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Tut's Toxic Tomb (2022 TV Movie)
Would Have Been a 10 Without the Egomaniac in the Tank Top
9 February 2024
Very interesting story very well told, but the egomaniac in the tank top was completely distracting. Her presence on camera added absolutely nothing. I'm assuming she was included to give the show "sex appeal," but she was just annoying. Somebody needs to tell her to cover up, especially her massive hips that look even bigger with the camera angles used. She even ensured that they included a butt shot of her. At least she put a shirt on when she went to Europe. Her hair was also annoying. I don't think it's the asset that she thinks it is. It would be really nice if the production team could edit the bimbo out and rerelease the show. Then I would give this show a 10. Great, engaging experts, excellent documentation from the time, Josh is a great host, as always. I learned a lot.
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Emblematic of Our Society's Ills
21 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A spoiled brat guilt-trips his hard-working dad into practically killing himself to get the toy of the year. Hey brat - your dad is working to give you a home and many comforts that most kids don't get. You're lucky you have a roof over your head and karate lessons. Why is the dad knocking himself out to fulfill the petulant demands of an ungrateful child? All of the time the dad spends trying to get the toy could have been spent actually fathering his brat of a child and teaching him gratitude and respect. And what does the worthless mother do all day? She's clearly getting her hair done on a daily basis. Why isn't she parenting her child, either? Why didn't she try to help the dad? Disgusting, shrill consumerism. Someone should write a thesis on how this film is the epitome of everything that's wrong with our country.
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Pedophilia is not entertainment
27 November 2022
Pedophilia is not entertainment. Luc Besson "started dating" the blonde woman at the beginning when she was fifteen, and she had his baby when she was 16. The film is inspired by their relationship, which began when she was 11. Disgusting. Luc Besson should be cancelled like Woody Allen. I feel so bad for Natalie Portman. She was sexualized at such a young age, and she's spoken publicly about how traumatic it was for her. This film should be removed from Amazon Prime, and quite frankly, all of Luc Besson's works should be removed from all streaming platforms. Thank God we've evolved since this abuse was acceptable.
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The Vow (2020–2022)
5 November 2022
This purports to be an expose, but really, it's just a bunch of "former" members trying to exonerate themselves and launch their careers. All of them are narcissists and most are actors or otherwise involved in the entertainment industry. Notice how they never address the true horrors that this cult engaged in, except for brief mentions? And the #2 woman is now trying to portray herself as a victim, even though they preached that there's no such thing as victims? I wonder how much money all of the "former" members made from this? Mark is the absolute worst. He's made himself the "star". Gross.
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Awful - Wish I Could Rate It a Zero
7 May 2022
This is quite possibly the worst thing ever committed to video, including every TikTok video ever produced. Mike Myers shouldn't be allowed to produce anything ever again, and I'm speaking as an Austin Powers fan.
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Vikings: Valhalla (2022– )
Can't Get Past the Casting
15 March 2022
I was so hooked on Vikings, it impacted my work. Was really looking forward to this series, but I can't get past the casting of a black woman as a leader of the Vikings. Even though you know that there are going to be some liberties taken with verisimilitude in any historical drama, this is too much. The creators should have realized that a big draw for these series is the historical aspect. I guess I can't be too surprised: one of the major characters in the first series was played by the creator's daughter, and she stunk up the screen every time she was on it.
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Kid 90 (2021)
What's the Point?
7 March 2022
I guess Soleil Moon Frye needed money and had a ton of personal footage. She doesn't really tell a story or have a perspective. Hulu autoplayed this, and I really don't understand why anyone paid for this. Maybe we're supposed to be interested because of the "celebrities" in it? Who cares?
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Yellowstone: Daybreak (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Came here because of 1883. What a disappointment.
2 February 2022
Why is a woman executive wearing a black bra under a silk blouse? Serious overacting and gratuitous violence. This is like something out of the 80s. Glad I didn't have to pay to subscribe.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Complete Garbage
28 December 2021
I love everything else Adam McKay has done, but this is just absolute garbage. Subtle as a sledgehammer and completely misrepresents scientists. If a PhD candidate was working on a project like this, they would not be a stoner. DiCaprio's character is also insulting. Meryl Streep and Jennifer Lawrence have been outspoke supporters of Harvey Weinstein and are completely unwatchable as a result. Mark Rylance was the one highlight of this rubbish.
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The Proposal (I) (2009)
"Mama Cass."
10 December 2021
I had given this a 7 originally, but I just revised it to a 9, because I don't know how many times I've watched this, but I still laugh out loud. Oscar Nunez steals every scene he's in, and you have to watch all of the credits, because they're the best part.

Everybody in it is great, including Betty White, of course.

It's a rom com, but you know what? It's a classic.
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Dune (2021)
30 October 2021
Ugh. Super-boring. It's like somebody really shallow tried to knock off Star Wars. I remember the book was really bad, too. Timothee Chalamet is really pretty, though.
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Dave Chappelle: The Closer (2021 TV Special)
This isn't entertainment in any sense of the word
16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't even crack a smile once, my way of thinking wasn't challenged, I didn't hear any stories that were worth remembering, other than poor Daphne's. Dave just took a paycheck and stood up there and yapped about himself like somebody's drunk uncle. Really disappointing, as I've watched Chappelle's show about twenty times and still laugh my butt off. Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories are the greatest comedy of all time. Hopefully no one will remember Chappelle's Netflix specials, and he can just take Netflix's money and go away.
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This gets a 10 for Linda Tripp's Christmas Decorations Alone
7 October 2021
I actually knew Linda Tripp. Sarah Paulson has captured her perfectly. I didn't meet Linda until probably about 2007, and when people brought up the whole "affair" with her, she still got all smug. Anyway, she and her husband, Dieter, opened the best Christmas shop ever, The Christmas Sleigh, in Middleburg, VA. Dieter is a lovely man, and the store has the best German and Austrian Christmas and Easter decorations. It's the highest quality stuff and the prices are really good. I know, because I've lived in Germany, and I'm a collector. I've spent a small fortune at The Christmas Sleigh. I've really been enjoying the show overall, but it's pretty impressive that they got the details of her Christmas decorations right, and Sarah Paulson's acting is so perfect.
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Ted Lasso: No Weddings and a Funeral (2021)
Season 2, Episode 10
"I remember firelight, and you remember smoke"
24 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"We tramped the open moorland in the rainy April weather And came upon the little inn that we had found together The landlord gave us toast and tea and stopped to share a joke And I remember firelight I remember firelight I remember firelight And you remember smoke"

This episode hit close to home, having just lost my stepdad many years after having lost my dad. Big, important lesson from both Dr. Sharon and Rebecca's mom. All while rickrolling us all.

This is the only show I've ever watched, where as soon as I'm done watching the newest episode, I immediately rewatch it. And I've watched every episode at least ten times. Truly a classic.
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Why is this Child Abuse on HBO?
1 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Had to stop watching it once the creepy pedophile teacher appeared. I feel sorry for the child actor. He must have been scarred for life. This movie would never get made today.
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Maybe context matters for viewing this film
29 August 2021
So I've read the negative reviews, and I'm thinking that this movie is for a very specific audience. I'm middle-aged, and one of my parents just died. I happen to be grappling with the same themes (not Nazi-hunting, obviously) as Cheyenne, and I found this movie to be very sweet. I didn't quite find the Frances McDormand character believable and couldn't figure out the relationship with Mary, but I thought Sean Penn was wonderful. His outward appearance reflected his interior life, but he somehow managed to avoid becoming a caricature. This is a classic bildungsroman for the middle-aged, told with gentleness and humor.
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Ted Lasso: Rainbow (2021)
Season 2, Episode 5
This may just be the best TV episode of all time
20 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think this might outdo the final episode of The Sopranos for me, because it made me cry tears of joy. I've watched this entire series seven times in short succession, and I'm still not tired of it. Here I am watching this episode again right away. Roy Kent is one of the greatest characters of all time. It did not go unnoticed that Nate had a rough episode. I'm wondering what's in store for him...
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Val (I) (2021)
Very honest and touching
7 August 2021
A friend of a friend was Val Kilmer's personal assistant back in the 90s. She loved working for him and had the nicest things to say about him. I was always a little skeptical, because of his reputation. But this film matches every great thing she said about him. Really lovely and thoughtful. I haven't seen anything like this in a long time.
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Magnolia (1999)
Takes on a new poignance after COVID - Ted Lasso reference, too
24 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I just rewatched Magnolia after Brendan Hunt referenced it in Season 2, episode 1 of Ted Lasso. Turns out the actor who plays Coach Beard is a co-creator and wrote this episode. He uses the references to signify that, sparked by guidance from Roy Kent (like a shower of frogs), Rebecca is now able to move on from the damage her ex did.

I love this movie, because the Hand of God comes in to help wipe away the sins of the fathers and free Claudia, Frank, Donnie, and Stanley. But it's through the compassion, love, and actions of others that they're actually freed. (Linda is freed from her own sins and cared for by Frank.) Despite all of the damage, there is still enough good in people to have optimism.

Wish this would happen in real life. And then... there was COVID. Here we've had the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and build a new, better tomorrow, but look at the mess we've made.
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Making the Cut: Face Off (2021)
Season 2, Episode 4
24 July 2021
Why was Tim Gunn so mean to Olivia? What I always loved about him on Project Runway was how supportive he was. She was clearly struggling. He could have helped her. Jeremy Scott is just always mean and dressed like a clown. What was so great about Isaac Misrahi, Zac Posen, and Michael Kors was that they were kind and mentored contestants. This guy is tacky and cruel. Winny Harlow is completely unqualified to judge; she doesn't appear to have any technical knowledge. Heidi Klum has no taste. You don't get any of the joy of the creative process. I guess that's it; this show is missing the joy and heart of Project Runway. Ugh. What a disappointment.
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Good Capsule of a Time We've Fortunately Progressed Beyond
31 May 2021
This has not aged well at all, but it's a good reflection of the time. It would be helpful for young women nowadays to see what us older women had to contend with. It isn't even funny; just hateful.
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It's a PERFORATED septum
30 April 2021
This movie is awful. Just rotten. And there's a big running theme (I won't call it a joke) about a perforated septum, but this movie is so badly written, that they keep calling it a deviated septum.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
I'm almost done watching this series for the third time in two weeks
12 February 2021
I couldn't love it more. It's funny, sweet, smart. The characters and actors are wonderful. Great music by Marcus Mumford. Richmond Green is so pretty. This show ranks up there with Veep, which has been my favorite show for a very long time. I loved the Premier League on NBC ad when it aired, but this is so much better. Jason Sudeikis is so lovable. DANNY ROJAS!!!
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Bling Empire (2021–2022)
This would be Trashy Fun without Christine
23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Like Real Housewives. A few of the people seem decent, and there's a storyline about domestic abuse that's compelling, but Christine is like nails on a chalkboard. I'd give it another shot if they edit her out.
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Great Movie
29 November 2020
This is a very real story about the tough choices you have to make in life. I think what makes it great is that it explores the gray areas. People aren't just good or bad, and that's what makes those choices so hard. I see a lot of truth in it, based upon my cousins' lives and my ex-boyfriend's life. The acting is fantastic. Glenn Close became the grandma (you'd expect no less of her), and I really hated Amy Adams' character. Both young and older JD and Usha were great, as well. I'm grateful that this was released on Netflix, so I got to watch it this weekend. Multiple people had recommended the book to me, and now I see why.
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