
13 Reviews
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Nefarious (2023)
Extremely potent and powerful!
27 April 2023
From a technical acting view, Sean Patrick Flannery is amazing in this movie. You forget he is an actor and believe the character is him. I cannot imagine the headaches he must have had from the self-imposed blood pressure!

To the plot, it is hard to argue the point the movie makes. If you have eyes to see, you will see. If you don't want to see, it may go right over your head.

Regardless, this is an outstanding show you should not miss. I guess you could say it is a "horror" movie in how you will feel but it is not really horror. But you will feel severe empathy for one of the characters.

SPF deserves an academy award with this portrayal. His is some of the best acting I have seen put on the screen in quite some time. We will be buying this one when it comes out as it is definitely a watch again for me!
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Hocus Pocus 2 (2022)
Maybe worthy as a afternoon special, a meh storyline
1 October 2022
As a lover of the original, the only good actor was Sarah Jessica Parker as she captured the essence of the original character. Other that, acting is incredibly campy and relies on people acting like idiots to make up for the poor storyline. For example, the primary targets of the witches act like complete idiots, yet they are in charge? What does that say for everyone else following them?

There is no reason to care for any of the characters at all. Complete lack of character development and what you do know, you care to know more.

The other point of irritation is how obvious Disney makes it when they include politically hot topics as though everyone must be informed where Disney and their writers stand. I just want to see a good movies that take me out of reality for a couple hours, not be reminded of topics in the news everyday. That is just lazy writing. Many good writers implement inclusion in transparent ways that do not steal focus from the storyline. Whether I agree with the point or not doesn't matter if it is not right in my face. Again, that is extremely lazy writing.
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Not the best interpretation or re-imagining of a well-defined and epic journey
6 September 2022
Not a hater but not terribly impressed. In a world where CGI and green screen is the normal way of business, not to mention the immense funds invested, the better be amazing! So I do not give much credit for it being beautiful, which it is. That is like congratulating someone for doing their job. You shouldn't need kudos for doing the minimum, so no bonus points for visuals.

As for the story, I was not impressed. It is pretty obvious they took a collection of disjoined notes and formed a story, which is disappointing. They should have spent more time and brought in people who know the books well to form cohesive structure and backstory.

The acting is rough. I do not blame the actors, they did well with what they were handed. This comes down to the writers. It was though individual writers were assigned individual characters to create how they wanted, then afterward the scripts were combined. The flow is rough and I am not invested in anyone. I wanted to like Galadriel as she is one of the epics in the story. However I don't. They did too much with her and too little with others. Why are the Dwarfs a bunch of fools? Sure they have stereotypes, but they are older creatures with centuries of experience. Likewise, as mentioned in other reviews, the elves being surprised by the world beyond their borders? Come on, elves are known in this universe for being extremely intelligent and well experienced with the world.

In summary, the disjointed nature of the characters is really what killed this for me. Fix that and you have an 8/10. Make Galadriel a respectable and "realistic" leader, not a one-person army, and you have a 9/10. As it stands now, it is a challenge to be excited or to care what happens next.
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No Escape (1994)
Hidden 90's gem
24 October 2021
I saw this in the theatre when it came out and loved it then, still enjoy now after all these years. It is like a Lethal Weapon but for prisoners on a deserted island. It is not Oscar worthy, but it is still enjoyable to watch if you can find it.

I have not been able to find this one for years, pretty much since Blockbuster went belly up back in the day. If you are in the mood for a decent action flick you can veg out to, you can't go wrong.

As another review mentioned, there is some intense irony in the fact he is charged with murdering his commanding officer for ordering him to kill innocent civilians, in Benghazi, 2011! Being a veteran myself, I can imagine vigilante thoughts have gone through many heads over the real Benghazi...alas, that would be wrong...but it is not illegal to think it! (Snowflake disclaimer: Please, do not get any ideas I advocate vigilantism or murder, I do not).
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Encouraging, but bummer its needed
22 October 2021
As caretaker for my spouse, who has a similar neuro-disease, my hat is off to Selma for the courage to show her vulnerabilities to the world.

There is no other group more discriminated than the disabled. It is much better than even 20 years ago, but social exclusion remains at the top. No other group of individuals has the insecurity of not only being universally judged as different, but also knowing they are different...and there is nothing they can about it.

There are many true advocates, but humanity's majority still see disabled people as broken, having less to offer to the world and worth staring at while sidestepping because you do not know how to interact. But how to break that barrier down?

It is videos and documentaries like this that allows young people to learn earlier that on individuals with disabilities are no less than they are, and in fact may have everything to offer (Stephen Hawking comes to mind).

Sorry if this is lecturing, but reading other review's criticality tweaked a nerve a bit. Regardless whether person is a celebrity or an average everyday human (i.e., Bernadette), they are people just like you and everyone better, no worse. They are having their own human experience just like you. Until there is more understanding and less stares, cajoles, jokes and comments when an individual with a disability walks into the room or rolls by on the sidewalk, these will remain exceedingly necessary.

A perfect world is one where people do not feel a need to make others feel awkward, less than or just different only to boost their own ego or self-esteem. One where we all treat each other with love, even if it is not returned. Love is free to give and so rewarding; whereas anger, judgement and hate come at a cost...and are so exhausting.

For this film, there is no judgement. This is a person who is using her platform to show her struggles, revealing her fears and revealing the raw nerves that most folks do their utmost to keep hidden. How many people are willing expose their embarrassments in a true way? It is rare, and welcome!
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Suffers sequel syndrome
2 October 2021
Just because you 'can' make a sequel does not always mean you should. The art of the movie is superb, I will say that. However, these days, that has grown to be the expectation with current technology.

With that said, it seems like a bunch of producers and writers sat around a table and each came up with ideas to throw in the movie. It is disjointed and the humor is a soft miss. There are some funny parts but the vast majority land soft. Neither my wife nor I laughed hard once, at most a few giggles...and she is far more forgiving than I am with movies.

It is worth a watch but don't expect similar quality of humor or plot from the first.

I think worst of all is they copied a concept from the original Addam's Family movie as a plot device, but by the time it comes around we were so bored it didn't really work.

We wanted to like it but it was just too dry. As for all the 10/10 ratings here, you can tell they are obvious plant reviews to bump up the numbers. Even with those it averages a 5. I will not be surprised if it stays there, or goes a little lower.

The idea of Snoop as Cousin It was cute, but his voice is played backwards so there is no way you would know unless you look at the cast list. The closest recognition of Snoop you get is the pimp hat and stick...which I am a bit surprised these days given the sensitivities to stereotyping different races. I think they were trying to make a play on Vin Diesel and Groot with this character, but it fails pretty hard. As for all the other big name celebrities, they couldn't save a poorly formed story concept. I think they were given a lackluster product and did the best they could.

Overall, I would describe the movie as flat and dry. A monotone story with monotone humor. You don't ever care about any of the characters and have no connection to the story being told. I expected much better and quite a bit more after the first movie. We are going to re-watch the original live action movies now to wash the taste of this one out.
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Infinite (2021)
While I give a solid 6, it is a fast food movie.
26 July 2021
Not at all a bad movie. I enjoyed it but like most of the movie released this and last year (2020), the vast majority are missing depth. They are what I am calling fast food movies. For example, 'Driving Miss Daisy', 'Trading Places' and 'A League of Their Own' were 1 to 3 star fine dining experiences. But this, 'Project Power', 'Code 8' and '6 Underground', all good movies in their own rights, just lack it characters, plot. Acting skill or a mixture thereof.

Overall the actors all did great with what they had. One minor exception was Sophie Cookson who seemed to be trying to visualize the emotions of the character too much, so her character was like fries at the bottom of the fast food can eat them, but they are cold and a bit stale.

I guess you could say it is like going for a drive around the block instead of through the forest or along the beach. You are on a drive, but it is just like the other times you took that short trip...not much new and a bit dry...but definitely more enjoyable than doing chores around the house, which is what the others have been like at times.

It is definitely at the top of the list of movies released this year, mainly due to how horrible many have been, but it definitely watchable and enjoyable.
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Bridgerton (2020– )
3 stars the cast's efforts, -7 for the story
9 January 2021
I get it, we live in a politically correct world...we have no choice but to accept that if we want to watch shows or movies anymore. I have not read the books this is based on so have no frame of reference other than that Netflix series. Having said that, Bridgeton is very empty. The acting is really well done for what the actors have been given. They each are acting as though they believe their characters...but that is pretty much where it all ends for me. Honestly, the biggest killer for me is the queen. No, it has nothing to do with her race, but everything to do with her character. The only two things her character has been given to care about is that her favorite people are choosing the correct mates and asking for constant updates whether the king has died yet...although I do not know why those are her only two the queen of England. Oh wait, a third...parties. As with most other characters, that is the depth of the humanness they have been granted by the writers. This is also known as lazy writing. It is almost as though an American writer took all the stereotypes they had ever heard about early England and wrote it into a storyline; even though nearly every single one has long been documented as fairytale and fabrication. Again, lazy writing and severe lack of research (yes, I know it is fiction but at least get the time period and mentalities correct as the basis).

What could have been something of a Downton Abbey part II series ends up being a vapid footnote of a small series of people's lives. It is quite reminiscent of the last couple seasons of Grey's Anatomy where it was clear they had run out of good ideas and all creativity had become frustrated and took the early train out of the writing room. So, again, 3 stars for the cast's attempts to make it interesting but -7 stars for the empty and quite lazy writing. Heck, it is stuff like this that makes me want to try my hand at script writing...may as well make a couple million myself if this kind of stuff allows the writers and cast to get rich!
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I fell this was politically driven, with science as a foundation
31 December 2020
The early part of this documentary seems really well laid out and focused on the science of the COVID pandemic; however, it quickly veers off into a left-leaning partisan slant. It seems the editors tried to hide it somewhat, but the common indicators of partisan politics (any side) are revealed where they often use a specific example to make a definitive statement about a person or group when the overall topic was broad and general. Two examples stick out. They state Trump's response to COVID failed because he is anti-science...the example they have is global warming. I don't care who you are, global warming remains a theory, bordering on a religion due to how intense some people believe. I personally am not on the global warming train, however, I fully believe science (the search for truth) is extremely legitimate. Global warming is far too politicized for it to be purely science in its current situation...which is why I am not yet on board. The next example was where they point out how the AIDS epidemic "was handled from a religious approach" because abstinence was the early and primary recommendation for avoiding infection. I can appreciate how some might feel that is an appropriate description, however, deciding to have sex or not has nothing to do with religious beliefs. And in the face of a virus with no cure and no other major vectors known (at that point in time), the early recommendation makes sense since it was primarily a sexually transmitted disease. Anyone arguing otherwise would likewise need to disagree on shutting down the economy, minimizing personal interactions and practicing safe-distancing as has been done for the COVID response world-wide. They are essentially the same recommendations, no personal contact or interaction (albeit more intense for COVID as AIDS is not as contagious as COVID). You cannot support one response if you do not support the other (based on what was known at that time). Basically, I found this documentary to be an extension of what can be viewed on the daily news during the pandemic. If you are liberal, you can watch CNN or MSNBC and hear how a republican administration is failing in every way possible. If you are conservative, you can tune into FOX to hear how a democrat administration is failing in every way possible. It is little more than a mouth piece for the views of the group that wrote it. I would not consider this a balanced (views from both sides) or a non-biased analysis of the 2020 pandemic.
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Uncle Tom (2020)
Hands down best documentaries to watch today!
9 November 2020
This is an outstanding documentary that I recommend people on all sides of the political spectrum to watch. If you would like to hear from and understand the perspective of some of the most highly respected black leaders in America, this is your movie!

I am a amateur American history buff so this was right up my alley! There are so many documentaries that seek to deep dive into all that divides us in America, to the point where they end up further sowing the seeds of dissention. This video is the anathema to those others where those casted lay a roadmap for improving race relations. And finally, it is not a white person trying to speak for the black community. It is some of the most amazing and accomplished black leaders simply talking about how they have traveled the difficult road that is life.
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Good for the liberal and conservative. Not a hit piece.
9 November 2020
"They" say youth is wasted on the young as well kids never know how good they have it. We point at youth as see the missed opportunities and the unused potential. We forget that as the adult, we are responsible for how youths see the world and interact with it. This video does a very good job of calling out the issue at hand with regard to the damage bubble wrapping our youth has on them as they grow as well as our culture. It is not a hit piece against liberals nor conservatives. Instead, it focuses on the issue of safe spaces and the outcomes that are enabled, in some cases guaranteed to occur, when those safe spaces are "violated".

I really like how they use case examples from both the left and right side of political spectrum because while you could argue conservatives are the higher profile victims of those outcomes, it may actually be even worse for the liberal who falls victim to the outcomes, because those destroyed lives and careers are nearly guaranteed to go under the radar; causing a false sense of security for those with a left political tilt. In other words, conservatives know they are being watched and sought out by extremists...those on the left never see it coming, and once they do, it is too late and they are all alone.
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#3 on Netflix? Why? How?
8 June 2020
This is the song that never ends, oh ma' gosh! I'll give the actors credit, they did a really good job with what little they had to work with. Having said that, this was painful to watch. Between the plot holes, never-ending magazines, corrupt cops and unnecessary characters, I really wanted it end after about 30 minutes. There is so much filler content that was unnecessary. As my wife stated, it felt like it was a story written by a high school student. Decent acting, really interesting concept but weak writing and weak script.
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Practicing what most only preach
11 March 2020
The most impactful line, everyone has so.ething to contribute" cannot be repeated enough. This filming body proves that beyond any of the high-tech pizzazz Hollywood puts out in other major pictures. We preach diversity, but often it goes only as far as our own individual self interests. True diversity is equality for all throughout the spectrum of the human experience. It is not about bringing one group above another, but bringing everyone up to your own level as an individual. This amazing project shows every human being has something to bring to the may sometimes be slightly modified or may be so outside the box you don't grasp their impact until hours, days or even years later. My ultimate respect for everyone involved in this truly touching and amazing documentary. It shows what each of us is capable of when we remove the barriers between us. We don't need to "break them down", it is a mental choice, just remove your barriers.
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