
11 Reviews
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Bad Samaritan (2018)
6.7 out of 10 it's worth a watch
7 May 2018
Cat and Mouse Suspense Thriller not a horror movie a would be young adult robber breaks into a rich guys house looking for a score. As he is combing through the house finds a woman captive. The killer finds out what he did and the game of cat and mouse begins. This is not suppose to be a horror movie nor is it however its good guy verses bad guy verses good girl. There were parts where i wanted him to fight harder or be smarter but that never happens in movies. The movie should have ended with telling where the family was and his girl was. Other then that good movie.
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10 out of 10 You can't change my mind it's nearly perfect. Just needed to be longer
27 April 2018
First off 10/10 it's also probably the first and last 10/10 ratings I will ever give a movie. I don't hand 10s out like candy it has to be better then good this review while most haven't watched it contains no real spoilers as of yet. Here we go with some notes you gotta stay for the ending scene after credits that combined with Dr. Strange and Tony convo you need to pay attention to what they are talking about it has everything to do with the way the movie ends. It's not the ending and the end scene with fury the message is sent to alert someone we haven't seen in marvel movies yet. There were very little mistakes if any maybe gripes or people who don't understand or follow everything cause they don't read comics or watch marvel movies. The action in the movie is well thought out and top notch so are the jokes. This movie is meant to play on your emotions leave you guessing even though the movie is pretty complete on it's own. Some people gripe the CGI was sketchy at parts. I would disagree but also if you payed for 3D I bet it would be a lot better then you think. I may go see it again just for that reason this is a good movie to see in 3d. Yes people die it is meant to show how strong Thanos is he already has 1 stone at the very beginning of the movie so that adds to his strength. Thanos and the man who played him (Josh Brolin) is as good as any joker or guy who played him dead or alive. All of the people who played hero's were top notch even if they never play in another movie again this movie is enough to polish any résumé. It's not a money grab it's a masterpiece. A true Marvel. Go see it.
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Samson (2018)
5 out of 10
27 April 2018
You know your going into a low budget Biblical narrative movie don't expect tons of crazy dark night action. You know the story lines if you have done any research on the topic. At times the movie is slow and boring and it almost makes up For it with action at times but there is limited things they can do with this type of story line. It is a good 1 night dvd rental
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Unsane (2018)
6.3 out of 10 worth a watch try going at reduced rate times
27 April 2018
This psychological thriller suggest a woman is being followed by an over obsessive stalker and during the 2 plus years it has taken it's toll on her so much so that she can barely tell what real and whats not. She inadvertently checks herself into a mental hospital where he later gets a job at. The movie works out in her favor in the end but it has it's cost during the movie. This entire movie is shot on an Iphone 7 I can tell the movie was shot on a phone however I still support these types of low budget films I can't wait for phones to be able to do 4 times what they can now. Not every movie needs to cost 300 million or 2 hours of complete CGI I would like to make a good movie one day and don't want it to cost hundreds of millions to do so.
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Smallville (2001–2017)
A very well done tv series one of my past time favorites.
26 April 2018
I caught this on dvd while in Iraq binged watched on leave it was one of the best t.v. shows at that time. I was later in all the myspace fan groups yeah i watched it that long ago. My 2 complaints are he never flys as super man and no tights it turns out the writers never wanted the show to be about that so stars off for that choice. I still have screen caps from the various dvds on hdds probably hundreds. I was very into it thinking he would fly for real but no. Tom welling has moved onto shows like Lucifer and Kirsten (Burden of Truth) (who I had the biggest crush on) has moved on as well but this show will always be with me. In other news Allison Mack was arrested for a number of federal offenses by the FBI she likely won't be playing anything as good as Chloe anytime soon.
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Red Sparrow (2018)
You can find a better use of time go rewatch Infinity War
26 April 2018
I gave it a 6 because it is not the worst movie I have seen. But it is mind numbingly boring. I think even reading my reviews is a better use of your time. It lacks any surprise at all and some of the worst sex scenes I have ever seen in any movie ever. This movie made 142.8 million to much. I wish there was a way to pull money back from the actress if thats what i can call katniss.
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7.8 out of 10 really liked it
23 April 2018
I have not read any books and had no knowledge about it prior to seeing this movie. I thought it was only going to be a movie for teens but It was much better then I expected it was good. I thought that the owner of the game reminded me somewhat of Charlie and the chocolate factory setup as well as the curator, Almost oz like the game seemed more like how a lot of other movies pretend to play out real life mad max fury road, Ender's Game, this happened a lot through out the movie I would be reminded of it's almost carbon copy plots needless to say it's a winning formula. I would def go see a part 2
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A Quiet Place (2018)
7.8 out of 10 this movie is gooood
23 April 2018
Went to see it on the big screen heard the reviews were good and it delivered. This was a really good movie Blunt's last good movie was Looper. This was as good or better in this post apocalyptic thriller. I found it easy to suspend all reality and logic like not building a weapon that could kill them all or them being able to survive that long with out better weapons and enjoy the film for what it is. Ready for part 2
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Rampage (2018)
6.8 out of 10
23 April 2018
Pretty Good, it fact much better then I expected . Great to see in the theaters to maximize the wow effect. A 'little' obscenity so go with your kids. CGI was good this movie is better then jumanji. The Rock seems to be hitting up the family friendly movies so he can watch them with his kids.
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Blockers (2018)
In the middle movie could have been a lot better rated to high not more then 5
23 April 2018
This movie was a alright although by the end of it I kinda wanted my money back and I paid with moviepass, generic comedy at best lots of chuckle moments only 2 parts where it was actually funny 1 of which was ruined by crying racism after the joke. Then there as the but beer scene which didn't end well which is why it was funny and that's it then ho-humthe rest of the movie and even before that. There was definite agenda to push it's views on the viewers for most of the movie. Tried to be inspiring with the cheater dad which was an odd route to take If that's where they had to do it they needed a rewrite the script, and just turned out to be an annoying point for that reason. Don't pay more then $5 to watch this in theater. Watch once it's out on DVD if you're bored and easily amused.
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Truth or Dare (I) (2018)
This movie was enjoyable enough 6.7 out of 10
23 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is like a 6.7/10 it was enjoyable enough. I am not sure why the demon didn't just kill them all of anyway if he had that much power to begin with. He could have done that from very early on in the movie. There were some other small logic problems nothing to crazy though. The ending offered nothing new we have seen it from other movies. Here is a layout of the movie. A women is sceen diving in mexico stops at a gas station trys to buy a pack of smokes the clerk ask Truth or Dare seemling possesed she picks dare and has to burn down the mexico gas station.

Movie opens up on Olivia who is leader on habitat for humainty which is where the movie starts in front of her labtop for her next mission her best friend cancled her planned trip to build houses so she could blow it of against her will to go on spring break with her instead she agrees cause now she has no plans.

A crap ton of B-roll footage shot from a bunch of crappy phones plays offering back story nothing to important.

Olivia Barron, her best friend Markie Cameron, Markie's boyfriend Lucas Moreno, along with Penelope Amari and her boyfriend Tyson Curran, and Brad Chang go on a trip to Rosarito, Mexico. In Mexico, Olivia runs into fellow student Ronnie who proceeds to harass her until a man intervenes on her behalf. The man introduces himself as Carter and eventually convinces her and her friends to join him for drinks at the ruins of a mission at an old aboneded church. There, Carter initiates a game of "truth or dare?" with Olivia and her friends, plus Ronnie, who followed the group. Eventually, the game ends when Carter reveals that he deceived Olivia as a means of tricking her and her friends to the mission to offer them in his place in the supernatural game of Truth or Dare. As Carter leaves, he explains to Olivia that the game will follow them and they must not refuse it at this point you know it's demonic the demon could just kill them all movie over.

At a local college bar, sometime after everyone returned from Mexico, Ronnie dies when he fails to complete a dare. Olivia, having become convinced that Carter was telling the truth, gathers and attempts to convince her friends that the game is real. The game, playing in accordance to the order the group played in Mexico, turns to Markie, having already appeared to Olivia and Lucas, and she is forced to break Olivia's hand. At the hospital, Brad is then forced by the game into revealing to his father, Officer Han Chang, his homosexuality which his father disapproves strongly.

The next day, the skeptical Tyson lies when forced to tell a truth and, as a result, dies stabbing himself in the eye with a pen. A drunken Penelope is next forced by the game to drink and finish a full bottle of vodka whilst walking along the edge of the roof of a house. She eventually falls from the roof after finishing the bottle, but is saved by Brad, Markie, and Olivia. The group manage to come into contact with a woman named Giselle the women who burned down the gas station in mexico, who is also a participant in a separate incarnation of the game, and the group go to meet her.

Giselle reveals that she and her friends played the game and her friend Sam, the only other survivor of her incarnation of the game, was responsible for the game becoming reality in the first place, having wrecked the ruins of the mission. Giselle reveals that a truth can only be chosen twice before the next player is forced to choose dare. Giselle draws a handgun on Olivia and shoots, confessing that she was dared to kill her. However, Penelope jumps in front of Olivia and is shot and killed. Failing to kill Olivia, Giselle possesed shoots herself in the head.

Later, following Olivia, Lucas, and Markie's turns in the game, Brad is dared to withdraw his father's gun and make him beg for his life. However, in the act, Brad is shot and killed by an approaching officer. At the precinct, Olivia learns that Carter is Sam.

Olivia and Lucas drive to Tijuana and meet with a mute woman and former nun who operated out of the church in which they originally played the game. The woman informs them that they are dealing with a demon she first summoned, who possessed the game of Truth or Dare and can only be stopped if the last person who evoked it sacrifices their tongue into an urn and seals it with wax after an incantation is made in the church.

Olivia, Markie, and Lucas find Sam and force him at gunpoint back to the ruins of the church in Mexico. There, Sam begins the ritual and is about to sever his tongue when it becomes Lucas' turn to play the game. Lucas is dared to kill either Olivia or Markie, which he refuses. Possessed by the demon controlling the game, Lucas is forced to kill Sam, before the latter can complete the ritual to end the game. He then proceeds to slit his throat and die.

Olivia forces the demon to reveal to her whether or not there was a definitive way to end the game with Markie and herself alive. The demon reveals that now that Sam is dead, there is not - but they can draw more people into the game and prolong their turn in it. Olivia hastily records and uploads a video to YouTube, warning of the game and its rules, before challenging the viewer of the video to Truth or Dare, initiating them now they all have to pick truth or dare.
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