
44 Reviews
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Great adaptation
9 May 2024
I'm honestly such a harsh reviewer when it comes to book to movie adaptations but I thought this was really good. Loved literally the whole cast too, the performances were great :) I do t super understand the 6/10 average rating for this, and I went into assuming that would be accurate. Love the John Green book and read it in high school, I thought this translated be try well narratively even given the limitations of the screen. I also just want to point out (and this is true to the book as well) how really good of a depiction of OCD this is. I don't think there are many very thoughtful depictions of the disorder.
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Great Comedy, Unexpectedly Sweet
24 June 2023
This movie definitely met me and my friend group's expectations for comedy, our whole theater practically laughed out loud every few minutes. Jennifer's comedic timing is something I hope we get to see more of on the big screen. An amazing actor as always. The tonal shift to a more serious story in the last half might catch some off guard, but I think it added some realism and depth to the plot. More than that though, the best comedies still have a message and core of serious as light it may be with that shiny happy ending. I really enjoyed this movie and had fun in a theater for the first time in a while.
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Wednesday (2022– )
Dude whatttt so good.
24 November 2022
Okay whattttt?! I was not expecting this to be that good. But I was hooked immediately. The whole production is so good. I only wish Netflix had released it in October because it would be so perfect for Halloween. Tim Burton is a phenomenal director, and every cast member is perfect for their roles. Jenna plays Wednesday so well, I saw an interview where she spoke about taking direction from Burton. You can tell she really enjoyed playing the character, and her commitment shows on screen. The "high school" Netflix show trope has run its course so many times before, it feels stale, but this is so obviously different and fresh.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
26 September 2022
First thing first. Florence Pugh is a force. She's phenomenal in every role she takes on. That's something even those that rate this movie a 1/10 can agree on. However, critics are stupid. Have you ever talked to a film bro or an art critic? Did you like them??? I genuinely thought this movie was very well done. I found all of the commentary really prominent and important. I feel like this was not just an A-list cast and artsy scenes thrown together. It had substance. There was such good foreshadowing and small parallel scenes. Say what you want about Olivia as a person... this was well directed, and very well produced. I, personally had no problem with the pacing but I can see why some might. And (hot take) for Harry, I thought I would hate his performance, I didn't. I don't think He did an amazing job but I don't think his role required that. He was odd and creepy and pathetic and that was the point. It's a genuine shame that all this drama happened because if it didn't this would be a different movie. I beg those who can, when you watch this. Watch the movie, for what it is, and not for the context of its creation.
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A genuine 9/10
8 July 2022
This movie, like all action/comic book and Marvel movies had it's flaws. That being said, I can't understand the bad or even mediocre reviews, that might be due to the simple fact that everyone experiences movies differently. Speaking for myself: I laughed I cried I was entertained the whole time and I found the plot and aesthetics to be a heartwarming (REFRESHING) change of pace for the MCU. As a marvel fan, my expectations are always high and I wasn't let down. As I said before, everyone's experience will be different. It's for THATTT reason that you should see it and decide for yourself!!! :) !!
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Unique and captivating
6 May 2022
That was the most non-MCU-like MCU film so far. And I say that as a good thing, this expansion of aesthetic choices and styles from directors is the future of the MCU. Aside from the awesome visuals/styles/jump scares/costumes and amazing score, Elizabeth Olsen delivers a master class in acting, cameos are not overdone, Strange has his best character portrayal yet and new stars (pun totally intended) shine bright. I can see how the plot might be less than it is if you are not as well versed in the other marvel projects such as WandaVision... End Game... Loki (and more) but I think it's an exiting story regardless of being a nerd or not and I shamelessly loved every moment.
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Spencer (2021)
Really enjoyed this.
9 November 2021
First of all, what a performance. I have to believe those who didn't like it just don't like Kristen, because she really did do a fantastic job. Amazing performances all around I think. Definitely a must see for award season.
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Epic movie
3 September 2021
Marvel does a lot right, and a good fight scene is one of them. But this movie had battles and characters that are only available in the context of this new world and this story. Despite a "classic" and somewhat cliche story it brought me a lot of joy. Classics are classic for a reason right? Cliches are powerful in the right light. Also the post credit scenes! Yes! Marvelllllll you did it again.
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Old (2021)
That was fine....
1 August 2021
That was a fine movie.... I think you get a different experience based off of what type of person and movie watcher you are. I found some aspects to be very unique and moving as well as some parts to be cliche and boring. But solid 6.5/10.
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Bad directing.
20 July 2021
Awesome fight scenes and design work. Beautiful looking movie truly. But wow. Horrible directing, because that good of a cast could have made the bad writing not noticeable, but it was. Waste of that cast and of the visuals of this film.
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Black Widow (2021)
Yes. Omg yes.
9 July 2021
Maybe one of my favorite Marvel movies. Long overdue yet worth the wait. Had the theater silent in the second half of the movie. Funny, action packed, touching in more ways than one. Natasha Romanoff will be dearly missed in the MCU. What a send off. Please see this movie and ignore bad reviews.
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Cruella (2021)
Surprised I loved it
30 May 2021
Love love loved all the fashion and design in general. But her performance was so amazing, that alone is worth the watch.
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And i read the book
15 May 2021
I loved the book so much. And I actually thought this did the plot justice, it especially did the characters justice. Amazing performance by Amy. Definitely ignore the super low reviews and watch it for yourself.
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1/10 seriously?
17 April 2021
I'm sorry if you gave this movie a 1/10 you have a problem. No Disney animated feature is a 1/10. If this movie came out pre or post Covid-19 there would be zero bad reviews. Really good fun movie and story, seriously fantastic animation. Missed opportunity for the turnout it deserved in theaters but that doesn't change its value.
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WandaVision (2021)
I'm hurt by how good this was
10 March 2021
Marvel really gave a character room to breath. Those caught up in spoilers and fan theories really missed out on the point of this show, which is to explore the depth of Wandas character and of the grief that she, like so many MCU characters, is processing. Beautiful acting. Wonderful design. What a story. Don't get wrapped up in what each episode means for the MCU, just take it for what it is, a beautiful tragic story about love, loss, fate, and strength.
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Fate: The Winx Saga (2021–2022)
Not the best adaptation
23 January 2021
Things I didn't love: the writing, the cookie cutter white boys, most casting decisions and a lot of the dialogue. But If one thing is clear, Abigail Cowen is a talent and I hope we see a lot more if her. Overall, it's fun, it's watchable and lighthearted. A teen marketed live action adaptation of a little kid cartoon can't be easy . Not a show for someone who only wants to invest in one series at a time. Definitely a show fit for a nonchalant background watch/binge.
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
Fresh perspective on a classic plot
8 January 2021
I came into it thinking that this would be a dark comedic take on the frankly overused "Groundhog Day" trope. It was not what I excepted and I'm glad. It was so much more and I think it's worth watching the complete first season before judging the series.
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Nurses (2020–2021)
So bad it's funny
14 December 2020
I almost feel bad for new medical shows because on a dramatic level they're all just trying to be Grey's Anatomy at this point and they can't.... and on a technical level you don't have to go to medical or nursing school to know that the show is so unrealistic. Truly hilarious the amount of clichés just in the first episode alone. Watch the first episode and then stop
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The Wilds (2020–2022)
Geez people are so hard to please
12 December 2020
Why did I like this show? Was it the best show ever? No... But it was good. It was fun to watch and it kept me intrigued. The bad reviews written 24 hours after the show came out... (are you serious?) they probably watched one episode and then stopped to complain. IMDB users are so hard to please these days. A show produced by Amazon is never a 1/10 get your head out of your booty. :)
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Grand Army (2020)
What amazing performances
16 November 2020
I don't understand bad reviews. A high school based show with some serious depth in storytelling, quality, production, and performances. Whoever casted these talented young actors and actresses deserves some praise
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Best Netflix Original Yet
30 October 2020
This little series was absolutely amazing. What an engaging and raw story told so beautifully. Such an amazing cast. Overall the most well produced Netflix original I have seen. 100% give it a watch
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So good
10 October 2020
You have to watch the whole thing to fully understand how good each episode is. Every episode works together so well. Such a good cast and good story. We love 9/10 TV
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Wynonna Earp (2016–2021)
Who hired Shamier Anderson aka "Agent Dolls"?
9 October 2020
Fun show. If you're watching it you're probably not looking for something with amazing special effects and top dollar writing. But honestly cliche writing isn't always a bad thing, it's the acting that can make or break a show. Every scene with Agent Dolls (played by Anderson) is absolutely cringe worthy. Truly the worst actor on the show yet has a main role. Makes some scenes unwatchable
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Not Bad. Come onnn
20 September 2020
I mean I wish it was done differently but it wasn't. I want to see more of these characters I just wish the writing in this movie was better because it had/has a lot of potential.
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what a performance
13 September 2020
Not historically accurate but WoW what a wonderful performance from the two leads in this film. Remarkable from that point but not the historical price we wanted
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