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Interesting concept, but very boring
5 April 2024
The Zone of Interest is very slow and very boring. I would be surprised if many people make it through the entire movie. I watched to the end, but my goal after about 60 minutes was writing a review warning viewers against wasting their time.

The film attempts to create a metaphor showing normal family life juxtaposed to the horror of the Hollocaust. Specifically, we watch a camp director and his German family living a "normal" existence next to a Concentration Camp. Emphasizing the eccentricity, the camp's wall with its barbed wire top borders the family's homestead where the children play.

The film's premise and metaphor fail. You never see the atrocities (which is not necessary for a film's plot), but only hear some screams, gunshots, and the constant sound of the human disposal ovens. Even the film's opening goes blank for an extended time, making the audience wonder if there is a visual failure.
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Weak plot due to abrupt change
28 January 2023
This is generally a good movie, but it has some flaws. The first sixty minutes of this movie moves slowly, but there is information that important for plot development. The story then takes a very improbable plot twist that most viewers will declare as bogus. After this, the story and action become very exciting. If you can get past the stupid plot twist, this is a good movie with an excellent action-filled ending. The last 20 minutes are very exciting when the confusing plot elements are resolved. Don't watch this for a well written screenplay, but instead view this for good acting from relatively unknown actors.
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The Canyon (2009)
A very good and well-executed story
27 February 2022
The Canyon is an excellent film that holds your attention for its entire duration. Yvonne Strzechowsk is the female lead. She does an exceptional job presenting both a vulnerable (in relation to her husband's predicament) and very strong (for everything else) character.

Watch this movie. You will not be disappointed.
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C- Bar, II (2019)
C-Bar, II is excellent
12 April 2020
Dockie Barnett is having a difficult time after losing a close friend and the sudden death of his wife. Meanwhile his enemy John Doe offers a large bounty to anyone capturing Dockie alive. John, his son and two daughters, and some additional gunmen set out on horseback for Dockie's ranch. Dockie is not waiting for these killers to reach his ranch and endanger his family, and he sets off to confront them in the desert. John Doe's mistake is underestimating how quickly Dockie can regain his resolution, and his ruthlessness when his family is threatened.

At 64 minutes, this is a relatively short movie, but the well written story and screenplay flow very well, and fit this time slot perfectly. The Arizona setting is beautiful and the excellent cinematography takes advantage of some extraordinary vistas. The movie is moderately violent. When someone is shot; you see the impact, wound and blood, and the victim's suffering.

There is a great deal of attention to detail in this movie. Most of the characters are not played by professional actors but instead portrayed by western reanimators, who are very conscious of authenticity. The cowboy clothing, horse tack, and western armament are very authentic. For example: The characters wear the separate gun belt and holster style actually used by real western cowboys instead of the "buscadero" one-piece holsters invented in the 1920's and used by Hollywood cowboys. The rifles and pistols are either the original model or accurate replicas.

This is a good movie that you will enjoy. The movie is a continuation of the previous film C-Bar, which is based upon Mark Baugher's acclaimed C-Bar book series.
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Gunsmoke: Hack Prine (1956)
Season 1, Episode 26
The Pilot That Wasn't
9 February 2020
This is the best Episode in Season One. Hack Prine was initially intended as the Pilot Episode for "Gunsmoke," but was pushed way back to the 26th episode in the first season. The series and the props (Matt's office furniture and layout, Matt's handgun configuration, the Long Branch saloon, the Dodge House hotel, and the town's layout) were not fully structured when this episode was filmed. You can read about the changes made immediately after this episode by viewing the Trivia section on this IMDB page. There are significant changes to the props and characters during the first 25 episodes, but everything stabilizes with episode 27, and remains that way through most of the series. Remember that Episode 26 was actually intended as the first (Pilot) episode.

The story is not complicated. A small group of corrupt businessmen in Dodge wants to eliminate Marshal Dillon, and they hire the gunfighter Hack Prine (Leo Gordon) to do the job. Hack is an old friend of Matt Dillon, but is still willing to shoot the Marshal down. Matt is not as inclined to kill Hack (he saved Matt's life years before) but considers his obligations to enforce the law as a US Marshal more significant than any perceived loyalty to an old friend.

Leo Gordon was one of the few actors capable of presenting a menacing character against the 6-foot/7-inch Marshal Dillon. The episode ends with a great gunfight that is staged in a realistic and exciting action sequence. This is certainly one of the very best Gunsmoke" episodes. It is a great "Pilot that did not end up as the Pilot."
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The Aeronauts (2019)
Do not miss viewing "The Aeronauts"
24 December 2019
I am surprised that anyone would rate this excellent movie with anything less than 6/10 (and more over the ridiculous 1/10 ratings I see here). This is a VERY GOOD movie. It's a family movie that presents some moments that create significant tension for adult viewers, but are safe for even young children.

The actors are wonderful. Felicity Jones and Eddie Redmayne deliver exceptional performances. The staging is brilliant: One example is the film's opening scene showing the multitude of carriages in the streets of London. These are real carriages and not always accurate to the timeframe, but the result on film is wonderful. Another great scene is Ms. Jones first appearance promoting her balloon flight to a London audience aimed to accomplish early studies in weather prediction principles.

I recommend this movie, and especially for family viewing. You will enjoy this and will be caught up in some of the very exciting scenes. The CG's are excellent, along with sets with actual models and real objects. It is a well done, providing a good balance of tension with a fun story.
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Mohawk (2017)
Mohawk is a very cheaply made movie, and it shows.
21 July 2018
Mohawk is a low budget indie with decent acting, good cinematography and sound; but a terrible screenplay. The actors actually do a decent job presenting the characters while overcoming a horrible script with poor dialogue and a ridiculous storyline.

This is a very cheaply made movie and, and it shows. There is a grand total of 18 total cast members, and less than half this number have a screen presence longer than 15 minutes. Costuming and makeup is a joke: The Native American characters wear modern machine-sewn clothing, and the makeup would be appropriate for a modern rock band. The screenplay is awful: Scenes meant to create suspense drag on forever and are never more than simply boring. The story's thread changes themes, and the ending is a metaphysical event that challenges even viewers who are willing to suspend their disbeliefs.

The Producer/Director is obviously interested in armaments (flintlock guns and cutlery - knives, razor blades, and swords) and the effect of these weapons when their projectiles or blades strike a human. Loading, firing and the sound of projectiles is very realistic. Special effects depicting gore are very realistic in this movie. The camera lingers over wounded characters as they bleed to death from various wounds.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Yellowstone - The best of Bonanza, Dallas, and Dynasty
25 June 2018
The Dutton family (the father, three sons, and a daughter) has philosophical, positional, and financial differences. The father (Kevin Costner as John Dutton) is a resolute leader, and his children share his determination and loyalty, but differ on the means to solutions. One son (Luke Grimes as Cory Dutton) finds himself outside the clan; but when his family loyalty is tested, he proves himself but at great expense.

Taylor Sheridan (Wind River, Hell or High Water, and Sicario) has done it again (creating a very interesting story with great action). His characters seem so real; and the dilemmas they face are so complex, but understandable. You actually feel Cory's pain when he is torn between his wife (and her Native American relatives) and his family. S1 E1 has a very emotional scene (Cory and his wife) that no one will dismiss; it's so real and well-acted.

Finally, no one does a better job presenting a gun fight than Taylor Sheridan. Taylor knows guns and he knows what happens when guns are fired. The gunfight in Wind River was exceptional, and Mr. Sheridan presents the same authenticity in Yellowstone.
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Skybound (2017)
Nice jet in a weak story.
2 March 2018
Skybound tells the story of a catastrophic event that leaves a group of friends and a stowaway stranded in flight above the Continental USA in a private jet. We watch as the characters attempt determining what is happening on the ground below them and where they need to land.

The cool private jet and the CGI are the best part of this movie. The screenplay, directing, and consequently acting, are poor. The characters seem uncomfortable and artificial. A rallying speech near the movie's ending is almost laughable. That scene, inserted in a comedy, would work and actually be funny. There are multiple instances where one of the friends displays some incredible talent that proves very useful but isn't believable. A beautiful, but seemingly unintelligent, member of the group is suddenly capable of providing a needed calculation by solving a very complex physics problem. The pilot can repair and significantly modify the plane (both inside and outside) while in flight. Someone without training performs surgery midflight. Another person recovers from a severe injury in a matter of a few hours.

Watch this movie for the jet and the CGI, but don't expect much from the cast or the story.
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Hostiles (2017)
A movie so good that you forgive the plot holes.
7 February 2018
The year is 1892. A small group of young Comanche Indians have left the Indian Nation in Oklahoma Territory and crossed into New Mexico where they slaughter and steal from everyone who crosses their path. We watch in horror as a beautiful family falls victim to this gang of young and aimless males who became bored on the reservation and see no future for themselves other than brutally killing and robbing innocent people.

Meanwhile the President has pardoned Chief Yellow Hawk (Wes Studi) and grants the Cheyenne chief's request for safe passage to his former home in Montana. The task of getting Chief Yellow Hawk to his destination falls Captain Joseph J Blocker (Christian Bale). Captain Blocker, who has spent his military career fighting hostile Indians, objects but finally agrees to accept the assignment. The journey is very difficult and places everyone of the characters in extreme jeopardy as they face the gangster Comanche youths, a disgusting group of trappers, and a rancher with an ominous sense of entitlement.

The movie has good and reliable actors doing an excellent job playing some difficult roles. Rosamund Pike (as the massacre survivor, Rosalie Quaid) does a wonderful job portraying someone who has the strength to pull herself from an extreme depth of despair and depression to where she is again a very strong woman. And, we believe this can happen because Ms. Pike plays the part so well. Christian Bale (Captain Joseph J Blocker) has a challenging role in the movie because he must play both a sympathetic male (to Rosamund Pike's character) and also a ruthless killer (responding to the horrible events he has witnessed in his efforts to protect settlers). Bale does both roles very well. He makes you feel his pain for the survivors and his anger at the perpetrators.

The plot has couple significant "holes." Why not use the railroad to transport Chief Yellow Hawk and the Army detail to protect him? Would the US Army send a detail going a thousand miles with only 5 soldiers and 2 pack mules? It's improbable that the Army would burden Captain Blocker's already stressed detail with a dangerous Army prisoner transport (who has a previous and friendly relationship with Captain Blocker).

If you can get past the plot holes, you will enjoy this movie.
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Watch this movie ("Vengeance: A Love Story"). You won't be disappointed.
16 January 2018
"Vengeance: A Love Story" is an excellent movie that holds your attention, drawing you into an environment where you really feel some intense emotions. The screenplay is excellent. The acting is so natural that you feel you know the characters. It's obvious that this movie has a great director; every actor delivers a very good to exceptional performance.

The story isn't unfamiliar. A rape victim who is physically and emotionally brutalized (her young daughter is present during the attack) suffers additionally at the hands of the court system. The difference in this story is the cop who feels he needs to protect someone who now considers herself a lost soul without any possibility of redemption.

Nicolas Cage and Don Johnson deliver the performances you expect from these great actors. One pleasant surprise is Talitha Bateman (playing the daughter, Bethie). She does such a great job that you believe Bethie can truly behave so advanced and past her age.

Don't' miss seeing "Vengeance: A Love Story". There is some exaggeration to make a point and provide more interest, but this is a very good movie with an interesting story.
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Wind River (2017)
Another big hit for Taylor Sheridan
31 December 2017
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service agent Cory Lambert (Jeremy Renner) discovers the dead body of a young female on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming. The victim is barefoot and dressed in light clothing that would not provide adequate protection from the extreme cold weather. The question: What happened? Why would a young female with no shoes or socks, and very light clothing be 5 miles from any shelter?

Rookie FBI special agent Jane Banner (Elizabeth Olsen) is nearby attending a conference, and she is reassigned to the case. Agent Banner is wholly unprepared, having only dress clothing and no cold weather gear, and little training outside her usual urban assignments. She is realistic and knows that the investigation is significantly compromised by her inexperience in a rural area and hostile weather, a community composed of uncooperative citizens, and Federal regulations limiting jurisdiction. Jane enlists Cory to aid in her investigation of which she believes is a homicide. The two enter a partnership to solve the mystery. The duo's search is hampered by family and race relationships as they enter dangerous territory.

Taylor Sheridan is having a great run as an actor (many roles where he is always exceptional), a successful screenplay writer (Sicario, Hell or High Water, and Wind River), and a director (Wind River). Wind River is his best work to date. He is the movie's writer and the director, and is exceptional in both roles.
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Blue (1968)
Blue is an excellent movie
16 December 2017
This is an excellent movie.

Blue (Terrence Stamp) is an American rescued (actually kidnapped as a child) by the leader, Ortega (Ricardo Montalban), of a Mexican band of criminals. He is separated from the gang in a failed raid, meets the beautiful and lovely Joanne Morton (Joanna Pettet), and falls in love with her. His former gang and his stepfather want him back, and at any cost to him and anyone who stands in the way or by his side.

The movie Blue is based in an excellent screenplay by Ronald M. Cohen, that provides a good story and interesting dialogue for the film's main actors, many of whom were very familiar because of their extensive TV exposure at the time. Karl Malden, Joanna Pettet, and Ricardo Montalban were all very recognizable characters to TV audiences in the 1960's.

I don't know if there is any explanation, but Karl Malden appeared in a number of western movies from 1960 to 1970; including the Nevada Smith, How the West was Won, Cheyenne Autumn, The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin, Blue, and Wild Rovers. He did not appear in westerns before or after this decade (1960 to 1970). His performance in Blue is excellent. He plays the resolute character with strong convictions that he does so well.

Joanna Pettet was an underrated and under-performing actress. Directors never seemed to take this actor to her potential. She does a wonderful job in this movie, playing both a vulnerable woman and a strong lover. I found myself worrying more about Blue (Terrence Stamp) because of Joanne Morton (Joanna Pettet) character's love for Blue.

Blue (Terence Stamp) is the intense young man possessing an extremely dangerous skillset (he is a gunfighter and a killer). He is confused by his conflicting loyalties (his sudden love for a woman he has just met that opposes his gang affiliation).

My only negative comment on this film is Terrence Stamp's strong British accent that seems out of place for an American kidnapped by Mexicans.
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Godless (2017)
Do not miss watching Godless.
25 November 2017
SPOILER: Godless has a long list of actors who do a great job working with a wonderful director and a great screenplay presenting a very interesting story. The tale in this movie has been told before. A good example of a very similar story is the 1968 movie "Blue" (see information about Blue on IMDb) where a young gang member decides to leave the criminals he grew up with and start a new life; and then is pursued by his former bunch of hooligans, resulting in significant consequences for some innocent folks.

In Godless, an extreme event occurs in La Belle, New Mexico that leaves the town with a population that is almost all women and children. Fortunately, Marshall Bill McNue (Scoot McNairy ) and Deputy Whitey Winn (Thomas Brodie-Sangster ) are left to keep the peace. Things become complicated when Roy Goode (Jack O'Connell) shows up at the ranch owned by Alice Fletcher (Michelle Dockery). The plot darkens when the gang Roy abandons decide to chase him to wherever he is, and punish anyone who harbors him.

Michelle Dockery (as Alice Fletcher) is the movie's focus, and the actress dominates every scene in which she appears. Ms. Dockery is an exceptional and interesting actor with a tremendous "screen presence." Merritt Weaver (as Mary Agnes) is another stand out. She delivers a great performance that she refines and develops through the series of episodes until the climax.

A lot happens within the seven episodes, that vary from 40 to 80 minutes per episode (four episodes are 70 minutes, one episode is 50 minutes, one episode is 41 minutes, and the final episode is 80 minutes). I am admitting to watching all seven episodes (totaling 7.5 hours) in a single day, and almost continuously. Godless is that good. This is an entertaining mini-series that holds your attention as you watch an interesting plot develop and finally unfold in a dramatic and exciting climax.
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Outlaws and Angels… Sensational violence
19 November 2017
Outlaws and Angels is a movie about a home invasion that occurs in the late 1800's. The screenplay is good, but it borders on descriptive pornography and contains horrendous violence. Some of the characters are subjected to extreme blunt force trauma resulting in significant blood splatter.

The screenplay is actually good, but excessive violence (with inadequate support from the screenplay) was too much for me.
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C-Bar (2015)
C-Bar is a very good movie.
19 November 2017
I wasn't expecting much from a movie with an unknown producer, directed by someone I have never heard of, a screenwriter with hardly any credits, and a cast of unknown actors. I was wrong, and delightfully surprised by this very good movie. A great deal of credit goes to Patrick Ball who is director, producer, cinematographer, writer and editor.

The acting is very good. The characters feel real and natural. One notable performance is Robin Grande as the daughter, Jesse Lynn Barnett. The cinematography takes full advantage of the beautiful Southwest, and there are some great shots of cowboy gear (saddles, gun belts, clothing, etc.).

The story is interesting with an excellent screenplay. Dockie's speech to one of the criminals near the ending is a philosophical discussion of crime and punishment that is drilled down to the language of cowboys, but is very contemporary. There are multiple tense moments in the movie that keep you on edge.

The editing could be improved. The gunfight scene would be better with less slow motion and more expanded shots. And, a couple scenes do not have enough introduction to explain the characters' actions.

I watched this movie on Amazon, but it is good enough that I plan buying the DVD. If the movie gets more exposure, it's certainly will become a "cult classic."

This is a very good movie with an excellent storyline.
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Excellent Movie
5 November 2017
In the Bedroom is an exceptional movie with great direction, superior screen writing, and a wonderful cast that includes:

Tom Wilkinson (Dr. Matt Fowler) Sissy Spacek (Ruth Fowler) Nick Stahl (Frank Fowler) Marisa Tomei (Natalie Strout) William Mapother (Richard Strout) Karen Allen has a minor role as the defense attorney, Marla Keyes

Tom Wilkinson and Sissy Spacek deliver performances that make the viewer really feel the emotions experienced by the film's characters. The characters are married and must deal with a horrible tragedy.

The movie's scenes are mostly short "takes," but they work well, engaging the audience at a high level.
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The Last Cowboy (2003 TV Movie)
Good movie with exceptional acting
14 March 2017
The Last Cowboy tells a story with a predictable plot we've seen many times, but still find interesting. A large landowner with property held by a family for years is now in jeopardy, sought after by greedy bankers, financiers, and other bad guys who plan stealing and subdividing the valuable land to make an ill-gained fortune. The family patriarch has recently died, and it's up to the remaining family members to "save the farm." Two required components of any good movie are the screenplay (the script writers' product) and the acting/direction (the actors and their director). Both are successful in this movie. The screenplay and dialogue are very good and believable, and the actors (this movie has a bunch of exceptional actors) do a very good job executing their roles under some excellent directing.

This is an excellent movie to watch with your children. Although the main female character is unmarried but has a child (and she is initially estranged from her father), parents watching along with their children will have an easy time explaining the situation because the female leading character is so "at ease." This movie does a great job showing different family arrangements and interactions, and even young children will understand and not be disturbed.
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Storm Rider (2013)
"Stormy" describes this good family movie
5 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Storm Rider is a family movie that has a few twists. The movie does an excellent job portraying more family conflicts and complexities than we see in the typical "family movie." There's the spoiled and difficult teenage daughter, the young and innocent little boy, an almost perfect adolescent suitor, a crabby but kind professional who worries more about others than himself, a delightful and personable female, and a divorced couple who lack a conscience.

The screenplay and writing are good, but the acting is a little uneven with most of the players doing well while a couple are just poor actors. Kristy Swanson has a challenging roll as Jody Peterson who seems too good to be true, and she does a wonderful job making this character believable. Another standout is Danielle Chuchran who plays Dani Fielding, the difficult teenage female. And of course, you cannot help but love the mule, Stormy. I cannot say enough or more about Stormy without violating the "Spoiler" rule.

Watch this movie with your kids. It's a "feel good" movie, so it is somewhat predictable, but less so for younger viewers who will find the story suspenseful. There's a lot to discuss afterwards, and children of all ages will benefit from the experience. Adults will also enjoy the movie; and if you are willing to be introspective, you will benefit as well.
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Blackthorn (2011)
Excellent Alternative Western
18 January 2017
Blackthorn is a very good movie. The cinematography is well above average and takes full advantage of the beautiful locations. There is some breathtaking scenery in this movie. The characters' divergent costuming (Bolivian native attire, gauchos, cowboys, etc.) and props are excellent. The screenplay provides an interesting story and dialogue the actors deliver in a natural and believable way.

The acting by talented people under the director's (Mateo Gil) guidance feels real. Sam Shepard is wonderful, creating a relaxed and confident protagonist. Dominique McElligott brings life to her character, Etta. Her smile is infectious, and we cannot help but care for her even when she finishes off two wounded and dying (or already dead) adversaries.

The violence in the movie is not excessive, but the shooting scenes are very realistic, supported by excellent sound effects. The bullet strikes (hits and misses) accurately portray what happens when a round strikes something (the ground, a body--human or horse, etc.).

I had my reservations before considering this movie. I'm glad I decided to watch it, and I am sure you will enjoy Blackthorn.
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The Shallows (2016)
Blake Lively does a good job
4 January 2017
I think that the authors of the most negative reviews may have missed the movie's point. The movie's director states this is a movie that is about a survivor. Director Jaume Collet-Serra notes "This isn't a creature movie". Don't look for the "monster" buildup you saw in "Jaws" (a shark) or "The Edge" (a grizzly bear). This movie's focus is the main character's (Blake Lively) struggle to survive the worst possible odds and circumstances. Miss Lively acts the part wonderfully even though there is minimal dialogue in this movie. Her interaction with the seagull is the best I've seen in recent movies.

The sets (a real beach mixed with a tank with blue-screens) are very effective and the tank (instead of a compromised effort always using an actual beach location) makes the movie more watchable. The lighting in the tank is superb and reminds me of the great aquarium effects in the movie "Life of Pi." If you are willing to suspend some disbelief and accept the movie for what it is (a survival tale with some embellishments to make the story interesting), you will enjoy this movie. The acting is excellent with a good screenplay; and the cinematography, lighting, and sound effects are well above average.
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