
10 Reviews
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Wonder Woman (2017)
Not sorry to say the truth : This movie redefines "bad"
7 January 2018
Just a terribly terribly idiotic piece of garbage this. World war 1 apparently has an Indian chief walking about with an Arab side kick, we stop violence by using loads of violence ourselves and every second shot has some minority person in there for diversity sakes that never even fought in the war. That's all fine if you want a SJW fantasy, however if you pretend it's world war 1 you better get some history right, there is even a shot of a black German soldier. Laughable. The people pretending this is the first movie with a strong female lead character, have never seen other movies there are plenty of those around. Stop filling entertainment with political correct propaganda. Then there is the terrible plot the 2 dimensional Germans and of course we have to have penis jokes.

If you don't get sick from all the PC nonsense you can sum up this movie as : Hot woman, Terrible movie. Zero points.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Entertaining in a weird way but utterly flawed in others
27 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
** Spoiler and light humor ahead **

People launder money, everyone gets killed because the boss thinks there is money missing, apart from the main character who convinces the boss to start washing cash in some watery hillbilly part of the USA.

Enter the FBI sending a gay agent couple, one of which sleeps with the suspect he is investigating, broody moments on boats, full on kissing and messing around in hotel rooms, all because Netflix went totally SJW recently.

8 million gets washed by spending it, if it was that easy i would be in the money laundering business. Just buy a few Rollers and its laundered yay.

Then there is the elderly couple on the hill, killing people as if they are squatting flies and making drugs so they can buy more land so they can fight against the company that build a dam so they live on the hill now. Makes sense ? Oh they cut out a baby from a pregnant woman and dispose of the body in between sitting on rocking chairs, just because.

Then there is a young teenager who runs a strip club for the main character who electrocutes both her uncles, but at least she has a little bit of a problem with that emotionally, afterwards.

Then there is the angry daughter giving up virginity and a small boy who REALLY likes guns a lot.

It's a crazy mess and the season ending really cleans up.

Does the series make sense : Nope, does it entertain : Strangely yes, i quite liked it. And hey Netflix, go SJW all the way next time and have the FBI send a lady-boy 3 some to clean up the drug lords.
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The Mummy (2017)
Actually pretty entertaining
12 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
More and more i seem to have the opposite impression of a movie that is rated on IMDb. If the majority thinks it's fantastic, i usually dislike it in some form and now with this one again, but the other way round.

Shocking : The mummy is actually pretty entertaining in a the "switch the brain off" way.

Just sit down bring a beer some snack and enjoy the antics of Tom Cruise and his girlfriend to be in this really well made action flick. Of course at the end there is a setup for a new movie and a possible new Marvel type superhero, but this time the new superhero might actually be worth a new movie.

The mummy itself played by Sofia Boutella is well made and well played, evil but not over the top evil. The eye candy is supplied by Annabelle Wallis who is a pleasure to watch even if she doesn't say anything.

Throw in some humor, some wall made special effects and you will forget the run of the mill story line. Recommended for a dreary Sunday evening on a big screen with the speakers on max.

TL;DR : Enjoyable movie fun, beautiful people and a setup for more.
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Interstellar (2014)
Bad acting, bad science, bad movie
17 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The reviews score here made me look forward to watching this movie, but what a disappointment it was. I am seriously wondering what is wrong with today's audience when a movie like this get such good reviews. Maybe its just a wrong idea of science fiction, maybe people label budget fantasy movies "science fiction" ? Anyway, lets have a quick look at some of the bad point of this movie. First the lead actor, i don't know how he is perceived in the US but looking with an European view, McConaughey is just plain horrible at acting.

He has no facial expressions and talks English with a slow slur that is really annoying, then later on in the movie i see a good actor like Topper Grace and wonder what the casting director thought when she/he hired McConaughey. There is just no emotional connection between him and any of the other characters, even when he cries it feels like someone just drop some Vaseline over his face and he just sits there waiting till its lunch. Again McConaughey should be a car salesman, not an actor.

Then there is the pace of this slow moving "epic", we spend god knows how many hours in some dust bowl house where people stare outside and drive in pickup trucks with high technology equipment to bring down Indian drones for using their solar panels to probably power an old play station 3. I kid you not.

The way the lead manages to find the secret Nasa base is laughable. There is a base with literally hundreds of people working there, in the middle of a field without the huge parking lot for all their pickups trucks. Remember earth is dying so everyone has a V8 pickup to find Indian drones....

Then there is the so called "science" in the movie, apparently they even hired a professor to help them with the science part. Well dear professor, please join McConaughey as a car salesman as you don't have one clue about science and if the audience thinks the movie is using it, i have a bad feeling about the future of our species..

The radiation, the fact that they walk about on a planet with sun light orbiting a black hole, where we have so much gravity that every hour there is 7 years on earth and even the same for the station they left orbiting just 200 miles up... Is just one silly example. Of course McConaughey has no problems with relativity time shifts once he enters the black hole... of course.. How could he otherwise meet up with his dying daughter to make a real American ending to this disaster of a movie.

Then there is the robot, made for a budget movie, looking so cheap and probably assembled from cardboard with aluminum foil , as you can see it almost bobbing about in the wind. Two obligatory LCD panels show scrolling text as the robot talks and stumbles about.

That robot sets the level for the special effects, they look cheap , badly filmed from the perspective of the space ship most of the time, as if they had some plastic contraption with a go-pro attached to it, handled by a 12 year old going "Bzzzzzzz" as he moves it about. Yes its that bad.

There are many bad movies around, and this is just one of them, but what baffles me is why this piece of overlong budget fantasy gets so many good reviews. Did the people here not see other movies, ever ? Did they miss Alien, Gravity or even Star Wars, not that the last one is science fiction but at least its entertaining and this was not.

Hoping Hollywood wakes up at some point and starts making movies again with depth and science instead of cheap fantasy aimed at , yeah what IS the target audience for this.

And McConaughey please leave the movie industry and join the nearest Chevy dealer.
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Taking Chance (2009 TV Movie)
Well made but annoying tear-jerker
1 March 2009
If you take a bit of distance from the subject matter of this movie you can see the movie for what it really is. A tear-jerking slow journey of a depressed man with a corpse. The movie is almost an commercial for the US army, apart from the fact that this time it does make clear that you might not survive your tour of duty.

If you can stand 1,5 hours of tears next to a coffin, then this is your movie. It has good production values, well acted, beautiful images of the US and you know the ending of the movie before it even started so no thinking required.

My biggest complained about this movie is the extreme focus on trying to make the audience cry. This is so over the top that i one point i expected the corpse to come out of the coffin to plead for more tears from the viewers. In fact after about 4 of the salute the coffin and cry scenes it became unintentionally funny.

Yes the movies is about nationalism, war and dead but keep in mind, this is a movie, there is no one in the coffin and the crew is eating donuts while Mr. beacon tries to produce enough tears to last the 90 minutes of the movie.

I give it the TearJeker of the century award.
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The Fountain (2006)
Not a movie
22 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another movie which get's great reviews on IMDb, but turns out to be a disaster. Maybe the US is getting more and more spiritual by the day or, maybe it's just me being a too rational person to enjoy this commercial for some kind of new religious movement.

-spoiler alert-

What is about: Well there's this guy who wife is dying of some brain tumor, however he finds some substance he is using on apes that seem to be able to repair just about anything alive. In the mean time his previous incarnation is in medieval Mexico on the search for the tree of life. His other incarnation is on the way to a supernova in a bubble with a big half death tree in it.

Not to worry the Mexican guy drinks from the tree of life, and turns into a garden center. The bubble guy dies and goes to Mexico to become his former self, kill some random Mexican and water the tree of life.

As a result of all that his wife gets buried and he plants a seed of a tree on her grave.

All of that amazing trash is filmed in dark-yellow and has the same score throughout the 90 minutes that this movie robs of your tree of life.

Yes i know we all die, yes that's not very much fun but no i do not need a movie that tries to make it all look o.k. by using a tree in a bubble and a few Mexicans.

Utter rubbish.
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Overrated overacted fake-British "comedy"
24 June 2006
Maybe it is because the subject of this movie, lesbian love, is new or in fashion on the North American continent that it gets so good reviews from most viewer here. On the other hand, on this side of the pond, it's not in fashion or new.

In fact the chances of a heterosexual women falling madly in love with another woman is about as big as the same happening to a male heterosexual ; close to absolute zero. This could have been a good, although cliché way of introducing comedy in this movie but that also is not achieved.

Making the movie British is done in such a grotesque manner that it annoys , the acting and the overuse of British slang reminds me of a sitcom from that same country called "coupling". Although that series has moments of comedy and this movie does not.

To me it looked like the makers of this movie watched "four weddings and a funeral" and thought ; "we can do that too!" But no they can't.

Bad movie, sub-par acting and very very fake.
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Jarhead (2005)
This is the army
4 May 2006
It is curious how a lot of (ex)militairy here rate the movie as only 1 star and complain how the army is so much different than this movie. Maybe they want it to be different but i can assure you it is not.

I have been in the Dutch army for a year, drafted, and worked with the US army during drills in Germany, all i can say is : All armies are the same and the way Jarhead shows the army is almost 100% correct. It is about the first gulf war, but that is really not the point, it could be about any modern conflict.

The boredom, the lack of sex, some psycho fellow soldiers, cliché drill instructors, the swearing, the porn the hookers, it's all true. What do you expect when you put a bunch of 18-24 year old males together with nothing to do but wait for possible death ?

The last part was not even there in my army time when there was the cold war, it was just boredom. And let me tell you boredom converts 80% of young males without girls into raving mad maniacs.

This movie excels in showing how it is to be in the, or any, western army service. It also shows the highway of death for what it is : A war crime.

I strongly recommend anyone who is thinking about joining the army to watch this movie first, you might want to hold on to that job at 7-11 after seeing this.
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No story here
14 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I completely understand the plot it goes like this :

  • Girl without memory has face changed for some reason - The police changed her memory - She changed her face because she did a drug rip-deal - Here brother likes to kill people who look like her - Actually she is a Turkish terrorist - Jean reno is involved in something - The turks kill another group of turks in a bath filled with mint

Then it gets better :

  • The girl is a ninja - The drugs are in an enormous cave filled with death people - The case collapses and Reno is death - No he is not death

Never mind all that the end is amazing :

  • Reno, the cop, the girl, the brother all end up in Turkey - At the same time of course, the whole France police force is also there - The girl kills here father - The cop, reno and the police kill everyone else in the village - The serial killer brother tries to serial kill the girl

The best thing about this movie however is the final end :

  • Switch of DVD player, throw disk in bin, and sue the french for wasting your time.

Movie seem to be made by a bunch of spaced out french with a high budget. Awful just awful, worst waste of time and money ever (well, there's french cars which are a step below that...)
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Slipstream (2005)
One of the top 10 worst movies ever
17 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As i am alway interested in a sf movie, i picked this one up at the local video rental store. Never heard of slipstream but the 10 minute time travel plot seemed interesting.

This movie however fits straight into the top 10 worst movies ever. It really got it all : Very bad acting, small budget, horrible plot and the worst directing ever.

The director seems to be in love with guns and slow motion, in this movie you get to see more close-ups of guns than of the actors. Enormous amounts of bullets are shot at each other while standing up and with the actors looking like they are watching TV. No worries however, almost all shots miss completely.

Then there is the bus scene where the bad guys take hostages. The bus is supposed to be on a highway. Due to budget restrictions the highway has about 5 other cars on it instead of 500. Furthermore the police action is totally unbelievable.

The FBI agent runs around with the main character she just arrested without any regard for his safety. The rest of the police is checking out their guns while the director zooms in on the guns triggers, red dots and what not.

The rest of the movie is equally bad and unintentionally funny. The director is only good for making gun commercials.

Waste of 80 minutes and 1,60 euro.
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