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15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's a good film, but different from the book. It's been a while since I've read the book, or until today seen the movie. It's well acted for the most part. I thought the father didn't do that great of a job. But other than him well acted, we directed, well put together. I do have a question though. How is it possible to regain your memory in two seconds like the father did? That part I don't get. I liked how dark they made the head mistress staying true to the character of her. And I love that they made her a sweeper at the end. Good punishment. The sister was probably my favorite with her love affair with the milkman. Very charming and cute. I really enjoyed the movie and would recommend it to anyone.
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A Little Princess (1986–1987)
Very Good
15 September 2013
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Staying closer to the book, I thought this verison was better than the other two, though the other two are good too. But this one touches the heart strings a little more as unlike the other two, the father does die in this one. While this one is a little darker than the other two it plays more with your emotions. You laugh, you cry. You smile, you frown. You could tell how much of a struggle it was for Sara and her father to be a part, and how joyful she was to finally find a home in the end, where she once again would be loved. This is the better of the three and a fine good adaptation of the book. I would high recommend it for all who have yet to see it.
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Lincoln (2012)
Great movie
15 September 2013
I love, love, love this movie! I can't say enough great things about it. I'm so glad that Daniel Day-Lewis won the Oscar, it was so well deserved. I thought that Sally Field was robbed of the Oscar. This is not just a wonderfully great film, but an educational one as well. I learned things about that time period and Lincoln that I had either forgotten or never knew. I just loved it all the way through from start to finish. All the actors were great. I think that the guy who played Seward was a bit overlooked as I felt he was just as good as Day-Lewis and Tommy Lee Jones. I saw this film three times in the theater, it is that good. It's well acted, well directed, well edited, well put together and an A+ film. If you haven't seen yet, don't delay go rent it today.
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Didn't like it
15 September 2013
One of the worst films of all time. Though very well put together and a good storyline I thought it was cheesy at the same time. And those Umpa-Loompas give me the creeps. The whole movie gives me nightmares. The acting was so-so as was the directing. It is on my top of list of worst movies ever made. It is unbelievably unbelievable. The only thing really believable was the spoiled brat girl who turned into a blueberry. I'm unsure that I can say enough bad things about the movie fit the guidelines. This is most certiantly a movie I will never own. This movie along with E.T. and The Wizard of Oz go down in my book as horrible movies and one I would not recommend.
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The Wolverine (2013)
An alright film
15 September 2013
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I went souley because I'm a huge Hugh Jackman fan. But the movie I thought wasn't bad. I love Hugh of course and thought that he put his all into it, but I also think that all the other actors did too. I could have done without the bear scene. I'm not really sure I understand the point in that was, but oh well. I enjoyed the action and humor in it, and thought it was a well put together film. But of course my favorite part was Hugh. It's a movie that my little brother who doesn't like the X-Men movies loved this one. It's definitely a movie I would recommend to anyone wither or not you've seen the other X-Men movies or wither or not you are a fan of the other movies or not.
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Not so bad
14 September 2013
I love musicals and Hugh Jackman, but to be honest, the first few times I saw this film, I thought it was horrible. As much as I love musicals, they just don't make them the way they used to back in the 30's to 60's. But this movie grew on me. I learned to sort of like it, and then really enjoy it. I do so love movie musicals, but this one did have a little too much singing to it. And there are some scenes I would have left out. But other than those things I think this to be a pretty good film. It's well acted, directed, shot, edited and overall good. I would recommend the film to anyone who hasn't seen it. It's a modern day musical that tries to capture the days of old.
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Real Steel (2011)
Cute, Good feel good movie
14 September 2013
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I really like the movie. I love Hugh Jackman and most of the films he is in. But this one is one of his best. I love the storyline of the father and son learning and growing together. I really liked the part where Aunt Deborah comes to get Max and Charlie tells Max that Max forgot who Charlie was. When in reality Charlie grew up some and become almost a whole other person. Though I have to say the ending was my favorite part where Charlie tries to tell Max how he feels and Max says the secret is safe with him. I enjoyed the action of the robot boxing, but liked the human side of it better. I'm not much of a boxing fan. It was well shot, edited and directed, and all the actors were great. If you haven't seen this film yet, I suggest you go rent it. It's totally worth watching.
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Australia (2008)
Adore this movie!
12 September 2013
I know that many have spoken their dislike for this film, but I loved it. I loved how the characters interacted with each other. I loved the story line to the movie and how they kept true to that story line. The story line was simple and easy to follow. That maybe one reason why some didn't like the movie. The story line is also very believable. I think that the actors did very well. Hugh Jackman and Nicole Kidman had excellent chemistry together. It showed a well put together film that captures your emotions and heart. I think the movie is highly underrated and everybody needs to give this film a shot. I would not call it the best film of the year, but it is one of the better ones that came out that year. I think that it's interesting how it shows something that not many people knew about. I sure as heck didn't. It's a comedy, a drama and love story rolled into one amazing adventure. Go see it today.
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Fell in love all over again
10 September 2013
I loved this movie when it first came out 20 years ago and I think mostly cause I had such a crush on Robert Sean Leonard. I didn't get a lot of the story line or humor it when I was younger. I was only 9 when it came to theaters. I now own the movie and just recently saw it again. I hadn't seen it in a long time. Now I can't seem to get enough of it. I fell in love with the movie all over again. This time for other reasons like the plot and humor of it. The acting is superb by all. My favorite is no longer Claudio but Bennedick and then Beatrice. I think they had the most chemistry between them. It helps that the actors were married to each other at the time. If you haven't seen the movie yet, I highly recommend you rent it and see it.
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Wonderfully Great!
20 January 2012
This started as a movie that I had no desire to watch. But mostly out of curiosity after talking to my mom about it I rented it. And I'm glad that I did. This movie is wonderfully great! Though I would have given the academy award to Jane Alexander other than Meryl Streep the whole cast was great. I'm so glad that Dustin did the movie. His Oscar was very well deserved. I don't come from a broken home, but still the movie plays to my heart strings. I'm glad that the movie ended with the parent that he should have been with. This is a movie that you can watch over and over again and never tire of. It's a movie that no matter how many times you've seen it the emotions it draws from you are the same. It's a movie that is wonderfully great.
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The Mentalist (2008–2015)
Love Love Love It!
4 July 2011
I love and adore this show. I can sit and watch it all day and never tire of it. Personally I haven't really watched any shows since JAG went off the air several years ago. And honestly it wasn't until the season finally of season 3 that got me to watch this. I saw a little but of the ending of the season and went out and bought season 1 and 2 and can't get enough of it. I can't wait for season 3 to come onto DVD and watch season 4 when it starts up again. Simon Baker deserves awards for this show. All the actors do. Jane is the best character on TV since Harm was on JAG and The Mentalist is the best show since JAG. I love, love, love it!
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Ponderosa (2001–2002)
Good Show
7 May 2011
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I wish that it had lasted longer. I grew up watch re runs of Bonanza with my mom and as an adult still watch it. I just started watching Ponderosa on youtube recently and I have to say I really enjoy it. I think that it probably could have lasted at least another season had the cost of it not been so high. I love how it shows more of a connection with Ben and the boys. I often found more of a connection with the boys with each other in Bonanza. I also like the inertactment with Adam and Joe cause in later years you can tell that their relationship was a bit strained. Though I do think that some of the story lines waver far from later on in Bonanza it's still a good show and I have great fun watching it.
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Toy Story 3 (2010)
Very Good, but maybe a little strong
27 April 2011
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As I watched in the theater a little girl in front of me started to be frightened near the end when it looked it was the end for the toys. I've talked to a few other people and they said that their small children had similar reactions when they saw it for the first time. This makes me wonder if it was a little strong for children of a younger age. No matter what though I enjoyed it whole heartly. And the end almost had me in tears. I was a young girl when the first one came out so in many ways I grew up with those toys. So at the end it was very heartwarming and touching. Tears almost filled my eyes. I cant wait to see this one again.
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Little Women (1994)
Lovely Film
26 April 2011
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I love rewatching things after not seeing them in a long time and just falling in love with it all over again. And that's what happened here with Little Women. I was a young girl myself when it came out in theaters and I enjoyed it then, though honestly I don't recall if I had ever read the book before then. I don't have any sisters so I don't know the true relationship between sisters but I imagine it's a lot like brothers and I have three of them so I could relate in many ways to the relationships between the four of them. I think that Jo and Laurie would have made a great couple, but Jo was right. Laurie needed someone more like Amy than herself. Jo and Laurie were too much alike. The combination of Laurie and Amy matched together similar to Jo and Fredrick.Amy was calm and Laurie outgoing and Fredrick was calm and Jo outgoing. I can't think of anyone I know who has seen this movie and not cried when Beth passes away. A scene that sticks in your mind even days after watching it. Cuddle up in a blanket with your popcorn and enjoy this wonderful film.
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Touched by an Angel (1994–2003)
Great Show
26 April 2011
I used to watch this show every week with my mom and loved it then. It just touches the heart in many ways and almost every episode tugs the strings a little stronger. I just started watching it again due to the sad death of John Dye. I always loved Andrew the best and it's a shame that John's death has caused me to fall in love with this show and Andrew all over again. It is so sad that John is no longer with us. I hope he knows how much people loved him and his character, how much I do. I like the other angels too (execpt for Gloria) and each of them bring a certain joy to watch about them. I hope one day they will release the rest of the show on DVD. Though I don't think they will I just hope they do.
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The Lion King (1994)
Excellent Movie
20 April 2011
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I love Disney always have and probably always will. But The Lion King in many ways stands out from the rest. And it's not just cause the prince is a lion. You feel the pain and hurt and betrayal along with Simba. You learn and grow along with Simba. You love along with Simba. As with most Disney animals their facial expressions say more than words could say and when Timon laughs about the Kings of the past being in the stars, Simba really needs to say nothing at all. It's all there written in his face and they way he carries himself as he leaves. It's almost a coming of age story. As a young cub he had the world at his paws. Then he sees it slip away with the death of his father and being driven out by the hyenas. Only to later on come back and see that Pride Rock is really home and fight for what is rightfully his. Pop some popcorn and sit back, relax and enjoy!
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Newsies (1992)
Awesome movie
20 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
For a modern day musical it ranks among the best. In fact for musicals period Newsies is one of the better ones. I just resaw it for the first times in a long while and fell in love with it all over again. I love the interact and respect that all the newsies have for each other. And at the end it's very clear how they all feel about Jack and how Jack feels for them, especially David and his family. Even if you don't care all that much for musicals it's still one to watch for it will still entertain you and make you cheer right along in the end. Newsies is a classic in my opinion. I grew up on it and it was something I shared a common interest in with friends and family. It may not go down in history as one to remember but in my book it already has.
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The Last Song (2010)
Loved It
8 October 2010
I loved it. Then again I've loved every Nicolas Sparks movie I've seen. I saw it when I got it on netflix and then just within a couple hours of watching it for the first time I went out and bought it. It really hit a cord with me in many ways more than any other of his. My dad and I don't have the best of relationships and so I can relate in a similar way. It made me realize how fragil and short life is. So I'm now working on a better relationship with my dad. I thought the acting was well done. By all the cast. I'm not a fan of Miley and this is the first thing I've seen of her's but she was good. You could tell that all the actors but real emotion in their roles. Still there is yet to be a movie based on one of Nicolas Sparks' books that I haven't cried in and this was no expection to that.
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Not the greatest
11 September 2010
I think that it went a little too far with all the footage of the real camps. Yes, those things happened and while it may have been important to the story to show some, I don't think it was necessary to show as much as they did. The movie was also very long and got a bit boring. I think that it would have been better had they cut it down some. Though I do think that CLift was robbed of yet another Oscar. Shell did deserve his Oscar. I think that all the acting was very well preformed. Lancasters should have been nominated. He did a wonderful job just sitting there with a blank expression on his face for most of the movie.
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Very Good
21 June 2010
Being a HUGE Montgomery Clift fan this was on my must see list. I travel a lot for a living so sitting down to watch a movie is a treat. But I'm sure glad I found time to sit and watch this one. Montgomery sadly seems to be the actor forgotten. But his performance in this movie is anything but forgettable. You really feel for him, as he starts to be torn between the two then by his emotions. Though I don't think that he physically harmed Alice when the boat tipped the fact he didn't try to save her when he could have says that to a degree he did go through with his plan to drown her. Great acting job to Elizabeth Taylor and Shelley Winters as well. Everyone held their own and did a beautiful job in this very good movie. Though I will say Montgomery was robbed of the Oscar.
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It Happened One Night and then Some
7 May 2010
First off it should really be called It Happened One Night and then Some cause it was more than one night. The one night was never really even shown.

It was a good movie and I enjoyed it, however I'm not sure it is really worth all it was cracked out to be. I don't think that I would have given it all the awards that it won. It was good but not THAT good.

I probably still would agree with Clark Gabel's performance, in my opinion it out tops them all in the movie. Maybe even for the year. Not that I've seen every movie that year far from it. But Gable here delivered the goods that is worthy of the Oscar.

Though if you find yourself home one evening with nothing to do pop some popcorn, grab a soda and watch this movie. Just make sure you're mouth is empty if something strikes you as funny.
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I Confess (1953)
Interesting Film
5 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think that before viewing this I had ever seen a Hitchcock movie. It wasn't what I truthfully expected it to be at all. But I'm not saying that is a bad thing, I actually liked the movie. I admit I watch older films but mostly musicals. I've just started to watch the non-musicals and of the ones that I've seen this one is one of the better ones. I thought it carried your attention the whole way through, which is always a good sign in watching a movie. It also made me want to see it again. For it not being what I expected it's an interesting film, I will give it that. If you haven't seen it yet go to netflix and watch it. I would definitely recommend it.
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Simply the Best
12 April 2010
Out of all of Rodgers and Hammerstein's masterpieces this one is simply the best one ever! Yul Brynner's performance was well deserved of the Oscar that he got for it. No one could have pulled off the role as well and perfectly as he did. Deborah Kerr in my opinion was robbed of the Oscar. I've seen Anastasia In fact own it) and thought think it to be good Deborah's performance in The King and I was much better. The King and I is a movie that can draw the same yet different kind of reaction and emotion out of you no matter how many times you watch it. And the ending scene will tear you up even if you've seen it a million times. Any movie that can draw that kind of emotion out of you every time is one for the books and goes down in history as one of the best movies ever made. And for me The King and I is such a movie.
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It's okay but not the best
12 April 2010
Though I would say I liked Frank Sinatra's character the best I'm not sure I would have given him the Oscar for it had it been up to me. I would have given it to Montgomery Clift the Oscar had it been up to me. Then again I wasn't alive in 1953. I don't really think it was all the movie it was made out to be. And there was way too much drinking and smoking in it. I know it was the time period but they could have done without as much of it. But I think it wasn't all that bad. Montogmery was differently the star of the movie and should have been rewarded for it. I don't think that he got top billing and I think that he should have. He was the star and everyone else was just extra.
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Cover Girl (1944)
Good Movie
31 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Though I strongly feel that SITR is the best Gene Kelly movie, but this a pretty good one. I liked the music and the dancing and the ending on how Gene got the girl. My favorite part though without a doubt is Gene's dance with his alter ego. I love watching two Gene Kelly's for the price of one. It shows what talent Mr. Kelly really was. It is a movie that I think that everyone should watch at least once in their life time. So you have not seen it go out and find to watch it today! I'm sure that everyone out there has a Gene Kelly friend that has this movie in their collection. So go over to their house and pop some popcorn and enjoy!
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