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One of the greatest animated short films ever made!
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wallace and Gomit are a great duo, and their adventures are easily enjoyable. And this one gives an insight on how great they can be.

"The Wrong Trousers" star Wallace and Gromit as they deal with a mysterious stranger, a penguin. The penguin (named Feathers McGraw, in case you were wondering) might be one of the best villains in animation history, as just like Gromit, he never says a word. And I'm doing so, it makes him more threatening. This penguin is not expressive, and yet you know what goes on in his head. Also, this is one of the many cartoon characters that can get away with having a gun! The most recent character to do that based on my knowledge was the turtle on "The Looney Tunes Show". So, yeah, Feathers McGraw is the best Wallace and Gromit villain!

But enough about the villain, how's the story? Here's the summation: Alfred Hitchcock done by Aardman! Wallace is stuck in a pair of robotic trousers controlled by Feathers, Gromit having to leave Wallace with the belief that he was being replaced, and the climax. OH MAN, THE CLIMAX! The climax is the best part of the film! It's up there in my list of top 10 favorite animated moments! I won't give away what happens, but if you haven't seen it, check it out! It's really cool! In a nutshell, the story comedic yet suspenseful.

My overall thought on the film can also be summed up by the previous statement: It's comedic yet suspenseful. If you haven't checked this film out, I highly recommend this film for any fan of animation or for someone who wants something short but fun.
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David and Bathsheba... for kids
21 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode does something that is considered daring if you know the Bible well: tell a PG-13 story to children! But, they tell it in a way that it is entertaining and, most Importantly, appropriate.

Obviously, kids are going to want to see a lot of things, even things that may not be right for them. That was a big issue when it came with the Batman movies. When the sequel came out, there was a controversy claiming that a dark and violent film was being marketed to kids through McDonalds toys (meanwhile Terminator and Alien toys were getting a free pass). But, again, the way they tell the story works.

For context, David and Bathsheba is a story found in the book of 2 Samual. The story involves King David finding a woman, Bathsheba, and taking her as his own, while killing her husband by sending him out to war. Yikes. In this version, the King, played by Larry the Cucumber, loves rubber duckies. And when he finds a young boy with his "perfect" rubber ducky, he sends him out to a pie war and takes his duck.

Of course, for a first viewer, the connections would be coincidental. However, the scenes that take place afterwards give the viewer who knows the story the idea of "oh, they're telling that story". The scene in question has a messenger go to the king and tell him a story about a man who had a lot who toke from another who had very little. The story infuriates the king and he demands to know who the man is, leading to the most poignant quote "YOU are that man". This is an important moment in both versions, as this leads to the redemption of our main character.

Redemption can happen to anyone. In fact, so many well known stories feature a redemption of a major character. The classic story of How the Grinch Stole Christmas starts with the Grinch hating Christmas, until he realizes the true spirit of Christmas after stealing it. A Christmas Carol, which was spoofed in a later episode of VeggieTales, features the redemption of a grumpy old man, realizing that there's more to life than what it seems. And, of course, many people today do find themselves to redeem themselves from sin.

Of course, there are some differences between the original and this version. First off, it's a musical. The songs are entertaining and catchy, which is what VeggieTales is known for. Second of all, the outcomes are different. Obviously the husband was sent to the war and dies, but when you compare it to sending a child to the front of a pie war and seeing the outcome, it's still pretty bad. Thomas, played by Junior Aspragus, was basically acting like he had PTSD (but, to be fair, the "hit the deck" bit was pretty funny). And finally, the resolution. This version had King George return the duck to Thomas and is forgiven. But, in the original, David was punished for his deeds. I get it, you want your kids film to have a happy ending, so, I'll forgive the last part.

While, yes, there is more to the episode, and entertaining premise for the countertop segments, and a hilarious silly song, this episode did tell an adult story to kids in an entertaining way that does teach them something valuable: being selfish. Check it out if you're okay with the things you just learned.
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A Snoodle's Tale (2004 Video)
Has the best VeggieTales story, yet still gets a 8/10.
15 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is interesting based on the contents. On one hand, you got an entertaining spoof of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and on the other, you have a great story teaching a lesson about self worth.

Dr. Jiggle and Mr. Sly is, again, an entertaining segment. I, personally, have never read the original Novel, but I did work on a play inspired by the original novel. The play never got presented to the public, but the play itself had an interesting perspective on the doctor's family. Dr. Jiggle tells a story of a man who has a dream, but fears of what others think of him. This leads him to disguise himself as Mr. Sly, an expert dancer. Scooter Carrot and Larry the Cucumber do play an interesting duo in this, playing the parodied version of Utterson. The song at the end is entertaining, and the jokes are hilarious. I recommend this to people who love funny parody shorts.

There is a silly song in this called Sport Utility Vehicle. The song is okay. It has an interesting premise, as Larry the Cucumber and a girl named Ms. Achmetha sing about their SUV's and imagine what they can do with them. The song has a good premise, but the song is still okay.

The main segment, A Snoodle's Tale, is my favorite story told in any VeggieTales episode. The story, written by Phil Vischer, is meant to tell a Dr. Seuss style story, but at certain points, ends up becoming a parable. The story is about a young boy, a Snoodle, learning about who he is. He is given wings, paints, and a kazoo, and when he uses them, other people in the town make fun of him. The boy leaves and ends up going to the top of a mountain, where he meets a kind man. The man shows the young boy who he is meant to be, as the man is the creator himself. The creator is never seen, and that is a good thing, as the creator is basically God, and seeing is not the same as believing. The segment ends with the boy using his wings to fly. The story is beautiful, and the casting is great!

The biggest downside to this episode is the animation. But, I can forgive the animation team, as this was the first episode that was done by a different animation team in Canada, so they weren't used to the characters yet.

Once again, this episode has my favorite story, and yet is still a 8/10 for me. This is one of those episodes that can either be considered great or good. If you want to teach your kids about self worth, I highly recommend this movie.

P. S.: Yes, I am familiar that the DVD features The Story of Flibber-a-loo from Are You My Neighbor after the episode is over. But, I don't care. It's just an extra, and extra's aren't meant to be taken seriously.
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Corpse Bride (2005)
Emotional, Frightening, and Beautiful at the same time!
5 September 2021
Tim Burton is one of my favorite directors (why, Batman and Beetlejuice are on my list of top ten favorite movies). And this movie can show how great a director Tim can be. Sure, a lot of his stuff nowadays is either considered meh or bad, but this film is probably one of Tim's best to recently come out.

This movie actually came out the same year I was born (Same with Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit)! And I'm actually glad that this movie came out. The animation is incredible, the actors did an amazing job (even Johnny Depp, who likes this movie better than Edward Scissorhands), and the music is beautiful! The story is so incredible, and the idea that the living are dead, soulless people and the dead are bright, colorful, and upbeat corpses is a great contrast, as one would think the opposite!

This movie is definitely one of Tim's most underrated, and one of the movies that I will aways watch in October (same with Beetlejuice and The Nightmare Before Christmas). If you haven't seen the movie, you should watch it!
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Luca (2021)
Not one of Pixar's best, but still a great movie.
19 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I found Luca to be a fun animated movie. Even though the film had a more cartoony style, this film had some pretty good animation. I really liked the main characters, and I loved the story. I recommend this movie to any family looking for a good summer movie.
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Sony Pictures Animation's secret weapon was a success! Again.
6 May 2021
It has been clear that Sony pictures animation has not had the best movies. Why, people won't leave Sony alone for making the Emoji Movie a thing. But, this and Spider Man into the spider verse proved that there can be great films, as long as Phil Lord and Christopher Miller was involved.

But, it wasn't because those two were in involved! This is the funniest movie that I've seen in a really long time! And the casting was perfect. My family loved Danny McBride as the dad.

If you want to see a funny, heartwarming family movie, then go to Netflix and watch "The Mitchell's V. S. The Machines"!

(Update: 2/19/2022)

Just bought the Blu-Ray copy, and I am happy to say that this is my favorite animated movie of 2021. At this point, people are still crazing over Encanto, but I don't see Encanto as Disney's newest success. The Oscars are coming up, and I hope this movie wins.

This movie has grown to be one of the best animated movies that I have seen in a while, along with Spirited Away and The Prince of Egypt. If you haven't seen this movie, then get a subscription to Netflix or go rent the DVD copy and watch this movie.
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The REAL Batman (1989) Parody
30 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While the Fib from outer space was meant to be the parody of Tim Burton's Batman, this one really took the Batman movie very seriously! I love how the opening mirrors the opening of Batman, and how the creation of the villain mirrors the creation of the Joker in Batman. This episode is definitely my favorite out of the 4 LarryBoy episodes as it combines the Tim Burton classic with a very important lesson about spreading rumors. I highly recommend this episode for superhero fans. Even if LarryBoy is a weak hero, he still managed to help defeat the villain in the movie.
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Another good episode
30 March 2021
While this episode may have low quality, this show will stay good for its tales of grumpy grapes, forgive-o-matics, and a cucumber Gillian on the island. I like this episode as it teaches a very important lesson, and tells it through a pretty hilarious Gillian's Island parody. I recommend this episode to families that need to teach their children to forgive each other.
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Easily the worst episode of VeggieTales
30 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode really didn't do well even when I was a child. While the title is clever, the story is unoriginal. The director confirmed that they used elements from The Star Of Christmas as inspiration. But, in reality, the episode is a bootleg version of The Star Of Christmas set around Easter. What I can't complain about is the Silly Song. I though it was funny and really well done. But the rest of the episode was just sitting through something that I've already seen from VeggieTales.
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The one that started it all!
30 March 2021
This is, without a doubt, one of the best VeggieTales episodes. This was the one that started the generation of vegetable lovers as a three dimensional tomato and cucumber came to life on a video cassette. While the animation and graphics are outdated, the story, characters, and songs still stay strong after more than 27 years.
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Teen Titans Go!: Ghost With The Most (2020)
Season 6, Episode 27
Great crossover!
27 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching Beetlejuice for the first time, I found this episode, which just made me laugh! I love this episode, but little suggestion, don't make Beetlejuice toot, seriously. Still, got all the references in the episode! All I can say is that this is the episode for Beetlejuice fans.
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Shrek (2001)
A kids movie with adult humor, the usual work Dreamworks.
27 August 2020
After Toy Story, it appeared that Dreamworks was going to be a good competitor when Shrek came out (Antz only proved that Jeffery Katzenburg was trying to get back at Disney!) Of course, like a Disney film, you've got a fairy tale story with fairy tale characters, only you've got Smash Mouth, Mike Myers, & jokes that poke fun at the classic fairy tales. Sure, you've got some adult humor and language, but other than that, it's a great movie.
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Frozen II (2019)
Without a doubt, better than the first!
24 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While the first movie felt more for my little sister and a little bit for me, this film was a type for both of us! For my little sister, they would have the usual Disney Princess elements, the fun characters, and songs. But for me, a 14 year old, this film would have plot twists, good humor, and another person to be affected by Thano's snap! Because one of the characters flakes, or should I say, blipped. Turns out, Disney really made a good sequel this time!
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27 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Cartoon Network redeemed themselves with this movie! Two of my favorite series collided! This movie is my favorite right now! I just wish this was in the theaters.

The film starts as the Teen Titans fight Gentleman Ghost. Gentleman Ghost accidentally cracks Raven's crystal, and Raven goes crazy. Then, the titans meet the original versions, and fight. It is then revealed that this was all part of Trigon's plan to rule the multiverse, or as I like to call it, the Titanverse! The two titans have to get along in order to save the Ravens. In the end, every single Teen Titan comes together to fight. Why didn't Spiderverse have that? And the ending was a really big cliffhanger, which could possibly live for a sequel.

The songs were entertains, but the movie was just a little short. I would recommend buying this movie on iTunes.
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DuckTales: The Last Crash of the Sunchaser! (2018)
Season 1, Episode 22
Why, Disney? WHY?!?
14 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This might be the most depressing episode in the series, and also in the Disney Company. I was crying in the end, and I thought that this was the end of the series. Unfortunately, Disney redeemed themselves in the season finale. This review isn't just a review, it's a warning. If you haven't seen this episode, be prepared.
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Wonder Park (2019)
People hate UglyDolls more. But I know better!
2 September 2019
This is the worst animated movie of the year! I didn't laugh, I didn't cry, and I didn't smile. This is the worst thing Nickelodeon ever did!
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Unikitty!: Batkitty (2019)
Season 1, Episode 40
1 September 2019
THE DARK NIGHT RETURNS! They put my favorite character from the Lego Movie into this episode. They even have the voice of Batman. Now, I want an episode with Emmet and Lucy.
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UglyDolls (2019)
Very funny and heartwarming movie, just like Toy Story and Lego Movie.
1 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ignore the haters, because this film was great. The story was entertaining, I loved the characters, and I loved the songs. Plus, the lesson was very clear, show people who you are in the inside. That lesson can be important in our life. The movie is about outcasts dolls wanting to be loved. No matter how much they are called ugly, they don't stop. With a little help of a new friend, the UglyDolls might have a shot at getting a kid. But when the mayor of UglyVille (Blake Shelton) reveals that they're rejects, things get real emotional. But all it takes is a catchy song for the dolls to pass the final test. Unfortunately, the head of the perfect dolls (Nick Jonas) wants the ugly dolls to be recycled. The ending where the main character (Kelly Clarkson) gets a kid is very sweet. I would recommend this movie for families.
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Funny and entertaining!
25 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This film was the first movie that I saw in the movie theaters. The second being Toy Story 3. The film is one of my favorite Universial films. And let's not forget that this was computer animated. The minions wasn't made until 2 years later!

The film is based on a silly Song with the same title, the Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. These Pirates (Pa Grape {Phil Vischer}, Mr. Lunt {Phil Vischer again}, and Larry {Mike Nawrocki}) soon appeared on Jonah. And finally, they get a whole movie! In the movie, they are sent back in time to the pirate times to save a princess from a villainous pirate. The film has some hilarious jokes. My favorite one is the joke about swimming without arms and legs. The ending song was also very entertaining. Big Idea really turned Rock Lobster into a very fun song. I can't stop singing it. I would recommend this movie for families.
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