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Dark Winds (2022– )
i know too much,
8 August 2022
And thats not a lot. It doesnt take much.

If one is from new mexico and worked--im retired--on the reservation, there is some things that are right,and the venues aren't bad, tho all in the eastern new mexico part of the reservation, not in kayenta, as the sory portends. The actors are mostly native, tho only a couple are dine. Of course NONE of them act like dine. They act like biligana, of course, looking directly at eachother all the time, talking aLOT, burying their dead near home.

Almost none live in trailers or bia housing, most are trim and fit instead of rural-poor obese. Alcoholism is ardly a problem.

Whatcha gonna do? Modern media production of edited hiller tales.

Note: little oil and gas on the reservation, uranium the biggest of bid deals from the early 50s thru 3 mile island.

Dark winds is to the navaho reservation as fargo is to minnesota/dakota, that is, it has a few things right.
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Blood Oath (1990)
ridiculous mishmash of hyperbole
8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Only accurate elements are the original crime and the final injustice. Ridiculous characterizations. Bryan brown has done much better. Takei is a joke, as usual.
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The Indian Doctor (2010–2013)
certainly a feel good story.
21 April 2022
Hardly an honest picture of 1960s wales, mining, or medicine.

Lovely venues, charming characters, ridiculous plots. Dr sharma deserves better scripts.
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a collection of excellent wartime film
4 April 2022
Put together carelessly and without much understanding. The quality if the clips are generally excellent. The narration is riddled with errors and heavily british twit centric.

Not useful a source of history or perspective, but if you know the history or don't care, a visual near revelation.

Compare to 'world at war.' more than twice as much coverage, not too many repeated shots., more errors of fact.
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1949oxford mississippi filled by yankees
17 November 2021
Best part: mostly filmed in oxford. Too rich, home of ole miss, but a real mississippitown.

Worst part: the actors are from new york, california, and puerto rico.

Hardly faulkner's story. Interesting as a sorta pioneer, clipped, poorly developed, unrealistic.

My favorite part? Chick saddling his horse with an army surplus mcclellan--THAT was real.

What would emmitt till have thought of the lovable, fair, sheriff?

Silly, sanitized, slightly critical portrait of a horrible problem. Incredibly unrealistic.
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Marked Woman (1937)
ridiculous script
2 August 2021
Product of the code. Absurd story.

Chance to see later favorites davis and bogart.

Nothing else.
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Stalingrad (1993)
like most
15 July 2021
The infantry never acts like infantry--always bunched up for the camera, never in communication with any higher command--in fact never in communication. Not enuff artillery or mortar fire.

Of course NO army uses a platoon as a unit of reinforcement.

I read that the original script was heavily revised as 'too realistic.' the final one wasn't.

But stalingrad, 'war unser grab' does get that part right. It was the grave of almost every german sent there.
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great WHITE british menu.
28 March 2021
Actually me wife and i love the show, with reservations. We love food and we love britain. We are only on episode 37 of season 5, but if what we have seen is representative, it certainly could be better. Most of the british food shows include TODAY'S british, many of east indian, asian, and west indian/african heritage, and almost all of all of them include interational cusine--i would argue that anglo-indian cusine IS british).

How much lamb and mutton can be offered--NEVER curried, by the way? Not to mention rabbit, rabbit, and more rabbit, every now with pigeon or quail. Why never a partridge? Or a pear (tree)? If you like rhubarb and stawberries for your pud, this is the place.

The judging is incredibly inconsistent, bordering on insane, from the chef-judges tp prue and her bookends. Their explanations are consistently ridiculous, but otherwise, always inconsistent.

But selection and preparation are pretty well covered and we really enjoy the chefs' evaluations of each others' dishes.

Wimpering slobbering over elderly twit prince charles--to serve him is apparently a big attraction for the chefs--begins each episode and is constantly brought up as if it had some holy meaning. A hoot to us.

Hey! There's a quarantine on and not much new. If you like food and love the british, it aint bad, innit?
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mnuchin's fantasy
15 March 2021
A wonderful cast in an o so trite absurd story. my quarantined wife and i sleepily watched the whole thing, with nary a surprise or a laff--it is at best a stoner version of old age and we are old ourselves. at the end we saw that the film was coproduced by steve mnuchin. trump's evil secretary of the treasury, who had enriched himself beyond belief with the very schemes that outraged and impoverished the movie's characters. and of course the robbery was in the style of the 1930s, hopeless in the the modern fiscal/digital age, nothing like mnuchin's REAL thefts.

ultimately infuriating, never funny. shame on the actors.

at least we watched on free tv.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
breaking bad on the bayou.
15 February 2021
If you enjoy watching a nominally good man decend into monsterhood, and breaking bad wasn't enuff, watch the same story here, set in nawlins.

not horrible, often a bit muddled, some spotty acting, NO CRANSTON in his tidywhities, with plenty of empty spots, but otherwise pretty much a rehash of what made bryan cranston a big star.
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1917 (2019)
cliche-based blockbuster with liitle relationship to 1917.
28 November 2020
The characters DID wear the correct helmets and fire the correct carbines tho soon they began foregtting to chamber fresh rounds or insert fresh clips. military actions made NO sense. rivers were raging torrents, then placid ponds, the ground was soggy ponds, then the driest dust. there was no discernable chain of command, much less communication within it--the reason for the silly mission. there were no assigned runners to deliver a message, tho all units were filled with them--HITLER was a runner, forgoodness sake.

this flik missed almost no cliches but failed to ask any questions about this horrible war or the slaughter of the working class after they were treated like dogs--any survivors were STILL treated like dogs.

if you want a good movie about ww1, try paths of glory or all quiet on the western front
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Frenzy (1972)
disappointing, but still hitchcock.
17 November 2020
Often awkward 1972 setting of a just-post ww2 story. our familiarity with police work impeaches much of the investigations.

hitch back in london and the hucksters of convent garden easily make the flik worthwhile. not psycho tho.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
clunkyacting, wastefully elaborate sets and costumes.
13 November 2020
Why this is a classic is beyond me. many great films were made in this era that still stand the test of time, but this is NOT one.

the irony and contradictions of wealth and power just slip by, never generating any changes, just a piling up of regret.

i have seen suggestions that wells was a better theatre actor. i hope so.
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Broadchurch (2013–2017)
entertaining enuff.
23 October 2020
Tho i find it hard to believe that british police allow such sloppy work and self-defeating procedures but there would be no soap opera without them.

reminds me of brighton rock, murder on the seaside, all the characters, just 90 years later and not as well written.
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Hiroshima (1953)
heartfelt presentation on behalf of victims
13 July 2020
By victims.

relatively crudely staged but reflecting reality, even this film can't recreate the horror and suffering of the surviving residents in the aftermath of the bombing--but it tries with honesty.

a historical experience. their tale.

like a recounting of the holocaust by survivors.
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The Aviator (2004)
VERY disappointing.
5 April 2020
Dull, never went anywhere. no discernible point. i gave up mid-flik. shame on scorsese. what a waste.
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line up your antidepressants.
31 March 2020
NOT revealing, just dismal, tho well done, well cast.

don't make plans for AFTER you watch this. you will sit there denumbed.

dustin hoffman certainly can play a heartless loser. there is a talent in that.

reminded me of why i hate chicago.
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Résistance (2014)
begins in 1941, not 1940.
12 February 2020
When the resistance began. very honest, realistic. youths, women, and communists WERE the heroes--the men were pows, dead, or in england or north africa.

as good a depiction of anything in the war as i've seen for a long time. real venues, uniforms, weapons, vehicles, concerns, motives.

because its a construction, laps into 'train,' 'monuments men,' 'la rafle...'
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The Nightingale (I) (2018)
powerful like a shotgun
27 December 2019
That missed a bit but still kills?

a revenge film stumbling with absurd characterizations, hampered by massive historical inaccuracies, anachronisms, ignorance of early 19th century rural life, fieldcraft, the british military, aboriginal life, and more... BUT its picture of the cruelty of convict life and the genocide of native peoples is worthy. not schnidler's list for transported convicts and palawa, it still makes me ponder my once-indentured first immigrant ancestors and mourn for native america.

and hate queen victoria.
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no relationship to ww2 or fepows, bad drama.
24 December 2019
An imagined script with little basis in reality. to confront the problems between fepows (far east prisoners of war-the veterans of ww2 japanese captivity) and the japanese see railway man or king rat or emperor of the sun--or even bridge on the river kwai. all are by fepows (emperor's ballard was a civilian internee). van der post, the original author, was also an fepow, but cant have been happy with the treatment of his story.

japanese revisionism, bad history, bad costuming, bad sets. lost track of the war. it would have been interesting to see what a japanese CAPTOR thought of the time or something truer to van der post's story.

as a drama it seemed weak too, mostly ego thing for david bowie, who is stiff and silly.

this came highly touted. a prequel to the hobbit, not a treatment of ww2 captivity. not worth watching.
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stiff, dull, dishonest.
25 November 2019
Extremely disappointing. stiff, unimaginative, unrealistic, bordering on stupid. prehaps its allure is its 1941 underground suggestion in occupied france that some germans didn't like women who tortured insects.

i was looking forward to a period piece. it even used a much later general french disappoval of petain for winter 1940-1941 when people still trusted the old marshal.
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Fatso (1980)
if you liked marty, moonstruck, only the lonely, AND mel brooks
5 November 2019
Rite down your ally. semiautobiographical. ann bancroft, anna italiano! is from belmont in the bronx and her husband, melvin kaminsky, is famous as mel brooks. dom deluise is their pal.

a sweet movie. if you are from an italian or jewish, or polish, or irish, or greek... family in the urban usa and grew up in the 50s, tho this is set in the 80s, this will seem like a homecoming.

not brilliant or challenging. sweet. cute. nostalgic.
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Sneaky Pete (2015–2019)
great story, well done, enjoyable
23 June 2017
really enjoy 'pete,' great iteration of a classic story.

i find the bits about otto as a Vietnam veteran unnecessarily dumb. no va medical tho agent orange-victim? 'last $5000 of my agent orange money,' 'all those medical bills.' if va acknowledges the service connection--and all AO comp is presumptive--you get a disability check monthly and free medical/dental.

otto got a direct commission IN COUNTRY after blackmailing a colonel? NO ONE got direct commissions in Vietnam tho they did in ww2 and Korea, only sent to ocs back in the USA and commissioned on completion.

small, unnecessary. some of the cop/court stuff is short circuited too.

not important, but silly. easy to write without the unchecked errors.
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