
8 Reviews
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Trailer gets it wrong
5 September 2021
The trailer erroneously credits this movie as inspiration for Apocalypse Now, The Man Who Would Be King and Lord Jim.

The latter two are what derived from this true story, not Apocalypse Now, that tale is based on Heart of Darkness, another Conrad novel.

But hey, similar feel throughout, man travels up river, becomes all powerful ruler, is charged with abuse of power. You get the idea.

It's a good night in.
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Wishful but not reality
6 March 2019
Predictable movie of course but the real problem is that none of this can happen, the religious are so high and mighty about their lot no one would give this group a second look. I sympathise with people who are gay and abhor the despicable bile that religious zealots impose on others to toe the line but as long as religion exists, this will be the norm. It's a hopeful movie but I would have preferred it featured someone who was maybe a bit blinkered and biased from a different upbringing to make it more real than a supposed bible chained crony who sees the light.
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Hunter Killer (2018)
It's a movie, not reality, great entertainment
23 January 2019
It's been a long while in sub movie genres that we've had anything this good. Not since the days of Red October or Crimson Tide at least. This is pure fun and tension as you would expect, not to be taken as historical or realistic as some here get upset about. If you can handle Bond/Bourne/MI movies then this is right up your alley. if you want realism then sign up and go fight the Taliban or something. Great effects and cast, you could do worse.
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Da hong zha (2018)
Oh dear
27 October 2018
If you title your movie 'Airstrike' then you better get the cgi right, this fails miserably in this dept. Aside from the trailer pretty much explaining everything and how predictable this is, it's cringeworthy in many places. Let's kick some ass indeed. But don't take my word for it, watch the trailer, it sums it up well. No doubt the Chinese could do better with their own history.
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And that's a bad miss...
24 September 2018
Beautifully shot and acted, I was swept along with the first half of the film but danger signs started showing themselves as the end loomed nearer. I just knew I was going to be given an ending that would make me want to throw the remote at the tv and it didn't disappoint. If you can make sense of the story then I'm happy for you but I feel this movie just didn't deliver, great acting and photography don't mean for anything if you're left bewildered about what you've just seen.
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True story using those that were there, it's different and worth your attention
2 May 2018
I see this is getting some bad rap for its acting and because someone as great as Clint Eastwood made it and not being up to a standard expected of him. My wife and I watched this together and never knew of this event before seeing this movie so had no idea how it was to end. We thought some acting seemed a bit wooden at times but it was only during the credits we found out why, some of the cast were the real heroes of this time. I think you could say they did a sterling job for not being actors, it didn't ruin the story for us at all, in fact it was quite the opposite. The build up of the characters was good although we felt it would have been better not to have had the flashbacks, keeping things more in suspense of where their journey was ending up. We felt it took away the edge a little but maybe this is done for some viewers who need action to wake them up from time to time. You could do worse than see this, for some insight into what happened and the people involved and how life's events led them to be there, it's a decent movie. We weren't disappointed by it and I think Mr Eastwood did well to let their story be told and for them to have their well earned time in the spotlight.
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Spent (2017)
21 April 2018
Only the paid or associated film staff could be voting this movie so high. This is a joke and for people to give it 10/10 is plainly suspect. The voting system is fraught with all these fakes and making the whole process a joke.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
A fair reboot, you need to put the past aside to enjoy
15 April 2018
I enjoyed the first episode and I knew die hard fans of the original series would tear this apart but I think new eyes will enjoy this remake. Let's be fair, we've grown up and it's hard to let go of our favourites, just like adapting to a new Star Trek captain with its remake, you need to let the past go and see it for what it is. If I was a kid again I think this would be awesome, a big budget on effects, much less laughable than what we were used to. I like that it wasn't trying too hard to be a clone of the original series, it's changed a lot of the plot and even where the robot hails from. Of course I would have loved to see the original one, I adored that machine but times have moved on. I was thoroughly entertained by this show and I hope it keeps the pace up for the rest of the episodes. Acting is superb by all.
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