call Saul: Fun and Games (2022)
Season 6, Episode 9
Saul Crushing
19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The transition from Jimmy to Saul is fully realized now. It's probably one of the most heartbreaking transitions. Everyone that tried to help Jimmy be a better person is either dead or gone and all that is left is Saul Goodman. His name being a funny goof in Breaking Bad now has a more depressing twist. Saul Goodman is just Jimmy's way of coping with the aweful that he did. Tragic but so so so well executed.
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Good poetry and connections to BB
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's not that I didn't like this episode because I really did, however Lalo's end seemed a little... Anticlimactic? Also he just made such a stupid mistake... Like it's pretty out of character however it makes sense the more I think about it, because Gus goes out almost the same way Lalo does in a way. Just making one dumb mistake costs you no matter how smart you are. Lalo wanted Gus to suffer before he got what was coming to him just like how Gus wanted Hector to suffer before he got what was coming to him. So consequently playing with there food ended biting both of them in the arse. Kind of poetic, but after the last episode it was a little limp.

One part I do really like is when Jimmy is saying that Nacho "did it" while pleading with his life with Lalo, because it's a direct reference to when he was kidnapped and threatened by Walt and Jessie in Breaking Bad. This event obviously scarred him big time.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
An okay ending to a poorly written and rushed experience.
22 June 2022
I don't really know what else to say. This show really needed some more tender, love, and care. The writing was almost 100% a miss for me... There are a lot of exceptional examples of great writing in star wars especially in the animated series and its really unfortunate that they weren't able to get all there ducks in a row for this series. This show at the end of the day really shouldn't have existed unless the A++ team was involved and it feels like we got the C team at best. It's unfortunate. This was heartbreaking to watch as a long time fan. Absolutely zero hate to the actors I thought they all did as good as they could with the material they were given...
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part V (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
The direction was much better
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode seems like it had 2x more care and attention given to it than the past 4 episodes. I'm a huge fan of this direction. The writing is still falling flat for me personally... I really mean no offense to Joby Harold, but maybe he is at his best when he has a little more supervision from veterans in starwars? At the very least I think Joby should run his scripts by Dave, but I like that he isn't afraid to write some dark stuff (Padawans getting slayed is pretty nutty in Star wars). This show is at its best when it goes dark and the action goes hard. It should embrace it's strengths fully because that's what makes it great.

The only major issues would be maybe a little more de-ageing on Hayden Christensen because the flashback takes place during episode 2 era. Also sending two ships and Reva even though Vader knows she's a traitor... Is definitely a choice. Maybe we'll get an explanation as to why Vader seems to purposely let Obi-Wan get away on multiple occasions throughout this show.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part IV (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Ive lost my optimism with this show
8 June 2022
There are those moments where I really enjoy the show, however those are far few in-between. It's the strange direction, almost like Debra Chow was physically forced to cut 50% of the scenes from each episode as well as logical leaps that bewilder at best; insult the viewer at worst. To the laughable dialogue that maybe don't make your eyes roll quite as hard as some of the prequel trilogy, however certainly more frequently. As a star wars fan who watched the animated stuff multiple times and sees how those shows get it right... It really bums me to see how bad this is... After 4 episodes you know, you know?
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Was an 8. Ewan's acting makes this a 10
1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You can feel every single moment that Obi-Wan is going through. You can feel his dread throughout the entire episode. And I think it makes some of the bigger moments in the episode that more impactful.

What made me think it was originally an 8 out of 10 was some glaring issues with the tunnel scene and the very end of the episode when Vader just lets Obi-Wan get away.
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Atlanta: Rich Wigga Poor Wigga (2022)
Season 3, Episode 9
These one offs feel a little... Pretentious.
14 May 2022
I dont hate the direction of the episodes, but the messaging and the themes seem to come from a very disconnected place. I'm trying desperately to find a meaning that is greater than what these one off episodes have provided. It just feels super artsy to a point where the messaging is kinda not really landing I believe the way the writers intended it to, but who knows maybe the last episode this season will sorta put a nice little bow on this theme Donald was going for. As of right now it just seems almost offensively out of touch to the point of pretention.

The direction is straight fire though this season. And if the lesson is weird things are happening because life is unpredictable than I can swallow that.
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Halo: Allegiance (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
The people rating this above a 6 are absolutely whack
13 May 2022
This is going to be a no for me. Seriously?! This is how we wanted to do haloaster chief/the covenant? As a fan of the series it amazes me how how much effort the creators of this show manage to massacre the source material each week. It should probably be a 1 but it's a 4 because honestly the actors and actresses are trying thier best and I'm sure someone on the crew has played at least an hour of halo? Idk man this is pretty bad.
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Atlanta: Cancer Attack (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
I Think I Understand it
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode seems to be about Paper Boi and wanting to recapture his lost love of the art of rapping.

What we see is a person that represents that personification right in front of his eyes (who he thinks stole his phone). It's the final song that he plays to Paper Boi that seems to be a haunting reflection of paper bois love and therefore loss of the music he plays. Darius had brought up that the venue they played at is haunted, so this seems to be a literal and metaphorical ghost (Wiley) of paper boi that speaks to the group.

The only thing I don't understand is why the group would continue to let Sox continue with them after his demeanor last episode, however I have a sneaking suspicion that he has a lot more of a part to play in this seasons wild ride of symbolism.
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Atlanta: The Big Payback (2022)
Season 3, Episode 4
It's okay.
9 April 2022
People rating this a 1 are super triggered by a satirical situation that will never happen in a million years lol. It's supposed to be a diss on both white and black culture, however it could've been handled with a bit more care on both side as it was leaning heavily into stereotypes with both groups to a point that made the satire less poignant. Also I thought it was funny how Asian immigrants that were thrown into camps during World War weren't even a talking point (parodying the fact that both white people and black people ignore these groups)! Its a diss on America's incompetence as a nation in understanding what it's people really want or need and taking whatever easy out it can to appease a group that is yelling the loudest. I didn't hate the episode I just think the subject could've been better handled if the writing was a little tighter. Also come on... We want to see the main cast in action not some weird black mirror episode.
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Halo: Unbound (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
It Isnt Halo
3 April 2022
I'm pretty upset honestly. Halo is one of my most cherished franchise growing up and it honestly pains me more than anything to say that whatever this is, is certainly not the same story, characters or the same atmosphere as what us fans have come to know and love from the Bungie series and most of what 343 has done. It could've been something much more than a greedy cash grab from the suits but I guess were living in the timeline where that wasn't obtainable.

  • Chief w/o armor and talking way too much
  • useless side character with little to zero intrigue
  • human covenant that somehow has the trust of the prophet?! Ok...
  • CGI is at a level that honestly isn't acceptable.

  • Dialogue is cringe for the majority of the duration.

There are more issues than just those, however its a good place to start. I want this show to work however it'd flawed at its absolute core. An absolute disease without a cure.
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Halo: Contact (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Seriously the Worst thing I've seen in my 24 years on this Earth
25 March 2022
I really don't know what else to say. Do you hate Halo? Do you love Power Rangers? This is the perfect show for you! One of the few times something other than poor diet has made me physically ill.
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Never Give Up (2022)
Season 2, Episode 17
My Face is Permanently Pogged!
7 February 2022
No words honestly. It may be one of the best episode of any anime I've watched. Simply a visual feast through and through. Some sorta deal with the devil was made to make animation this smooth and enjoyable. This whole arc has been above and beyond movie quality.
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How I Met Your Father: Dirrty Thirty (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
I'll say it!
3 February 2022
I actually really like this show so far. The humor was kind of cringe during ep 1&2 but 3&4 are on par with HIMYM 1st season. I think it's got so much potential that's unfortunately overshadowed by the reality that this is the sequel to one of if not the best sitcoms ever produced.
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How I Met Your Father: The Fixer (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
The laugh track is there for pacing
25 January 2022
To those who have obviously never watched a show with a laugh track before it's there to pace jokes and conversations. The show would take on a completely different style than its predecessor if it decided to forgo the laugh track.
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How I Met Your Father: FOMO (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Yeah it's good.
19 January 2022
I think this episode is definitely better than first by a mile, but it's still got 4 or 5 miles to reach HIMYM.

I'm beginning to care a tiny bit about the characters but not nearly as fast as HIMYM. I think the story is still a lil all over (not nearly as jarring as the pilot), but what's important is the humor can hit sometimes like it's predecessor and the music selection is good like HIMYM as well.

We will see.
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Let's maybe not do any CGI next season.
23 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My only complaint with this season as a whole is the CGI has just been not that great of a use of their budget. Also there's just some obvious pacing issues due to the fact that there's only eight episodes this season they really needed the full 10 because the jump from episode 7 to episode 8 is kind of ridiculous. The comedy is still pretty much the golden standard so if there's just some weird plot shenanigans it is what it is, however I'm a bit disappointed still by the lack of reveals this season I think Charlie's dad is still Frank and we still don't know what waitresses name is in the show and I think it would have been a good idea if they were going all out with Ireland episodes to have at least one major reveal besides the fact that the gang is a representation of America which I thought was more or less obvious throughout the past 15 seasons it's just now there actually just saying it out right.
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I'm sorry but IASIP has always been political
2 December 2021
To every reviewer crying about politics... They've been consistently making political heavy satire since day 1 so I don't really know what you're on about. Might be new here or something but don't ever claim to be a fan.
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