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I Am Legend (2007)
Excellent performance from smith,intense, raw and a unique insight.
25 December 2007
I had high expectations for this movie since there's quite the hype, plus Smith's in it. Its not as gory, or like such films as 28 weeks later nor any other in its genre. But the interest and rawness is from the observatory and moving portrayal of Smith. It feels through out the movie the feeling of reality gone horribly wrong and how such impossibility is dealt with and dealt with very well, through a well acted character. You feel for him, you follow and anticipate what he does and observe closely as your hooked from the start.

His reactions and ways to keep himself sane is reminiscent of cast away. Though in this his relationship with the dog is inspirational as it is sad. Its a moving movie an imaginative one. Great performance from Smith. It is intense through out keeping you at the edge of your seat. The downsides are the infected monsters appearance while it is alright, it wasn't as scary as i anticipated. Through seeing transformers and 300 the level of cgi really went up and I felt as if it could have been more lifelike. It could have been longer too, a hour more would have made it even more perfect. But overall very interesting movie and you won't be disappointed, just remember to keep an open mind and appreciate the acting not just the gore or horror.
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Heat (1995)
Unforgettable shoot out Al and De Niro's there period.
22 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This film is just captivating and raw. I love the captured realness of the action particularly the scenes with guns. This film is long but, worth anyones time. Brilliant filmaking and for those who hated it, have no knowledge of what a great film is. OK so the story is not as strong, but character wise, my favorite actors did well convincingly.

The shoot out scene is worth the time alone seeing the whole movie. Its definitely one of the best captured. It gave me goosebumps how real it felt watching the bank robbery. Overall just an amazing film that shouldn't be missed by anyone who proclaims themselves as movie buff's.

If you liked the action here of course you can't miss, The kingdom, Four brothers, SCARFACE and Dragon heat. 10/10 Pacino and Deniro for the 2ndth time.Watch out for Righteous kill.
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Slam Dunk (1993–1996)
The best sport/basketball anime ever made.The funniest of all time too.
22 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
To anyone who followed the whole series you will never forget Sakuragi, Sendoh and of course rukawa.Saw this series back in 2001 and got hooked right away. The clever mix of basketball, character personalities and comedy is so effective. This is one of the rare anime's i'll always remember. If not the funniest ever then its definitely up there.

Hopefully the movie thats being made is up to the part and loyal to the theme of the anime. If you haven't seen it try to get hold of it, you wont regret following the series even if it is 14 years ago now. I guarantee you'll have the biggest laughs in an anime series. The only downside is they never made the part after episode 101. I hoped for a longest time they would produce the national championship season. Anyway Im still thankfull there is the 101 eps to be passed on.

10/10 no doubt SLAM DUNK ALWAYS".
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Superbad (2007)
Super cool,Super hilarious,Super awesome,SuperBad indeed.!!!!
9 December 2007
By far the most unexpected movie for me in such a long time. I'm glad I saw this by far the funniest all year. The characters work, they seem real enough, raw, charismatic for both the two lead cast. They did great playing their roles specially through those laugh out loud situations. The plot? damn the plot when there's mclovin and two Mofo's trying to get booze and getting laid by the last girls that would with them.

This is one of the best movie's this year a very different outlook on comedy, accurately done to project the stupidic purpose. But hey its all about the laughter and you cant miss this one. Extremely recommended. Even the portrayal of two bestfriends loving each other is awkward as it is hilarious to watch. 10/10 jonah did pull through here.
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The Kingdom (2007)
Thrilling,best shootouts since I saw HEAT.worth the time.
8 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't really expect anything from this movie. Just the typical terrosist driven, plotted film. But man this has to be in the top 5 movies I've seen all year. Jamie foxx is great as always and so did the rest of the cast. The support saudi cast is well performed and acted as I fell for faris's last moment.

This movie is intense, thrilling, raw, action packed and well paced. The middle was lacking a bit of pace but the start and the ending has got to be the most intense shoot outs I've seen in a long time. I was hooked from the beginning to end which seldomly happens. Plot wise not necessarily at optimum but wasn't weak nether. This was worth my time and definitely recommended. The ending itself is worth the wait, lets just say it involves normal customs of beheading done in a very nail biting,thrilling sequence. Watch it, won't be disappointed. 10
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Rush Hour 3 (2007)
another movie ruined by RATNER....
22 September 2007
Wow after the rushed x-men 3 ratner had to ruin one of the most anticipated movies for me this year. I've followed all of Chan's movies specially his hong kong movies and sad to see him belittled by such irresponsible and childish ratner. Chan can do a lot more than what he was given to work with, jeez the writers and directors should have focused more on new material and the one that Chan does best. Hollywood just cant seem to capture the Jackie Chan magic. He should be given more freedom to do things his way because thats were all the amazing stunts and what not comes out of.

The dojo scene, Eiffel tower scene and the ending credits is basically the only thing worth watching. Tuckers the same, although the guy who played kenji had chemistry with Chan on screen. I would never again expect anything from a Ratner film. It really disgraces 1 and 2. The only reason i gave it an 8 is because I'm a big fan of Jackie.
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The old Jackie the better Jackie..One of his finest..
1 September 2007
I guess as much as the people who's come to be fans for so long there will always be critics and haters. But putting that aside having almost 40 of his movies is safe to say I'm an avid fan. I love his hong kong films, very funny, jaw dropping stunts and just pure entertainment. From drunken master to police story to dragons forever, rumble in the bronx and so on.

This movie projects more of his acting skills and injects quite a lot of drama and seriousness to the concept. I really don't care about what critics say because for us who grew up following his career, nothing means more than his presence and talents on screen once more. The masters in his 50's yet he can still pull it off. Expect a crime story kind of performance through out the movie. Tse pulls it off as a support and indeed a growing talent. Still filled with action, decent plot, signature stunts and a little bit more of drama. Definitely back to his old roots which till today I'm interested in. Much respect to Mr. Yuen lo(J.C.)
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Gorgeous (1999)
Brilliant, action with style and as always chan's touch of comedy and charisma....
9 August 2007
I love it when Chan goes back to his roots of hong Kong action, comedy flicks. There's more rawness and freedom of doing amazing and stylistic action sequences. This one's no different, apart from a little bit more of romance going on. The fight scenes are orchestrated brilliantly, specially a one on one clean but ass kicking match with a smaller opponent.

Expect no less from the master himself. Definitely one of the rare stars that has lasted and hope to last even more. Jackie's proved himself over and over and he deserves every bit of respect and credit. For the movie itself, just enjoy,
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Amazing visuals, solid acting, thrilling plot and mind blowing wizard action...a movie fan review...
28 July 2007
First of all I'm one of the few who haven't read the books yet, rather an avid fan of the movies. From the very first HP I've been hooked to following an inspiring, adventurous and magical journey of these magical characters.

The 5th installment doesn't disappoint overall. The plot, cgi's, actors, action, the dark theme and amazing visuals and presentation overall was just as impressive as it's predecessors. Though as a movie fan I had very high expectations specially after the goblet of fire. It was just as impressive yet something was missing. The other 4 left me satisfied, almost like a metaphor for a full circled movie. There were no holes everything was explained at the same time provided immense entertainment.

This one left a little hole, maybe I expected more explanation of all the characters actions, or maybe I wanted to see more wizardry namely more wizard action. Or maybe more development of cho's and Harry's relation. But ultimately the fight sequences were just flawless.

Different director, different projection. A minor flaw, because what really matters is the magic was still there, it was intense and most of all entertaining. Another masterful installment of the brilliant novel. 9/10 - Lets hope this is Yates last endeavor.
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Transformers (2007)
Visually stunning, funny and the epitome of coolness....
21 July 2007
Wow, this movie just blew me away. I didn't have very high expectations but this just amazingly projected a stylistic vision of what is Transformers.

Not an avid fan but I did see some of the cartoons growing up. It was cool cars and what not transforming, good versus evil, Optimus vs Megatron, it was all gravy. But never have I imagined such stunning visuals and an individualistic adaptation so intense, just purely entertaining as it is impressive.

From a viewers opinion, I wouldn't really convey the fact of some slight changes to the originals rather accept the fact that this is one of the few movies that amazes me in terms of visuals, plot and pace. Of course there's Megan Fox, who adds even more spice to the film.

The only worry before watching this was the length and I'm relieved that it was just long enough to fit in all the necessary components to make it one hell of a movie. Michael Bay yet again stays true to his usual style of blowing up everything in sight but, no protest there its fun to watch. 10/10 watch it. No disappointments, except for the die hard fans who complain about the drastic changes.
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ALAS the last episode that goes out with a bang...
8 July 2007
The best of the three prequels with amazing projection same as the originals. This has a different feel, the star wars feel. Certainly satisfying most fans urge for a last star wars masterpiece. The cgi's were truly breathtaking and so as the fights scenes. Concentration on the main characters and sticking to the original plot without any sideplots or minor characters ruining the show,made it even more interesting.

Palpatine, Anakin, obi wan, dooku, yoda and lots of jedi's steals the show for me pretty much. Till this day the imagination of jedi's is still one of the best from the star wars franchise. The saber fights, exhilarating, fascinating and raw as it comes. For someone who saw the first star wars movie back in 95 at age 7, though it was late I became a fan. I love the star wars movies but other than that nothing more. But it still doesn't take away the fact that these franchise left a solid mark on the industry and the world.

A rare story and fantasy world brought to life in such a masterful and original way. I assume any fan or someone who just wants to watch the last of the saga won't be disappointed. Rarely do i find myself lost into another world because of the brilliance of how a movie is projected and made, besides the lord of the rings trilogy.

The last of the collection, make sure you have it. 10/10
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Genuinely disturbing, disgusting yet engaging........
7 June 2007
I really didn't expect this movie to be so disturbing and raw. Ichi the killer as the title already gave a hint for the gorefest and violence. I have seen a lot of different movies and consider myself having a strong stomach with violent, blood ridden films. But by far this is the hardest movie to watch for me. I even stopped it a few times just to think about continuing or not. But I did, the characters were engaging at the same time viciously scary to watch.

The way violence, sexual sadism and torture portrayed was sickening as it is so raw. The difference with this movie from others is that a lot of the content are actually possible and have a sense of reality. Thats the scary part, unlike horror films just imagining these horrific acts is torture itself to a weak perception of a viewer.

There are some dark humour within, very few, unlike Versus which I prefer, because the mix of humour eased the tension of all the violence. In any case, this isn't for everyone, but the film was actually well acted on and well made. Ichi and kakihara, of course stand out.

FInally just to give you an insight before you see it, there is a lot of sadistic violence sexually and torture. The one that really stuck with me is, an insane kakihara cutting of his own tongue(yes i stopped it at this part), the violent rapes, you get the picture. I only recommend it to those who has a wide perception and a strong, matured concept of reality. As they say not for the faint of hearts.
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Scarface (1983)
"I neva f***** anybody over in my life that didn't have it coming to them"-Simply The most raw and influential character played by Pacino..
3 June 2007
To start of, I don't understand why there's still people who hate this movie. What kind of world are you in, stating that its the worst movie ever made(common, then again your ignorance precedes you). This has to be the best of its genre of crimes, gangsters and violence. Ever since a lot of people kept rambling about this even 20 years after it's released, I've been dying to see what the fuss is about. comedians, rappers, actors always referring or quoting SCARFACE.

After watching it i could understand why this movies so influential and so popular. Pacino displayed a distinct kind of acting that really made a mark on me. He was and became Tony Montana. No one else could have filled this arrogant, angry, ambitious, fearless and fierce persona other than Pacino. The portrayal of the character is so believable, intense and raw. As a viewer and admirer, you will cheer and follow his every move to become a vicious gangster and drug-lord. This is Pacino at his best and a role of a lifetime. Truly an amazing take into the character of Montana, he really gave it an icon for all those who love this genre. Much respect for Pacino in this masterpiece.

The violence, rawness, intensity, an insight to the mind of an ambitious criminal. The direction, action, drama, depiction of Scarface is unmatched. A story, a film that you have to see once in a lifetime. The rise and fall of Tony Monatana, a wonderful masterpiece.

10/10 - Don't listen to critics, enjoy this to its full potential.
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One of the best if not Jet li's finest.....
28 May 2007
First of all to all the negative people that commented, I truly am ambiguous about your points about weak plots, translations, clichés and what not. This movie is almost like a tribute to Chinese connection only refined, intensified and Jet lified. On that basis alone what the hell is it with your complaints about the plot, clearly only those unfamiliar with this genre is that stupid to do so.

Personally this has to be one of my favorite martial arts flick if not the my fav of all. Simply because when I saw it for the first time it amazed and blew me away. The fighting scenes are purely awesome and raw as it is intense. The fewer use of wire works even made it so unique and natural. It really further showcased Jet li at his prime speed, strength, agility and flexibility projected on screen. The rest of the cast did good and that girl was cute. All the fight scenes are just mind blowing, specially the last one and the choreography's at it's finest level.

I've seen this quite a lot of times and a must see for any real martial arts fans. Truly a martial arts masterpiece.
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Hard,raw,intense, plain awesome.....
26 May 2007
Wow this film really made me a fan of tony jaa. The wondrous nature of this whole film is the intense fight scenes completely wireless and far, far away from cgi's. Where modern flicks rely heavily on cgi's, this one gets its intensity and strength from it's rawness. Which brings me to the amazing talent of Jaa. This guys awesome projection of an exceptional form of martial arts that is muay thai. The action just blew me away, all is naturally done by this gifted martial artists. I love the choreography, its truly impressive, the market chase, underground fights, the final fight, basically every fight. Needless to say the whole movie is intensely entertaining.

Who cares about the plot with this kind of genre(common negative commentating people). The plot is second to the purpose of showing Jaa's skills and talents. To show how a raw form of fighting can be so pleasing to the likes of cgi's or wire works. I love those three but this definitely raised the bar on natural fighting projected on screen. Its impressive and amazing to watch and a plus because its closer to reality.

Critical people are inevitable to complain about the plot, but hell your the ones who don't understand squat, thats why you keep on whining about it. Ignorant and close minded people tend to compare this to others, well clearly you have no idea about this genre so just run along to your sophisticated, idealistic, moralistic, philosophically correct movies.
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Chow's genius comic brand displayed once again....
26 May 2007
I expected a lot from this since I loved shaolin soccers brand of humor not to mention brilliant cgi. But man oh man, Chow did it again impressing me even more. This is totally insane, hilarious and just pure fun and entertainment. I don't know about some people but if you don't find that throwing of 3 knives scene hilarious then you got some issues. Don't take the movie too seriously expecting philosophical idealistic projection of life's depth, because if you are, run along. Fortunately I'm one of the millions of people who perceive Chow's humor to be funny, but of course not everyone can understand the style and brand of his comic performance. Nevertheless all we ask is to put your critical minds aside and enjoy this kung fu masterpiece.

I love the martial arts, the insane take on super-fu, slap stick comedy mixed along with showing the reality of average peoples lives. Cultural barriers may occur when people from all over the world see this, but as I said, don't take it critical nor seriously and your guaranteed to enjoy this gem. Truly another amazing, entertaining, fun flick from Chow.I'm looking forward to his next projects.
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Deja Vu (2006)
Terrific, thrilling, engaging .....
26 May 2007
This film really surprised me. I got a lot more than I expected which was to see a stereotypical action, sci-fi, thriller. But it wasn't at all, it's engaging from start to finish, as you follow every move of the protagonist you succumb to his struggle, his weakness, his hope. This definitely impressed me, with it's clever take on scientific experimentations on changing a future. The way they project the notion is quite over the top but sure is acceptable for the way technologies going on right now. rarely do I actually enjoy a movie for what it is and it's contents, but this one really made an impact.

Denzel plays his role as refined as always, as does the rest of the cast, except maybe that I had a little problem accepting caviezels performance. It's probably because his characters undeveloped and all I new about him was that he got rejected by the government as part of the service. Which brings to the conclusion that he really is messed up in the head, why bomb just for an unjustified reason, yes once again his character is crazy. Still I wasn't convinced on his portrayal(it wasn't intense enough). Coming back to the film, it's brilliant explosions, use of effects, camera techniques, that car chase, and unique story telling is definitely worth anyones time. Highly recommended.
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Confusing but one hell of an entertainment.....
25 May 2007
The weakness of this comes from the confusing storytelling, plots often coming out of nowhere. But it really didn't matter because I still enjoyed it to it's full length. Once you actually accept that this movies not to be taken too seriously then you'll enjoy it even more. It's basically a love story, a confusing one at first but as it evolves it really is something worthwhile. Sure it's been done so many times before but the complicated version of this is quite inspiring and touching.

The over the top fantasy and cgi was overwhelming at first but I still enjoyed its purpose. And people quit whining about how it borrowed from other movies!! Guess what we know!! And it doesn't really matter because its purpose was to humour and entertain. Sometimes people has to stop being so critical and think for a moment before they start yapping about. Comparing this to Hollywood standards is utterly stupid and ignorant, It's a totally different style and target audience. As far as I'm concerned some the best films I've feasted my eyes upon are from eastern producers and directors. There's your Police story 4,shaolin soccer, kung fu hustle, dragon tiger gate, fist of legend, hero, crouching tiger etc...I for one like this movie and haling from the Philippines, US, england, Libya and now Australia, I'll always be interested in these types of films. Now try and judge my perception, but I warn you I do see things from from the point of view of those 5 countries I've lived in. So you better be as experienced and open minded.
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The Matrix (1999)
The modern film that intensely impacted on raising the bar even higher...
25 May 2007
im_veritas_photo = a critical, lonely, ignorant, needs to chill out person. Who would watch matrix again you say? Well too bad cause millions of people have and I'm one of them. You wonder why your not impressed, because of how your mind works thats why. I'm sorry for not accepting your stupid comment but, your putting down a modern classic of film history. When matrix graced the screens it has impacted highly throughout the world more than most films. Not everyone can be as critical as you, stating every flaws you can see.

Ask yourself, why do people watch films? Well if you have no slightest clue then here it is, simple, so your closed mind can understand. BECAUSE WE WANT TO BE ENTERTAINED AND WANT OUR MINDS TO BE OCCUPIED IN ORDER TO GET AWAY FROM OUR REALITY. Truly matrix has done so in more ways opening up an interesting concept of the future ahead, it's projection of reality within reality is interesting.

The whole message really is simple, our present world has been taken over with technology to ease our lives. Only in the matrix they vent to the possibility that with what is going on now it can create superior advancements of machines if were not careful. Reeves and the rest gave a great performance for their roles as well as being convincing with the fight scenes. And who can forget bullet time!! If you can't appreciate this film for it's amazing take on the sci-fi, kung fu, action and romance, then clearly it isn't for you. So do all the fans out there a favor and not put out hateful comments(without acceptable reasoning), because naturally all those who appreciate this will disagree and waste their time too defending this film, like me.
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Kickstarted a new way of storytelling with intense action and beautiful cinematography..
24 May 2007
First of all I'm not a very big on films like these, except jet li's and maybe iron monkey. I know the whole idea of flying around and jumping of walls inhumanly as possible is quite hard to take if your not familiar with the kind of genre. But it does'not really matter because the content itself is just amazingly beautifully projected and executed. And yes it has changed my view on films like these, for starters it blew me away. The unreal aspects is taken over by the immense acting talents, the swordplay, the story. Truly deserving of any awards it has received and it really has attracted more world recognition of martial arts, action, drama, wire works intertwined into a one of a kind movie.

It's certainly one of the movies where it creates such an impact just like, star wars or the matrix did on me. This is that kind of movie to me(the eastern version). Overall anyone should be able to see it once in their lifetime to appreciate an amazing gem that is Crouching tiger/hidden dragon.
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Truly amazing and unexpectedly exceptional.....
24 May 2007
I bought the DVD of shinobi without high expectations, simply because I was curious to see a live version of the manga. But it totally blew me away. Only a few fight sequences but one of the best one's I've seen. Nakama Yukie and Odagiri Joe's performance was great specially Odagiri's portrayal of gennouske. The true motive of the story is the choice of responsibility or love. I won't ruin it for those who has yet to feast their eyes upon this gem. But really watch out for odagiri's main fight(man this is just a dream come true, like seeing himura kenshin live in action).

I read one of the comments stated and I must disagree on how you see azumi 1 and 2 as a disappointment to Japanese movies. As far as I know these films drew even more people to watch out for amazing Japanese masterpieces. I, coming from Australia support those kind of films and surely this one. I love the wire works and cgi's, they look natural. This movies are the reason why i continue to crave for more Japanese gems. Once again truly amazing, I didn't expect anything of this caliber. I'm glad I stumbled upon such a great film. Watch it you can't miss this.
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Azumi once more..stilll worth the watch...
24 May 2007
I'm a huge fan of the first one and as much as i hate agreeing with some of the comments, well I do. This isn't even close to the first, simply because kitamura's touch was missing badly. The unique sense of camera angles, sword fights, wire work etc... There's still plenty of violence and blood but not quite as impressive and breathtaking as the first. I hoped for kitamura's direction as it really would have been more intense than the first but not everything goes our way. Still the acting was good and the scene with a copy of the ninja scroll sword boomerang was pretty cool I must say.

Nevertheless I still love this simply because I love the franchise of this type of samurai flick and once again the cute aya ueto's presence once more. Recommended to all action and samurai fans out there. 10/10 simply because it's still a great movie with ueto in it...
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Azumi (2003)
NOT OK..but amazing, smooth a live anime...
24 May 2007
Reading some bad comments i can't agree on any of your hate towards the movie. For this type of genre it's usually for entertainment value given that there's a lot of violence and action. Don't expect a deep story that you crave upon, making you think beyond whats shown in front of your two ignorant eyes. "Oh there's no plot, it's too long, bad directing", guess what your too critical and shallow.

This movie is breathtaking in a sense that it gets you hooked and leaves you wanting for more samurai action. Probably one of the best wire works I've seen besides dragon tiger gate. The sword fights are amazing and distinct, it does'not drag on too long making it look realistic as possible(think zatoichi). Aya ueto is one hell of a cutie besides being a tough samurai chick. Her presence helps the movie easier to view with all the blood and violence. This role was made for her. Overall the violent fighting scenes makes it very unique and truly exceptional. I love Versus but I like this a bit better(maybe because aya ueto's in it)haha...You like violent samurai action packed flick don't miss this.
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Comedy and action mixed quite well
24 May 2007
I loved this film even though im not familiar with the first two. I had no idea of what was in store before watching this, except that the title itself projects a sense of violence. I love gangster movies and after seeing this i even loved it more. It's different than the average gangster genre given that it has quite a lot of comedy interplay with the story. The actors aren't familiar to me except Qi shu which portrayed the role in a hardcore tough yet so fine and sexy way.

The comedy was very funny at times see for yourself. I liked the car chase scene it's something new, fresh, comic and a very sensual idea(you'll understand when you see it). It's cool to see interesting movies once in a while and this one is certainly the one you can't miss. Truly entertaining, overall funny, cool action scenes and a bit of that comic romance. Watch it, its worthwhile.
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Training Day (2001)
Impressive, immense impact from Washington...
24 May 2007
I stumbled across this amazing film not expecting anything special. But I was completely blown away by the content and theme of this. Only being revolved around two guys, Washington and Hawke. Washington being the so called mentor for the newbie Hawke. Though as a rookie would expect everything to be by the book and to only follow orders he is completely confused and unaware of what Washingtons true methods are. Methods of violence and brutality against criminals unorthodoxed. To be smarter and more cunning than any criminal they fight against is whats become of Washington.

Their 24 hour ordeal is action packed thriller with an amazing performance by Washington and truly worthy of an Oscar. His portrayal of a cop gone completely insane with his credibility of being a "someone" important and big is truly impressive. There's a unique sense of portrayal of the character from Washington. The scene with the Mexican gangsters is thrilling at the same time this movie gave a feel of realism in connection to the present world.

Denzel stepping out of his usual goodie good role at the same time playing it with intensity and command. An amazing movie with amazing performances, you wouldn't think much of it just by the title, but try it and it may end up blowing you away. And yes there's that scene with eva mendez!! Now you'll want to watch it more. No? But really this movies worth your time so go see it if you haven't.
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