
41 Reviews
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Unstable (2023– )
Good potential. Annoying writing.
1 April 2023
I was please to see this new show with the easily watchable Rob Lowe. Unlike others, it bothers me not in the slightest that his son also appears. Everyone in a position to do so helps their kids - especially if they have an altitude for something. What does grate a little with me is the writing: People just don't talk like this. Every line is a testament to "look how clever my writing is" and the constant unnatural loquaciousness of the dialogue is unrealistic and distracting. On the upside, the premise is a good one and the Lowes work well together. It's often the case that a show needs 3-6 episodes to "settle in" and hopefully, this show will do so and become an entertaining watch.
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Criminal Minds: Dead End (2023)
Season 16, Episode 10
11 February 2023
So I've been a big fan since season 1 and I still am, but it's so annoying to have the entire season dedicated to a single plot line. I miss the old days when each episode was a separate story and was concluded at the end of the episode. I find the long story arc wearing and, I have to say, a little boring. Here's hoping that the next season picks up the pace and gets back to the roots that made the show great.

The single plot line across an entire season forces a slower pacing and the tension and energy of the story suffers as a result. Now that the show is down some major characters, this lack of pace is amplified and becomes quite tiresome - even a chore to some extent.
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Weird. Just.... Weird
21 December 2022
Remember when movies had likeable characters who were interesting to watch and had chemistry? Me too, but this car crash will not remind you of any of these things. The lead characters are just devoid of any personality and manage to have zero chemistry - despite being married in real life! I found the male lead came off quite creepy (which may have been intentional ) and the female lead just unbelievable as a real character. I'm not sure what the producers of this movie were trying to achieve, but they managed to make a movie so unappealing that I just couldn't watch past 15 minutes. Life is too short.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Yawn fest
25 October 2022
This comes across as a wannabe psychological thriller, but the plot doesn't have the chops for it. Naiomi Watts gives a creditable performance as the dutiful but stressed wife, but the other characters are quite shallow and not particularly believable. The trailer for the show sets us up for a horror fest of epic proportions, and I feel let down by the actual product, which is a snooze fest of epic proportions. There are the usual references to the current narrative of course, which has become as predictable (and as hollow) as the rest of the show. In summary, unless you have a lot of time to kill and nothing to watch, I advise you to. It invest in this show, but instead to watch one of the many "old" psychological thrillers which actually deliver on their promises.
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The Rookie: Feds (2022–2023)
Unrealised potential
1 October 2022
The lead character is very watchable as a personality inner own right. She's likeable and funny. She's also the least realistic FBI agent I've ever seen. The show is so unrealistic it comes off like a parody of the "rebel FBI agent" genre but with none of the comedy. This is a shame, because the show and this cast has the potential to pull off a light-hearted take on the genre that could be compelling in a way that reminds me of Axel Foley in "Beverly Hills Cop".

The plot lines seem believable enough, if a little "rookie done good", but there needs to be an air of believability to the lead character in order not to make a mockery of the respected institution that is the subject of the show.
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Only Tom could have made this movie
30 August 2022
This movie, on a big screen, is why I love movies. It's a roller coaster ride of the kind that we rarely (if ever) see any more. A throwback to blockbuster movies but also a leap forward in technology and storytelling. Truly stunning cinematography and aerial sequences that will leave you breathless. When you've finished the movie, if you have any energy left, watch the behind the scenes segments to really appreciate how this work was made. An absolutely monstrous effort was made by the actors and crew to bring this movie to life and it truly is a joy to behold.

IMDB requires 600 characters minimum for a review, but "Maverick" needs only two words: Thanks Tom.
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Good Trouble (2019–2024)
Spoiled by one-sided politics
24 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
With an interesting premise and interesting characters, this show could be much better were it not for the constant (and I mean CONSTANT UNRELENTING) left wing propaganda. They even go so far as to have on-screen graphics that reinforce the messaging - it's pretty hardcore and obvious social engineering. I honestly wouldn't have a problem with this, if there was even some recognition of opposing viewpoints. A great storyline could have been made out of the differing viewpoints between Callie and her republican boyfriend, but other than portraying him as a kind of nice guy with some crazy views, this opportunity was wasted.

Unfortunately for the producers, many of the issues and heroes portrayed as the vanguard of progressiveness have not aged well (Patrice Cullors for example) and this robs the show of any semblance of credibility.

I've managed to grimace through 2 seasons, but I'm getting so tired of being lectured to, I'm not going to suffer any more. What a waste of a good opportunity.
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11.22.63 (2016)
24 June 2022
I've just finished watching 11-22-63 for the second time in 2022. This is without a doubt my favourite TV series of all time. Hard to explain why without possibly spoiling something, so I'll just say that if you are a fan of time travel stories with an excellent plot, you will LOVE this. The acting and special effects are outstanding and if you can watch this without giving a little of your heart to Sadie and Jake, you are surely made of stone. This work, this story, this experience, is nothing less than magical.
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The Lost City (2022)
3 June 2022
A weak script with banal dialogue and lacklustre editing makes this a barely watchable effort. Disappointing to see a good cast struggling to generate an ounce of chemistry. A longtime Bullock fan, even I only made it through the first long half hour.
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Ok, but lacking connections
6 February 2022
I couldn't help but feel that this movie had everything it needed to be great, but lacked a certain level of charisma between not just the leads, but also the supporting characters. The only stand out real character for me was Corbin Bernsen, who shone in even his brief scenes. What is it that say, McConoughey and Hudson or Gere and Roberts have that was missing here? Old fashioned charisma. Other great ROM Coms also manage great connections between the leads and their supporting actors and it's this that gives a character depth, realism and above all, likeability. Sadly, these are traits missing from 95% of modern day rom coms.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
22 October 2021
After the massive over-sell of the trailer I have been waiting for a good exciting alien invasion drama. Sadly, I'm still waiting. The first episode couldn't hold my attention - and I am in the prime demo for this show.

So sad to see the obvious influences of Spielberg wasted on such a slow plot. The storytelling is poor (half the time I couldn't work out why people were doing things). The cinematography is the now ubiquitous "so dark you can hardly see anything" and I don't think there was a single element to this show that I can be bothered to suffer through another episode for.
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Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
Hated it
17 September 2021
I know it's an homage etc etc but this depressing weirdness is not what I watch Ted Lasso for.
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My wife said...
15 August 2021
That this movie is marginally more interesting than me.

The divorce is final next month.
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Feel good, easy romcom.
31 July 2021
Lots of people compelled to leave a 1 star review who seemed surprised that this movie was exactly what one would expect - it's just a feel-good romcom. Great scenery, sun, colourful and yes, a somewhat cheesy romcom plot. In other words, precisely what the trailer promised. If you need some escapism, where no one gets shot or assaulted, contracts a deadly disease or has to deal with anything more traumatic than a splinter, then yes, you'll enjoy this movie.
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Sex/Life (2021–2023)
Loved it.
25 July 2021
Wow there are a lot of people out there who take life very seriously. I bet they are fun at parties. I loved this show and I took it for what it was intended to be: entertainment. I thought the story was great and the characters believable. Really great sex scenes. I'm going to watch it again and again, pertly for my own enjoyment and partly because I think some people might actually lie awake fuming just thinking about it.
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26 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OK so I did enjoy the show. Scott Foley was unexpectedly a good, down to earth presenter. But I'm sorry, I just don't buy that the designers made those pieces in 3 days. As for Ellen, her involvement seemed pointless. After several episodes of Mark's broken and poorly constructed pieces, he still wins. Nope, I smell BS.
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Love's Last Resort (2017 TV Movie)
Light-hearted romcom.
10 April 2021
I'm a little shocked at how seriously people are taking a Hallmark movie. Lighten up people! This is supposed to be an easy to watch family romcom. It's not supposed to be Schindler's List. April Bowlby is fun to watch as always and I have actually visited The Wigwam resort in Phoenix, so that was a fun bit of nostalgia.
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Shockingly Bad
27 March 2021
Wow, where to begin...

A truly awful script, with dialogue that must, surely have been written by a young child. People just don't talk, or behave like this, except possibly in low-end pornos. If that were not enough, the editing is shocking: Long lingering shots of various oceans, lakes and water features make me suspect the editor is a nostalgic sailor. Then there is the use of just about every clichè in the book. You really don't need to see this movie - you've already seen it, but better versions of it. If it has one saving grace (see what I did there?) it is that everyone in your lounge will look at each other periodically in confusion and say "What???" which is actually a bonding experience. If you do choose to watch it, do so quite drunk and maybe you can interpret this rambling mess as some kind of twisted black comedy. If so, I wish you good luck.
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Money Heist (2017–2021)
18 March 2021
Not since "24" have I enjoyed a TV show this much. Are there moments that are a bit unrealistic? Of course - but it's so much fun I just don't care! This is what Hollywood has forgotten how to do - just tell a damn good story. Don't watch it with an English soundtrack though - it's awful. Watch in Spanish audio with subtitles and revel in the glorious atmosphere of Spanish crime. Bella Ciao!
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Firefly Lane (2021–2023)
Like the show.
7 February 2021
But why does Hollywood love vomit? Seems like every show - and always while I'm eating of course - shows someone vomiting. We get it, you don't need to show the graphic detail.
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The 2nd (2020)
What on Earth Happened?
15 November 2020
In a nutshell:

Fire the writers, the director and the actors. They were all awful.

Give the guy who edited the trailer an Oscar. He was amazing.
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26 July 2020
A shining example of how to take all the right ingredients for a simple, fun rom-com and still manage to make a soul-less movie out of them. I wasn't expecting an Oscar-worthy production and I usually like the romantic comedy genre in spite of (and maybe because of) it's schmaltzy predictability.

There is however, one ingredient that must be present even if all of the others are lacking: Chemistry. For any rom-com to work, there has to be believable chemistry between the leads. Sadly, there is none to be found here. Also, frustratingly, there are many wasted opportunities to make scenes funnier, but they either weren't taken, or were half-hearted.

In the end, the movie turned out ironically to be like Lucy's character: Full of potential but somehow unable to realise it.
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365 Days (2020)
OK as a comedy.
14 June 2020
Wow. Startlingly bad and incredibly cringeworthy. Sex scenes are strangely un-sexy and reminiscent of bad porn. Would have been much better had it been subtitles rather than all the strange English. Watch it for a laugh if you're bored, but don't expect the production quality to be any better than something you could have shot with an iPhone.
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The High Note (2020)
31 May 2020
I stuck with it for an hour before picking up my phone. The movie was ok, but I was disappointed by the slow pace and the irony of a film about "real" music having some pretty obvious auto tuning.
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Black Mirror: The National Anthem (2011)
Season 1, Episode 1
Was this written by a child?
16 May 2020
Probably the most ludicrous premise for a "drama" that I have ever been unfortunate enough to witness. Nothing about it has any basis in reality and I find it insulting that I'm expected to believe this drivel. It's also disturbing that someone with no knowledge of the real world actually got paid to write this.
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