
2 Reviews
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The Sentinel (2006)
Spoiler. The Civil Service techno-details are excellent. The plot stinks.
24 April 2006
Spoiler!!! Stop now if you don't know the ending. I hate Tom Cruise Mission Impossible bastardizations. In the old TV series that used to be one of my all time favorites, Mr. Phelps was the voice of God. He was the ultimate Good Guy. Cruise's updated version of MI (No. 1) turned Mr. Phelps into the Bad Guy. That's like making Tonto the Bad Guy who does in the Lone Ranger. I hate movies -- or novels -- that do that, where it turns out that the DA prosecuting the innocent accused killer turns out to have done the murder himself, or the Vice President turns out to be the mole from the whatever enemy who poisons the President -- or in the case of the Sentinel, the head of the Secret Service turns out to be the Bad Guy about to kill the Prez. I warned you, that's a huge spoiler. But to me, that kind of plot is already spoiled. As the main revelation of the movie, it stinks.

Besides that, even if you don't have any more trust in your leaders than to give credence to "Mr. Phelps" turnabouts, Sentinel has some other gaping holes just too big to let slide. Maybe, just maybe, you could buy that the First Lady is having an affair with her SS detail chief behind the Prez's back. That's not impossible. Presidents have affairs, why not First Ladies? But can you really believe a guy could rise to the top of the Service itself without ever having been fully screened? Really! You think? And what was that mystery terror organization behind the plot, and how did they get onto the SS head's entanglement with the now-defunct KGB? Hmmnh? Another poser: Can anyone explain how that Xavier loser guy got all that insider info about the First Lady's affair with Douglas to begin with -- if you tell me it was the Head of the Service feeding it to him, then why the whole rest of the movie? He would have just removed the Douglas character for cause from the outset, don't cha know? The cast was good and the acting was varsity level. I liked that Michael Douglas gets to act his age, and the plot doesn't let him get away with being a 60 year old superstud who can outrun the young agents under his charge. He is slow, and he gets winded quickly. I liked Keifer. I never watched 24, but now I think I'd like it. And it was good to see Kim Basinger again, after all those years when she dropped out.

If you ignore the plot holes and the revolting spoiler, you could really like the movie for what it shows you about the inner workings of the Secret Service, one of the all-time real success stories of government service. A Beltway insider who should know told me that that part of the film was A+, and I'll take his word for it.
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24 April 2006
I can't write any spoilers, but the spoilers go a long way towards the reason why the film was spoiled for me.

The movie stinks, in my opinion, but let me say up front it is not b/c it skewers Pres. G. W. Bush, who deserves it. The hype in the poster about the President is right on target. Too bad the movie wasn't much about that.

Probably some significant part of why the movie is revolting to me is that I never watched American Idol on TV, or any other phony 'reality' show -- I think they stink, too. Here's a reality check: The movie's contestants on Tweed's (Hugh Grant) 'Dreamz' show have much less talent than the snippets from their competitors, whom I am not permitted to name here, since those cameos are probably in the category of spoilers, too; yet Tweed dumps the better talent in order to advance these leading characters without whom the whole movie would have no plot at all.

The basic premise of the movie is built on the notion that a satire on a terrorist plot to kill the Prez is funny. (That can't be a spoiler since it was in the trailer.) I think that idea is the biggest stinker in the movie. It just tain't funny, McGee.

On the plus side, Dennis Quaid is great as the Bush character. Marsha Gay Harden is a great Laura Bush-alike. Hugh Grant is pretty okay in his role, up to the stinker ending. Despicable shallow characters are his specialty. Too bad Willem Dafoe got stuck in that fat suit. Too bad Mandy's extra weight was NOT a prosthesis.

Them's my reactions. If what I said is considered spoilers, well, it's been nice chatting this time and I'll be reading ya' in your chats in the future anyway. If I pass, maybe I will be coming at ya' again sometime.

Thought someone ought to say something honest about a movie that you have to wonder, what were they thinking???
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