
32 Reviews
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Watered down remake
18 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Think of Tale of 2 Sisters vs The Uninvited, Inside vs Inside (American), Martyrs vs Martyrs(American), Kairo vs Pulse, Cabin Fever(Eli Roth) vs Cabin Fever(2015). Hopefully, you get the picture. Just another watered down, VERY predictable American remake.

I will say, Goodnight Mommy (2022) was beautifully shot, and the acting was top notch. Watts was beautiful and glowing as she's ever been.

It's worth the watch if you haven't seen the original. If you have seen it, don't bother. It's a movie that hinges on its twist (like the 6th Sense). So if you already know what's coming, it doesn't have much else to offer.
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Tim Dillon: A Real Hero (2022 TV Special)
Haven't laughed this hard in years
17 August 2022
Damn, Dillon killed it. Some of his best material yet. I wish he would tell more stories though. His story jokes are absolutely hilarious. This isn't for the easily offended. So if you're sensitive, just don't watch it.
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The Hater (2022)
10 stars? Lol!!
22 July 2022
Ok, so I admittedly didn't watch the whole movie. It was being advertised as a comedy. Comedies are supposed to make you laugh. I sat through 45 min of the movie and did not laugh once, not even a smirk. I don't know nor care about the political themes here. It was just a really bad, unfunny movie.

Now I suppose there's a chance that after 45 min, the movie does a complete 180 and turns funny. But it's doubtful. Don't watch. The 10 star reviews are from crew members.
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The Walking Dead: The Lucky Ones (2022)
Season 11, Episode 12
8 March 2022
I found myself reading the ingredients to my nutter butters while watching this episode. It was more exciting than the pointless drivel that is twd. I can't believe how corny this show has gotten.

"i nEeD tO cOuNTeRbAlAnCE tHe 1-StAr rEViewS"
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Student Body (2022)
Harley Quin Smith is the WORST
11 February 2022
I'm convinced anything HQS is in will be horrible. How is she getting jobs???? I've seen hookers act better.

It's a shame because there are a lot of GOOD actresses getting turned down for roles because they don't have an "in".
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Cold Feet (III) (2019)
31 December 2021
I see the cast of this movie has posted their reviews lol.

This might be the first real review.

Well not a review, just a warning to anyone thinking about watching this: don't. It's not a "mixed bag"; it's a bag of piss and vinegar....and bad acting... and no budget... and a script written by a buzzfeed editor.
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Best Halloween movie since the original
15 October 2021
This is how you make a horror movie.

Ignore the low star trolls. Anyone notice they always repeat the same crap? It's clear they didn't even watch the movie.
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V/H/S/94 (2021)
Great horror anthology
7 October 2021
Don't listen to the negative Nancy's bashing there movie. Clearly their opinions are not the general consensus as the movie is sitting at a 100% approval rating on RT. And 5.5 on here? Hm.... 🤔

I'd actually rate this an 8, but putting 10 to off set the 1-star pleebs.
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Ten Year Old Tom (2021–2023)
Dry, subtle humor
30 September 2021
I love this type of comedy. It's in the same vein as Life of Tim, Dr. Katz, Dilbert...

It's an adult comedy. There's no slapstick or low brow physical humor. It's the dialogue that makes the show funny. His reaction to the absurd words and actions of the people in his life.

Quality show.
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Worth the watch
2 September 2021
It's not winning any Oscars but, Vacation Friends is a fun movie. The chemistry between Cena, Rel and the two chicks makes the movie. I'm not a big John Cena fan but his comedic chops are getting impressive. It's funny.
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The Collection (II) (2012)
Fun movie
2 August 2021
After watching this, I was surprised by all the negative reviews I saw. Listen, if this isn't your cup of tea, I understand. But to those shocked by the violence and sadism, those offended and What exactly were you expecting?? If you saw the first one, you know exactly what you're going in to.

Anyway, I actually enjoyed this a hair more than The Collector. It was a solid, violent horror movie. Yes, it was excessive. You can't go from The Collector to The Collection and come softer. You gotta bring it 10 fold! And that's what they did.
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Tales from the Hood 3 (2020 Video)
Better than the 2nd, worse than original
12 July 2021
This movie is nothing to write home about. It's not terrible, especially considering it was a SyFy production, but is merely a shell of the original.

Being a sucker for anthologies, I gave this a watch even though my better instincts told me not to after the crapstorm that was part 2. If you like horror movies or anthologies (even better if you like both), then give it a watch. You won't be TERRIBLY disappointed as long as you know going into it that is not gonna be an Oscar film.
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Stalker (II) (2020)
Entertaining thriller
12 July 2021
I really enjoyed this movie, especially given its low budget. It is, however, lacking in originality. The twist was insultingly obvious and if you're observant, you'll figure it out in the first 20 min.

I hated the ending. Thought it was lazy.
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Goedam (2020– )
If you're a fan of anthologies, this show's for you
30 August 2020
If you don't like anthologies, you probably won't like the show. It is well produced, well acted and directed. The episodes are genuinely scary.

Recommended for k-horror fans, horror fans, and anthology fans.
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Cool concept, but super boring
23 May 2020
I was really into this movie for the first ten minutes. I had a very interesting concept: citizens offing pharma execs in retaliation for their moral misgivings. And then.... nothing really happened. Boredom ensued. And ensued. And ensued.

So, yeah. In one word: boring.
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The star actress is unbearable
14 May 2020
I think this could have been a great, super funny movie. However, they cast the female Jim Carrey to play the lead role aside the always funny Spade. I don't know what the actress' name is. And to be quite Frank, I don't want to know. She was AWFUL! Obnoxious, over the top, annoyingly unfunny. I couldn't watch more than 3 mins of this woman without wanting to rip out my ears and eyes. Whoever casted her needs to be fired immediately.
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Seems fake
11 April 2020
I could be wrong, but Jane seems like she's acting. How does she have SO much intimate details about her other "personalities"? I'm not a psychologist but I do read a lot and try to stay abreast on modern science and psychology. DID is a suspicious disorder in itself and not all doctors and psychologists agree that it actually exists. Many believe it's a form of bipolar or schizophrenia. I bring this up because the authenticity of Jane and her "others" actually existing is questionable. The show seems like a drama/reality show ala Real Housewives, survivor, etc.

Again I'm not an expert, but everything about the show is fishy and I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was all scripted.
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8 April 2020
Citizen Kane


Gone with the Wind

The Godfather

Threat Level Midnight
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The 4th (2016)
I set up an account to review the movie after 37 years!
21 March 2020
It's mildly entertaining. The main character is very likable and, at times, funny. Not the worst movie I've seen, certainly not the best.
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Phantoms (1998)
In case the point hasn't been made: Ben Affleck was undeniably the bomb
19 March 2020
No, what you hear about Affleck's Oscar worthy performance, is not fake news. It's the real deal. Da bomb!
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Great, but not perfect
2 February 2020
Some of the reviews here are quite harsh, especially the one star reviews. That should be reserved for horrible movies like Super Mario Bros, Movie 43, Freddy Got Fingered, etc.

I will agree on one thing that keeps being brought up by the negative reviewers: it lacks the suspense that made the original so special. That doesn't mean there isn't suspense, but it comes in spurts (such as the bus scene and the gas station scene) and lacks consistency. I also agree that the characters are unlikable and have very little depth. They could have developed the characters much more while staying in the hour and 45 min runtime.

The feel of the movie is profound. It truly feels like a genuine Halloween film. The kill scenes, the "personality" of Michael, the pacing and intensity all help support the movie, making it easy to look past its occasional flaws.

It's hard to imagine true fans of the series and horror fans in general don't find this movie to be, at the very least, enjoyable and engaging.

It is easily in the top 3 movies in the series of 12.
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Love this movie!!
18 January 2020
This is over the top and doesn't take itself too serious. But it is FUN!! The action sequences are plentiful and nicely done. HIGHLY recommended for action fans.
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Don't let negative review stop you from watching
14 January 2020
It's pretty shocking how many 1 and 2 star reviews this is getting. I'm betting over half have not even watched the movie. There seems to be this growing faction of fans that are physically unable to say anything positive about something they have already deemed bad before even watching.

When you give a movie one star, you're literally giving it the worst possible rating, deeming it unwatchable. The worst of the worst. Movies that are so bad, one is unable to find one redeeming quality.

I give Terminator Dark Fate 7.5 but am bumping it up to offset the ignorance if others giving it a one star rating. The movie isn't as good as the first two installments, but definitely worth the price of admission.

So please try not to let the negative Nancies persuade you to skip this entry in the series. It's 100 times better than all of the other Terminator sequels.
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Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
Worth the watch
6 December 2019
It's probably best going into this movie not knowing much about it. It starts off as a home invasion movie but takes a quick turn early on in the film. And though the plot doesn't take many twists after this, the mood and the viewers expectations do.

It is fairly predictable and not very plausible at times, but in the end, it holds its own in a decent, but not blow-your-socks-off flick.
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Subpar anthology
21 October 2019
I love anthologies, and I love found footage movies. So I was excited when this popped up on Amazon prime. I was very letdown, however, with the end results. Each story has a decent premise, but they're all poorly written, acted, and executed. The first segment was the only one I kind of enjoyed. The second story, Mail Order Bride started off good enough but ended prematurely with a pathetic whimper. The third, The Coven, was flat out awful.
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